Geraldo breaking News

What we shouldn't lose sight of is this, Geraldo is a sensationalist and these guests are picked just for that reason.

I'm upset that Joe tries to drag Katherine into this.
All these people are manipulative
- Joe - is a manipulator
- Rowe - is a manipulator

Rowe should not be talking about Michael at all. He calls Michael incompetent, an addict, but never met him.
He makes outlandish assumptions.
He hardly shows any respect for Michael

Anyone that Joe tries to bring into Michael's life is trash. It shows you that Joe never respected Michael if his associates fail to do that. They take their cue from Joe.

Rowe wanted to control Michael. AEG knew of all these people trying to crawl into Michael's life and were distracting. They had to stop people like Rowe who were trying to prevent Michael from focussing.

Rowe who is now bitter, is using a tragedy to promote his own beef against AEG while disrespecting Michael by calling him an addict.
Compare two sets of stories
Miko Brando
Lou Ferrigno
The Chef
and others close to Michael

They say Michael was normal, and not an addict

Then the second set
Schmuley - last saw Michael in 2001
Matt Fiddes - saw Michael for 3 days in 2001
Rowe - met Michael possibly once and was then releaved of duties
Chopra - last met Michael in 2005
Oxman - last met Michael in 2005
Halperin - never met Michael

and others who were not close to Michael that much or at all, they say he was an addict

Check who the media invites repeatedly, not the first set but the second set.

The longer the cause of death is delayed, the more the media is given room to slander Michael.
we all know the content of the letter Michael sent to Rowe before he died so yeah...Rowe is bitter!
well said. geraldo is a sensationalist - people have to remind themselves this is cable news we are talking about and the tone of previous programs. geraldo lost any respect i might have had for him once when he cited stripclub sources - i mean how low do you stoop for the sake of ratings?

What we shouldn't lose sight of is this, Geraldo is a sensationalist and these guests are picked just for that reason.

I'm upset that Joe tries to drag Katherine into this.
All these people are manipulative
- Joe - is a manipulator
- Rowe - is a manipulator

Rowe should not be talking about Michael at all. He calls Michael incompetent, an addict, but never met him.
He makes outlandish assumptions.
He hardly shows any respect for Michael

Anyone that Joe tries to bring into Michael's life is trash. It shows you that Joe never respected Michael if his associates fail to do that. They take their cue from Joe.

Rowe wanted to control Michael. AEG knew of all these people trying to crawl into Michael's life and were distracting. They had to stop people like Rowe who were trying to prevent Michael from focussing.

Rowe who is now bitter, is using a tragedy to promote his own beef against AEG while disrespecting Michael by calling him an addict.
Compare two sets of stories
Miko Brando
Lou Ferrigno
The Chef
and others close to Michael

They say Michael was normal, and not an addict

Then the second set
Schmuley - last saw Michael in 2001
Matt Fiddes - saw Michael for 3 days in 2001
Rowe - met Michael possibly once and was then releaved of duties
Chopra - last met Michael in 2005
Oxman - last met Michael in 2005
Halperin - never met Michael

and others who were not close to Michael that much or at all, they say he was an addict

Check who the media invites repeatedly, not the first set but the second set.

The longer the cause of death is delayed, the more the media is given room to slander Michael.
yes! but it does make you wonder what he will do for an encore?! whats next on geraldo - pimps tell all?! everytime i look at geraldo i think of him as a demented scientist twirling his mustache and rubbing his hands together gushing 'we've got exclusives wall to wall tonight folks - step right up!'

you gotta admit that was pretty lol though
that and his brother phoning in about it! :hysterical:
I'm getting sick of all this nonsense. Everyday there is a new story and nobody seems to have a grip of what is going on. These autopsy results better come out soon and put out all of these media fires. Rumors are spreading out of control and every story seems to contradict the other one. I don't even bother to follow it anymore until something concrete is released.

Thank you!

It is speculation and sensation, only for money. The press and media want to sell their stuff and they get the fans with all these ridculous stories. Did you ever think about side effects of medication or interaction of medication? That would be too boring, right? That doesn't sell. That is the point.

Every newspaper, every tv station, who blames Murray for murder now, blamed Michael for child abuse. And you trust that people? Everybody wants to be part of this "big story", everybody has to say something, everybody knew Michael better than anyone else...yeah, I know.

I love Elizabeth Taylor because she doesn't want to be a part of this. She doesn't need the attention of the media to get publicity and sell money with Michaels death. She is a real friend.

