Geraldo breaking News

can you imagine what its going to be like if this goes to court? my god it will be the biggest circus in years.
thats my biggest hope too. i really reallly wish that someone would clamp down on these damn feelgood doctors who overly medicate their patients and freely doll out prescription drugs like they are lollies. i mean how many celebrities have we lost because of prescription drug use? its been happening for decades and still they keep giving out prescription drugs like its water to their celebrity clients

I am so over Geraldo and his antics, I want Dr.Murderer to get at least 10 years in the can so that other celebrities don't have to risk their lives being carelessly devalued for the almighty dollar. Maybe if Elvis's Dr. Nick had gone to the pokey instead of that sorry ass jury letting him off, then we wouldn't have Dr.Murderer's killing Michael nearly 32 years later. At some point one of these murdering overprescribing docs need to rot in a cell here on earth and in hell :mad:
can you imagine what its going to be like if this goes to court? my god it will be the biggest circus in years.

I have been thinking about this same thing for a while now and I argee it will be a circus. It will probably take years to finish it all up. This whole situation never had to happen. Even if it takes 20 years I hope all get what they have coming to them.
All I can say is I'll be happy when somebody starts getting arrested for this. There are so many whacky stories and I'm getting tried of coming here and reading this. I just want the ball to get rolling and folks to get cuffed. Every single one of them.
i agree it will likely take years if it all ends up in court because defence teams will argue they will need more time to prepare. then there will be an endless line of witnesses, counter-arguments, court recesses. then after all that if anyone is convicted, their legal team will argue they didnt get a fair hearing due to the amount of heresay in the public domain and reports in the media and that the jury pool was tainted and then it will start all over again. just thinking about it im getting a stomach cramp....

I have been thinking about this same thing for a while now and I argee it will be a circus. It will probably take years to finish it all up. This whole situation never had to happen. Even if it takes 20 years I hope all get what they have coming to them.
I'm getting sick of all this nonsense. Everyday there is a new story and nobody seems to have a grip of what is going on. These autopsy results better come out soon and put out all of these media fires. Rumors are spreading out of control and every story seems to contradict the other one. I don't even bother to follow it anymore until something concrete is released.
thats my biggest hope too. i really reallly wish that someone would clamp down on these damn feelgood doctors who overly medicate their patients and freely doll out prescription drugs like they are lollies. i mean how many celebrities have we lost because of prescription drug use? its been happening for decades and still they keep giving out prescription drugs like its water to their celebrity clients
Doctors do this all the time and its not just for the celebs. You wouldn't believe how much doctors don't LISTEN to their patient, don't try to FIND the source of the problem, or mis-diagnose. Thats why I prefer a natural way of doing things. I mean most of the time the doctor will hear what symptoms you have and just write you off a prescription when you don't even need it. Drugs are being PUSHED by the doctors because of the phramaceutical companies and its killing ppl. There are so many dumb drugs on the market thats it unreal and most time when you take a drug, though it might help a bit with one problem, it creates 10 others. I hate drugs TBH!:smilerolleyes:
i agree it will likely take years if it all ends up in court because defence teams will argue they will need more time to prepare. then there will be an endless line of witnesses, counter-arguments, court recesses. then after all that if anyone is convicted, their legal team will argue they didnt get a fair hearing due to the amount of heresay in the public domain and reports in the media and that the jury pool was tainted and then it will start all over again. just thinking about it im getting a stomach cramp....

but Michael deserves justice so however long it takes it will be worth it and we his fans will see it through to the end just like we always do.
I keep thinking that these people are taking liberty with Michael admitting he had a problem in 1993............going on the premise.. once an addict always an addict..

there are too many other people saying the opposite about Michael during the last 5yrs...

I do not believe MJ was an addict like they say. If anything, I think he was only taking his meds for his medical conditions. They need to dig further and find out who, what and where about those prescriptions.
Damn. It seems we're getting only a taste of how Mike felt during his life: not knowing who to trust or whose story to believe; trying to get to the truth but can't find it.
Doctors do this all the time and its not just for the celebs. You wouldn't believe how much doctors don't LISTEN to their patient, don't try to FIND the source of the problem, or mis-diagnose. Thats why I prefer a natural way of doing things. I mean most of the time the doctor will hear what symptoms you have and just write you off a prescription when you don't even need it. Drugs are being PUSHED by the doctors because of the phramaceutical companies and its killing ppl. There are so many dumb drugs on the market thats it unreal and most time when you take a drug, though it might help a bit with one problem, it creates 10 others. I hate drugs TBH!:smilerolleyes:

That happened to me! I kept telling my doctor that I think I had allergies, she kept prescribing me antibiotics because she thought I had a sinus infection. Well needless to say I ended up in the emergency room because of the antibiotics. I got horrible pains in my joints, I couldn't even sit, stand or lay down in bed. The emergency room doctor said it was probably an allergic reaction to the antibiotics or drug induced arthritis.
Damn. It seems we're getting only a taste of how Mike felt during his life: not knowing who to trust or whose story to believe; trying to get to the truth but can't find it.

