Dr Murray returning to work: Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents


Dr. Conrad Murray is re-opening his medical practice in Houston on Monday and Katherine Jackson's attorney issued an angry statement to RadarOnline.com, saying the doc belongs in a courtroom, not an exam room.

"I am shocked and outraged and hope the Los Angeles District Attorney will prosecute Dr. Murray and prevent him from seeing any patient ever again," attorney Adam Streisand told RadarOnline.com. Streisand is one of Katherine's lawyers.

VIDEO: Dr. Murray's Emotional Day In Church

Dr. Murray is still under investigation in the death of Michael Jackson and multiple sources have confirmed he gave the singer Propofol, a powerful anesthetic not meant for use outside of a hospital.

PHOTOS: Inside Michael Jackson's House

RadarOnline.com was first to report on Sunday that Dr. Murray made an emotional plea to his church's congregation, asking them to pray for him.

Dr. Murray walked up to the pulpit at Houston's Galilee Missionary Baptist Church on Sunday morning and asked for their support.

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson's Kids Have A Day Out

Miranda Sezcik, spokesperson for Murray's attorney Edward Chernoff, told RadarOnline.com: "There wasn't a dry eye in the church."
At least Katherine cares about getting justice.. if not the other 8 siblings and the father.
I think this SOB has a Motive.He says that he wasn't paid by Michael. I heard this this morning on the News. He's a lying A-hole and if there is a checkstub or something on the web showing from a bank that Michael did pay him for how many months he's been with him. He's Gone. He's Done. He is like daring the Police to arrest him and He's laughin.When I heard this on the news about him saying Michael didn't pay him ,I was furious.Bad enough he has the gaul to return to work knowing People won't come to someone who has Killed the Greatest Entertainer of all time from Fans and A father to his kids and A Brother to siblings and a Loving Son, An Uncle, A Cousin and a good Man and good Friend to people. What are Law people waiting for ? This man is a murderer and he is taunting The Cops and The Jackson family. He had the nerve to go on You Tube to express his side of the Story.The truth will prevail alright and At the time he did it, He's not telling the whole truth. Like someone stated.There will be justice,Fan Justice or someone from the industry who hired him will take him somewhere and get rid of him . As They say, Dead man tell no tales.I think The Cops should put Murray in jail before the trial for his protection Because someone is going to get hurt since Everything is going so slowly and No one was brought to Justice. Let Murray keep popping off his mouth and lets see if he will spill more tales so he can put himself deeper in the hole.
Re: Dr Murray returning to work Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

Fox local news crew was invited inside. He has started his PR.

I hope many people in Texas will protest in front of his clinic. This is UNACCEPTABLE!!!! He admitted to giving MJ a lethal dose of Diprivan, yet he is allowed to continue his practice.

And I am ENRAGED that he is using the African-American community. He is branding the race card, but he is not very slick.

What because he is black, he thinks black people should support him. HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wait a mintue. I think people need to stop putting all blacks in the same bag. To me, Murray is black and deals with blacks and goes to a black church something he did BEFORE this mess. So it is nothing new. This has nothing to do with color. To me, this more about a man who live in this city and those are his supporter NO matter what color they are or he is. If he was white, he would have gone to a white church with white supporters who like him and still like him regardless to what he did.
Re: Dr Murray returning to work Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

Wait a mintue. I think people need to stop putting all blacks in the same bag. To me, Murray is black and deals with blacks and goes to a black church something he did BEFORE this mess. So it is nothing new. This has nothing to do with color. To me, this more about a man who live in this city and those are his supporter NO matter what color they are or he is. If he was white, he would have gone to a white church with white supporters who like him and still like him regardless to what he did.

Well, I call it how I see it.

My opinion.
I do not like the fact that he said "I was at the wrong place at the wrong time". WHAT. Murray, YOU INJECTED A MAN WITH A DRUG THAT WAS NOT SUPPOSE TO BE USED OUTSIDE OF A HOSPITAL LET ALONE USING THIS DRUG AS A SLEEP AID. Murray was in the right place, he just @#$% things up.
Re: Dr Murray returning to work Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

Well, I call it how I see it.

My opinion.
It does not matter what color he is. If he was Hispanic and dealt with hispanics in HIS CITy, then Hispanics who still like him are going to support him (that does NOT mean ALL hispanics everywhere else is supporting him).
Michael had a bit of difficulty with the black community (still today many think he changed the color of his skin because he was ashamed of his race)...

In my opinion, Murray went to the church today to ask support from the congregation because he assumes blacks will stick up for him. Blacks will support another black man who is being made the "fall" guy for a man who denied his care.

He wants them to come to his clinic, and by doing so, show the media/police/the Jacksons/ the fans whoever that he still has plenty of support.

Otherwise, why did he invite the press? Why did they leak the story tonight that he will be at his clinic? ....He wants the press there to show that he has a lot of support among the African-American community.

That is how I see it.

He didn't really have difficulty. Some did wonder about his complexion but he still had wide support in the AA community. You can see that by the reaction to his death in the AA community. You can also see how he was received at AA awards shows. Blacks know he didn't abandon his race. The video Remember The Time is evidence that he didn't abandon the AA community.

Going to one AA church is not evidence that the majority of AA community supports him.
Re: Dr Murray returning to work Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

Wait a mintue. I think people need to stop putting all blacks in the same bag. To me, Murray is black and deals with blacks and goes to a black church something he did BEFORE this mess. So it is nothing new. This has nothing to do with color. To me, this more about a man who live in this city and those are his supporter NO matter what color they are or he is. If he was white, he would have gone to a white church with white supporters who like him and still like him regardless to what he did.

Very true.
This is so sickening!! :(

Who in their right mind would see a doctor under the focus of a homocide investigation... EVEN IF his "supporters" honestly and truly believe his innocence (yeah okay whatever:doh:) surely he isn't fit mentally to practise being under such pressure from the media and the glare of rightfully angry fans. That could affect his judgement and treatment ...and he already has an ABHORRENT record when it comes to that :puke::no:

Murray needs to go away. Now. I hope many people complain about this! Him even being there shows blatant disregard for safety in my opinion.
I think we need to put some pressure on these people!!!

Place a Complaint

The Texas Medical Board provides investigative and enforcement support to the Medical Board (M.D.'s and D.O.'s), Physician Assistant Board (P.A.'s) and Acupuncture Board (L. A.C.'s).
How To Place a Complaint Against a Licensee
Does your health care practitioner give you enough understandable information? Do you feel that your time with him or her is too brief or hurried? Is the staff abrupt? While these are valid concerns, they do not necessarily mean you are seeing an uncaring or incompetent licensee. Discuss your feelings with your health care practitioner, or send your practitioner a letter expressing your disappointments. Most practitioners want their patients to be satisfied because it improves their patient relationships. And they want the patient's trust because the patient will be more likely to follow medical advice.
If you wish to complain to the Board, please do so in writing. Provide full name and practice address of practitioner. Also, provide dates and details of any incident, being as specific as possible. The Board will acknowledge receipt of your complaint. If your complaint is within the Board's jurisdiction, it will be assigned for proper study. Complainants are advised of an investigation status approximately every 90 days until final action is taken.
Some patients' complaints do not fall within the Board's jurisdiction and should be directed to the local medical or osteopathic society. Complaints against other health care providers (nurses, dentists, pharmacists) or hospitals should be forwarded to the appropriate state licensing authorities. It is very important to understand that the legislature has defined only certain events as violations. While the Board cannot investigate any complaint that is not within its jurisdiction, all complaints received are read and evaluated.​

There are several different ways you could place your complaint against a licensee.
  1. Call - Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 and follow the automated prompts to request a complaint form to be sent to you.
  2. E-mail - Submit your complaint electronically via e-mail.
  3. Form - A complaint form may be requested by calling the Complaint Hotline at 1-800-201-9353, by printing the web version, the PDF version, the MS Word version or by submitting the form electronically via e-mail. Although it is not necessary to use our form to make a written complaint, we encourage you to.
  4. Mail - Send your complaint in writing to:

Texas Medical Board
Investigations Department, MC-263
P.O. Box 2018
Austin, TX 78768-2018

Complaint Information


The Medical Board is responsible for investigating complaints and disciplining physicians and other allied health professionals who violate the law. If a doctor or other Board licensee appears to have violated the laws that apply to the practice of medicine, Board staff will investigate and charges may be filed.
Central Complaint Unit

California toll-free line: 1-800-633-2322
Phone: (916) 263-2382
TDD: (916) 263-0935
Fax: (916) 263-2435
Consumers can contact the Board's Central Complaint Unit for assistance. Staff will assist by providing information about the issues within the Board's authority. Staff will also provide information about how to file a complaint with the Board, and the types of documents that may be needed. Some consumers do not wish to disclose their identity. If that is the case, the Board may be unable to pursue the complaint unless staff can document evidence of the allegations made.
Except for special circumstances, complaints must be in writing. Complaint forms can be obtained by calling the Central Complaint Unit at either of the numbers above or by filling out the following form:

A complainant may be asked to sign a medical records release form if the Board needs to obtain medical records from a doctor, hospital or other sources to investigate a complaint. If the complaint is NOT within the Board's jurisdiction, staff will provide a referral to the appropriate agency or organization.
Complaints should be mailed to:

Medical Board of California
Central Complaint Unit
2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1200
Sacramento, CA 95815

The Board's staff will review the following types of complaints:
  • the quality of care and treatment provided by a physician (e.g., negligence)
  • violation of drug laws, misprescribing, or over prescribing
  • substance abuse by a physician
  • sexual misconduct by a physician
  • dishonesty (including filing fraudulent insurance claims)
  • practice of medicine by an unlicensed person or persons under the supervision of a physician
In addition to physicians, the staff reviews complaints about:
  • registered dispensing opticians (business registration)
  • contact lens and/or spectacle lens dispensers
  • research psychoanalysts
  • licensed midwives
Further, the Board's staff also reviews complaints about licensees in the following professions:
  • doctors of podiatric medicine
  • physician assistants
However, any disciplinary action taken against one of these licensees is decided by the licensing entity for that profession.

The Board does not regulate health plans or insurance companies. If you need information or have a problem with a health plan, contact the Department of Managed Health Care at 888-HMO-2219.
For information about or problems with an insurance company, contact the Department of Insurance at (213) 897-8921.


And such bums can decide about life and death. Oh what a wonderful world

Allow me to quote Dick Gregroy:
"Doctors make the best assassins."

"Go ask Alice, I think she will understand":
- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland, Ch. 2
"Curiouser and curiouser!"
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

I can't believe it! The world is upside down!
The sooner this man gets arrested/charged the better!

Never going to happen because he did his job and it was all planned.
Will Conrad Murray magically "commit suicide"(his retirement- to keep any secrets from comming out) at 65 like Evan Chandler living in luxury for the rest of his life.

We will see.....
This really upsets me so much, I'm lost for words. Like i'm so full of anger. We can never get michael back becuase of this stupid doctors mistake and hes out free like nothing ever happened. This isnt fair at all:(
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

Never going to happen because he did his job and it was all planned.
Will Conrad Murray magically "commit suicide"(his retirement- to keep any secrets from comming out) at 65 like Evan Chandler living in luxury for the rest of his life.

We will see.....

Alice laughed.
"There's no use trying," she said:
"one can't believe impossible things."

"I daresay you haven't had much practice,"

said the Queen.
"When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
(Through the Looking Glass,
Chapter 5)

Murray is back practicing in Houston
Michael Jackson's doctor reopens his clinic in Acres Homes
Nov. 23, 2009, 10:35AM

Nick de la Torre
Dr. Conrad Murray arrives at the Armstrong Medical Clinic to start his first day of work since Michael Jackson died on Monday at the 6800 block of W. Montgomery Road in Houston.

Share Print Share Del.icio.usDiggTwitterYahoo! BuzzFacebookStumbleUponDr. Conrad Murray, the cardiologist at the center of the investigation into Michael Jackson's death, has returned to Houston and is treating patients at an Acres Homes clinic, his lawyer said Sunday.

Attorney Edward Chernoff said Murray resumed treating patients Friday at the Armstrong Clinic, where he practiced before leaving in April to become the pop star's personal physician. Murray will continue practicing there “as long as he is needed,” Chernoff said.

“He had been hiding in his home in Las Vegas, but he needs to earn a living,” said Chernoff of the Houston firm of Stradley, Chernoff & Alford. “He's under siege from creditors, has enormous legal fees and doesn't know whether he'll be able to support his family.”

Murray, who has been the target of death threats since Jackson's death, will have his own security at the clinic.

Chernoff said Murray, who attended Antioch Missionary Baptist Church and Galilee Missionary Baptist Church Sunday, chose Houston over Las Vegas because of the tremendous support he has received in Acres Homes, where there is a need for “high-quality heart care.”

“He felt he owed it to his Acres Homes patients to resume his practice,” Chernoff said. “Acres Homes has the highest rate of heart disease in the city and its people have really stood by him.”

Chernoff added it would be “prohibitively expensive” for Murray to reopen his Las Vegas clinic, his primary practice even after he opened a clinic in Houston in 2006. He stopped treating patients in Las Vegas because they were so harassed, the lawyer said.

Murray was with Jackson the morning he died and admitted to investigators that he gave the 50-year-old pop singer sedatives and the powerful anesthetic drug propofol, which is supposed to be given only in a hospital by trained personnel. The toxicology report in Jackson's death, unsealed in a Houston court in August, called the mix “lethal.”

Properties raided
In July, authorities conducted a high-profile raid on the Armstrong Clinic and a nearby storage unit Murray rented. They subsequently searched his properties in Los Angeles and his Las Vegas home, office and a pharmacy, where police say he bought propofol.

Murray, a 1983 graduate of Texas Southern University who is not board certified, is still licensed to practice in Texas. A decision on whether the Los Angeles Police Department will prosecute him in Jackson's death won't be made until 2010, according to recent reports.

Murray saw 16 patients at the Armstrong Clinic on Friday, earlier than expected because so many patients requested appointments after learning of his return, said Chernoff.

He plans to see six or seven today, less than his usual number because of the anticipated public attention.

Murray abruptly left the Acres Homes clinic last spring to take a $150,000-a-month job as Jackson's physician, before and during a planned series of concerts in London. Jackson died June 25, before the concerts, with Murray at his bedside administering drugs to help him sleep.

Chernoff said Murray was never paid for his work with Jackson.

Murray was in the news last week when a family court in Las Vegas announced that under an agreement he was forgiven more than $15,000 in unpaid child support. He paid $700 in borrowed cash and agreed to make monthly payments of $1,003 to a California woman and their 11-year-old son. He could have faced jail time after skipping a hearing in the case, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported Tuesday.

Murray's wife and their two children will remain in Las Vegas while he practices in Houston, said Chernoff.

Chernoff added that Murray hopes to eventually reopen his Las Vegas clinic, at which time he would juggle the two practices.


What an outrage Dr. Murray is treating anyone! How can this injustice happen? Dr. Murray needs to be locked up! :bugeyed
What the Hell ??????? No way really this is not a joke ? I cant believe it as I always said this man will never go to JAIL .
He's not going to be able to afford the security needed to keep him safe.
So he has a wife and two kids? What about the two girlfriends and the other kid/s?
Conrad Murray has
1. a Current Wife

2. a Current Mistress with child
3. an Ex-Girl Friend with children
In all Conrad Murray has 7 children.

By definition Conrad Murray is an "asshole".