In 2003, the police found a lot of medication in Michaels house. And what did they do? Nothing. No doctor is in jail, right? If they did something in 2003, Michael could have been alive. Now it is too late.
yup money and ratings. the same tired story of cable news. its a beast onto itself. like most i hope we get some real news about what is happening soon and the damn toxicology report is released. it would also be remarkable if we saw some serious discussion about medications and how different medications can (and do) interact with each other and society's dependence on prescription drugs and the widespread use and abuse of same

Thank you!

It is speculation and sensation, only for money. The press and media want to sell their stuff and they get the fans with all these ridculous stories. Did you ever think about side effects of medication or interaction of medication? That would be too boring, right? That doesn't sell. That is the point.

Every newspaper, every tv station, who blames Murray for murder now, blamed Michael for child abuse. And you trust that people? Everybody wants to be part of this "big story", everybody has to say something, everybody knew Michael better than anyone else...yeah, I know.

I love Elizabeth Taylor because she doesn't want to be a part of this. She doesn't need the attention of the media to get publicity and sell money with Michaels death. She is a real friend.

In 2003, the police found a lot of medication in Michaels house. And what did they do? Nothing. No doctor is in jail, right? If they did something in 2003, Michael could have been alive. Now it is too late.
I am watching the repeat now. THIS. IS. OFFICIALLY. INSANITY. It is. It's insanity. And I'm not just talking about this show in particular, just the medias hard on for MJ since his passing.
Like enuff with all of this already. It's like a circus, a flippin CIRCUS. My brain hurts. It hurts. I'm going to bed.

I so agree with you HeartbreakHostelMJJ... except that I just woke up to find all of this mess! My God... the story about the aid... Everything... It's a flying circus! ...
so sad :-/
I agree that Joe hangs out with some dodgy people, and without meaning to be disrespectful he is not very bright, and doesn't realise he is doing himself no favours, but at the same time I believe he loved Michael, he just wanted to be more involved and in control of his career than Michael wanted.

There can be a fine line between someone who needs regular and high doses of medication and an addict, for example you don't call an arthritis sufferer who takes strong pain medication on a daily basis an addict, but they couldn't do without it.

Michael may have been lead unwittingly into a dependancy because he had a genuine need, and there is no shame in that. We know he had a problem and went into rehab and we never thought less of him for it. I believe he trusted doctors and if they said he should take something he would take it. Klein by his own admission had been doing painful proceedures for some months for which pain medication was necessary.
I am not saying Michael is a saint and there might be things coming out that we are going to be surrpised of..

but I recommend treating this investigation as we treated the whole circus with the trial over 4yrs ago.

Considering how this has developed, I completely agree.
The difference now may be that its not yet a "clean" source ( people being in the courtroom, and personally witnessing what is true or not).
And that is why the rumours trow everyone in to confusion about what to think, what is media spin and hearsay, and what is reliable information.
We only have our common sense, and our own judgment about the people involved to go by. And as there are many people that seem less then trustworthy in Michaels world (people that had and have their own agenda), its pretty hard to know who to trust. Because some times the truth can come from people that you know are no good. While the good people keep their silence, for some reason that may be sensible. Its not everything we should know- as Michael also was a person with a right to a private life. Its some things that are, and should be kept from the public in order to shield family ( the children), and friends.

All of this is so horribly confusing, and I guess that is why we keep speculating. But we may just have to wait this one out.

I hope we some day will get to know enough to put our mind at rest, but I guess that nothing will ever make us feel satisfied. Because the loss of his life is nothing that can be undone. That is the sad, horrible truth.
Even if people get punished, it will never bring him back.
Just writing that last sentence makes me want to scream. But that will not change anything either...........:no:

i've been saying this: take klein DOWN
hoefflin is a known s.o.b. throughout the years, of course he did not have clearance.
ppl gotta research the players not just go with what they claim.

Why and How is hoefflin a known SOB?
I read now that Murray ADMITTED that he administered the Propofol 2 days after MJ's death. They say that on the day in question, after MJ had the Propofol, he went to sleep and Murray went to sleep then MJ woke early in pain and an "aide" gave him a shot of diprivan which is what is thought to have killed him. Anyone know who this aide is? surely there would have had to have had another doc in the house to administer an injection?
What we shouldn't lose sight of is this, Geraldo is a sensationalist and these guests are picked just for that reason.

