Geraldo breaking News

At least one thing is cleared up...Murray gave Michael Diprivan!!

Grrrrrrrrr i'm soooo angry right now!!!! Michaels death was one big mistake and it pains me so much. I bet Klien is the one who introduced Micahel to the Anaesthetic.

If Michael died of natural causes, it wouldn't hurt so much but because he died of these so called Doctors...its just ARGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

I'd only accept it if the 'doctors' alongside AEG, Tohme and Sony gooo downnn and their financials and businesses go into ruins. Then somehow i would think this is God's way of finally paying back those who harmed Michael. If this doesn't happen...well :no: :mellow:
be careful what you believe when it comes to Geraldo.. cause i saw one of his shows 2 or 3 weeks ago.. and let me tell you it was some nasty stuff he reported about Michael in that show.. i turned the channel i was so digusted. i did catch this episode last night thats beign talked about here and there was some wild ass stuff beign talked about..they even showed that picture of the room :no: but again its the media, they will spin to get ratings. just be careful about believing Geraldo.. lol over the years hes told some crazy ass stuff.
This is the only thing that I found about Murray in recent news (last hour)
Murray has now responded to the reports, admitting the singer was suffering breathing difficulties half an hour before he called in other medics - and blasting claims he had his own room at Jackson's mansion.
Murray's legal aide, Miranda Sevcik, says "Doctor Murray did not have a room at Michael Jackson's house. Michael Jackson stopped breathing 30 minutes before emergency personnel were called out to his house."

If this is true...he STILL WAITED 30 MINUTES to call 911!!! :no::no:

He's digging himself a bigger hole but i'm glad!!
u really think the family is that stupid?

Not at all. I think that family is VERY smart especially La Toya. I do not understand what are you trying to convince me with? To make me think that Debbie Rowe was the best friend of Michael? No way. For me she is just a bitch who used him. I hope I will see her together with Dr Kline in jail soon enough if she was involved.
Why would Klein teach Murray? I dont really understand now...
yes this was my thought too. Kline says that he didn't even meet Murray until Michael's death. what I dont understand is if they have phone records connecting Kline to Murray then how in the world can Kline say he hadn't even met Muray until after the fact.??? Kline must be lying. He may be waiting for the police to confront him with the evidence. Hmmm, this web only gets bigger.

Well not necessarily. Murray could have gotten Klein's phone number through MJ (or vice versa), or he could have phoned the dermatologist office where Klein worked and talked to him there. They wouldn't have to have met to be able to talk to each other on the phone.
u really think the family is that stupid?

Not at all. I think that family is VERY smart especially La Toya. I do not understand what are you trying to convince me with? To make me think that Debbie Rowe was the best friend of Michael? No way. For me she is just a bitch who used him. I hope I will see her together with Dr Kline in jail soon enough if she was involved.
if anything, he used her and then dumped her when he got what he wanted. lol u dont' want more kids? ok bye!

if they were so smart, u think they'd allow her to see the kids? they would be fighting tmrw andnot going in as a united front agreeing for the sake of the kids

and klien makes me nervous. especially when he was talking about donating sperm and this and that and that damn smile when they asked about mj's kids.

just not someone i would want my children around. friend or doctor or any aspect. just eeeeeeek
Why would Klein teach Murray? I dont really understand now...
b/c klien has used propofol on mj before on minor procedures. mj was going to him all the time so MAYBE mj got the drugs or murray did and murray wanted to know how to use it.

y else would they be in contact unless it was klien who was getting it for murray
I think it cant be true Klein gave those drugs... He wouldnt do that. I think if Murray phoned Klein probably they werent talking about Michael at all... Probably Klein didnt know Murray is in contact with Michael?
Are we even sure these jackasses went to medical school? Are we even sure they passed?

lol. by what is going on i wounldn't be surprised if they answer was no.

I think it cant be true Klein gave those drugs... He wouldnt do that. I think if Murray phoned Klein probably they werent talking about Michael at all... Probably Klein didnt know Murray is in contact with Michael?

Even, if they weren't talking about Michael. I don't think you're supposed to learn how to use that powerful drug over the phone, seriously. It's common sense.

And if they really did meet, it should certainly be taught in a hospital setting or clinic. and why would he be teaching it to a cardiologist, when the drug is only used for surgery. Murray isn't a surgeon.

Either way, even WITHOUT ever mentioning Michael....Klein is in trouble
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and klien makes me nervous. especially when he was talking about donating sperm and this and that and that damn smile when they asked about mj's kid

Just Dr. Klien? Why you don't you worry about Debbie Rowe using his sperm by chance?

if they were so smart, u think they'd allow her to see the kids?

