Dr Murray returning to work: Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

I don't know whether the complaint calls had any effect but look the latest news from TMZ.

Conrad Murray Under Investigation in TX
Posted Nov 23rd 2009 12:42PM by TMZ Staff

Dr. Conrad Murray's Houston, TX patients may be interested .... the Texas Medical Board is investigating the good doc.

DEA sources tell TMZ its investigation into Dr. Murray's prescribing practices in connection with Michael Jackson is still active. When the DEA investigates a TX doctor ... the DEA contacts the Texas Medical Board and that routinely triggers a Texas Medical Board investigation.

And law enforcement sources tell us the Texas Medical Board has been working with the DEA on the Conrad Murray probe.

Dr. Murray's rep could not be reached for comment.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0Xi4q4CCG

This is the kind of news I like to read about Conrad Murray.
Please don't turn this into a race thing. Michael was an artist who broke the race barrier.

Don't undo all of his good work.

Sadly it's the truth though :( I don't like to spin this into a race thread, but it is what it is and ignoring this won't change it.. now would it?
I don't know whether the complaint calls had any effect but look the latest news from TMZ.

Conrad Murray Under Investigation in TX
Posted Nov 23rd 2009 12:42PM by TMZ Staff

Dr. Conrad Murray's Houston, TX patients may be interested .... the Texas Medical Board is investigating the good doc.

DEA sources tell TMZ its investigation into Dr. Murray's prescribing practices in connection with Michael Jackson is still active. When the DEA investigates a TX doctor ... the DEA contacts the Texas Medical Board and that routinely triggers a Texas Medical Board investigation.

And law enforcement sources tell us the Texas Medical Board has been working with the DEA on the Conrad Murray probe.

Dr. Murray's rep could not be reached for comment.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0Xi4q4CCG

Thank the Lord. Phone calls,tweeting, and emails are indeed not a waste of time. I pray they take his license away.

I am also disgusted by this statement from Murray spokes person. Obviously they are now throwing dagger at MJ by using this tacky old tabloid smear reference. Its more than obvious Murray is gonna play hard ball and his defense team is gonna drag the memory of Micheal through the mud. This needs to be addressed stat.

"The doctor was welcomed back by his mostly elderly patients in an underserved community of Houston. Besides "one ***** with a sign," as Murray's attorney spokeswoman, Miranda Sevick, put it, the day was uneventful. Sevick said he saw seven patients."

source http://www.abcnews.go.com/Entertain...el-jackson-doc-conrad-murray/story?id=9157691 Please go to link to read the actual disgusting word since thank god mjjc is classy and it is a banned word here and make a comment.
Sadly it's the truth though :( I don't like to spin this into a race thread, but it is what it is and ignoring this won't change it.. now would it?

Actually it's not a race thing. It's so funny, bordering on ridiculous to assume there is a racial divide when it comes to Michael. Just because you have a few blacks that support Murray doesn't mean all blacks(or even a majority) support Murray. You can go to some black message boards and read their reaction to Murray returning to work and trying to garner sympathy at a church. There are not many who are supporting him

It's offensive and disappointing to see some of you all reaching that conclusion.
Hm, I'm still not sure if you can think of him as Dr. Murdray or not.

BTW, his message on youtube reminded me of the one Michael made in 1993 when the allegations came up... not to say it shows his innocence, but it does show a strange similarity IYAM... did Dr. M. do that on purpose?
They are at a black church. Chances are there will be all black people at a black church. Those people are not representative of all black people.
I know, I don't mean it in this sense, "they are black people" I mean it shocks THAT they are black people and cheering to this man. I hope you understand what I mean?
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I know, I don't mean it in this sense, "they are black people" I mean it shocks THAT they are black people and cheering to this man. I hope you understand what I mean?

I understand now. I apologize for jumping to the wrong conclusion. I've just become sensitive to this issue because of things I read in this thread.

My apologies.
is it normal for a doc been investigated for homicide in the usa to not have his licence suspended? is this normal or is it one rule for mj one for everyone else. id like someone to ask the medical board this question as in any other country you would be suspended straight away. so in a lawsuit happy country u would expect the medical board to protect itself straight away and suspend the doctor invovled
“He felt he owed it to his Acres Homes patients to resume his practice,” Chernoff said. “Acres Homes has the highest rate of heart disease in the city and its people have really stood by him.”
how heartbreaking, I need a handkerchief.
But YES they do, they stand by him.

