Dr Conrad Murray breaks his silence. (Youtube Video)

He is reading autoqueue - his eyes move from left to right......

Also for effect they made him rub his eyes beforehand for that glazed upset look.
We had two alleged doctors in UK

one was called Dr Gillian McKeith (she likes to look at poo)
and the other
Dr Fox

Gillian McKeith had to drop the Doctor BECAUSE SHE WASNT


Dr Fox - well he is a DJ and obviously NOT a Doctor

So does this now mean obviously as Doctor Murray if in school now wouldnt be allowed the hamster for the weekend

THAT HE SHOULD HAVE THE BLOOMIN DOCTOR title removed from him...........
I'm not going to judge him, I'll leave that to god. I think he made mistakes-albeit stupid ones, but I don't think he ever meant this to happen. I think it was all accidental. FWIW, I think he's probably been told he's not allowed to mention Michael, hence why he didn't.

Unsure about the purpose of the video though.
This video was really pointless. I take it that he can't say too much at this point, but he would have been better off staying silent.

In our eyes as fans yes he would have, but to the general public... many will think he seems 'sad and lonely' and 'feel sorry' for him - just watch! ARGH!
What is he afraid of? Is he still in hiding? If he is then why release a youtube video? Someone told him to make a statement I am sure. He could've said that he regrets. He sounded so matter of fact..I guess that's what did not sit well with me.
it strikes me as a very michael like video

especially that chris brown confession video of him admitting the truth about rihanna. (also he's dressed in red like mike too) like when Michael confessed his drug addiction back in the 90's.

THAT was Michael like.
As crazy as this may sound I feel bad for Dr. Murray. I'm sure he did everything in his will to revive MJ.

^^ I will never feel bad for this man and I'm not so sure he did everything to protect Michael in the first place much less save him. He didn't take proper precautions based on the seriousness of the medications he was using. He was VERY negligent.

jesus christ.

notice the coward didn't utter ONE WORD of remorse or sadness?

it was ALL about him.

what an a**hole.

^^ I'm saying right...? Self centered 8!tch Murray.

I feel sorry for him, I think it was all accidental

I believe it was accidental but he made A LOT of mistakes that dont make ANY sense.

^^ Even if I'm inclined to lean more to the "accidental" side of things this is still very true.

That's the problem. I don't feel he intentionally set out to kill Michael at all, but I just don't get why he made so many stupid mistakes like waiting 30 minutes, if not more, to call 911. He also administered anesthetic drugs which is illegal to do outside of a hospital among many other mistakes. He was very negligent and he has a lot to answer for.


The thing is if I was Doctor Murray I wouldnt expect people to feel sorry for me. He has given facts about the phone etc - if that was me I would expect the people to react as they have. WE have to accept when things arent done right and take the consequence.

Forgetting the propofol situation.

He was employed to take care of a VERY important person for a VERY big wage.
When I go to a hotel with hubby we input into our phones the hotel, address and room number just in case - thats only on a one night stay TO NOT KNOW THE ADDRESS OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON YOU HAVE EVER LOOKED AFTER IN YOUR LIFE IS INCREDULOUS.

Things obviously went wrong BUT at that time to obviously be thinking about yourself and how to get yourself out of a situation by using a child to watch you try to recover the situation is DISGUSTING.

This is a self centred individual who put himself before his patient. Its his JOB and what he was getting paid a fortune to do was to PUT MICHAEL JACKSON FIRST AT ALL TIMES.

This is like hiring a professional chauffeur and getting lost all the time.
Hiring a nanny who loses the kids.
Employing a gardener who kills the plants

Undoubtedly there were things wrong BUT a doctor there was to make sure if anything happened that within miliseconds it could be dealt with.

^^ I couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks for posting this. :)
Well, you're all behave like the whole world during Michael Jackson allegations. This man may be suspect, but he's not convicted (yet?) so I'll just wait and see (like he said) let the truth will prevail.
He is reading autoqueue - his eyes move from left to right......

Also for effect they made him rub his eyes beforehand for that glazed upset look.

About his eyes... yes I was just chatting to someone else about that, how red they are - bet he was rubbing them for half hour!!
The way he said "the truth will prevail", "I love you", and mentioning God, he sounded like he was imitating Michael. He seemed like the one on drugs!

Exactly what i was thinking. To me he is trying to get compassion by making people think "Look, i am in a similar situation like Michael. Dont judge me before you have spoken to me personallly. I am innocent". And why is this coming so late? And no word of MJ?! Something like just "i am sorry for what happened but i did the best i could". It is the most normal thing to say. It is all about him. This i cannot bear. The first statement in person from him and it is all about him?

I do not know this guy, i do not judge him(yet) but i just did not like what i saw.

And the video seems to be taken in several parts. You can clearly see when one part ends and another begins.
His voice didn't surprise me at all. That phone call we heard from the security guy calling 911, at one point you could hear Murray in the background frantically saying something. I just remember thinking how high his voice was and had an accent of some sort that I couldn't identify.

As for this recorded message/video, my feelings are mixed. His life must indeed be a living hell now and will probably be so forever. All things point to him having essentially ended Michael's life through his own actions. But, irregardless of whether this video was a publicity stunt or not, it is possible that he truly is grieving, suffering, praying and asking for forgiveness in the only way he can right now. Surely he has been instructed to not address or make any statement directly r/t Michael. Anything he says will be analyzed, dissected, and most likely used in a trial.

Whether he is tried and found guilty of any crime or not, his life now is like a punishment in itself and it won't be getting better soon, if ever. I can't defend him, period. But I also cannot go to the extreme that some are. Everything in his life is and has been snowballing, the mountains of debt, 6 children that are innocently going to be affected, hatred, threats, and I'm sure those wishing him dead, etc.

Unless he was innocently caught up in a bigger conspiracy, he must now pay for what has happened through his own negligence.
He made that video for the "supporters" and he didn't even say the name Michael...It was all about him.........
It made me sick...
I am just gobsmacked by the video, by the disrespect for the family and friends of Michael Jackson, the utter disregard for the fans and the complete self indulgence that it is.

How must the family be feeling? If its not enough what they have had to go through. There is just no basic respect these days. Michael Jackson (allegedly) hasnt even been buried yet and he comes out to speak basic nothingness. As someone has said pick up the phone, write to your concerned clients - its funny all these clients and friends who love and adore him havent come out to speak up for him.

Oh but there again they will about to as those in power PERSUADE them to come forth and show their love for Doctor Murray.

Just wait for the stories of Dr Murray saving a little 3 year old girls life.
The story of Dr Murray singlehandedly landing a boeing 747 after the pilot, co-pilot and cabin crew suddenly died.......

This is obviously just the beginning......
Exactly what i was thinking. To me he is trying to get compassion by making people think "Look, i am in a similar situation like Michael. Dont judge me before you have spoken to me personallly. I am innocent". And why is this coming so late? And no word of MJ?! Something like just "i am sorry for what happened but i did the best i could". It is the most normal thing to say. It is all about him. This i cannot bear. The first statement in person from him and it is all about him?

I do not know this guy, i do not judge him(yet) but i just did not like what i saw.

And the video seems to be taken in several parts. You can clearly see when one part ends and another begins.

I agree, I can't say he is guilty 100% as we don't know ALL the details but the fact he was playing his violin and had those fake red eyes... yeah you can see where its edited - making sure he got his 'im innocent' story to sound as sad as he could for the public! YUK!
What a strange video.. I don't see the point of making this and then to put it on youtube of all places..
If anything it has made me more suspicous of him then before he released this..
Look guys, some of you are judging this man like people judged Michael and continue to do so.

Despite the discussions in the investigative forum NONE of us know the facts of what happened because we were NOT there.
WTF? Does he think he have fan? He is not superstar. Thank is fans? Only MJ haters have mailed the doctor.
Exactly what i was thinking. To me he is trying to get compassion by making people think "Look, i am in a similar situation like Michael. Dont judge me before you have spoken to me personallly. I am innocent". And why is this coming so late? And no word of MJ?! Something like just "i am sorry for what happened but i did the best i could". It is the most normal thing to say. It is all about him. This i cannot bear. The first statement in person from him and it is all about him?

I do not know this guy, i do not judge him(yet) but i just did not like what i saw.

And the video seems to be taken in several parts. You can clearly see when one part ends and another begins.

Yeah, the video seemed like it was edited.
Oh but there again they will about to as those in power PERSUADE them to come forth and show their love for Doctor Murray.

Just wait for the stories of Dr Murray saving a little 3 year old girls life.
The story of Dr Murray singlehandedly landing a boeing 747 after the pilot, co-pilot and cabin crew suddenly died.......

This is obviously just the beginning......

Yep I think those type of stories are about to be all over the press from his 'former patients' saying how lovely he is, if the public buy that they are fools! as if that was sincere people would have said it straight after - instead all I heard about was his debt and past problems so... if any 'past patients' do come out of the woodwork it is cooked up as why didn't they stick up for him already?!
about his accent.. "i dont care where he comes from.. but I know where he's going"