I'm upset that Joe tries to drag Katherine into this.
All these people are manipulative
- Joe - is a manipulator
- Rowe - is a manipulator

Rowe should not be talking about Michael at all. He calls Michael incompetent, an addict, but never met him.
He makes outlandish assumptions.
He hardly shows any respect for Michael

rowe worked w/ the brothers on one of their tours so he has met mj
If this has been discussed to death on some other thread, could someone point me to it ... I'm wondering about the Geraldo story about the drugs being dumped on the day/evening of June 25, the oxycontin retrieved from a dumpster (?). I saw a bit of that story some time (days? weeks?) ago, and then last night (repeat?), Geraldo talked about it again. This "evidence" was not turned over to the authorities?
i saw that report too. but then ive never liked or trusted geraldo so anything he purports to be true or has discovered im more than a little suspicious of. likewise if its really evidence strict procedures should be adhered to because a defence laywer can then claim the evidence has been tampered with.

If this has been discussed to death on some other thread, could someone point me to it ... I'm wondering about the Geraldo story about the drugs being dumped on the day/evening of June 25, the oxycontin retrieved from a dumpster (?). I saw a bit of that story some time (days? weeks?) ago, and then last night (repeat?), Geraldo talked about it again. This "evidence" was not turned over to the authorities?
This Rowe person is he related to Debbie Rowe? For me, as a rule of thumb, do not watch those cable show. I would prefer to get my new from here. Lately, there has been links to the TV shows with Geraldo Rivera and I must confess, I have watched them only to observer their body language just as in TMZ did an interview with MURRAY's two employee's. It gives me a little bit more to go by in which all these ppl who do these interviews at some point will be witnesses in the case. Therefore, I can compare and contrast the then and now.
I know MURRAY will be charged very soon. The more people come out and blab the more I feel they are covering up things. So, it's just a matter of time for him. The state once they get all of their doctors, aides and fools, they will charge MURRAY and hopefully, there will not be a bail for him. Hopefully, if there is a bail, it will be so high he will not be able to make it. He deserves to be locked up. Being on the streets is not a safe place for their witness, it's too many crazy fans out there that will seriously try and hurt MURRAY. So, please, hurry up and cuff that sucker. Yes, fans, put on your seat belt cause it's will be a bumpy road ahead.
if any fan hurts murray they will likely end up with a criminal record and go to jail themselves. then again their defence laywer can claim their clients mental state was influenced by endless media speculation about murray.

and if murray doesnt get charged he can go after the press for slander and defamation of character. he'll make a mint
I'm wondering that too.
Michael Jackson fans, you better be careful what you wish for if you think Dr. Murray is going to go down without a fight.

Michael may have died under Dr. Murray's care but I do feel that he is the scapegoat in this tragedy. All the other doctors are TOO quite and they are not speaking out about Dr. Murray in a critical way because they probably are just as guilty is supplying Michael with prescribed medicine at his request.

That's why I don't think he will go to prison. I believe if he is arrested and there is a trial, his defense attorneys is going to bring in every single doctor who ever prescribe medicine to Michael Jackson. Dr. Murray will probably have a DREAM TEAM make no mistake about it.

And Michael Jackson's will be put on trial.

Murray will go down one way or another. I truly believe he will sink. If the part about him is true where he frequented a strip bar and was drinking alcohol, divulging information about his client privileged to ppl in that bar and Gerald has a witness, he will GO DOWN FOR MURDUR!!!. The charges has up-pet from manslaughter,. He too was under the influence while administering a dangerous drug to his client, fell asleep and Michael died as a result, I would think MURRAY is shit-tin bullets right about now. The longer it is running his mouth, the bigger the whole become. ....Keep tweeting MURRAY!!!. If he never sees the darkness of a jail cell and gets his way and is let free, a fan, (s) will catch up to him and it's all over.
krism2075897 said:
if any fan hurts murray they will likely end up with a criminal record and go to jail themselves. then again their defence lawyer can claim their clients mental state was influenced by endless media speculation about murray.

and if murray doesn't get charged he can go after the press for slander and defamation of character. he'll make a mint

