Dr Murray returning to work: Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

Wow, what the hell.

This is wrong.
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

My first thought when I read this: how can this happen? Personally, I wouldn't let this doctor near myself or anyone I even remotely cared about...
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

I dont care for one shit if people decide to go to this doctor and choose him as their heartsurgeon, if they do they are just as stupid as him for putting their life at risk, everyone knows who Murray is and so should they know. What I care for is the system of our law and the people who are supposed to prevent him from going back to his work, taking his licence away and puttig him on trial. Where are all those people? Why arent they doing anything? What is happening?
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

WTF?????? what is going on seriously?? How can this even happen? Is what HE DONE just being ignored? IS IT?????? :angry: :angry: FFS!!!
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

I can't believe it! Gosh, no justice in this world, really. :(
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

this jerk will be walking around, keep smiling, keep living his stupid life like nothing happened... and keep working.. who's next? he need to treat his supporters only
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

He has patients they were on TV defending him! Three of them and another on the phone a few months back! One guy was a pastor like that was gonna help? *rolls eyes* He said he told Murray not to take the job for Jackson, that he didn't feel right about it. They all received the letter he wrote to his patients saying he will no longer treat them because he has been given "the opportunity of a life time" he was obviously talking about working with Michael!

This is just sad! :(
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

doesnt he fear for himself??? People can track him down easily
good question and good point.:smilerolleyes::smilerolleyes:

and like others said, who would want medical from him?:doh:
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

...I'm at a lost for words, how can the authorities allow this to happen?, Oh thats right, the authorities never cared for Michael. :doh:
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

Wow, I can see it now...

Dr Murray: "Receptionist, can you send in the first patient, please?"
Receptionist: "I would, but there aren't any!"

Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

Well, this is America, where a person is considered innocent until proven guilty. That's a possible reason for why he's still being allowed to practice. At the same token, it does make you wonder if his license is under review in that State as well as the others and whether the medical review boards came to some kind of conclusion yet.

I don't see him being in practice for very long tho. His regular clients may show up out of loyalty, and if he gets any new and eager patients, he'd better beware. He has no idea what kinds of people he may find himself in an examining room with. HA!

And I doubt he'd be able to practice in peace. We saw how Chandler had to leave his dentist practice and Debbie had to stop working for Klein. Anyone associated with MJ in a major way can't continue regular life as they choose. Between the media, protesting fans (if any show up) and the security risks, I don't see Murray being able to practice in peace for very long.

I know Christmas is coming and he needs toy money for all those kids, not to mention he's got to meet his new child support settlement agreement, but I don't see his mad dash for cash working out for very long.
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

Oh well, why am I not surprised?
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Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

This is just ridiculous... :sigh:
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

I understand that he is innocent until proven guilty, but when Michael was accused of false lies they handcuffed and arrested him and booked him up and took a mugshot of him and his lawyer had to bail him out for a ridiculous amount of money. And then there was a trial. Murray hasnt even been arrested, interrogated, booked, indicted. Why is that? Something is wrong. Im getting so frustrated its eating me up inside. Is he paying the authorities?
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

I understand that he is innocent until proven guilty, but when Michael was accused of false lies they handcuffed and arrested him and booked him up and took a mugshot of him and his lawyer had to bail him out for a ridiculous amount of money. And then there was a trial. Murray hasnt even been arrested, interrogated, booked, indicted. Why is that? Something is wrong. Im getting so frustrated its eating me up inside. Is he paying the authorities?

This is what really annoys the hell out of me to! Also just to add another point neverland was raided almost straight away and how long did it take the police to look at any of murrays properties??????

Its a F***ING joke if you ask me!
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

I really need to stop opening threads about this guy :(

This is terrible. What he did was just....oh....this just isn't right :(
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

:no: :no: :no: have to keep remembering justice WILL prevail... this is just sad though :(
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

Well, this is America, where a person is considered innocent until proven guilty. That's a possible reason for why he's still being allowed to practice. At the same token, it does make you wonder if his license is under review in that State as well as the others and whether the medical review boards came to some kind of conclusion yet.

I don't see him being in practice for very long tho. His regular clients may show up out of loyalty, and if he gets any new and eager patients, he'd better beware. He has no idea what kinds of people he may find himself in an examining room with. HA!

And I doubt he'd be able to practice in peace. We saw how Chandler had to leave his dentist practice and Debbie had to stop working for Klein. Anyone associated with MJ in a major way can't continue regular life as they choose. Between the media, protesting fans (if any show up) and the security risks, I don't see Murray being able to practice in peace for very long.

I know Christmas is coming and he needs toy money for all those kids, not to mention he's got to meet his new child support settlement agreement, but I don't see his mad dash for cash working out for very long.

I'm thinking its just to settle his affairs. There was an article about him going to church and asking for strength for what was ahead of him, so he knows whats coming. Seriously though, he owes money for child support, he is just sort of hiding out....why not be productive? I am feeling he is only going to the office to tend to his business and finish up any loose ends and maybe see only patients that were already his.

I somehow sincerely doubt he would take any chances with new patients and I have a feeling Michaels fans could create a problem there. I'm sure the police will have to go and its going to be a circus. Thats just what I think though.
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

"The 56-year-old Murray was at Jackson's bedside when the pop singer died June 25.
Since then, Murray has been the focus of a Los Angeles police homicide investigation. He hasn't been charged with a crime."

Oh Lord these two sentence have got my blood boiling. The media excusing Murray begins. What is this, was at Jackson's bedside business? Why do they not say Dr. Murray who administered the lethal dose of propofol that ultimately cause the pop King's death? Why insert he has not been charged with a crime?

OMG MJ is not going to get justice. Media is gonna slander him and make the guilty party's associated with this crime look innocent. God I am so sad now. :(

Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

Threats of any kind are against MJJC's rules.

Posts of such nature will be deleted.
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

I understand that he is innocent until proven guilty, but when Michael was accused of false lies they handcuffed and arrested him and booked him up and took a mugshot of him and his lawyer had to bail him out for a ridiculous amount of money. And then there was a trial. Murray hasnt even been arrested, interrogated, booked, indicted. Why is that? Something is wrong. Im getting so frustrated its eating me up inside. Is he paying the authorities?

No, that is when Michael was arrested. He was out on bail and allowed to walk free during his trial.
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

doesnt he fear for himself??? People can track him down easily

I know. I'm sure I read something before about him having bodyguards (not cops watching him). I don't know how he's affording it.

I don't see him being in practice for very long tho. His regular clients may show up out of loyalty, and if he gets any new and eager patients, he'd better beware. He has no idea what kinds of people he may find himself in an examining room with. HA!

And I doubt he'd be able to practice in peace. We saw how Chandler had to leave his dentist practice and Debbie had to stop working for Klein. Anyone associated with MJ in a major way can't continue regular life as they choose. Between the media, protesting fans (if any show up) and the security risks, I don't see Murray being able to practice in peace for very long.

I know Christmas is coming and he needs toy money for all those kids, not to mention he's got to meet his new child support settlement agreement, but I don't see his mad dash for cash working out for very long.

Agreed. I can see some of the major tabloid media staking out his clinic and harassing him as he's coming in and leaving. Plus all kinds of characters trying to book an appointment. He better hope somebody doesn't go nuts on him during a consulation. He must know that AEG isn't going to give him one cent and his money must be running really low.

I understand that he is innocent until proven guilty, but when Michael was accused of false lies they handcuffed and arrested him and booked him up and took a mugshot of him and his lawyer had to bail him out for a ridiculous amount of money. And then there was a trial. Murray hasnt even been arrested, interrogated, booked, indicted. Why is that? Something is wrong. Im getting so frustrated its eating me up inside. Is he paying the authorities?

Murray can't afford to pay them. These things take time. Wasn't Tom Sneddon desperately trying to find some people to claim they had been molested after 1993? I don't believe that case ever left his mind; he set up a website trying to find people to claim they had been molested and traveled overseas to find them too. The people he talked to overseas told him nothing happened. Sneddon had it out for MJ. Regarding this murder case, its possible the police are doing their best to make sure that he doesn't get away with a slap on the hand. They might be going for a higher charge and trying to build an airtight case. I know its frustrating, but remember, in a way the police had to play catch-up.
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

I'm thinking its just to settle his affairs. There was an article about him going to church and asking for strength for what was ahead of him, so he knows whats coming. Seriously though, he owes money for child support, he is just sort of hiding out....why not be productive? I am feeling he is only going to the office to tend to his business and finish up any loose ends and maybe see only patients that were already his.

I somehow sincerely doubt he would take any chances with new patients and I have a feeling Michaels fans could create a problem there. I'm sure the police will have to go and its going to be a circus. Thats just what I think though.

Of course, it's going to be a circus. And that's precisely why he won't be able to practice for long. And I don't believe ALL of his old patients will be showing up. Maybe the ones who feel keenly loyal to him. The rest would probably rather continue going where they've been going all this time (while Murray was not working) and keep themselves safe as well as avoid the circus. I don't see many heart patients willingly putting themselves in the midst of a circus atmosphere when they could go somewhere and be treated without looking over their shoulders. Heart patients need to avoid stress, so I don't foresee too many throwing themselves into a stressful situation. Whatever money he used to make at that office, he surely won't be getting that same amount now. In the end, it may not be worth it for him. Time will tell.

In any case, if the authorities in L.A. are true to their word, he's only got a month or 2 to do any "practicing". That should keep him out of jail for child support violation til he's arrested for homicide.

Yes, I'm extremely optimistic. I have no worries. He's toast! :)
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

Oh, gawd. That means he staying here in Houston.

I live in Houston..... :(

I don't want him in my town!!!

Oh well, he's going to be arrested soon.
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

oh its just not fair :cry: Im really sorry Michael.. :cry:
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

Here is the Nevada State Medical Board Toll free number is

Call - Complaint Hotline

Customer Service Phone: (512) 305-7030 (Outside Texas)
Customer Service Phone:
(800) 248-4062 (Texas only)

and follow the automated prompts to request a complaint form to be sent to you.

E-mail - Submit your complaint electronically via e-mail:



Form - A complaint form may be requested by calling the Complaint Hotline at 1-800-201-9353, by printing the web version, the PDF version, the MS Word version or by submitting the form electronically via e-mail. Although it is not necessary to use our form to make a written complaint, we encourage you to.

Mail - Send your complaint in writing to:

Texas Medical Board
Investigations Department, MC-263
P.O. Box 2018
Austin, TX 78768-2018

I just read that he went to his church today...asking for the followers to support him WTF????
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