This is true he dealt with it his whole life we have been dealing with it for a month....before it was easy...I listened to what Michael said and that was it.
very much so! we live in an overly medicated society. these days doctors hand out drugs like its water. we even have kids as young as 5 being given antidepressants because someone feels they are a bit hyperactive and that somethings wrong with them so they give them drugs. its like - somethings wrong - give someone drugs! part of the problem too is that doctors are overly stressed and have too many patients. even my own doctor said most doctors prefer cases where they can quickly diagnose someone and then give them drugs because thats the easiest way of treating someone and many doctors prefer that to lengthy counselling and repeated sessions. and prescription drugs are the most abused and misused on the planet. the drug companies push drugs and some doctors push drugs. its an isidious circle.

one good thing about my doctor is that she takes the time to listen and doesnt freely distribute drug prescriptions without consulting her reference database and seeing if its going to be to the patients benefit or will only work in the short-term and likely hook them and lead to complications down the road because about half of the patients who come into the practice are already addicted from other doctors dolling out drugs that have nasty side effects and end up hooking the patients and they just become addicts

Doctors do this all the time and its not just for the celebs. You wouldn't believe how much doctors don't LISTEN to their patient, don't try to FIND the source of the problem, or mis-diagnose. Thats why I prefer a natural way of doing things. I mean most of the time the doctor will hear what symptoms you have and just write you off a prescription when you don't even need it. Drugs are being PUSHED by the doctors because of the phramaceutical companies and its killing ppl. There are so many dumb drugs on the market thats it unreal and most time when you take a drug, though it might help a bit with one problem, it creates 10 others. I hate drugs TBH!:smilerolleyes:
That happened to me! I kept telling my doctor that I think I had allergies, she kept prescribing me antibiotics because she thought I had a sinus infection. Well needless to say I ended up in the emergency room because of the antibiotics. I got horrible pains in my joints, I couldn't even sit, stand or lay down in bed. The emergency room doctor said it was probably an allergic reaction to the antibiotics or drug induced arthritis.

I can also testify to this my daughter who is now 15 had what I new was allergies when she was 4 and I tried to tell the doc but she kept giving her scripts for cough med she kept saying the kid had a cold. well I finally got a referral to a ENT and she finally got the med she needed for allergies and now she is fine and takes her medicine once a day. crazy doctors they think they know everything when in fact they use process of elimination most of the time.
I'm getting sick of all this nonsense. Everyday there is a new story and nobody seems to have a grip of what is going on. These autopsy results better come out soon and put out all of these media fires. Rumors are spreading out of control and every story seems to contradict the other one. I don't even bother to follow it anymore until something concrete is released.
And that includes Geraldo. I don't care if he tries to come across as a SUPPORTER of Michael Jackson. Fox News Channel is no more interested in the truth than all the other networks... It's all about ratings for them too. I have not and will not look at this crap to try and find out what the truth is because I will not get the truth.
I can also testify to this my daughter who is now 15 had what I new was allergies when she was 4 and I tried to tell the doc but she kept giving her scripts for cough med she kept saying the kid had a cold. well I finally got a referral to a ENT and she finally got the med she needed for allergies and now she is fine and takes her medicine once a day. crazy doctors they think they know everything when in fact they use process of elimination most of the time.

I guess they think we as patients are too stupid to know anything! I'm glad your daughter got the appropriate care, who knows what could have happened to her.
geraldo is a lawyer by his own admission. and he cites strip club sources as reliable? i would have thought that would be heresay. the last few weeks geraldo has been worse than ever. national enquirer, joe jackson, news of the world, and these are reliable sources of information? sheesh! its enough to make your head pop!

strip club???????????????? Omg...f***in jerk
That happened to me! I kept telling my doctor that I think I had allergies, she kept prescribing me antibiotics because she thought I had a sinus infection. Well needless to say I ended up in the emergency room because of the antibiotics. I got horrible pains in my joints, I couldn't even sit, stand or lay down in bed. The emergency room doctor said it was probably an allergic reaction to the antibiotics or drug induced arthritis.
:no: This is why I when I have a problem (nothing serious yet, thank God) I google it and try to naturally heal myself. I don't trust doctors esp. MD's because all they do is sweep your real problems under the rug by covering the symptoms with pointless drugs that end up causing MORE problems. Its quite sad!

And doctors love to past out anitbiotics to the point where they are no long working like they used to. :doh:
EXACTLY! the cable news industry is like a hungry out of control beast at this moment - its feeding onto itself and getting bigger and bigger. Geraldo practically salivates everytime he mentions "we have an exclusive coming up". larry king is the same. its just insane. no wonder the fanbase is confused and stressed!

