Geraldo breaking News

I am not saying Michael has no blame in all of this but heavily weigh what you hear....becuz that nurse...

just as she went on camera...suddenly Walaaa.. diprivan was found in Michael's house.. it is too orchestrated.. a is a large part of this puzzle missing everywhere..

she went straight to the tv cameras ...and not to the authorities or the Jackson one had Michael's back in life.. and the same in death...

Absolutely. She should have gone straight to LAPD the minute she heard Michael had died (and the doctor had vanished, while his car was being towed away). Michael asked her for Diprivan, she said. That was enough of a red flag so she should have gone immediately to the police. Instead, she cashed in on talk shows, wasting valuable time in the investigation. "So-called" investigation. . . . .

You're right. Too "orchestrated". . . . . . . .
where are we hearing all this about Murray at a stripclub? I'm getting lost.
Or what if he gave MJ the Diprivan and went back to the stripclub for some extracurricular activities! Wait til wendy2004 reads this. :mello:

this is true this is also a scenario that very well could of played out. Murray is one stupid man.
where are we hearing all this about Murray at a stripclub? I'm getting lost.

There was a guy sorry forgot his name he said he had credible sources tht gave him this information. It does make sense. He said that murray would go to these clubs while Micheal was rehearsing
yeah, I think Jermaine has genuine love for his brother ...but I think Michael would confide more to Janet than Jermaine for certain things... that is just my opinion...

I also think Jermaine had funnel vision ... it was J5 tour, J5 tour, J5 tour so with that always on his mind... would Michael be so free to talk to him
about other things??

You make some good points. In terms of being sincere and truthful, I trust Jermaine as well. However, as much as I love Neverland because it was a part of Michael, it seems Michael was not wanting to ever go back there, so maybe it is wrong of Jermaine to want to see him buried there. I do hope though that Neverland becomes a museum, and remains there and then MJ fans can tour there.
yeah lets hope others fall with him. cuz we all know he did not act alone. This thing is bigger than just Murray

Yes, that is what I believe, as well. Geraldo is sketchy, but at least at first during the trial, he was a voice of support for Michael. His show is the only one I've seen so far where possible culpability on the part of AEG has been mentioned. IF Rowe is correct (and I'm not saying that he is), that Michael had a massive drug-problem, even AS he was rehearsing, AEG should have intervened. Rowe says he told them. AEG says he did not. No way to prove either side. But, given that Michael has had drug problems in the past, at the very least they should have made sure. Instead, the doctor they hired, one way or another killed Michael. Either through negligence, or deliberately. Not sure if we will ever know. . . . .
where are we hearing all this about Murray at a stripclub? I'm getting lost.

It was on Geraldo's show, some dude was saying that he got a message from somebody saying Murray had been in strip clubs wasting money, and talking crap about Michael. Go figure, talking crap about somebody who is paying you an obscene amount of money, and who is your patient.
this whole thing smells like day old Mackeral..............and the other problem is that you have no true investigative journalist like Amy Fischer (the lady that wrote the 1994 GQ magazine article)...

not one of those networks are credible enough for me.. ABC uses Bashir, ET uses Diane Dimond, CNN uses Nancy Grace...then you look at their guests panelist and analyst...who never met Michael... and just make up the story as they gooooooooooooo....

all this just makes you want to SCREAM!!!

the best way to keep my sanity... is just try to understand that God took him back for a reason... pray for his soul, his children and his family...

if I don't read and follow all the details - twist and turns -of his death...I will be OK..
his music will soothe things out for me... and prayer...
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I just don't understand. If I had a family member who was on drugs and I wanted to do an intervention and they wouldn't let me into their home, the next thing I would do is get with their friends or other people who they listen to and respect and get them to go and do the intervention. Do you honestly think that people like Diana or Elizabeth or Lionel Ritchie or Quincy would not have been willing to help the Jackson family help Michael? I just don't see where anyone was working hard enough to get him help if in fact he was so strung out on drugs. Michael always listened to his mother. He never shut her out. So why didn't someone get Ms Katherine to talk to Michael about this issue? This is why I have a hard time believing this drug thing. There were too many people in Michael's live who had access to him who could have helped him.

