HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MICHAEL!!! - leave your message here! [all threads merged]

In Italy are the 00.00 of August 29, 2008
Happy Birthday Mr Jackson

You are an artist special and a very strong man.
Thank you.
Happy Birthday MJ

Hope to see you performing and in the charts real soon. make sure you get some sleep between working on the new projects! You look like you need it. Have a great birthday and congradulations on your half century. Looking forward to the future with you Mike, as ever your dedicated fan > *beatlesboy2008*

It's 10 past midnight here....so it's August 29th! :wild:

Happy Birthday dear Michael. :holiday:
Hope you'll have a wonderful bday.
God bless you!

Happy Birthday MJ!

Thank you for four decades of the most beautiful and inspirational music. You truly made the world a better place. Thank you!


HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY Michael. I hope your it is filled with love and happiness. WE LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, My country (Ethiopia) LOVES YOU!!! Have a wonderfultime with your loved once, and dont worry about a thing at least for your day. We(Fans, family) WIll takecare of it!!!!



Michael encuan le Hamsagna ametih adereseh. kenu bedestana be fikir endimola emegnalehu. Tiru Gize inditasalf ina sile minem neger indatasb eleminihalehu. Ewedihalehu, Enewedihalen, Ethopia tiwedihalech.

Betam naw kelibe yemiwedih.

May your heart be filled with peace, joy & happiness on your birthday. Know that you have touched the hearts and minds of each and everyone of us by being yourself. Continue to be yourself and enjoy your special day.

All we do is think of you and wishing you and your family every blessing.

Michael according to the clock in my country you're a 50 years old peice of gold....
Happy b-day

everyday I love you more as an artist and as ahuman being ...can't wait for more art from you

Michael keep the faith .....
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Thank you so much , I could not thank you enough Michael for everything you have done. You have helped me so much in my life and you dont even know who I am. Its quite strange. You have helped me so much with your music , the words that comes out of your mounth. When I am down and very sad I put on your music( I dont listen listen to your music just when im sad , I listen to your music always). You are always there for me, really.

Have a wonderful birthday. You deserv the best in life. I have so much respect for you and will always have.
Love you forever.

/ Christopher

my true king of pop. You are the greatest ! This is YOUR day. I love you so much.
Who's the man?

MJ's THE man!

Happy Birthday dude
your the only 50 year old i'd call a dude :)

you deserve all the happiness you get man

Happy birthday Michael.

Sending you lots of love and light on this special day. You deserve the very best of blessings. I want to give you the world's biggest virtual hug EVVA. And here it is.


*************** >>>>>>> (((((((((((*squishes the King like he's never been squished before!!!!!!!!!!!*)))))))))))
We are what we think.​

All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts, we make our world.

Dear Michael,
thanks for showing us part of your world. With part of your world, my world is complete. Thanks for all the wonderful, precious moments. You are my guidance and my strength.
Have a wonderful day with your family. Take care, stay strong and God bless.


I love you so much. My life is based on the little things, the things that you have taught me to love and cherish.
I wish you a lifetime of happiness - may you find the happiness of the lost childhood you've never known in your wonderful children. And be PROUD and be SMILED and be HAPPY of you are,cause you made HISTORY! AND THEY CAN ALL JUST ENVY YOU!

You are our life, Michael.

Please come to Serbia and show them who's the man!!!

And all the fans - HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY ! :D
I have no words to say how much i wish you all the best!!!
You are the lighy of my life! I wish you luck on your way :)

Love You!!!!!!!!! :*
We love you forever and ever more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you from the bottom of my heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now and forever on!!!

Love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love

i wish you everything that your heart desire but most important love from your beautiful children!!
Happy Birthday my angel. I hope you have a lovely, fun, relaxing day! :) Mwah!

BTW, does anyone have a scan of the Billboard mag message they can post? My message was published for him and I haven't had chance to see it yet!!! ahhh!!

Chinese fans wish you and your family best
Aww, what a cute thread.

Happy Birthday, Michael... and many more happy ones to come.

50! :wild:

50 and still No.1 !!!

Hope you have the best Birthday ever and many more great years ahead!