Dr Murray returning to work: Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

I don't know whether the complaint calls had any effect but look the latest news from TMZ.

Conrad Murray Under Investigation in TX
Posted Nov 23rd 2009 12:42PM by TMZ Staff

Dr. Conrad Murray's Houston, TX patients may be interested .... the Texas Medical Board is investigating the good doc.

DEA sources tell TMZ its investigation into Dr. Murray's prescribing practices in connection with Michael Jackson is still active. When the DEA investigates a TX doctor ... the DEA contacts the Texas Medical Board and that routinely triggers a Texas Medical Board investigation.

And law enforcement sources tell us the Texas Medical Board has been working with the DEA on the Conrad Murray probe.

Dr. Murray's rep could not be reached for comment.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0Xi4q4CCG
“He had been hiding in his home in Las Vegas, but he needs to earn a living,” said Chernoff of the Houston firm of Stradley, Chernoff & Alford. “He's under siege from creditors, has enormous legal fees and doesn't know whether he'll be able to support his family.”

hmm well don't that seem like good punishment? Michael cant really support his family anymore can he? Sure they get money from his estate but what happens when that runs out? (i know) i just feel that Dr. Death needs to stop practicing because he has killed 2 people in the past and one was a mega music supernova. he doesn't deserve to earn a living.
someone want to explain to me how a doctor being investigated for homicide doesnt have his licence suspended while the investigation is going on? how stupid can they get. and i presume murray will have a BG with him when he sees patients one on one! i guess this goes with the P.R stunt of crying in church. never heard of that one b4 *yawn*
someone want to explain to me how a doctor being investigated for homicide doesnt have his licence suspended while the investigation is going on? how stupid can they get. and i presume murray will have a BG with him when he sees patients one on one! i guess this goes with the P.R stunt of crying in church. never heard of that one b4 *yawn*
Murray asked folks to pray for him and I too pray for him.. for him to rot in hell asap to be precise.
Murray asked folks to pray for him and I too pray for him.. for him to rot in hell asap to be precise.

I understand your anger but we need to be careful with comments like this. Journos browse this site and they'll use comments like this to fuel their 'aren't MJ fans nuts' agenda. The Daily Mail referenced a post from here saying about Evan Chandler 'rotting in hell' and they really painted us all in a negative light.
what? he killed someone, and now he is allowed to do this job again?
where is justice???
I understand your anger but we need to be careful with comments like this. Journos browse this site and they'll use comments like this to fuel their 'aren't MJ fans nuts' agenda. The Daily Mail referenced a post from here saying about Evan Chandler 'rotting in hell' and they really painted us all in a negative light.

Thanks, can we please all remember this?
I understand your anger but we need to be careful with comments like this. Journos browse this site and they'll use comments like this to fuel their 'aren't MJ fans nuts' agenda. The Daily Mail referenced a post from here saying about Evan Chandler 'rotting in hell' and they really painted us all in a negative light.

Thanks. It's really, really important to take the high-road on this. Sure, people are angry and have every right to be. But, this is a VERY public board.

The Legacy Project seems like an excellent avenue to pursue, and very positive. Seems like this thread is upsetting a lot of people, so instead maybe see where you can volunteer for good works, to honor Michael? Just a thought. . .
I understand your anger but we need to be careful with comments like this. Journos browse this site and they'll use comments like this to fuel their 'aren't MJ fans nuts' agenda. The Daily Mail referenced a post from here saying about Evan Chandler 'rotting in hell' and they really painted us all in a negative light.

Agreed. :yes: Diane Dimond regularly browses these forums aswell, she's even been caught out before and we know how she can twist things.
like they need an excuse lol they make us out as crazies regardless
some person who he killed during an operation a few years back. messed up and she bled to death
dont think so no. the family came out after june 25th. they didint sue as they had no money.but he messed up a tie on an artary or something and she bled to death after the op
I understand your anger but we need to be careful with comments like this. Journos browse this site and they'll use comments like this to fuel their 'aren't MJ fans nuts' agenda. The Daily Mail referenced a post from here saying about Evan Chandler 'rotting in hell' and they really painted us all in a negative light.
Well, to the Media and Journos who are browsing this site:

WHERE's your outrage over this travesty?! Are you going to give sympathy to a 'doctor' whose outrageous actions caused the death of a patient, causing a family to lose a son, brother and father? Are you going to blame the victim, simply because it happens to be Michael Jackson---your favorite whipping boy? The man who you spent your careers dehumanizing every chance you got?

