Geraldo breaking News

I don't believe anything written in the tabloids, least of all this. If there was an aide - then that aide will have a name. No name, no aide. It's just another of Dr Murray's stories to get himself off the hook, or a story simply concocted by the media in the absence of more concrete news.
Someone's trying to revive the "shot of Demerol" story and fit it in with what has already been reported. But on the 26th of June, the detective in charge of the homicide unit investigating the death said that they had no such information about the Demerol. Also, where did this "aide" come from? Last we heard, only Michael, the kids, and Murray were allowed upstairs. And why would the aide not have simply awakened the doctor to administer the shot? It wasn't as if Michael had been in agony and Murray nowhere to be found. Also, why didn't Kai Chase mention seeing anyone other than a nanny, a housekeeper, Murray, the kids, and security?
Have you heard that murrays assistance may have give Michael the death dose?

I believe at this point Murray is trying to pull the attention away from him and put the blame onto someone else. But who knows it could of been the assistant too, I just dontiunderstand why we have not heard of an assistant before. An assistant with no cell phone and didnt know the address just like Murray. Bah....bullshit.
wait wait husband keeps talking about an original 911 cal from a woman not the one we keep hearing being played from the chef or security whoever placed it but this one was about 5 minutes long and she kept saying that her cell phone was going out and that she couldnt hear the operator very well. I have searched for this call on youtube and I cannot find it and also i have not heard it but as I have said my husband and my son both heard it the day Michael passed away. Has anyone else heard this 911 call?
No? Where did they hear it? Can they remember?

He said that he heard it the day Michael passed away. My son said he heard it on youtube 2 days after Michael passed away.I have since searched myself and I am unable to find it he said that he thought it was odd two have 2 911 calls
krism2075938 said:
also if murray wants money all he has to do is sell his story. that's easily a few million right there. plus then there's the book deal which im pretty sure there will be one at some stage even if he has to write it behind bars

The way you keep defending him, makes me think you are all for MURRAY and his illegal actions!!!! WTF?