Dr Murray returning to work: Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

Michael had a bit of difficulty with the black community (still today many think he changed the color of his skin because he was ashamed of his race)...

In my opinion, Murray went to the church today to ask support from the congregation because he assumes blacks will stick up for him. Blacks will support another black man who is being made the "fall" guy for a man who denied his care.

He wants them to come to his clinic, and by doing so, show the media/police/the Jacksons/ the fans whoever that he still has plenty of support.

Otherwise, why did he invite the press? Why did they leak the story tonight that he will be at his clinic? ....He wants the press there to show that he has a lot of support among the African-American community.

That is how I see it.

I see it similarly, only more involved and not so much involving the race card as I see it as Public Relations. He has not really been around or interviewed so we only know a very little bit about his personality. I believe that he is going to show himself to be an upstanding doctor who loved his patients. He is going to show that he works hard to service the poor community.

If all of you are right and feel these people read the forums, chat boards, blogs and things of that nature, I am sure they did their research and realize that in order for his image to improve, he needs to be out there improving it.

For all of you who are angry about this, please remember that its only a matter of time before he is arrested.
Wait, it doesn't mean that the District Attorney in LA has decided not to press charges against him right? I mean the article says that no charges were brought against him but not that no charges will be brought and that is a major difference. I'm asking because some websites in my country are translating this to mean that no charges will be brought.
Uh oh...more dead people at the hands of Dr. Murray!!!
Wait, it doesn't mean that the District Attorney in LA has decided not to press charges against him right? I mean the article says that no charges were brought against him but not that no charges will be brought and that is a major difference. I'm asking because some websites in my country are translating this to mean that no charges will be brought.

Not YET, is what I got from it. I could be wrong, but I hope I'm not.
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

he needs money to pay for the strippers . you gotta show some understandings guys , the man has needs after all .



:clapping: - bravo comment!
That's what I got too. I hope that is the case. :unsure:

If Los Angeles PD hasn't closed the case yet - then there is still hope before I drive out to LA and camp out the DA's office demanding for justice like Cindy Sheehan did to George W. Bush outside his ranch in Crawford, Texas.
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

What surprises me is that it has been 'announced' by anyone.

I can understand going to his office to straighten out his business and things like that. Up to now they have not revoked his license to practice medicine. Until that happens, he technically is allowed to continue to work until his arrest.

I hope the two employees he told to get rid of certain Propofol evidence aren't working there anymore - or they tell all to the police.
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

Oh, gawd. That means he staying here in Houston.

I live in Houston..... :(

I don't want him in my town!!!

Oh well, he's going to be arrested soon.

PROTEST outside the clinic!!! OMG - you can be our voice of millions of people just standing outside - please consider it!
I really hope that the African American community realizes that Dr. Murray killed in cold blooded negligence - the most prolific and most influential African-American since Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

I hope so. The news came in late, but I have a lot of folks will hear about it and be enraged enough to protest.

For sure there is going to be a lot of media out there....And I think the reason he went to the African-American church today and asked for their support is so some people (new patients) will show up at his clinic tomorrow and send the message that he has plenty of support.

He is playing the race card. Jackass. He has shown ABSOLUTELY no remorse over what happened.
It just to show what kind of ppl the police are..grrr
I think he just want the fans to show up and protest so he can present an evidence to the judge in his child support case he can't work , so he should not be expected to provide anything to his kids and their baby mamas .
If Los Angeles PD hasn't closed the case yet - then there is still hope before I drive out to LA and camp out the DA's office demanding for justice like Cindy Sheehan did to George W. Bush outside his ranch in Crawford, Texas.

if they close the case I'm going to have a nervous breakdown.
Re: Dr Murray returning to work Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

I completely agree.

We all want justice for Michael. For his family, friends and fans.

But while I do support PEACEFUL protests, if that is what one choose to do.

But lets not do anything that the media would use to further attack Michael in a negative way based on OUR ACTIONS.:agree:

Justice will be served on this earth or in the next.

Thank you. Hopefully, on THIS earth? Peaceful "resistance" has been proven to WORK. Let's take the high-road, for Michael, but never, EVER, give up.

Re: Dr Murray returning to work Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

Thank you. Hopefully, on THIS earth? Peaceful "resistance" has been proven to WORK. Let's take the high-road, for Michael, but never, EVER, give up.


Agree - organized non-violent protests work.

We can DO THIS.
Re: Dr Murray returning to work Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

Agree - organized non-violent protests work.

We can DO THIS.

Thank you. Yes, we CAN. Violence in words or actions only perpetuates more violence. The chain must be broken. That does not mean weakness, at ALL. It means persistence, and never giving up.
the protests are not going to solve anything nobody listens to us nobody cares
the protests are not going to solve anything nobody listens to us nobody cares

Yes, they DO. That is why we now have integration in the schools in the U.S, and why India is no longer a British colony, and why South Africa has democracy. One, by one, by one, we DO make a difference. Never doubt the power in numbers. One, by one, by one, we DO make a difference. Anything else is giving up. . . which I totally refuse to do. . .
I would go tomorrow, but I'm a stay at home mom with a 2 year old and a 10 month old. It's cold and where his office is, is a bad area of Houston. I will be E-mailing and calling though. I'm sure our local news will be convering it all tomorrow.
Associated Press http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gvcLH28ub3AyGjplQ256FNiOT6CQD9C4SRH02

Attorney: Jackson's doctor returning to work

By KEN RITTER (AP) – 3 hours ago

LAS VEGAS — Michael Jackson's former personal physician is returning to work at his Houston clinic for the first time since before the pop singer's death, his lawyer said Sunday.

Dr. Conrad Murray is set to resume office hours Monday at his Armstrong Medical Clinic in Houston, attorney Edward Chernoff told The Associated Press.

"He has not been able to earn a living since the death of Michael Jackson," Chernoff said of his client, a 56-year-old cardiologist licensed in Nevada, California and Texas.

"His legal fees are enormous and his debts have mounted to the point where it is unclear whether he will be able to keep his house or support his family," Chernoff said from Houston. "His intentions are to attend to these patients who have continued to support him, despite the attention and despite the threats."

Chernoff said Murray visited the Armstrong clinic Friday to see 16 patients who had requested appointments. Murray last worked at the clinic in April, before suspending his regular practices in Las Vegas and Houston to take a lucrative $150,000-per-month job as Jackson's personal physician.

Chernoff said Murray was never paid for the time he worked for Jackson.

"In effect, he has had no income for seven months," the lawyer said. He noted that Murray paid $700 in borrowed cash last Monday in a Las Vegas court to avoid going to jail for nonpayment of child support due to a California woman and their 11-year-old son. The woman agreed to forgive some $15,000 Murray already owed.

Murray on Sunday attended Antioch Missionary Baptist Church and Galilee Missionary Baptist Church in Houston, thanking parishioners and friends for their support, a spokeswoman for Chernoff and Murray said.

"He said he's back," spokeswoman Miranda Sevcik said.

Murray, who lives in Las Vegas, was at Jackson's bedside when the 50-year-old pop singer died June 25. The doctor has been the focus of a Los Angeles police homicide investigation since telling investigators he administered propofol, a powerful operating room anesthetic, to Jackson to help the pop star sleep.

Authorities searched Murray's Houston clinic and a rented storage unit on July 22, and conducted searches later at Murray's home and office in Las Vegas, at properties in Los Angeles, and at a Las Vegas pharmacy where police say Murray bought five 100-milliliter bottles of propofol.

Murray has not been charged with a crime.

Chernoff said Murray has been followed and threatened since Jackson died, and felt he had to close his Las Vegas office because patients were being harassed as they came and went.

"Ultimately, he will reopen his office in Vegas," Chernoff said.
if they close the case I'm going to have a nervous breakdown.

No one said they are closing the case. They just said they won't be filing the charges until 2010. It appears they are going to do something then and are just getting everything in order first.

Remember, if the police screw up and don't have everything in order this man could walk away from this. They already said they are taking their time and making sure they have a solid case.
Incredibly ridiculous that the man's license hasnt even been taken away yet. He's a killer and should be behind bars not practicing medicine. Just b/c his victim was Michael Jackson doesnt mean he should get away with it.
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Incredibly ridiculous that the man's liscense hasnt even been taken away yet. He's a killer and should be behind bars not practicing medicine. Just b/c his victim was Michael Jackson doesnt mean he should get away with it.

I don't think thats the case at all that it is because it is MJ. These cases always take a long time when investigation is involved. If it were first degree murder then he would have been arrested straight out.

He didn't lose his license yet because they haven't brought forth the charges yet. His license is sort of a separate issue in a way. That first needs to be proven.
I don't think thats the case at all that it is because it is MJ. These cases always take a long time when investigation is involved. If it were first degree murder then he would have been arrested straight out.

He didn't lose his license yet because they haven't brought forth the charges yet. His license is sort of a separate issue in a way. That first needs to be proven.
Although you may be right, I'm just not as optimistic as you are, since a lot of point to the LAPD not being interested, and im my personal opinion its definitely has to do with MJ being the victim.
they want the world to forget about MJ...

please answer my question:
i wanna ask u how long did it take Sneddon to arrest MJ in the 2 cases?