And that includes Geraldo. I don't care if he tries to come across as a SUPPORTER of Michael Jackson. Fox News Channel is no more interested in the truth than all the other networks... It's all about ratings for them too. I have not and will not look at this crap to try and find out what the truth is because I will not get the truth.
Oh shit Murray in strip club while Michael was rehearsing talking shit about Michael to the Murray is drinking like a fu**ing sailor and then goes and gives Michael propafol adn then falls asleep.
Okay, I'm going to have to break my rule and watch the rerun of Geraldo.

W T F?????? Don't tell me now that he was DRUNK, fell asleep, let MJ DIE and then tried to cover it UP????

If this bares true, this is MURDER. Straight up.
The fact that this idiot readily went out and talked badly about Michael to nasty strippers means that Michael definitely didn't know what kind of person he was dealing with. And doctors have very private intimate information about their patients, and I'll bet that's the type of information Murray was giving out. I do not like this.
I'm so confused.....:unsure:

Whats the truth in all of this?.....I wonder if we'll ever know.

And God only knows whats gonna happen if and when a trial should happen.....every damn detail of MJ's medical history will be put on display for the world to see. I can just see Nancy Grace's face now, salivating!
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:no: This is why I when I have a problem (nothing serious yet, thank God) I google it and try to naturally heal myself. I don't trust doctors esp. MD's because all they do is sweep your real problems under the rug by covering the symptoms with pointless drugs that end up causing MORE problems. Its quite sad!

And doctors love to past out anitbiotics to the point where they are no long working like they used to. :doh:

Oh yes, givin antibiotics for colds and flu. Crazy! If you're a woman remember, it's all in your head or it's your hormones.

To stay on topic lol, if you have money you know you are getting unnecessary tests, diagnoses and prescriptions. I think they took advantage of MJ and kept putting a bandaid on the side effects of his meds to keep giving him more pills and treatments.
If Michael was so isolated from his family like Rowe wants us to believe, how come Katherine had all latitude to see her son like she wanted. The chef, Kai chase said that she has been a witness of the interaction between Katherine and the grandchildren, which means that katherine was visiting Michael.
If Joe was not allowed, may be it was because Michael did not want to see him knowing Joe will bug him about the AGE concert or how much AEG was paying Michael.

Some one (I dont remember who) told CNN that her mother also couldnt reach him .
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Oh boy, this is going to be a long drawn out process. But the one good thing is that at least the public are hopefully starting to realise that Michael was not a drug addict that just OD'd like Elvis and others. He was murdered.
Oh boy, this is going to be a long drawn out process. But the one good thing is that at least the public are hopefully starting to realise that Michael was not a drug addict that just OD'd like Elvis and others. He was murdered.

I'm not sure they're fully there yet, but I do think there is potential to see, hopefully in the near future (with the high speed of the media's coverage), that he isnt...and then the finger can be pointed at murray and all the other wrongdoers in this picture...and the truth will out...

this whole thing reminds me of a speech Mulder (i'm sure if you were around in the 90s you heard about a little show called the x-files, a sci-fi show that came on fox) gave in the last episode of the x-files...or part of the speech..

Mulder: ...To realize that liars do not fear the truth if there are enough liars. That the devil isn't just one man with a plan but evil, true evil, is a collaboration of men which is what we have here today. If I am a guilty man, my crime is in daring to believe that the truth will out and that no one lie can live forever. I believe it still. Much as you try to bury it, the truth is out there. Greater than your lies, the truth wants to be known. You will know it. It'll come to you, as it's come to me faster than the speed of light. You may believe yourselves rid of your headache now and maybe you are .. but you're only done it by cutting off your own heads.

and I damn sure believe that the truth will out, and justice will be served here...i have to believe it..
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that's because they've got nothing on him. 1993 was 16 years ago. and it wasn't cocaine or heroin or opium, it was for pain medication. you know the truth, don't listen to these people who haven't paid attention to him and are just bandwagoning now.

Tito was interviewed on the Hollywood Reporter or Access Hollywood last week and he did confirm the family attempted an intervention a few years ago so it's not all made up.
It sounds to me like Murray is trying to find a way out of this mess so he's talking in all directions. Someone is definitely lying somewhere IMO. Because something isn't right when nobody is backing up anybody else. Some people are flying back and forth from one extreme to the other. The ones who are sticking to their story aren't doing good either because their story isn't jiving with someone else's. And that's bad when the cops are trying to get a handle on the situation. That's why no sense can be made of any of this. It's all just a big circus and it's only getting bigger.
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Tito was interviewed on the Hollywood Reporter or Access Hollywood last week and he did confirm the family attempted an intervention a few years ago so it's not all made up.

yes, in vegas, i'm aware. but the fact remains there is no concrete evidence yet of recent abuse. dig? :) again, not saying there was no abuse going on but just be aware of what has been confirmed and what hasn't.