Watch the video:


Jackson's Doctor Returns To Houston
Murray Was With Michael Jackson When He Died

POSTED: Monday, November 23, 2009
UPDATED: 4:57 pm CST November 23, 2009
HOUSTON -- The doctor at the center of Michael Jackson's death investigation is back in Houston and seeing patients, KPRC Local 2 reported Monday.

Dr. Conrad Murray arrived at the Armstrong Medical Clinic in the Acres Homes area at about 11 a.m. with security and a public relations representative by his side.

He was greeted by a couple of patients and the pastor of his church. He did not speak with reporters before entering the clinic, but a spokeswoman for his attorney said Murray was looking forward to getting back to work and seeing patients.

On Sunday, Murray spoke to members of the Galilee Missionary Baptist Church.

"I, with my compassion, was only trying to help my fellow man, but it appears I was at the wrong place at the wrong time," said Murray. "I am back to serve. It isn't easy for me. Mentally, it's tough."

Murray, 56, was expected to start seeing patients immediately.

"Because of a deteriorating financial condition and prompting by many of his beloved patients, on Nov. 20, 2009, Dr. Conrad Murray resumed his cardiology practice in Houston, Texas," Murray's attorney, Ed Chernoff, wrote in a statement. "Dr. Murray plans to attend to patients in both Las Vegas and Houston. His decision to first return to practice in Houston was made because of the greater need these low-income patients have for his services and the prohibitive cost of reopening his clinic in Las Vegas."

Patients outside the clinic praised Murray's work as a physician and called him a community role model.

"He's a good doctor, he's a kind man," said Ransom Craddock, 81. "We all in this community welcome him back. We need him in this community."

"We're glad that he's back in Acres Homes because this is his home," said Rev. Floyd Williams Sr.

"He could have chosen anywhere else, but instead, he came back to Houston. Right now, he's in Houston. We welcome him with open arms," patient Ruby Mosley said.

"He's more or less an icon -- someone who could be emulated. He's coming to our community to give us service when we know very well he could have gone other places and done very well," patient Charles Ingram said.

Murray was at Jackson's bedside when the singer died on June 25. Murray, a cardiologist licensed in Nevada, Texas and California, was hired to be Jackson's personal physician during a world tour.

Chernoff said Murray has not been able to earn a living since Jackson's death.

"His legal fees are enormous and his debts have mounted to the point where it is unclear whether he will be able to keep his house or support his family," Chernoff said. "His intentions are to attend to these patients who have continued to support him, despite the attention and despite the threats."

"I have been reduced to the most severe level of income in everything that I have ever encountered," Murray said on Sunday.

Authorities searched Murray's Houston clinic and a rented storage unit on July 22 and conducted searches later at Murray's home and office in Las Vegas, at properties in Los Angeles and at a Las Vegas pharmacy where police say Murray bought five 100-milliliter bottles of propofol.

Chernoff said Murray has been followed and threatened since Jackson died and felt he had to close his Las Vegas office because patients were being harassed as they came and went. Chernoff said Murray will eventually reopen that office.

After a five-month-long investigation into Jackson's death, Los Angeles police have not filed any charges. Murray has not been charged with a crime.

these paitents prob have no choice who treats them. i doubt they have health cover. and they fancy getting on the news and in the papers so go turn up there. heck they were prob offered a free check up if they turned up. P.R stunt thats all it is. just aswell any trial wont happen there. not that i expect justice to be done anyway
Actually it's not a race thing. It's so funny, bordering on ridiculous to assume there is a racial divide when it comes to Michael. Just because you have a few blacks that support Murray doesn't mean all blacks(or even a majority) support Murray. You can go to some black message boards and read their reaction to Murray returning to work and trying to garner sympathy at a church. There are not many who are supporting him

It's offensive and disappointing to see some of you all reaching that conclusion.
I didnt mean that all black folks are supporting Murray, this is a black on black crime it makes no sense for black people to support Murray bc Michael is black too. What I was referring to is the media, had it been a white celeb and not Michael Jackson they would have lapidated him already. period.
I didnt mean that all black folks are supporting Murray, this is a black on black crime it makes no sense for black people to support Murray bc Michael is black too. What I was referring to is the media, had it been a white celeb and not Michael Jackson they would have lapidated him already. period.

I tend to agree with this. I know it doesnt apply for all cases but I see it a lot.
I didnt mean that all black folks are supporting Murray, this is a black on black crime it makes no sense for black people to support Murray bc Michael is black too. What I was referring to is the media, had it been a white celeb and not Michael Jackson they would have lapidated him already. period.

I don't even see it as black on black crime. Michael has transcended race. I believe if he were anyone else besides Michael there be more action by the police.

