HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MICHAEL!!! - leave your message here! [all threads merged]


Dear Michael,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! *hugggssssssssssssssssssssssssss*

Wishing you ALL your heart ever desires and more!!!! Thank you for so many years of incrediable music, amazing memories, happy moments, laughter and fun...but most of all...thank you so much for sharing your incrediable talent with us. I hope you know how much it really means to us all. You have given so much to us fans throughout the years and I wish there was something we could give back to you in return. I love you dearly and I hope to see you again soon!

God bless you and your family and please take care of yourself!!


Love always,
(the blonde girl with the King of Music banner...AS IF you'd remember! :lmao: )

Happy Birthday Video :lol: :


Happy birthday Michael! You look like a million bucks and here's to you feeling like it too! I hope you have the most wonderful day! You're the best!
My dear Michael.
I would like to wish you a very happy birthday. You are a very special person, and I would like to wish you all the health, happiness and success in the world.

Mehdi from Morocco
Dear Michael Jackson! Thank you for all your music, thank you for giving us happiness constantly with your talent. I wish you a Happy Birthday and remember you are always in our hearts. We will love you and support you forever till the end of life ...
Happy Birthday King Of Pop, Michael Jackson. Your one of the most incredible people i have ever known. Thank you so much for all the memories. No matter what i will stand by you forever. I WILL be there!! Love ya Mike!

:birthday::cheers: :birthday:

I truly truly wish you the very very best on your birthday and years to come!!

I love you so much and hope you have a fantastic time, darling! :D

Happy Birthday Michael!!! Even though I was unfortunate enough to have missed out on the 80s (I will forever be a little sore over the issue of what year I was born in), I am so, SO glad that I am here to be a part of this chapter of your life and career. I can't wait to see what magic you have yet to create for many years to come and thank you for all that you've given and shared with the world. Happy birthday again!!! Wishing you a wonderful birthday and future.

all of my love
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For every note sung... For every bar written... For movement onstage.. I WANT TO THANK YOU!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL!
happy birthday michael...

see you sydney fans tonight :)
I'm the girl with pinky-orangy hair

Happy Birthday Mike, thank you for everything, I love you!!!
have a Gr8 day with your family and Kids... and have a gr8 life...
Happy Birthday Michael Jackson! (you can't be fifty, you just can't be!!)

If I had it my way, I'd give you a favorite piece of art of mine, slightly modified, just for you or I'd sit across the table at your personally-prepared birthday dinner and tell of what all you've meant to me, but for now, just in case you read this, I'll suffice my birthday wishes with words that say,

Happy 50th Birthday To You, Michael Jackson, With much Love

or rather,

Happy 50th anniversary of the birth of America's brightest LIGHT, spilled over into the entire world, to show everyone in it, "the way to go"

You know a light is brightest when it stands out amid the darkness surrounding it - - a brilliant star that forever lights the way.

Your life encourages us to remember what God has said,

"You are the light of the world, you are the salt of the earth"

Thank you, Michael Jackson for letting your light shine, and for savoring the flavor in your heart to make "Can You Feel It" because we can; we really can, and we always will.

Keep shining, keep smiling ... and have a wonderful August 29, 2008!


Please pardon the length but, just so you know; there's a piece from Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra that will forever remind me of you,

"his face was as the heavens - and therein stuck a sun and moon - which kept its course - and lighted the little of the earth - his legs bestrid the oceans - his voice was propertied as all the tuned spheres and that to friends - but when he meant to quell and shake the orb - he was as rattling thunder - for in his bounty there was no winter in it - an autumn it was - that grew the more - by reaping ...."

Speaking of growing the more by reaping, that's how you're getting younger isn't it?

by living MORE! Thank you for showing us that too.

Happy Birthday once again, to the greatest chiller-thriller of all time,

and infinitely many, many, many ...

many more!
Dearest Michael,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May God bless you, keep you safe and well, and prosper you in all your ways.

