Dr Conrad Murray breaks his silence. (Youtube Video)

Why this video, for people to think you have supporters???

Michael is dead, you are alive, so nothing you can say will make any sense to me..

I really don't get it about this video, why say such things? Cause that was all he was allowed to say, then just shut up until you have something interesting and useful to say!

This man pisses me off...poor guy, he suffers and wants his people to know he's alright.. then just phone them stupid. If you still have friends you'll be able to reach them on the phone.. or maybe YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE A PHONE LINE!!!!?????

He injected things to Michael that killed him, so I just can't watch this guy.He tried everthing after he scr*wed everthing and why did he do CPR on a bed, is that everthing he could do.I am confused...
So are you suggesting Dr. Murray intentionally let MJ die? OK, you need to understand people die everyday and I believe it was MJ's time to go! Yes, it was too soon but it happens all around the world. People die! The reason why I brought Fleet up is because he had to live with the stigma that he didn't see the iceberg sooner and that many lives perished because of that! Now Dr. Murray has to live with the stigma that he didn't perform CPR correctly and didn't do things as soon as possible to give the world most beloved entertainer a chance at life! You understand the similarities now? I don't understand why many of you are making Dr.Murray out to be the 'bad guy' :lol:

Well, I sure the hell ain't gonna give him a *doctor of the year* award or let him look after my health.
Doctors train for years.....

The whole point is in that situation they should do stuff that you or I wouldnt......

Not knowing the address, or phones not working, you would immediately run for someone in the house who knew not sit around and mess about for a while......

I think eliminating the whole propofol situation, to have a doc there who behaved as he did is incredibly scary - perhaps the British NHS isnt so bad after all..........
So are you suggesting Dr. Murray intentionally let MJ die? OK, you need to understand people die everyday and I believe it was MJ's time to go! Yes, it was too soon but it happens all around the world. People die! The reason why I brought Fleet up is because he had to live with the stigma that he didn't see the iceberg sooner and that many lives perished because of that! Now Dr. Murray has to live with the stigma that he didn't perform CPR correctly and didn't do things as soon as possible to give the world most beloved entertainer a chance at life! You understand the similarities now? I don't understand why many of you are making Dr.Murray out to be the 'bad guy' :lol:

no, he has to live with the punishment of providing AND administering a drug to a patient that he never should have.

he needs to be tried and found guilty.

he obviously knows this, and he's scared. hence the message to his "supporters", aka, family and friends.
I dont like HOW he say it...

his statement reminds me of Michael and how he had to record those statements about his innocence.. he used the same words.. "the truth will prevail/thank you to my supporters" and stuff like that...

this give me the chills... and its painful to see him
Whats up with the "I thank you", "God bless you" "the truth will prevail"... its like he's trying to imitate Michael. Ugh. Should we try and get sympathy for him???? never.

I had the exact same feeling. It's disturbing.
Is he trying to garner some sort of public support with this video? What is it's purpose?
The poster on youtube is a new user, Houstoncriminallaw. That suggests to me this was done through his law firm. I suspect it's a dual purpose - one is to what it actually says, send a message to his patients and personal friends, and the other is to try to present him as someone who cares about his patients and friends, someone who's honest, earnest, and religious.

If this was done through his law firm, every word will almost certainly have been considered very carefully.

Personally, I just think that of the few things we know to be facts, one is that through his lawyer Murray said he didn't call 911 on his cellphone because he "didn't know the address." It doesn't really matter what he says, he's never going to explain that. I suspect there's going to be a lot more he can't explain when we hear the results of the investigation as well.
So are you suggesting Dr. Murray intentionally let MJ die? OK, you need to understand people die everyday and I believe it was MJ's time to go! Yes, it was too soon but it happens all around the world. People die! The reason why I brought Fleet up is because he had to live with the stigma that he didn't see the iceberg sooner and that many lives perished because of that! Now Dr. Murray has to live with the stigma that he didn't perform CPR correctly and didn't do things as soon as possible to give the world most beloved entertainer a chance at life! You understand the similarities now? I don't understand why many of you are making Dr.Murray out to be the 'bad guy' :lol:

what Murray did is called, in legal terms, a manslaughter. you should look it up before defending Murray and before saying "it was Michael's time to go"
Why this video, for people to think you have supporters???

Michael is dead, you are alive, so nothing you can say will make any sense to me..

I really don't get it about this video, why say such things? Cause that was all he was allowed to say, then just shut up until you have something interesting and useful to say!

This man pisses me off...poor guy, he suffers and wants his people to know he's alright.. then just phone them stupid. If you still have friends you'll be able to reach them on the phone.. or maybe YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE A PHONE LINE!!!!?????


I agree
no, he has to live with the punishment of providing AND administering a drug to a patient that he never should have.

he needs to be tried and found guilty.

he obviously knows this, and he's scared. hence the message to his "supporters", aka, family and friends.

Did the investigators find out already that he provided the drugs to MJ? :huh:
Sorry, I haven't been keeping up with the whole investigation process. It's downer.
But wouldn't MJ be the wrong one for surrounding himself with these enablers?
Doctors train for years.....

