Dr Murray returning to work: Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

you can always wish he be arrested tomorrow , I think there is nothing wrong with that
I think this insane and crazy things only can happen in America. From the way they treated Michael... to be honest, America doesn't deserve Michael at all. I am so so angry. when would craziness and injustice end? This is really really disgusting!
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

Lol, does it matter? No one would be dumb enough to go to a doctor that killed someone, especially Michael Jackson.

well, apparently this is the clinic in the poor area. so they ain't paying him for his services, for the most part.
Wow I can't believe this really!!!???
It's unacceptable, this is a serious case and the medical board shouldn't let him practice until the results from the investigation come through.
Can't believe this.
I think this insane and crazy things only can happen in America. From the way they treated Michael... to be honest, America doesn't deserve Michael at all. I am so so angry. when would craziness and injustice end? This is really really disgusting!

UMMM why does it have to be about America...We do deserve Michael thats not nice!!!! :( Im actually pretty offended by that comment
I couldn't believe it when I saw it on the news :bugeyed. WHAT THE #$%^?

He's the center of a homicide investigation, this is so wrong!
i admit..i wonder if patients that are willing to see him, are doing so, because of their hate of Michael..even if their lives are on the line? doctor murray has not been proven guilty, but he's under a cloud of suspicion. anyway...it wouldn't surprise me if people saw him just to show their hatred for Michael. i know that's how much hate against MJ is out there.
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I'm going to explodeeeeeeeeee
Yes, it's true. In the USA (but also in most countries) people are innocent till proved guilty.

I feel it was not the case with MJ. He was GUILTY right from the beginning, and through the trial and even after he was officially NOT GUILTY.

It was the media and people's choice.

Now if anyone looks for help with this doctor.... no comments.

it's a weird world....
Assisted suicide anyone????, dr. Murray does it FREE!!!!!!

(its sarcasm, dont want anyone confused)
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I can't believe this!

If I had, by accident, killed a patient I would NEVER be able to work again. I would need a new job at least!

He can't be very sad if this is true!

It would take me more than 5 months to recover after an accident like that. And given the fact that it was Michael Jackson's life he took, I would think it would take much more time. Maybe 50 years!
Assisted suicide anyone????, dr. Murray does it FREE!!!!!!

I don't even know if im ready for jokes like that yet! :no:

Cause it's not a joke, it's fact!

He didn't knew what he was doing.

I thought his licence expired? Can't believe he's being allowed to practice medicine again.... he should be struck off forever after what he did.

Like who would go there now??

I don't care anymore. His life is ruined and the LAPD are gonna get his ass in the end.
I don't know how the law works in Texas, but when a person is accused or convicted of any sort of crime (let alone homocide), shouldn't there be restrictions placed on thier thier licence or don't they have to wait a certain amount of time (it can't be five months based on what he's being investagated for) before they return to thier work?!

I mean for goodnes sake...in most countries they do police checks on people before they get hired for a job and if a person has been accused or convicted of something small like shoplifting, they will not be hired.
This man has been accused and is under investagation for homocide and he is allowed to return to treating patients?

Records indicate that he admitted to administering the drug that led to the death of his patient, Michael Jackson.
Just trying to wrap my head around this.

Two words come to mind...HIGHLY UNETHICAL.
This makes me so damn sick and angry about him returning to work. After he had killed the most beloved person in the entire world. I wish I was living near where he lives. Cause I would love to get my hands on that murderer. You know it just reminds me of the doctor and the nurses that killed my grandmother almost 9 years ago. I know her last doctor did something to her that cause her death. Because my grandmother was doing really well in the hospital. But 12 days later she was dead. Which is why I am so damn angry about Dr. Death. Because he is just like my grandmother's last doctor. 2 doctors that don't care about their patients well being. They should be behind bars now not still practicing medicine. To end up killing another person's loved one.
I just don't understand it...how is it possible that he is still allowed to practice medicine.. this guy is a homicide suspect who has a patient that died while he was under medical care from this guy. They could at least have taken his medical licence from him.
And if he wants money that bad he can always try to work in a factory or something..

Or he could sell his car or his house...
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

Lol, does it matter? No one would be dumb enough to go to a doctor that killed someone, especially Michael Jackson.

You would be highly surprised.