And I agree with Kim Guilfoyle....AEG is lying when they claim they didn't know what was covered in their own insurance policy. How could they not know when they were the ones who obtained the policy? This doesn't make any sense either. They are obviously lying. They knew that policy covered accident and drug overdose BECAUSE THAT IS THE KIND OF POLICY THEY WANTED. Assholes.

And I have to agree with Rowe on one thing...they need to see how the beneficiaries of those three policies are because that will tell the whole story right there. It should be obvious to most people that AEG is the beneficiary since they are the ones who stood to loose money if Michael didn't come through with the tour.

There is another singer who I like and he was addicted to drugs. Instead of taking a chance of him dying from drugs, his brother blew the whistle on him and turned him in to the cops. I'm sure beforehand he tried to reason with him, but sometimes as it's hard to reason with an addict, he tried the next best thing to save his brother's life. I'm sure it was a hard decision as he knew his brother was going to be very upset with him. I believe that's why he's still alive and not just alive but I'm pretty sure he's off drugs. I don't keep up with him like I used to when I was younger.
Yes, that is what I believe, as well. Geraldo is sketchy, but at least at first during the trial, he was a voice of support for Michael. His show is the only one I've seen so far where possible culpability on the part of AEG has been mentioned. IF Rowe is correct (and I'm not saying that he is), that Michael had a massive drug-problem, even AS he was rehearsing, AEG should have intervened. Rowe says he told them. AEG says he did not. No way to prove either side. But, given that Michael has had drug problems in the past, at the very least they should have made sure. Instead, the doctor they hired, one way or another killed Michael. Either through negligence, or deliberately. Not sure if we will ever know. . . . .

I understand that alot of people dont trust Rowe but again he and Geraldo were both saying that AEG hired Murray. He was being payed by AEG. I dont understand how the people investigating this case cannot piece this together. Jeez its not that difficult. They have motive and they have people caring out the plan,
whoever said Murray was at the stripclub,

they also said he was talking crap about Michael too while over there?????
Yes, that is what I believe, as well. Geraldo is sketchy, but at least at first during the trial, he was a voice of support for Michael. His show is the only one I've seen so far where possible culpability on the part of AEG has been mentioned. IF Rowe is correct (and I'm not saying that he is), that Michael had a massive drug-problem, even AS he was rehearsing, AEG should have intervened. Rowe says he told them. AEG says he did not. No way to prove either side. But, given that Michael has had drug problems in the past, at the very least they should have made sure. Instead, the doctor they hired, one way or another killed Michael. Either through negligence, or deliberately. Not sure if we will ever know. . . . .

I keep thinking that these people are taking liberty with Michael admitting he had a problem in 1993............going on the premise.. once an addict always an addict..

there are too many other people saying the opposite about Michael during the last 5yrs...

sorry... but why would Rowe want so badly to work with this "addict"..don't make sense to me...

Rowe reminds me of Bob Jones...........turn coat!
I keep thinking that these people are taking liberty with Michael admitting he had a problem in 1993............

that's because they've got nothing on him. 1993 was 16 years ago. and it wasn't cocaine or heroin or opium, it was for pain medication. you know the truth, don't listen to these people who haven't paid attention to him and are just bandwagoning now.
whoever said MJ was at the stripclub,

they also said he was talking crap about Michael too while over there?????

There was a guy whose last name was Rivera(not Geraldo, I forgot his first name). He said he had credible sources who said that Dr. Murray(not MJ) was at a strip club talking trash about Michael at the same time Michael was rehearsing.
i agree 100%. the 'news' networks arent credible enough for me either. it all sounds like one long endless soundbite. people cite geraldo as credible and what esteemed guests does he have: reporters from the national enquirer and news of the world. today one of his sources came from a stripclub! cnn has followed the others down the slippery slope of ignoring journalisim ethics and have resorted to heresay instead of actual proof. it makes you want to scream - it makes me want to scream too. yesterday watching some of the cable news i got the worse migraine ive had in years. its all just so much crap (impov)! and yet people lap it up hungry for more

this whole thing smells like day old Mackeral..............and the other problem is that you have no true investigative journalist like Amy Fischer (the lady that wrote the 1994 Q magazine article)...

