HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MICHAEL!!! - leave your message here! [all threads merged]


:cheers:HAPPY BIRTHDAY Michael, I wish and hope that you have a wonderful day with your family. :cheers:
I just want to thank you Michael, from the bottom of my heart, for being such a wonderful person, for all the happiness you have given to me and all the fans around the world. Thank you for the music, for the dance, for you kind and loving heart, for all that you have given over the years. I love you Michael, you are forever in my heart, 50xx's, all my love forever, janey xx
happy birthday MJ!
Happy Birthday, Michael Jackson. I hope you can enjoy YOUR day with your kids and your friends and family. :birthday:
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain

~Emily Dickinson
It’s your birthday michael

it’s your brithday michael
happy birthday
to you
it’s your birthday michael
happy birthday
to you

good years
good lucks
good future
all my love is in
my heart

you got all the caring
inside of your heart
you got all the sparkles
in your eyes
of love from me
from my heart

you got all the support
in my eyes
the tears you give shine
the world
with fire works

it’s your brithday michael
happy birthday
to you
it’s your birthday michael
happy birthday
to you

good years
good lucks
good future
all my love is caring
into your heart

all the support
all the around the
created the sky
of the sun
of laughter
of the rainbow
is you
cause we love you
we care
for you

it’s your brithday michael
happy birthday
to you
it’s your birthday michael
happy birthday
to you

it’s your birthday

it’s your birthday michael
Happy 50th Birthday_ I LOVE YOU !! _ Michael Jackson :wub:


Happy Birthday Michael
Sending my heartfelt thanks and love to you Thank you for the music,

the dance and beautiful performances. But most of all your childlike
imagination that Thrilled us and your childlike heart that helped make
our world a better place.

You are truly King of Pop and my Heart.

I will Love you
"For ALL Time"
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If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain

~Emily Dickinson

Wishing you a happy and memorable birthday after bringing so much joy to everyone around you :flowers:

Oceans of love and good wishes,

A Fan

Dearest Michael,
I am forever yours!!
you have captured the biggest part of my heart
You give meaning to my life:wub:
you are my life and the reason that I exist
you've inspired me through out my whole life
I'm so sorry I cant find any better words to say to you
how much I love you and care about you
May you and your adoring kids be blessed
May God's light forever and ever shines on you and your family Michael
All my love belongs to you!!!!:wub:
I love you sooooooooooooooooo much!!
Have a very magical happy 50th birfday Michael!!
God bless you:angel:

HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY MICHAEL!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you enjoy your day with your Family and Friends love you ALWAYS and hurry up and come to London i missing you too much.

Have a great day 50 is a special one

Happy Birthday, Michael!!!
I hope you have lots of fun, crack open that champagne and enjoy yourself, you deserve it!! Hope you get my present one of these years...


I had the adoption papers sent to Neverland so maybe you'll get it sometime in the future!!

Anyway I want you to know haw much we all love you and appreciate you, Michael!!! Don't stop healing the world, sweetheart. I love you so much...
Happy Birthday Michael! Your truly an amazing musician, person, and humanitarian. I hope you enjoy your 50th birthday and don't let any haters get to your head, ever . You have inspired so many people, and saved so many lives with your music and your heart. You are a gifted person, and remember to always Keep the Faith :wub: I hope you have fun with your family, and most importantly your kids. Remember to stay true to yourself Michael, and you should just party all day! No more working in the studio for tomorrow, your going straight to some hot stripper club and party all night! :p

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy 50th Michael! I'd like to wish you a birthday you will remember with great memories- just like the great memories you have given the world and your fans. In your 50th year I hope you take the time to relax and enjoy yourself aswell as create more fantastic memories with the people closest to you. Love u loads
Happy Birthday Michael Jackson! I wish you a very long life filled with joy and happyness, enjoy your special day with your family, we are celebrating your birthday from our side of the world no matter of language, religion or color we are your fans forever and ever! ;-)

So, Eid Milaad Saeed (Happy Birthday in Arabic) and Ramadan Mubarak…
Dear Michael,

Happy 50th brithday, today it ur day or sould i say 2morrowlol. I wish you lovely brithday with your children. Have a awsome time b/c i know you will prob will. All your fans will be there to share the love with you on ur b-day from all over the world.

Love you michaelxxx

UK Fan (Leanne)
..........I've been a Michael Jackson fan for as long as I can remember. When I was about 8 years old I was Moonwalking through the classroom, performing Michael's songs in front of my classmates wearing a typical black Michael Jackson hat. .I had the white socks, black pants, and the single white glove. I was Michael Jackson.

I've seen Michael in concert, I've been able to touch him a couple of times, I've been able to say hello to him and have him talk to me for just one minute. I sat in the same theatre, just a few seats away watching Mary Poppins in a London theatre in 2006. And, I went to the trial in Santa Maria in 2005. A lot of people didn't understand why I was going there. They thought it was crazy, over the top. Why would I go there? What they did not realise is that Michael Jackson is my life.

I grew up with his music blasting out my stereo. His music comforted me when I was sad, lifted me up when I was happy and got me through hours of boredom. I knew every special there was on MTV and I knew the words of every speech ever given by, and about Michael Jackson. Me and my MJ friends would call eachother on the phone and talk for hours. We went to fan-parties, fanclub days, and we had so much fun. I learned how to understand English and German when I was only 10 years old, by reading magazines about Michael and looking up the words in my dictionary.

The videos, the music, the dance, the personality, the countless times he made a difference in someone's life by giving himself, his time, and his money to charity -- I don't know which of the above draws me to Michael Jackson. But I do know that once you get a glimpse of the amazing human being that he is, you'll never stop being a fan.

Happy Birthday Michael Jackson.

I love you.

From my myspace blog
Happy b-day ! You are now 50 , your music are still number one to me !
I hope he will keep making music , cause we are always waiting & waiting & waiting !
Dear Michael,
Happy 50th Birthday, and may you have many more in the future.
Its a wonderful thing for someone to say that they have been touching the hearts of millions for nearly 40 years, and you have done that successfully through your music, personality and kindness to others.
You are a great role model to me and others around the world, and I thank you for that.
Have a wonderful and enjoyable day.
Lots of love from a loving fan in the UK
Hannah X X
Congratulations Michael! I hope your b-day will be unforgetable! Thank you for everything.
Dear Michael!

I just want to wish you a happy birthday!

I love you:D
Happy birthday Michael!!!!:cheers::birthday:
Lots of love and hugssss and kissessssss!!!!!!:wub::wub:
happy birthday mike you old git lol just messing . love ya loads. hope you have a great day with the kids.

Happy Birthday Mike!!!! Kinda hard to believe that the little boy who sang with his brothers all those years ago is now 50! Have a great day Mike and thank you for all the wonderfull music and performances over the years. You'll always be the King of Music
Dear Michael,
I'd like to wish you a very happy 50th birthday from the bottom of my heart.
Have a great birthday celebration. Have lots of fun and enjoy YOUR day.
May all your dreams and wishes come true!
I will always love and Support you!
God bless you!
Your Andi
