Dr Conrad Murray breaks his silence. (Youtube Video)

Look guys, some of you are judging this man like people judged Michael and continue to do so.

Despite the discussions in the investigative forum NONE of us know the facts of what happened because we were NOT there.

I acknowledged in my posts we don't know all of it but we do know some stuff and what we know doesn't look good....
Narcissist. That was extremely uncomfortable to watch, was this really even necessary of him to speak out on in national television? I have an uncomfortable feeling he was trying to pull ''an mj'' with the statement but I fail to feel sympathy for him.
this sounds like the devil speaking through this man. reasons are...

1) the robotic like voice
2) sounds really cheesy and fake at times
3) sounds memorized. everything is pefectly in order and he knows just when to stop, the continue.
4) I don't really see any distress in his eyes.

"You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies." —John 8:44

Right now, the media has calmed down a bit about the thing as a whole. Perfect timing for this man to portray his 'innocence' when nothing else is going on or to be expected.

"Please, don't worry." Who's worrying about him??? Who the hell is sending messages of support??
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this sounds like the devil speaking through this man. reasons are...

1) the robotic like voice
2) sounds really cheesy and fake at times
3) sounds memorized. everything is pefectly in order and he knows just when to stop, the continue.
4) I don't really see any distress in his eyes.

"Please, don't worry." Who's worrying about him??? Who the hell is sending messages of support??

Now that's an accusation.
Its like someones kid getting run down then next thing the person who drove into the kid is up there on utube thanking their family etc for support.

Whether good or bad or whatever


The only gain in this video is to persuade the public, if it were for patients and family then there are other means and HE is presuming they all watch utube - I think not!

Its self indulgent propoganda.
Sorry, but there's something very very dodgey about that guy. I just don't get a good feeling about him. Oh, and messages of support i hear??!? WHO'S doing that exactly? It's Michael that's dead, so it's Michael's family and fans that require messages of support thanks mate...
I just saw this.. i'm shocked! I didnt think he would come out with a youtube video!!!!!
watching it i was so confused like... this is a "doctor".. these are speechess like important people make... weird, very weird!!
Look guys, some of you are judging this man like people judged Michael and continue to do so.

Despite the discussions in the investigative forum NONE of us know the facts of what happened because we were NOT there.

I am not judging his past behaviour. I am judging the present, what i saw. It is very, very different. I am judging this video which to me was insulting to Michael`s family and almost the whole world that is still grieving. People judged Michael before but they did not see anything, did not have a physical evidence of anything, and i have - this video. Okay, do not speak of Michael. Just say "i am sorry for the loss". The most, most normal thing for a normal person to say.This is the man that saw Michael for a last time. He spoke to him for a last time. He was living with him. He was his patient. I know doctors must keep distant from patient`s death but does that dehumanize them, as well?! We must feel bad for Murray after seeing this? Maybe I could if he came with it earlier. If he was a good man he wouldn`t have disappeared after what happened, he would have made this video a long time ago and then maybe he would have been entitled to more compassion than now. He comes with it now when it is so likely he might face arrest. Does he think people are stupid or what?
I keep clicking this thread and each time I do I get angrier! :bugeyed
There's no excuse for what Murray has done, Im sorry I dont care what panic mode you are in, you're a cardiologist, you are supposed to handle stress on daily basis and critical situations. The things he did surrounding the day Michael died is very very very very odd. First he fails to call 911 in time, he injects Michael with sedatives... He disappears.. He dosnt want to sign the death certificat.. Murray was the last person to see Michael alive. He has not been completely truthful.

Im not gonna judge, but nor should I feel any sympathy for this man. His video is utterly distasteful and nasty. He did not once mention why he is in the situation he is currently in and he did not once mention Michael Jacksons name. Its all about him him him. Total narcissist and no regard for others feelings. If he was trying to reach out to his family, why do it on freaking youtube, just visit your damn family.

Its utterly disgusting how he tried to imitate Michaels previous tv-statements when the alligations were made torwards him. Dr Murray was obviously trying to copy him to make himself look like an innocent angel. He was not even trying to be himself, he was trying to be Michael Jackson, and Michael is dead.. He was the last person to be seen with him so the situation is just totally bizarre and awkward to even watch...

I find it disgusting. Yeah yeah yeah.. Never judge never judge... Yes, we learned by Michael we should never judge. But keep in mind this is the man who was the last person to see Michael alive and Michael is now dead. Innocent or not, this guy is responcible one way or another.