not one of those networks are credible enough for me.. ABC uses Bashir, ET uses Diane Dimond, CNN uses Nancy Grace...then you look at their guests panelist and analyst...who never met Michael... and just make up the story as they gooooooooooooo....

all this just makes you want to SCREAM!!!

the best way to keep my sanity... is just try to understand that God took him back for a reason... pray for his soul, his children and his family...

if I don't read and follow all the details - twist and turns -of his death...I will be OK..
his music will soothe things out for me... and prayer...
If Michael was so isolated from his family like Rowe wants us to believe, how come Katherine had all latitude to see her son like she wanted. The chef, Kai chase said that she has been a witness of the interaction between Katherine and the grandchildren, which means that katherine was visiting Michael.
If Joe was not allowed, may be it was because Michael did not want to see him knowing Joe will bug him about the AGE concert or how much AEG was paying Michael.
I don't believe anything. Not even this stripclub stuff.

The only thing I can say that I truly believe right now is that Katherine really is getting the 3 children.
There was a guy whose last name was Rivera(not Geraldo, I forgot his first name). He said he had credible sources who said that Dr. Murray(not MJ) was at a strip club talking trash about Michael at the same time Michael was rehearsing.

That would be Greg Rivera....Geraldo's brother. He works for FOX also.

And if Michael was refusing to see anyone, it was probably Joe. However, I can easily see how AEG would want to isolate Michael too in order to keep others like Rowe and Joe and maybe the brother out of the money. That is what they would want to do.
If Michael was so isolated from his family like Rowe wants us to believe, how come Katherine had all latitude to see her son like she wanted. The chef, Kai chase said that she has been a witness of the interaction between Katherine and the grandchildren, which means that katherine was visiting Michael.
If Joe was not allowed, may be it was because Michael did not want to see him knowing Joe will bug him about the AGE concert or how much AEG was paying Michael.

Well in my opinion... you can keep alot of people away from Michael but you will never keep his Mother away. Even if she was visiting Michael and she knew he was on some prescription meds, even she would not of been able to convince him to give them up, he had to have the will to want to give them up. I have lost alot of people in my family to drugs and alcohol interventions are a great thing but the person has to want to stop. Sometimes the addiction is bigger than the person. addiction is a sickness and sometimes the person cannot stop. edit......sorry dont mean to get so personal about it , I just wanted to put it out there..
That would be Greg Rivera....Geraldo's brother. He works for FOX also.

And if Michael was refusing to see anyone, it was probably Joe. However, I can easily see how AEG would want to isolate Michael too in order to keep others like Rowe and Joe and maybe the brother out of the money. That is what they would want to do.

poor Michael he was getting the pressure from all sides..
Well in my opinion... you can keep alot of people away from Michael but you will never keep his Mother away. Even if she was visiting Michael and she knew he was on some prescription meds, even she would not of been able to convince him to give them up, he had to have the will to want to give them up. I have lost alot of people in my family to drugs and alcohol interventions are a great thing but the person has to want to stop. Sometimes the addiction is bigger than the person. addiction is a sickness and sometimes the person cannot stop.

I am not saying Michael is a saint and there might be things coming out that we are going to be surrpised of..

but I recommend treating this investigation as we treated the whole circus with the trial over 4yrs ago.
I am not saying Michael is a saint and there might be things coming out that we are going to be surrpised of..

but I recommend treating this investigation as we treated the whole circus with the trial over 4yrs ago.

Oh yeah I totality agree I personally dont think Michael was an addict I dont care about the reports. I believe we have to investigate every avenue available. and I say fry the bastards.
I am so over Geraldo and his antics, I want Dr.Murderer to get at least 10 years in the can so that other celebrities don't have to risk their lives being carelessly devalued for the almighty dollar. Maybe if Elvis's Dr. Nick had gone to the pokey instead of that sorry ass jury letting him off, then we wouldn't have Dr.Murderer's killing Michael nearly 32 years later. At some point one of these murdering overprescribing docs need to rot in a cell here on earth and in hell :mad: