Geraldo breaking News

not just that, a cover up is another charge and then it changes it from being just an accidental death. u could potentially kill someone by accident but if u attempt to obstruct justice in the process, they can get u for second degree murder

God I hope they do.
It sounds to me like Murray is trying to find a way out of this mess so he's talking in all directions. Somebody is definite lying somewhere IMO. Because something isn't right when nobody is backing up anybody else. Some people are flying back and forth from one extreme to the other. The ones who are sticking to their story aren't doing good either because their story isn't jiving with someone else's. And that's bad when the cops are trying to get a handle on the situation. That's why no sense can be made of any of this. It's all just a big circus and it's only getting bigger.

oh i know...and i've seen so many other courtney love, for example, how she'll sit still as a rock and look you in the face and tell you she didnt have kurt cobain killed when the multitude of facts speak for themselves...

but here, lord jesus murray is wiggiling and jumping in his seat, you can tell by all these statements he or his lawyers make, he is scared to death and knows hes in for it...he is using this as a way to place the blame on anyone else and try to get mercy, this is all about mercy here, he wants pity, he wants his name cleared, he thinks he can still live in the world and people will quit referring to him as a murderer but bloody hell man, its not gonna happen, he isnt safe the minute he leaves his house, hence why he hasnt left his house since he got there...if he's trying to lie to get himself out of this, he is one of the most ridiculously pathetic liars ive ever seen..he needs to be behind bars, so that he never even does this to someone who isnt a celebrity
i wonder how people will react if murray isnt charged or doesnt get any serious jail time? from the different reports ive seen they are chasing other doctors and some say murray is just the fall guy and been made the escapegoat of a relentless media
not just Murray, their are plenty of other people involved!! i pray they all get what they deserve.
seriously considering leaving the u.s. For about a year or so.... To a an island where there is no tv, radio, internet, tabloid, print news....... I am sick of hearing trash.
The media is hellbent on portraying mj in a bad light... Idiots are all over the tv calling themselves mj's confidants, spiritual advisors, friends, and then bash mj.
Aeg - something is just not right.
Sony- i hate and blame sony for what has happened to mj in the last 10 years.
I hate disgusting haters all over the place.
I hate the extortioners who tarnished a wonderful man.
I hope karma will bite murray, klein, bashir, halprin, ... Who am i forgetting.

Sorry for the rant people. Really sorry friends for using hate and ranting. But i do feel a little better getting that off my chest.

I told ya'll he was gonna be singing like a bird.. He snitching on all of them.. No way he was going down alone.. all of them deserve life in prison, and be made to listen to Paris's speech about her daddy over and over again.. bastards
Oh shit Murray in strip club while Michael was rehearsing talking shit about Michael to the Murray is drinking like a fu**ing sailor and then goes and gives Michael propafol adn then falls asleep.

Get the F out of here. If this is true.........
I told ya'll he was gonna be singing like a bird.. He snitching on all of them.. No way he was going down alone.. all of them deserve life in prison, and be made to listen to Paris's speech about her daddy over and over again.. bastards

The fires of Hell await those who caused Michael Jackson to be removed from this planet too soon.
Click on the link below and you will see a video with pictues of most of the conspirators
or suspects and additional information:
Are there any youtube links? Sorry if I just blatantly missed them.

I am retarded
Sigh....there are so many pieces to this stupid puzzle being thrown around everywhere and we've got dumb buttheads trying to solve it. :mad:
I am watching the repeat now. THIS. IS. OFFICIALLY. INSANITY. It is. It's insanity. And I'm not just talking about this show in particular, just the medias hard on for MJ since his passing.

I am guessing they're all trying to make up for the way they kicked him to the curb before.

ugh. I don't trust them one bit.
Sigh....there are so many pieces to this stupid puzzle being thrown around everywhere and we've got dumb buttheads trying to solve it. :mad:

Exactly. And I think if anyone knows the truth, it's Michael's own fans, and those in his family that are the closest.
i wonder how people will react if murray isnt charged or doesnt get any serious jail time? from the different reports ive seen they are chasing other doctors and some say murray is just the fall guy and been made the escapegoat of a relentless media
I'm wondering that too.
Michael Jackson fans, you better be careful what you wish for if you think Dr. Murray is going to go down without a fight.

Michael may have died under Dr. Murray's care but I do feel that he is the scapegoat in this tragedy. All the other doctors are TOO quite and they are not speaking out about Dr. Murray in a critical way because they probably are just as guilty is supplying Michael with prescribed medicine at his request.

That's why I don't think he will go to prison. I believe if he is arrested and there is a trial, his defense attorneys is going to bring in every single doctor who ever prescribe medicine to Michael Jackson. Dr. Murray will probably have a DREAM TEAM make no mistake about it.

And Michael Jackson's will be put on trial.
And the plot thickens.

Klein, a dermatologist, told Murray how to administer Diprivan over the phone?
Murray frequently visited stripclubs and bad mouthed Michael while he was there?

I am watching the repeat now. THIS. IS. OFFICIALLY. INSANITY. It is. It's insanity. And I'm not just talking about this show in particular, just the medias hard on for MJ since his passing.

Like enuff with all of this already. It's like a circus, a flippin CIRCUS. My brain hurts. It hurts. I'm going to bed.

What the h*ll is going on !!!???

Damn. It seems we're getting only a taste of how Mike felt during his life: not knowing who to trust or whose story to believe; trying to get to the truth but can't find it.

Sigh....there are so many pieces to this stupid puzzle being thrown around everywhere and we've got dumb buttheads trying to solve it. :mad:

With such confusions don't it make you wanna scream?
If Murrey emptied a syringe full of propofol into Michael he is as guilty of murder as if he had taken a gun and shot him. There is no justification for the drug, or giving it with no monitoring equipment, no means of resucitation, and he hadn't even takent he precaution of having the address and a phone to contact EMT. I think he was not working alone, but I think it is more to do with Sony and the catalogue than AEG. They stood to make millions out of him over the years.
Damn so Murray was going to spend his $150k a month in the booty shakin' clubs.. Hmm he sweet on them pole dancers.. wow.. He is going down.. and he needs to take the rest of them leeches with him
I'm wondering that too.
Michael Jackson fans, you better be careful what you wish for if you think Dr. Murray is going to go down without a fight.

Michael may have died under Dr. Murray's care but I do feel that he is the scapegoat in this tragedy. All the other doctors are TOO quite and they are not speaking out about Dr. Murray in a critical way because they probably are just as guilty is supplying Michael with prescribed medicine at his request.

That's why I don't think he will go to prison. I believe if he is arrested and there is a trial, his defense attorneys is going to bring in every single doctor who ever prescribe medicine to Michael Jackson. Dr. Murray will probably have a DREAM TEAM make no mistake about it.

And Michael Jackson's will be put on trial.

There is a God.
The people who murderd Michael Jackson will be punished here on Earth; and in the the Fires of Hell.
There is a God.
The people who murderd Michael Jackson will be punished here on Earth; and in the the Fires of Hell.
If there was a Murder. We don't know this yet! And don't get your hopes up yet. And don't call someone a murderer until you have all the facts. As a fan of Michael Jackson you should know this...:cheeky:
I think he was not working alone, but I think it is more to do with Sony and the catalogue than AEG. They stood to make millions out of him over the years.

no, not millions. Michael said himself in an interview that he "generated several billion" for sony.
Is anyone else reporting a plea deal or is this just conjecture on Geraldo's part?

Hmmmm.... I don't know what to think about this Klein instructing Murray thing. Murray sounds like he was greedy and saw $$$ and wanted to do it all by himself to make big bucks. He did not want to share with anyone.

Why yah'll thing the man never even got an assistant so incase he fell asleep that person would watch Mike.

And if MJ was paying 150. Gs a month , why did he not by one of them EKG or whatever monitor system so he could be properly monitored.

Michael took a huge risk by giving this man his life and all these responsibilities.
Hmmmm.... I don't know what to think about this Klein instructing Murray thing. Murray sounds like he was greedy and saw $$$ and wanted to do it all by himself to make big bucks. He did not want to share with anyone.

Why yah'll thing the man never even got an assistant so incase he fell asleep that person would watch Mike.

