Dr Murray returning to work: Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

Lol, does it matter? No one would be dumb enough to go to a doctor that killed someone, especially Michael Jackson.

you'd be surprised.
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

Of course, it's going to be a circus. And that's precisely why he won't be able to practice for long. And I don't believe ALL of his old patients will be showing up. Maybe the ones who feel keenly loyal to him. The rest would probably rather continue going where they've been going all this time (while Murray was not working) and keep themselves safe as well as avoid the circus. I don't see many heart patients willingly putting themselves in the midst of a circus atmosphere when they could go somewhere and be treated without looking over their shoulders. Heart patients need to avoid stress, so I don't foresee too many throwing themselves into a stressful situation. Whatever money he used to make at that office, he surely won't be getting that same amount now. In the end, it may not be worth it for him. Time will tell.

In any case, if the authorities in L.A. are true to their word, he's only got a month or 2 to do any "practicing". That should keep him out of jail for child support violation til he's arrested for homicide.

Yes, I'm extremely optimistic. I have no worries. He's toast! :)

It is my understanding that he and another man are partners in this clinic. It is in a poor neighborhood and there are many patients with no medical insurance or money to pay for their care. It was said that because of this, when the job with Michael came up he was happy to be able to make money for a while and then go back to the clinic later.

I am now thinking he is just going to settle things with his partner and get things in order. We really don't know what he is thinking but I'm sure his attorneys told him whats ahead.
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

This is going to do good and bad.. First his clientel will die out real fast, he wont get nearly as many people to want to go to him. Also because he was working for Michael Jackson he would his price expectation would be higher than a standard patient.. Now when there is a price raise with a deflating demand, that creates crucial business.. :) He wont find anyone..

However, there will be a selected few drug adicts with money, that may be giving him JUST enough to keep him a-float.. those who know he will give them what they want, when they want.. Now this could only have a negitive effect on the patient which could lead to another death. With that death it would be known public and he will lose his liscence for good.. very possibly the person that would turn to the DR. would be a rich well known person, if something happens to that person it would escalate the public knowledge of it, and destroying the DR.s rep even more so than it all ready has..

They should not let him practice, if they do, another murder will be on all their hands.. And his liscence will be revoked for GOOD..

He's had a liscence revoked before... got it back, does this.. and can continue??? that just tells us about the health field as a whole
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

WTF? lock him up already! :angry:
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

Just seen the TMZ poll do you trust him and a whopping 88% said no. To the other 12%, are you nuts!!!!!
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

This is going to do good and bad.. First his clientel will die out real fast, he wont get nearly as many people to want to go to him. Also because he was working for Michael Jackson he would his price expectation would be higher than a standard patient.. Now when there is a price raise with a deflating demand, that creates crucial business.. :) He wont find anyone..

However, there will be a selected few drug adicts with money, that may be giving him JUST enough to keep him a-float.. those who know he will give them what they want, when they want.. Now this could only have a negitive effect on the patient which could lead to another death. With that death it would be known public and he will lose his liscence for good.. very possibly the person that would turn to the DR. would be a rich well known person, if something happens to that person it would escalate the public knowledge of it, and destroying the DR.s rep even more so than it all ready has..

They should not let him practice, if they do, another murder will be on all their hands.. And his liscence will be revoked for GOOD..

He's had a liscence revoked before... got it back, does this.. and can continue??? that just tells us about the health field as a whole

He is a Cardiologist and I have a strong feeling they looked into his prescribing history already. If they found anything out of order they would have acted on it because if is the law. I am relatively sure Murray is not going to do anything wrong at all now. He is under close scrutiny.
Re: Dr Murray returning to work Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

How can the Texas State Medical Board be allowing this? This man is the target of a homicide investigation. How can someone who is under investigation for homicide because a patient died under his care be allowed to continue to practice and treat patients? This makes no sense whatsoever.
Re: Dr Murray returning to work Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

Well I've been perusing Twitter and it seems a few fans are planning to picket Murray's office on Monday morning.

If so, the fans that go, tell us how it is.

It would be so creepy to be so close to him. (chills)
Re: Dr Murray returning to work Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

Everyone, please remember that what you post here can jump scale and wind up in tabloids, or even on CNN news. Journalists read here, for sure. Peaceful demonstrations, phone calls, and emails, are ways that peaceful, yet forceful? "changes" can be achieved. (Martin Luther King's lessons?) I'm just hoping that everyone here will represent Michael well, and avoid threats of violence.
Re: Dr Murray returning to work Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

HEY! I've just read posts alluding to death threats. Look here, that is NOT necessary and against the rules of this forum. Please stop! My first and last warning on this matter.
Re: Jackson's doctor returning to work (This is unacceptable)

he has his long time patients who want him back and the man needs money to support his children, i see no problem in this .

besides that maybe Janet would like to support him financially as she supported him emotionally.Just a thought !

You mean when she said she held him responsible?

Re: Dr Murray returning to work Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

Everyone, please remember that what you post here can jump scale and wind up in tabloids, or even on CNN news. Journalists read here, for sure. Peaceful demonstrations, phone calls, and emails, are ways that peaceful, yet forceful? "changes" can be achieved. (Martin Luther King's lessons?) I'm just hoping that everyone here will represent Michael well, and avoid threats of violence.

As we found out the hard way when we found quotes from here in the Daily Mail that portrayed us in a really bad light.
Re: Dr Murray returning to work Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

Who the hell has patients they refer themselves as followers? Is this man a miracle worker or what, does he treat them multiple times and develope friendships with them? In this case he is the miracle of death because he sure killed Michael fast. No pun intended.

When I go to the hospital, have some form of operation or treatment done to me, I may send flowers to my doctor and hospital unit staff but then I leave it at that. I cant even recall their surname or where they live today. I dont go to lenghts to become a follower of him/her. Thats pretty obsessive if you ask me. What makes Murray so special?
Re: Dr Murray returning to work Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

How was a news crew able to get into a church? It looked like it was filmed from indoors.
Re: Dr Murray returning to work Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

So it's Hi-Ho off to work we go!?!?! what about the investigation...what about justice? The more I realise how crazy this world is the saner I feel every day. I don't think there is a news outlet in existence that has not posted images of this dude on their paper/tv show or talked about it on radio. But for every person that is aware of this Dr and his involvement with MJ there will be 2 others that won't know anything. As Janet said we don't want this to happen to another family!
Re: Dr Murray returning to work Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

Michael would not be happy with this news
Re: Dr Murray returning to work Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

Attorney: Jackson's doctor returning to work
By KEN RITTER (AP) – 17 minutes ago
LAS VEGAS — A lawyer for Michael Jackson's former personal physician says the doctor is returning to work at his Houston clinic.
Attorney Edward Chernoff told The Associated Press on Sunday that Dr. Conrad Murray will be at work Monday at his Armstrong Medical Clinic.
The 56-year-old Murray was at Jackson's bedside when the pop singer died June 25.
Since then, Murray has been the focus of a Los Angeles police homicide investigation. He hasn't been charged with a crime.
Chernoff says Murray has faced threats and hasn't been able to work since before police searched his Houston clinic July 22. Authorities also served warrants at Murray's home and office in Las Vegas, and properties in California.
Murray is a cardiologist licensed in Nevada, California and Texas.


How To Place a Complaint Against a Licensee

There are several different ways you could place your complaint against a licensee.

  1. Call - Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 and follow the automated prompts to request a complaint form to be sent to you.
  2. E-mail - Submit your complaint electronically via e-mail.
  3. Form - A complaint form may be requested by calling the Complaint Hotline at 1-800-201-9353, by printing the web version, the PDF version, the MS Word version or by submitting the form electronically via e-mail. Although it is not necessary to use our form to make a written complaint, we encourage you to.
  4. Mail - Send your complaint in writing to:
Texas Medical Board
Investigations Department, MC-263
P.O. Box 2018
Austin, TX 78768-2018

Thanks for posting this. I will check this out too.

So Mad! Dr. Murray..What! I am already so sad that MJ isn't here right now and should be accepting AMA's via satelitte...
Re: Dr Murray returning to work Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

How was a news crew able to get into a church? It looked like it was filmed from indoors.

Fox local news crew was invited inside. He has started his PR.

I hope many people in Texas will protest in front of his clinic. This is UNACCEPTABLE!!!! He admitted to giving MJ a lethal dose of Diprivan, yet he is allowed to continue his practice.

And I am ENRAGED that he is using the African-American community. He is branding the race card, but he is not very slick.

What because he is black, he thinks black people should support him. HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Dr Murray returning to work Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353 for Texas residents

Everyone, please remember that what you post here can jump scale and wind up in tabloids, or even on CNN news. Journalists read here, for sure. Peaceful demonstrations, phone calls, and emails, are ways that peaceful, yet forceful? "changes" can be achieved. (Martin Luther King's lessons?) I'm just hoping that everyone here will represent Michael well, and avoid threats of violence.

HEY! I've just read posts alluding to death threats. Look here, that is NOT necessary and against the rules of this forum. Please stop! My first and last warning on this matter.

I completely agree.

We all want justice for Michael. For his family, friends and fans.

But while I do support PEACEFUL protests, if that is what one choose to do.

But lets not do anything that the media would use to further attack Michael in a negative way based on OUR ACTIONS.:agree:

Justice will be served on this earth or in the next.
Do you think some people here in Texas will protest in front of his clinic?

I hope so. The news came in late, but I have a lot of folks will hear about it and be enraged enough to protest.

For sure there is going to be a lot of media out there....And I think the reason he went to the African-American church today and asked for their support is so some people (new patients) will show up at his clinic tomorrow and send the message that he has plenty of support.

He is playing the race card. Jackass. He has shown ABSOLUTELY no remorse over what happened.
I wish I lived in Texas right now to help protest :(
Anyone from that area on this forum please try your best to gather on mass! Peaceful but vocal protest people! We've got to show solidarity against such corruption!
OMG :doh: is this a joke??? This is just ridiculous everything seems so corrupt. Something’s wrong what about justice? Maybe they are going to drop a bomb soon with all the names. Who would go to this so-called cardiologist who doesn't know how to do CPR properly? I can’t believe this
Fox local news crew was invited inside. He has started his PR.

What a surprise.

We all want justice for Michael. For his family, friends and fans.

But while I do support PEACEFUL protests, if that is what one choose to do.

But lets not do anything that the media would use to further attack Michael in a negative way based on OUR ACTIONS.:agree:

Exactly. Otherwise, the media could use the opportunity to write a biased piece of trash article about "Poor Dr. Murray and his mistreatment by Jackson fanatics" like that Daily Mail article concerning Chandler. We must keep our heads.
For sure there is going to be a lot of media out there....And I think the reason he went to the African-American church today and asked for their support is so some people (new patients) will show up at his clinic tomorrow and send the message that he has plenty of support.

He is playing the race card. Jackass. He has shown ABSOLUTELY no remorse over what happened.

I'm confused as to what you mean as to how he is playing the race card.
wow he must be crazy! Michael has some fanatical fans out there, i won't be surprised if one of them just shows up and does something...
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I'm confused as to what you mean as to how he is playing the race card.

Michael had a bit of difficulty with the black community (still today many think he changed the color of his skin because he was ashamed of his race)...

In my opinion, Murray went to the church today to ask support from the congregation because he assumes blacks will stick up for him. Blacks will support another black man who is being made the "fall" guy for a man who denied his care.

He wants them to come to his clinic, and by doing so, show the media/police/the Jacksons/ the fans whoever that he still has plenty of support.

Otherwise, why did he invite the press? Why did they leak the story tonight that he will be at his clinic? ....He wants the press there to show that he has a lot of support among the African-American community.

That is how I see it.