I love you more than words can say.


I've written a poem for you:

Michael’s Fiftieth Birthday

Fifty years you’ve lived your life
Held the dream and borne the strife
Given all you had to share
Accomplishments beyond compare

Music is your art of choice
To touch the world with crystal voice
To soothe or dare with wit and rhyme
Such melodies as outlast time!

Your dance enchants the coldest heart
Stokes the flame and lights the spark
While women swoon and men admire
Your movements set their souls on fire

Your beauty never fades or dims
Nor style conforms to fashion whims
You innovate in many fields
See what the unbridled spirit yields!

Compassion leads your tender heart
To deeds of goodness done apart
Where none can see the hands you hold
The sick, the suffering, lost and cold

And still you persevere despite
Outrageous slander, threat and slight
While jealous hearts try to invade
And decimate what you have made

But God protects you in His palm
Sheltering you from evil's harm
For He has called you to proclaim
Peace and harmony in His name

A world where love can heal and feed
All children despite race or creed
A loving father to your own
Three darling ones who grace your home

On this, your birthday Michael dear
I wish with all my heart, sincere
That you will know how much you're loved
On Earth below and in Heaven above

Your future lit with happy days
Creative challenge, success and praise
Good health and comfort, love's embrace
Sweet kisses on your gorgeous face

With blessings sent from God on high
Your greatest dreams to satisfy
Adorn you with the crown deserved
Five decades in His kingdom served

August 29, 2008

Happy birthday Michael!

You know best what you want...I just hope your dreams will come true & you'll someday truly say that you're really happy :hug:

Take care! :wub:




I wish you love, happiness, joy, good health, peace in your life, beautifull dreams, lightfull dreams, relaxing dreams, peacefull dreams, hopefull dreams, helpfull dreams, loving dreams, carrying dreams, successfull dreams, ... I wish you all the above to come true the way you want them...!!!!

Happy birthday mike i love u sooo much i cant even explain!! Ur half a century lmao but dont look a day over 30!! Cant wait 4 ur 80th wonder how fast ull be moonwalkin lol!!
Happy Birthday Mike
Happy birthday Mike we wish you joy and happiness
Thank u for all the inspiration all over the years
We admire u
Corey Johnson&Karen J


May your every day be like Christmas and every night as New Year's eve. May you ever grow in grace and wisdom. Have fun with your three little angels today and may the Lord bless your entire family always.

Thank you for the example, the inspiration, the talent you shared so selflessly, the character you have always shown. You are a true embodiment of the American dream and a witness to what's best about your country - no aim is high enough for those who work hard and follow their dreams no matter what.

Trust in the Lord. He has taken you this far, He will also take you to new heights.

Happy Birthday and may the most merciful Lord bless you, today and always.

Today is the day. Happy Birthday Michael Jackson, thanks for the music & thanks for the memories.
May your success long continue.
Happy Birthday Michael, I Love You.

Enjoy your birthday with
all the joy that you are
given this beautiful day

Make a wonderful wish
when you blow out the
candles on your cake

I promise you it will
come true because
you wished it to

Have tons of fun with
your 3 little angels &
may God Bless You today

[FONT=border=]:huggy: I Love You! :wub:[/FONT]​

Deloris (ladyplatinum)
Happy Birthday Michael!!
I hope you have a wonderfull day and a lot of fun :)
And I hope you will have many more years full of laughter and love to come..
Love, Iris
Happy birthday, Michael! :wub:

Thank you so much for everything you have done for me and for the whole world, we will never be able to repay you enough! :wub:

You magic will forever fascinate people :heart: I hope you have a wonderful day with your family and friends and may your life be as wonderful as you are!!! :wub:

Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
Happy Birthday, Michael! :D Have a very great 50th birthday and we all fans love you very much. And don't forget to take a break from the studio and eat your delicious cake and also spend time with your family and children on your special day.