The thing is if I was Doctor Murray I wouldnt expect people to feel sorry for me. He has given facts about the phone etc - if that was me I would expect the people to react as they have. WE have to accept when things arent done right and take the consequence.
Forgetting the propofol situation.
He was employed to take care of a VERY important person for a VERY big wage.
When I go to a hotel with hubby we input into our phones the hotel, address and room number just in case - thats only on a one night stay TO NOT KNOW THE ADDRESS OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON YOU HAVE EVER LOOKED AFTER IN YOUR LIFE IS INCREDULOUS.
Things obviously went wrong BUT at that time to obviously be thinking about yourself and how to get yourself out of a situation by using a child to watch you try to recover the situation is DISGUSTING.
This is a self centred individual who put himself before his patient. Its his JOB and what he was getting paid a fortune to do was to PUT MICHAEL JACKSON FIRST AT ALL TIMES.
This is like hiring a professional chauffeur and getting lost all the time.
Hiring a nanny who loses the kids.
Employing a gardener who kills the plants
Undoubtedly there were things wrong BUT a doctor there was to make sure if anything happened that within miliseconds it could be dealt with.