I believe the media and LAPD have personal issues against Michael. I wondering how they can fairly prosecute this case when they've spent decades trying to destroy him. How hard are they really working?

I don't think race is a consideration in this case.
I don't even see it as black on black crime. Michael has transcended race. I believe if he were anyone else besides Michael there be more action by the police.

I believe the media and LAPD have personal issues against Michael. I wondering how they can fairly prosecute this case when they've spent decades trying to destroy him. How hard are they really working?

I don't think race is a consideration in this case.

If the LAPD likes Michael or not is a moot point. A crime has been committed and someone is dead. They are obligated by law to investigate. It does not matter if a person is well liked or not. They punished prisoners in jail who kill one another, even on death row. So, this had nothing to do about being likable.

Also, the LAPD knows perfectly well if they mess up they will most likely have another LA riot on their hands, not to mention the other cities that people may act up in. It would make what happen to Rodney King look nice in comparison. Not to mention the international embarrassment that would bring. Despite popular belief, Americans do care about that kind of stuff.

They are taking their time like they should so when the arrest is made people cannot cry foul and Murray would have no legs to stand on. He barely has legs now.

Also, I think this whole tainted jury by the media is a bit on the paranoid side. People said the exact same thing in the two years before Michael's 2005 trail and we know how that ended. You have to give people some credit and not just assume everyone is stupid or out to get Michael except for the fans.

In any case, I said my peace and until Murray is arrest, I will say no more on this subject.
If the LAPD likes Michael or not is a moot point. A crime has been committed and someone is dead. They are obligated by law to investigate. It does not matter if a person is well liked or not. They punished prisoners in jail who kill one another, even on death row. So, this had nothing to do about being likable.

Also, the LAPD knows perfectly well if they mess up they will most likely have another LA riot on their hands, not to mention the other cities that people may act up in. It would make what happen to Rodney King look nice in comparison. Not to mention the international embarrassment that would bring. Despite popular belief, Americans do care about that kind of stuff.

They are taking their time like they should so when the arrest is made people cannot cry foul and Murray would have no legs to stand on. He barely has legs now.

Also, I think this whole tainted jury by the media is a bit on the paranoid side. People said the exact same thing in the two years before Michael's 2005 trail and we know how that ended. You have to give people some credit and not just assume everyone is stupid or out to get Michael except for the fans.

In any case, I said my peace and until Murray is arrest, I will say no more on this subject.

In an ideal world it's a moot point. My perspective on the LAPD is different. I never said anything about a tainted jury.
In an ideal world it's a moot point. My perspective on the LAPD is different. I never said anything about a tainted jury.

We can throw our ideals around indefinitely, but until something happen neither of us are right.

I do not have warm feelings for the LAPD, but this is, quite frankly, too big for them to fu** up. This is not a south central shooting or some random act of violence. One of the most famous people in the world just died and the eyes of the world are looking at them.

If things happen the way you for see, you can call me wrong and naive to your heart's content and I will fully admit I was wrong.

Also, I was not specially taking about you when I was taking about tainting juries. I was addressing other issues that were raise on these boards, but I was too lazy to look for quotes. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
We can throw our ideals around indefinitely, but until something happen neither of us are right.

I do not have warm feelings for the LAPD, but this is, quite frankly, too big for them to fu** up. This is not a south central shooting or some random act of violence. One of the most famous people in the world just died and the eyes of the world are looking at them.

If things happen the way you for see, you can call me wrong and naive to your heart's content and I will fully admit I was wrong.

Also, I was not specially taking about you when I was taking about tainting juries. I was addressing other issues that were raise on these boards, but I was too lazy to look for quotes. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

No problem regarding the misunderstanding. It's a frequent occurance on message boards. No offense taken.

I do agree that all we are doing is speculating. That's all we have to go on because we don't know what's going to happen. You have your opinion and I have mine. I want justice to be done and I want Michael's name cleared of all the media lies but I wouldn't be shocked if it doesn't happen.

I would never call you naive. You probably are not as disenchanted as I am.
Recently, we've learn that Conrad Murray is going back to work. I would like you, all MJ's fan, friends and family, to prevent this, all you have to do is to sign this petition and to send it everywhere on the net, any website about MJ, on facebook, anywhere where you think you can find signatures for this. If we have enough, we'll send it to the family or to an official source which can spread our message, and prevent the Doctor who took Michael away from us, to go back to work and to kill other people.

Think about these people who are going to be treated by this horrible man, and help us to stop him before he makes any other victim !

Spread the petition, anywhere, but spread it to have a lot of signatures ! Thanks to all of you.