And if MJ was paying 150. Gs a month , why did he not by one of them EKG or whatever monitor system so he could be properly monitored.

Michael took a huge risk by giving this man his life and all these responsibilities. sound like you're on defense for Dr. Kleine, AEG, the executors and everyone else who's acting pretty phony for someone who has nothing to do with Murray or any of this at all.
hmm..this is all confusing..I just hope that guilty people who did this to MJ will pay for what they did..
Damn, Rowe is on a roll. He keeps saying that everyone knew that Michael had a drug problem and that he was working with Randy, Rebbie and Joe to try and get Michael into a rehab center. He also blames AEG because he says that they controlled Michael's life and that they were the ones cutting him off from the outside world. He also said that whoever hired this doctor should have informed him that there would be no drugs for Michael except what was prescribed for him by his primary physician. He said AEG is responsible because they claimed that he had a clean bill of health and they knew he didn't. At least that is what Kimberly Guilfoyle said. Looks like AEG is in big trouble.

Now I don't like Rowe at all...I think he wanted to make money too. But I don't think he is lying about what he is saying.

I don't think he is lying either.

I also think that Randy Phillips must have had someone from security or some hired hand that kept him informed about MJ & how things were going in the home, after all MJ was the machine that kept everything going. you would want to protect your investment & they were paying for everything. It seems likely that someone would have told him about the oxygen tanks going in & out. That's not exactly normal.
Plea bargain, eh? If that is true then the cops must have hell of an amount of evidence against Dr. Murray. Don't think he'd start dealing with the cops unless he knew he is going down. I still can't get over the 30 minute "waiting period" to call 911. It is absolutely insane. INSANE. And one thing that came to my mind the other day about why the paramedics stayed there that long....because Dr. Murray was there? Had there not been a doctor, the paramedics would have taken MJ to the hospital as quickly as was just 6 minutes away. Get him in the ambulance... LET'S GO. But since there was a doctor who is their "superior"...I guess that's why they waited and probably took orders from Murray...not knowing Murray was probably making sure MJ dies all along. Even the 911 call ended short after the bodyguard said they have MJ's doctor there (who was doing CPR on a BED...). One question I have though, if the paramedics took orders from Dr. did they know he REALLY is a doctor? Because he said so, or MJ's people told him...? It's all such a mess.

What also bothers me is Kai Chase saying Dr. Murray would take MJ's breakfast to MJ. My question is...what did he put in MJ's drinks and food. He could have easily added something "extra" in them without anyone knowing. If the story about the "deathbed room" is true and there were all those bottles of juices and stuff that belonged to MJ...I hope the cops took them and sent them to the coroner's office too to be tested for "anything extra". In a way too bad that MJ didn't have breakfast that morning because the glasses and all would have still most likely been unwashed. If Murray put something in MJ's drinks the last one would have been the day before and those dishes were done most likely by the 25th. Another thing that popped to mind was, when Kai Chase said MJ had lost weight during the 3 weeks she was gone and she wondered if he had been eating at all and that MJ has requested her to come back...(and I am not accusing the other chef in no please read carefully and until the end)...What if MJ himself noticed he wasn't feeling well and suspected someone is putting something in his food, etc. and thought it's the chef working for he got rid of him and got Chase back because he trusted her. But it wasn't the was Murray? Again...this is all just pure speculation...but I really wish there was a way of testing those glasses for residues of some drug/poison. I'm not leaving any possibility out.

Also the story about an aide giving MJ Demerol...sounds horrible. But either way, it does not work for Dr. Murray. If he gave Propofol to MJ and then was sleeping himself and didn't know someone gave MJ Demerol...can't see how that is any kind of would make it ever WORSE for him, ADMITTING he would sleep while his patient was hooked on a drug that can easily make a patient's breathing stop. No matter how you spin it, he's in a LOT of trouble.
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no matter how they spin it this was MORE than accidental, it's just too fishy...I can't believe they killed him, my heart is beating faster and faster
Have you heard that murrays assistance may have give Michael the death dose?
Reading this thread makes my head spin. I'm losing hope that we're ever gonna really know the truth. :(