MURRAY is BROKE. If he were to walk away, just maybe he may have money from somewhere...but I just don't see it. For him to sue anybody he needs money. He is already deep in debt upwards 1 Million. He does have counsel and they do want to be paid up front. He has no assets to attach , so, he's shit out of luck.
The criminal record part, there have been fan here recently saying "just put MURRAY on the street and he will be dealt with", I don't know them but hey, out of all of Michael's fans do you think they all are criminal record free? Hell To The No. It's obvious from the prisoner in Cebu who love doing the Thriller dance. And Michael has ghetto friends with criminal records probably as long as my arm and could care less about adding to it. MURRAY has and is looking for a serious beat down period.
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well if that happens its all over for the fan too. its the united states - more people are in jail there than any other country in the world so if they kill murray they can look forward to the next 25 to life in jail. and im pretty sure murray would have hired security. im sure hes probably aware of the state of mind of some mj fans.
also if murray wants money all he has to do is sell his story. thats easily a few million right there. plus then theres the book deal which im pretty sure there will be one at some stage even if he has to write it behind bars
also about murray being broke he cant be too broke cause hes got a lawyer doing all his speaking and lawyers dont come cheap
With such confusions don't it make you wanna scream?

Exactly. I don't know what to believe. All we know now is that nobody can hurt Him anymore. Michael has ALWAYS warned us about how the media sucks ballz. He has said it throughout his life and now through his death.
krism2075934 said:
well if that happens its all over for the fan too. its the united states - more people are in jail there than any other country in the world so if they kill murray they can look forward to the next 25 to life in jail. and im pretty sure murray would have hired security. im sure hes probably aware of the state of mind of some mj fans.

I really don't know what this fan had in mind, if I can find the link I'll post it. But he doesn't have to be dead, just a beat down. Like some other fans were jokingly saying that they were going to through stinky belona meat and chitlins at him when he goes to court maybe they were all just venting their frustrations I dunno. Me, I prefer a legal battle through the court system and I truly feel his day will be near. If it never comes to that, God has his way of taking care of ppl like him without any outright malice towards him, his day will come.
i think thats one of the things that hurts the most. once upon a time the public and press respected the celebrities, certainly much more than they do now. people seem to get a real kick out of building someone up only to tear them back down and then jump all over them. yet the press are only fuelled on by a hungry public desperate for juicy gossip but they forget theres such a fine line between news and entertainment and often the line is blurred.

Exactly. I don't know what to believe. All we know now is that nobody can hurt Him anymore. Michael has ALWAYS warned us about how the media sucks ballz. He has said it throughout his life and now through his death.
All I know is that, like many other fans, I am having a really hard time dealing with this, and all the conflicting reports and information just adds to the grief. I can't work, can't eat and can't sleep properly. When will the pain end? Will it end? I am trying to gain strength from God, knowing that He will serve justice in due course, whether in this life or the next. He knows our hearts and He knows what happened - those who are directly or indirectly responsible will be punished and may He have little mercy on them when this happens. If, or should I say when, Conrad Murray goes to jail, it still won't bring Michael back. No legal punishment in the States will ever compensate for the pain he has caused - pain which is akin to a lifelong prison sentence. Just feel inconsolable and desperate :-(
The Sun Today

MICHAEL Jackson was killed by a shot of powerful painkiller Demerol given by an aide as his personal medic Dr Conrad Murray slept, The Sun can reveal.

Dr Murray is reported to have confessed to cops that he had ALREADY given the singer surgical anaesthetic Propofol that same day. Jackson is feared to have woken when the effects wore off and demanded pain relief.The Demerol was duly administered by the compliant aide - with devastating effects.

The combination of Demerol and Propofol, known by the brand name Diprivan, triggered a massive heart attack.

US sources have claimed the cardiologist was asleep and therefore not paying attention when his patient's heart stopped beating. He woke to find 50-year-old Jackson dead and desperately tried to revive him. A case insider told The Sun: "Murray would set up a system to give Michael a steady intravenous release of Diprivan through the night.

"But this time Michael woke up before Murray did and asked one of his aides for some Demerol.

"The aide gave it to him, but it was too soon after receiving the anaesthetic. That's what killed him."

Jackson is thought to have first taken Demerol to control the pain of burns to his scalp he suffered filming a Pepsi advert. Dr Murray is said to have told Los Angeles police about administering Propofol two days after Jackson died on June 25.

Propofol - which should only be given in a hospital environment - can be delivered by an intravenous drip to release a steady supply. But there should always be equipment available to monitor the electrical impulses of the patient's heart and the level of oxygen in their blood supply.

An ECG would trigger an alarm if the patient flatlined, while a pulse oximeter would sound if oxygen supplies changed.

Neither device was found by detectives when they searched Jackson's rented Holmby Hills mansion following his death which could have saved his life.

Could it get anymore confusing :no: