Geraldo breaking News

Yes, it was Dr Hoefflin. He even shows a letter he said he got from Katherine Jackson to speak on her behalf.
But this letter looks very suspicious to me. The letter looks handwritten and on a lined paper instead of a plain white sheet.

o, well, then it's rubbish :lol:

i got confused when people were talking about kath and joe being on the phone or something?
Tonight on Geraldo's show Joe will speak again with Geraldo again. And on Friday Jermaine Jackson is scedualed to do an hour with Larry King again.
If anyone has link to youtube or vdo please kindly post here ..thankssss

just see above post ..tkxx
This is the only thing that I found about Murray in recent news (last hour)
Murray has now responded to the reports, admitting the singer was suffering breathing difficulties half an hour before he called in other medics - and blasting claims he had his own room at Jackson's mansion.
Murray's legal aide, Miranda Sevcik, says "Doctor Murray did not have a room at Michael Jackson's house. Michael Jackson stopped breathing 30 minutes before emergency personnel were called out to his house."

This is really interesting because just last night I heard them say that Michael passed away in Murrays room so again another lie.
I keep telling yall, when the truth finally comes out, it won't even be half similar to what we are hearing from the media right now.

And I am sorry, but I don't see any reason why Katherine Jackson would go as far as to write a letter of approval to Hoefflin to allow him to speak to the media regarding Michael. This just doesn't make any sense to me. Why would she even care what he says when she knows that whatever he says will be scrutinized by the LAPD and he will suffer the consequences of his own words? It just doesn't make any sense.

And Ian Halperin goes from one extreme to another. But he doesn't care what he says because his book on MJ is a number one best seller on the New York Times best seller list....he is banking on Michael. Everybody is just making money. It is sickening.
Ok, just read now that Murray also claims a DIFFERENT AIDE gave MJ Demerol while he was asleep. I read this in the Sun, so not sure if it holds true... but it makes you wonder! Ugh! Apparently MJ woke up, before Murray and asked this aide instead of Murray to give him Demerol for his pain and this proved fatal...
Ok, just read now that Murray also claims a DIFFERENT AIDE gave MJ Demerol while he was asleep. I read this in the Sun, so not sure if it holds true... but it makes you wonder! Ugh! Apparently MJ woke up, before Murray and asked this aide instead of Murray to give him Demerol for his pain and this proved fatal...

well......considering the source I will take it with a grain of salt..BUT.....I sure woudn't put anything at all past Murray, he wants to pass the buck as much as he can at this point and he has gotta be singing like a little birdie......So if this is true then it places another person at the scene an aid. So apparently this person also didnt know the address or have a cell phone.......all lies.....also I wonder if this aid had a medical license to administer Demerol??
Tonight on Geraldo's show Joe will speak again with Geraldo again. And on Friday Jermaine Jackson is scedualed to do an hour with Larry King again.

Hummm..I wonder if he's going to mention any burial plans for Mike at NL...don't know what to think of everything...mike thinks he's stressed up there....we're the one's who are really stressed down
this is the first time I have heard her since.....poor poor Katherine. She is in so much pain. But they all keep saying that the children are doing well... that they are playing with there cousins. They are all still grieving in their own ways though I am sure.
OMG, Larry Siedlin (Anna Nicole Smith's judge) is on Geraldo and he believes in the conspiracy. He says Michael was worth more to AEG dead than alive. He said it twice.
OMG, Larry Siedlin (Anna Nicole Smith's judge) is on Geraldo and he believes in the conspiracy. He says Michael was worth more to AEG dead than alive. He said it twice.

I know I heard him say this....although he is a dramatic guy and takes a while to get to his point I do like him, I think he is a credible guy.
yes this was my thought too. Kline says that he didn't even meet Murray until Michael's death. what I dont understand is if they have phone records connecting Kline to Murray then how in the world can Kline say he hadn't even met Muray until after the fact.??? Kline must be lying. He may be waiting for the police to confront him with the evidence. Hmmm, this web only gets bigger.

Klein said alot of things.. but never trust a doctor that goes on TV and blabs all your medical history... after you've know him for over 20yrs and let people believe he fathered your children...

my word..
Man, I want to be believe a lot of things. But I cannot trust Leonard Rowe as far as I can throw him across the room. This dude is not the dude to talk about AEG. I think he is a damn crook himself. He owes money up the wazoo. We need somebody else with better credibility so we can at least try to get to the truth.
Klein said alot of things.. but never trust a doctor that goes on TV and blabs all your medical history... after you've know him for over 20yrs and let people believe he fathered your children...

my word..

agreed!!!!! He reminds me of a snake in the grass anyway with that sneaky side ways smile..Never trusted him from the beginning. So now hopefully they will get Kline to sing like a bird too. They will interrogate him and make him admit to something an then he will be screaming plea deal too
Man, I want to be believe a lot of things. But I cannot trust Leonard Rowe as far as I can throw him across the room. This dude is not the dude to talk about AEG. I think he is a damn crook himself. He owes money up the wazoo. We need somebody else with better credibility so we can at least try to get to the truth.

he can stfu about the "Drug Problem", he keeps pretending that he's in the know
Damn, Rowe is on a roll. He keeps saying that everyone knew that Michael had a drug problem and that he was working with Randy, Rebbie and Joe to try and get Michael into a rehab center. He also blames AEG because he says that they controlled Michael's life and that they were the ones cutting him off from the outside world. He also said that whoever hired this doctor should have informed him that there would be no drugs for Michael except what was prescribed for him by his primary physician. He said AEG is responsible because they claimed that he had a clean bill of health and they knew he didn't. At least that is what Kimberly Guilfoyle said. Looks like AEG is in big trouble.

Now I don't like Rowe at all...I think he wanted to make money too. But I don't think he is lying about what he is saying.
I just wonder if AEG had an agenda and wanted to control Michael's life so things would turn out the way they did and they would receive more money. If so, how can people sleep at night-putting money above a human life!!
There is the mention of AEG again and the Insurance policy....3 policy's.
It seems like Klein and Steven Hoefflin are still beefing and doing their best to throw eachother under the bus. I don't think Klein has anything to do with this case. This will all eventually fall on Murray if charges are filed, IMO. I wish everyone would STFU and stop feeding the media because no one is helping.
Man, I want to be believe a lot of things. But I cannot trust Leonard Rowe as far as I can throw him across the room. This dude is not the dude to talk about AEG. I think he is a damn crook himself. He owes money up the wazoo. We need somebody else with better credibility so we can at least try to get to the truth.
You are so right Whisper.
I am watching all this right now " Geraldo at Large" and this Leonard Rowe is so not credible.
This guy needs to disappear, please Leonard Rowe SHUT UP! GIVE ME A BREAK!
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggh, it drives me crazy!
It seems like Klein and Steven Hoefflin are still beefing and doing their best to throw eachother under the bus. I don't think Klein has anything to do with this case. This will all eventually fall on Murray if charges are filed, IMO. I wish everyone would STFU and stop feeding the media because no one is helping.

where do you suppose mike first learned to use propofol at home? murray? chamone.