HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MICHAEL!!! - leave your message here! [all threads merged]

Have a beautiful day , whatever you are doing michael.(may every day be beautiful for you )
May god bless forever you & yours ,
Feeling quite emo , dont know what else to put ....*pause's ...runs about * :lol: so ........i'l jus hugg you tightly , warmly ok ?. *squuuueeeeezybigol'ehuggggg* :D
************ ***************
Respectively yours ,
Yours always ,
~Count on it.~
Wendi , Naomi P. & Baby Lisa , xxxxxxxxx:heart::give_rose::snowing::give_heart: *Kiss Kiss*
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Dear Michael

Have a very special birthday Michael. You are amazing, truly spellbinding and you have my heart...and always will!

I wish you a day filled with happiness and laughter. The whole world is thinking about you today Michael, we all love you and wish you the very best.

Thank you for making my life truly happy, by listening to your sweet voice, watching you dance, seeing your smile...

You are very much loved...always have been and always will be!!!

Love from your devoted fan
Happy birthday michael, enjoy your cake and cartoons!!!!
Hey Michael,

HAPPY 50th Birthday!!

Congratulations and many happy returns.

Happy birthday Michael!!! :cheers:

I saved my 3000th post just for you :D

Have fun & enjoy your day as MUCH as possible! I love you :heart:
Happy Birthday Michael!!

Have a BIG piece of cake.. :)
I Love you
August 29, 2008!!! Happy birthday michael!!!!! May you have more birthdays to come!!! We are all here to support you no matter what!!! We love you so much michael!!!!
Happy Birthday Michael Jackson - King of rock, pop and soul.
May you have a lovely day with alot of fun. God bless you.
We all miss you, and wishes you the best.
With all my heart,
Happy 50th Birthday Michael.

Your a Legend. Greatest ever Artist to grace the Earth.

Im proud to support you and your music through anythin.

Most of all Im proud to be a fan of Michael Joseph Jackson. And will be forever.
dear michael wishoing you the best of bdays \have a wonderfull tme with your family and let all the dreams come true /i found this one on the internet ity is so true you dont really get older but better
I hope you are having a great day Michael.

Happy Birthday!


Moussa, Dialo, Sewdou
The Netherlands
Dear Michael,

I wish you a happy birthday. May all your dreams and wishes come true. You are such a wonderful person and I appreciate everything you do. You are truly an angel on earth, I love and respect you very much. Thank you for giving us so much joy through your magical music which comes straight from your heart. You are the sweetest person, I have ever seen in my life and you deserve just the best. God bless you and your family. You are always in my heart and I am so proud of you. You are and you will always be the world´s greatest person and entertainer. Enjoy your day.

Lots of love :)


''And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good…''
God gives the world so many wonders and treasures to remind us of His love -- Happy Birthday to one of them!


Love, Peace, Health, Wealth, Joy to you!!! :D

Happy birthday Michael!
Have a great one and may some of your most important wishes come true!

Hi I just wanna say Happy 50th Birthday Mike keep during on that you during. You've been always been in the music game for A verly long time.
