HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MICHAEL!!! - leave your message here! [all threads merged]

WOW, it's been a long time since I was here last...haven't met M.J. in the mean time unfortunatelly, lol, but nice occasion to drop by though... :)

Hello, Michael! Long time no see :p

I wish you inner peace and good health and much inspiration in creating music!
I expect a groundbreaking comeback!

Enjoy time with your kids.

Best wishes :flowers:

P.S. Short, positive part in the news last night in my country, Re: M.J.'s b-day, I was surprised to see that. Nice.
Michael, I hope you had a lovely birthday with your children!

You are a very SPECIAL person who has a GREAT purpose.

I really admire who who are as a person and what you have done for the world...especially for the children..
You are one of my mentors as a humanitarian... I hope I can thank you in person one day

Thanks so much for everything... you are one of the most kind, gentle,humble and caring people and it really brings tears to my eyes...

Also thank you for being one of the people who has truly motivated me to get where I want to be in life...seeing you do what you have done is INSPIRING and helps others know that ONE person truly can achieve their goals in life!

Michael you truly deserve ALL the happiness in life...and you have brought so much joy to so many others...

Thank you and happy 50th Birthday! I wish for all your dreams to come true.

I love you!
Happy Birthday Michael :holiday:

Well sir, you have proven to the world that after all you've been through ,You have reached a Milestone that most could never have imagined. You have accomplished so much within your 50 years that you could have became a College Professor an taught a course on your life.You have shown all of us Your Love for People,Your Talent,Your Strength and Your Courage,something that people Seem to somehow forget when they trash your good name in the media.
I hope you've enjoyed your birthday with your Family and Friends on your special day and This is the weekend so you still have more days to party.This is a Great day for you ,Cherish it fondly and hopefully you will enjoy another 50 years with more experience to share with us fans.Musically,you still have alot of songs in your soul to express,Philosophically , You still have wise things to say to people to make them understand where your coming from and Lovingly,you still have alot of love to give.
I thank God Everyday that you are with us and ask that he continues to watch over you and your family so you can teach us more about your experiences and share a new journey with us all.
Take Care ,Be Careful and Party, Party,Party.
Rae C


Here's to another 50 years
Well... It's been two days since Michael's birthday, but I only registered here today, so I'll make my wishes a little late... But it's from my heart. :)

Dear Michael,

I wish you:

Health, to get out of bed feeling good every day;
Peace, to go to bed feeling good every night;
Courage, to go on through life until the end;
Strength, to face every problem that may happen;
Wisdom, to always choose the best way;
Joy, to make your life as shiny as the Sun;
Love, to collect those precious jewels we call friends;
Faith, to never forget you're not alone;
Hope, to always believe in your dreams;
And lots of happiness, just because you deserve it.

Never forget you're unbreakable.
Never forget you're THE King!

Do not let the world hurt you until it kills your inner child. For this child is the key to have the innocence needed to find joy in simple things and find some color in life, even when everything seems to be grey.

May God bless you and lights up every step of your way.

Enjoy your day with your family and have lots of fun!

Now, what about stop talking and have some cake? :p

Happy birthday!!!

Love you now and forever,

Happy Birthday:) Did you get to blow out birthday candles on a cake this year? I didn't... felt like something was missing, I hope you got to blow out enough for the both of us. ..but that'd be a LOT of candles and you'd probably singe your eyebrows if you got close enough to try blowing them out. So I guess I can be happy enough with good company and a pleasant day. Hope yours was that as well
Hey Michael,

I just wanted to wish you a birthday that is filled with love and lots of fun!You truly are a magical man not only as an artist ,but as a person.I hope you can take time of from work to enjoy your day with your kids.I can't believe you finally hit the big 5-0! I 've seen recent pics of you and you look very happy to say the least.I can hardly wait to hear from you in the future.I'm sure your gonna shock us all.Anyway I just wanted to write this to let you know that I am thinking of you always.

Love Always,


I have already sent you some letters and gifts for your birthday, from me and my daughters. I have no idea if they ever got to you, though, because they were sent to the Neverland address and I was told later that may not be a valid place to send mail.

What I would like to say now, is that I respect you and love you very much. I hope that turning 50 is graceful for you, and that this turns out to be one of the best years of your life so far. You have no doubt realized that you have acquired much in wisdom and strength, through God’s mighty grace.

The inner strength you carry within, has helped you overcome life’s hard knocks – circumstances sure to drive anyone else to their grave. Your innate brilliance and natural, God-given talents you use together, to form a person so multi-faceted and strong, that no one on earth can come close, nor can anyone really understand. Brilliance and genius have always been misunderstood by the general population – ESPECIALLY in artists. That’s because artists (myself included) think differently, anyway, quite outside the box. But you know what? Well of course you do, but I will say it anyway, lol. If it weren’t for the out-of-the-box thinkers throughout history, we’d still be in the “stone age”, so to speak.

Not only do I greatly admire your musical talents, and maybe appreciate them more since I am a singer, myself, but I guess the thing that really draws me to you is the natural humanitarian in your soul. Anyone who looks into your eyes when you are with the needy, or even talking or singing about it, can see that it’s for real. I understand it, too. That passion, and that need to help, it’s the drive to get something done. It drives me nuts to hear people say they “wish” they could help others…I say to them, get up off your bum and DO IT! It is so completely worth it, so fulfilling to the soul. And if everyone did their part, then maybe this world wouldn’t be such a mess. Right? Right.

I’m sorry, I can’t help but write, and you inspire me quite often. But for the sake of all the other fans on this board, I feel I must cut this short. So, I hope you had a fabulous birthday, and I really look forward to seeing what you plan on surprising us with musically, etc. And if ever you get the things I sent to you, I really hope you enjoy them – my kids hope you like them, too. They are all straight from our hearts to yours. May God’s love and grace be with you forever.

Leslie in Missouri

P.S. A line from a song I’m writing: “When you’re smilin’, all my troubles melt away. When you’re smilin’, all the world is a song.” It’s true. Keep smiling, Michael! It’s beautiful.