Of course they would. It is not a good time to fight fo custody IMHO.
I am watching the repeat now. THIS. IS. OFFICIALLY. INSANITY. It is. It's insanity. And I'm not just talking about this show in particular, just the medias hard on for MJ since his passing.

But okay this show.. they've got Hoefflin who claims he got approval from Mrs Jackson to speak to the media, THEN they read a statement form Mrs Jacksons atty that says he's NOT to be speaking to the media. Then they've got Joe Jackson and his hot mess behind saying anything that comes to mind. THEN they've got the Unmasked guy, the one who wrote that book, on there DEFENDING Joe! Talking about this is a man in mourning, and no one should be judging him and GET THIS: He's all well Joe J disciplined his kids like they did in schools back then. I don't know of no teachers hitting their students with socks full of wet sand. UGH!

Like enuff with all of this already. It's like a circus, a flippin CIRCUS. My brain hurts. It hurts. I'm going to bed.
And the worse is that this same Ian Halperin was the one who claimed loud some weeks ago that we should not let Joe Jackson approach MJ's kids and that social services should step in. And now he is backing up Joe Jackson.
Also this Dr Steve Hoeflin, what's wrong with him?
Isn't he who kept operating on Michael even when it was not necessary? And I find it hard to believe that Mrs Jackson will give him authorization to talk on her behalf. Why should she give him any authorization whatsoever? She has a lawyer for God's sake!

I just wish people like that will just shut their mouth because they don't know anything and just want to promote themselves on TV! PATHETIC!
u really think the family is that stupid?

Not at all. I think that family is VERY smart especially La Toya. I do not understand what are you trying to convince me with? To make me think that Debbie Rowe was the best friend of Michael? No way. For me she is just a bitch who used him. I hope I will see her together with Dr Kline in jail soon enough if she was involved.

No, but the family did not know exactly what was going on because they were usually denied access to Michael. Tito has confirmed they tried an intervention a few years ago to no avail.
This is the only thing that I found about Murray in recent news (last hour)
Murray has now responded to the reports, admitting the singer was suffering breathing difficulties half an hour before he called in other medics - and blasting claims he had his own room at Jackson's mansion.
Murray's legal aide, Miranda Sevcik, says "Doctor Murray did not have a room at Michael Jackson's house. Michael Jackson stopped breathing 30 minutes before emergency personnel were called out to his house."

This just raises more questions than it answers.
Keep this coming guys, I'm at work and so can't follow any news, give us any updates, please!:bugeyed
This is the only thing that I found about Murray in recent news (last hour)
Murray has now responded to the reports, admitting the singer was suffering breathing difficulties half an hour before he called in other medics - and blasting claims he had his own room at Jackson's mansion.
Murray's legal aide, Miranda Sevcik, says "Doctor Murray did not have a room at Michael Jackson's house. Michael Jackson stopped breathing 30 minutes before emergency personnel were called out to his house."
Whoa whoa whoa here. MJ stopped breathing 30 mins. before he called 911????
This is a endless circle between fact, speculation, wishes and lies. How many more will be added. I hope the end comes soon.
Whoa whoa whoa here. MJ stopped breathing 30 mins. before he called 911????

couple that wtf with them being 6 minutes from the hospital and how when the paramedics came they were in the house for another 45 min (going by kai chase's version of events on the today show). where was the emergency, idk
This is a endless circle between fact, speculation, wishes and lies. How many more will be added. I hope the end comes soon.

I got a feeling this might go on for years...especially with Joe Jackson. It'll be like Princess Diana and him being Mohammed Fayed.
the MJ's plastic surgeon says, Klein taught Murry how to inject Michael .Klein denies whatever the plastic surgeon says.
All of this is bullshit!
Dr Murray trying to strike a plea deal, states that they police raids have linked telephone conversations between Kline and Murray. Murray said Kline showed him how to use propafol...kline denies what Murray says.

we need to have links people, we can't go by what you see on tv??? Please don't post if you don't have proof to back-up your claim.!
@mjalwaysonmymind I couldn't find a link to the show from last night but I do think they are rebroadcasting it again today at 7 PST/10 EST on fox news.. but i could be wrong.
This is the only thing that I found about Murray in recent news (last hour)
Murray has now responded to the reports, admitting the singer was suffering breathing difficulties half an hour before he called in other medics - and blasting claims he had his own room at Jackson's mansion.
Murray's legal aide, Miranda Sevcik, says "Doctor Murray did not have a room at Michael Jackson's house. Michael Jackson stopped breathing 30 minutes before emergency personnel were called out to his house."

legal aid? this is a lie too.
to anyone who saw the show: was it hoeflin making this claims or?
Yes, it was Dr Hoefflin. He even shows a letter he said he got from Katherine Jackson to speak on her behalf.
But this letter looks very suspicious to me. The letter looks handwritten and on a lined paper instead of a plain white sheet.