The whole point is in that situation they should do stuff that you or I wouldnt......

Not knowing the address, or phones not working, you would immediately run for someone in the house who knew not sit around and mess about for a while......

I think eliminating the whole propofol situation, to have a doc there who behaved as he did is incredibly scary - perhaps the British NHS isnt so bad after all..........

exactly, this is why i'm discombobulated at the people who say "he just panicked" wtf, doctor's are trained NOT to panic, to react in emergency situations to try to save a life, instead you panic? wtf kind of doctor does that?
what Murray did is called, in legal terms, a manslaughter. you should look it up before defending Murray and before saying "it was Michael's time to go"

No ones defending Dr. Murray. I'm just being reasonable here ;)
The poster on youtube is a new user, Houstoncriminallaw. That suggests to me this was done through his law firm. I suspect it's a dual purpose - one is to what it actually says, send a message to his patients and personal friends, and the other is to try to present him as someone who cares about his patients and friends, someone who's honest, earnest, and religious.

This came from TMZ
The video was shot last Wednesday in Houston and arranged by the publicist for Dr. Murray's lawyer. Yes, the publicist for Dr. Murray's lawyer.
As crazy as this may sound I feel bad for Dr. Murray. I'm sure he did everything in his will to revive MJ and I don't believe he had any bad intentions since they were friends for years. I can't even imagine being in his shoes. He's going to have to walk around with the stigma that Michael Jackson died in his arms. It's kind of like Frederick Fleet survivor of the Titanic. He was the first who sighted the iceberg but he didn't have any binoculars so he didn't see it sooner. Frederick had to live with the guilt that he survivored the Titanic while many lives perished.

WTF??? really?? has the world gone INSANE??? he gave the guy propofol.. he's admitted it.... he did it for Greed , knowing it was insanely dangerous.... seriously???

Hold the f*ckin phone.....
I have studied the Titanic and her history for the passed 20yrs.
This ain't the same. Not eve close.
Fleet had no choice.
Murray had a choice.
Bad CPR?? He's a doctor for cryin out loud!
Not callin 911 cause he doesn't know his address? Really? How the hell do you drive to a place you don't know the address of?
Not callin 911 cause there were no workin phones? Do I look stupid to you?

I respect your opinion, but don't even drag Fleet's good name into this mess.

O ok i'll calm down.. maybe the world isnt mad

. Instead he chose to say don't worry about me??? DUDE, we're NOT!!!!

exactly... who the hell is worried?? not me! i hope he never sleeps again

This man pisses me off...poor guy, he suffers and wants his people to know he's alright.. then just phone them stupid. If you still have friends you'll be able to reach them on the phone.. or maybe YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE A PHONE LINE!!!!?????


yeah dont forget his serious problem with understanding how to use a phone.. can take 5 hours for him sometimes i heard

I think eliminating the whole propofol situation, to have a doc there who behaved as he did is incredibly scary - perhaps the British NHS isnt so bad after all..........

I believe it was accidental but he made A LOT of mistakes that dont make ANY sense.

That's the problem. I don't feel he intentionally set out to kill Michael at all, but I just don't get why he made so many stupid mistakes like waiting 30 minutes, if not more, to call 911. He also administered anesthetic drugs which is illegal to do outside of a hospital among many other mistakes. He was very negligent and he has a lot to answer for.
Michael's not a doctor. This jerkoff claims he is.
Michael wouldn't know what this drug or any other drug might do to him. This jerkoff would.
What type of doctor leaves his patient so he can go visit is GF or the nudy bar? Or make a ton of phone calls?
Not the kind I'd employ.
He needs to STFU.
Well he defo didnt sound as i thought he would...guess everyone deserves to have their voice. Frankly i couldnt give a crap anymore
This came from TMZ
The video was shot last Wednesday in Houston and arranged by the publicist for Dr. Murray's lawyer. Yes, the publicist for Dr. Murray's lawyer.

PR for preparation for the jury-pool. . . . .

For those who have compassion for Murray, you are better people than I am! I hear you, but I remain incredibly angry. (working on that. . . . )

And as far as Murray being "innocent?" Technically, he is, under U.S. law, until proven guilty, even though he is the target of a homicide investigation. That he is the key individual in a homicide investigation was said by his own attorneys. Also, it was reported early-on that he TOLD LAPD that he gave Michael Propofol. His own words. Sooooo. . . . . Propofol should never be given in a home-setting. Murray himself said that he couldn't find a working phone, except for his cell-phone, which he didn't use because he "didn't know the address." And THAT makes NO sense. A lot of this makes no sense.

Let me put it this way. Would you like to have Murray for a doctor? How about as a doctor for your children (if you have children)?

Carry on,

Originally Posted by jayjackson
Whats up with the "I thank you", "God bless you" "the truth will prevail"... its like he's trying to imitate Michael. Ugh. Should we try and get sympathy for him???? never.

I had the exact same feeling. It's disturbing.

Same here, same feeling of trying to talk like Michael.