I would not be so harsh on Dr Murray, I may even have some respect torwards him if he admitted he made mistakes and errors in his practice. He wont even admit any wrongdoing so how on earth can I feel sympathy for this man? If you killed Michael by accident, just freaking admit it! The least he could have stated was that he is sorry for his patients loss and that its been a hard time for him and that he is sad about the circumstances. He does not once mention his latest patient, whom he worked very close to, even lived at. The least a doctor can say is Im sorry for your loss.
Dr. Murder Conrad is so repulsive to me I could not
even make myself click on the link. :puke:
You'd be surprised at how many dumb things somebody can do or say when they are in panic-mode. Especially when it has to do with something and somebody like MJ and his life (or death).

When you are a proffesional like he is you don't get in panic-mode imo because you've been trained with how you must act.
He's a f***in cardiologist you think this was his first cardiac arrest he had to deal with??

About his voice, I thought it would sound different too.
When you are a proffesional like he is you don't get in panic-mode imo because you've been trained with how you must act.
He's a f***in cardiologist you think this was his first cardiac arrest he had to deal with??

About his voice, I thought it would sound different too.

And...? I never said he was a brilliant "doctor", LOL. He fucked up. Period. Of course, he's gonna panic. Chillax.
This man is definitely from the Carribbean, I know because I am and one thing you learn is that you never let those doctors work on you they are not as carefull as they are in the USA.

My brother told me when this thing first happened that he heard the doctor was from my country. I really hope not, I would hate to think that someone from my country was responsible for Michael Jackson's death.

Even though I strongly believe that he did not intentionally kill MJ, I also strongly believe that it was his fault. The bottom line is that he had no right to give propofol to MJ in that setting. He could of persuaded MJ to buy the proper monitoring devices, if he was gonna do this job.

The man was negligent and it is very obvious that MONEY was his only motivation.

MJ was probably very desparate why he hired this guy.
Here's my understanding (I've been trying to keep up with all this but I was gone for a couple of days). Dr. Murray IS a GOOD doctor, he had even won awards. But the thing is he is an award winning CARDIOLOGIST (here is a link, read the 2 reviews allll the way down the others are just stupid). I have said it in the past, years ago I went to go see Dr.Klein, he was an awesome doctor who I would recommend to anyone who has a DERMATOLOGY problem. Neither are anesthesiologist. Anywho, the whole point I am trying to make is, I'm sure that Dr.Murray has supporters, some who's lives or a loved ones life has been saved by this man. Sadly, he has lack of judgment (yeah understatement). Would I trust him with my life? As a cardiologist, possibly, he's supposed to be oneof the best in the world. As in the way Michael used him as a GP, then no.
I'm trying hard not to judge the man, but when he said 'the truth will prevail' he sounded like he was emulating Michael and that made me feel angry. I have the feeling he's a well-intentioned but incompetent doctor. He should never have been administering propofol.

I have not watched the video, because I don't think I can listen to him right now, but I read the transcript someone posted.

He will probably not be able to mention anything specifically related to Michael because of legal matters.

As crazy as this may sound I feel bad for Dr. Murray. I'm sure he did everything in his will to revive MJ and I don't believe he had any bad intentions since they were friends for years. I can't even imagine being in his shoes. He's going to have to walk around with the stigma that Michael Jackson died in his arms. It's kind of like Frederick Fleet survivor of the Titanic. He was the first who sighted the iceberg but he didn't have any binoculars so he didn't see it sooner. Frederick had to live with the guilt that he survivored the Titanic while many lives perished.

Same...But IMO This Vid. Doesnt help him @ALL!!! He said "I've told the truth", and we all know which truth it is.

I Think its his own fault that he gave Him the med."Propofol", and He's doctor so he should've said NO! I dont Hate the man. I JUST HATE His actions.
i dont think he killed michael on purpose however hee did mess up at the very last and for him to put out this pity party video when 3 kids are now parentless likely because he was supid it makes me wana punch him in the face which i know isn't very adult but i think it might make me feel better knowing he felt a tiny bit of te pain we all feel
The guy did CPR on a BED... This is a cardiologist we are talking about. At least.. at least admit you did something wrong! Just admit something!
he ain't do every thing he could. he caused this situation by allowing his patient to dictate his treatment. and he didn't follow up accordingly and he was very negligent.

i need to wipe the slime off me
What is he afraid of? Is he still in hiding?

I don´t know.

You ask what he is afraid of????????

I think Dr. Murray shouldn´t be afraid at all.

I mean the people who are really guilty like the Chandlers and the Arvizos they live a normal live nothing ever happend to them and they destroyed our Mikey.

So if these evil people can live a normal live Dr. Murray can do too.

Michael has very sensitive fans they will not do something stupid otherwise the Chandlers and Arvinos would be kicked in the butt every single week but nothing ever happend to them not even a little slap in the face and they are much much worse than Dr. Murray. If someone is to blame blame these assholes!!!!!