Would you sympathize with this 'doctor' IF his actions killed, Paul McCartney, John Travolta, or any other celebrity that you deem 'more worthy' of your 'respect'?
It's malpractice and negligence. So WHY is he still in medicine exactly?
someone should ring up whoever it is thats needs ringing and ask if its normal for a doc under investigation for the homicide of a patient to not have his licence suspended.cover up all the way
Well, to the Media and Journos who are browsing this site:

WHERE's your outrage over this travesty?! Are you going to give sympathy to a 'doctor' whose outrageous actions caused the death of a patient, causing a family to lose a son, brother and father? Are you going to blame the victim, simply because it happens to be Michael Jackson---your favorite whipping boy? The man who you spent your careers dehumanizing every chance you got?

Would you sympathize with this 'doctor' IF his actions killed, Paul McCartney, John Travolta, or any other celebrity that you deem 'more worthy' of your 'respect'?

You know i agree with that i really do.....

What if it was YOU who this happened to? Would you show the same disregard? Would you be this way? No you wouldn't you would want justice for the doctors actions. You would want him to pay for killing your family member. To think the media could have had a hand in this.

Caring about others is something the media just simply can not do. it would show they had a heart and that would put a damper on their reputation. "Respect is not givin it's earned" In the words of the forever living Michael Jackson.

The media has yet to earn his respect and now they never will. And i know that the media feels deeply saddend by that. Not gaining the respect from a man they belittle on a daily bases... must be hard to live.

The media respects no one. The only reason they are showing any sympathy towards Dr.Death is because he is a doctor. Someone who is supposed to be well respected in his practice. Someone who can save a life if he wanted to. On June 25th 2009 he did not want to. he may have acted as if he did. To him Michael was nothing more then an employer, not a friend.
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

Lol, does it matter? No one would be dumb enough to go to a doctor that killed someone, especially Michael Jackson.

Yes, they would! In fact, several of his patients in Texas, Arizona and California have stood by and defended him. He may have been a decent physician when it came to their care. However, that doesn't mean he wasn't negligent in his care of Michael Jackson. He murdered his patient and tried to cover up the fact. For several days he hid from authorities. I agree that this man no longer deserves to hold a license at all! But as long as he has not been charged with a crime, he cannot be prevented from practicing medicine. It's sickening, yes! I don't think he'll be around for long.
I'm in Houston and watching the news right now. Are these people serious!?!?! They are saying he's innocent, he would never do such a thing...HELLLLO!!!! He admitted!!! Oh and then, at the 5 o'clock broadcast someone says if Murray were white it wouldn't be such a big deal. I'm so sick and tired of people bringing up the race card, last time I checked both Murray and Michael are both black! Arch, so if anyone else in Houston doesn't want to get mad, then don't watch Ch.13 news
when is the next shuttle flight to the International Space Station....?

I need to hold out some where far away from this insane planet earth.

let me contact NASA and see if they will let me hitch a ride with them? I'll work without pay, if only they will take me away and bring me back 1 year later.
Please, please someone tell me... where are the Michael fans in Houston? Why does the media have all pics of his reverend and what not welcoming him back to his office? WHY are no Michael fans???
I'm in Houston and watching the news right now. Are these people serious!?!?! They are saying he's innocent, he would never do such a thing...HELLLLO!!!! He admitted!!! Oh and then, at the 5 o'clock broadcast someone says if Murray were white it wouldn't be such a big deal. I'm so sick and tired of people bringing up the race card, last time I checked both Murray and Michael are both black! Arch, so if anyone else in Houston doesn't want to get mad, then don't watch Ch.13 news
Let's put another spin to it: If Murray killed a white celebrity, the media would be calling for his head on a platter. Hypocrites!!
Let's put another spin to it: If Murray killed a white celebrity, the media would be calling for his head on a platter. Hypocrites!!

Please don't turn this into a race thing. Michael was an artist who broke the race barrier.

Don't undo all of his good work.