Dr Conrad Murray breaks his silence. (Youtube Video)

Yeah, we got to keep in mind the whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing, but...

Man, I really cannot look at this guy. I just can't. I just got weirdest feeling in my stomach. puke

He did remind me of the video that Michael did. I felt this video was intended to make people feel sorry for him. Not only that, the way that he talked felt scripted to me...

Let's see what the news is gonna say about this now.

I don't know what to make of all this. :ermm:
I am not standing up for what he did/did not do, but I think comments like "HE is a murderer" or "HE should be locked up for life" are just examples of utter stupidity. So far we know very little true facts about what he has done/has not done/tried to do. All we can do is wait for the truth to come out. Michael, who we idolise did hire this man after all. He must have had some bit of faith in him at some point.

By far the worst thing on this thread so far is the fact that he seems to show no sadness or remorse about Michael's death. Michael is dead, he is a doctor, doctors deal with death all the time. No matter what he does now Michael is gone, and that is something we all have to accept and come to terms with. Nothing will bring him back. That is the past. You move on. He has bigger things going on in his life right now than to be upset because Michael is dead. His freedom, career and family life are all on the line. They are present and for him much more important. So of course he is not grieving for Michael like we are. Things must be put in perspective.

People thought Michael was guilty. We knew he was not. Now alot of us are twisting it and just being like everyone who though Michael was guilty. Now alot of us think CM is guilty. There is no solid proof of him causing the death yet. Please don't reduce yourselves to being like the haters and the media. He is innocent until proven guilty.
That was weird to watch. Of course the video is not just for his 'supporters', he is hoping to gain sympathy from anyone who watches his message. Seemed scripted but even as a PR move it's awkward. I'm not sure what good it will do. As some have said, he may have been told not to mention Michael but something by way of showing his remorse would have been appropriate, surely?
I am not standing up for what he did/did not do, but I think comments like "HE is a murderer" or "HE should be locked up for life" are just examples of utter stupidity. So far we know very little true facts about what he has done/has not done/tried to do. All we can do is wait for the truth to come out. Michael, who we idolise did hire this man after all. He must have had some bit of faith in him at some point.


ok. but he admitted he administered propofol in a home setting. realising the lunacy of the situation.. he HAS ADMITTED THIS

thats enough for me

nevermind the fact he didnt know the adress, waited half an hour, admisitered CPR on the bed... needed to go to the toilet.. ? whatever next
Murray is going to get away with it...I just know it
and everyone is going to say "oh MJ's dead anyway, let's bury him and forget about it"
there is no justice for MJ, there never was any for him
I hate everyone.
Agree!! However I do think that CM is feeling terrible (understatment of the century) for the loss of Michael from his children and the world.

Joe Jackson said he thought Dr. Murray was becoming the 'fall guy' for a lot of people who made mistakes.

The wrongdoing that is fact that I know of is that he was giving CPR on the bed.

I am not standing up for what he did/did not do, but I think comments like "HE is a murderer" or "HE should be locked up for life" are just examples of utter stupidity. So far we know very little true facts about what he has done/has not done/tried to do. All we can do is wait for the truth to come out. Michael, who we idolise did hire this man after all. He must have had some bit of faith in him at some point.

By far the worst thing on this thread so far is the fact that he seems to show no sadness or remorse about Michael's death. Michael is dead, he is a doctor, doctors deal with death all the time. No matter what he does now Michael is gone, and that is something we all have to accept and come to terms with. Nothing will bring him back. That is the past. You move on. He has bigger things going on in his life right now than to be upset because Michael is dead. His freedom, career and family life are all on the line. They are present and for him much more important. So of course he is not grieving for Michael like we are. Things must be put in perspective.

People thought Michael was guilty. We knew he was not. Now alot of us are twisting it and just being like everyone who though Michael was guilty. Now alot of us think CM is guilty. There is no solid proof of him causing the death yet. Please don't reduce yourselves to being like the haters and the media. He is innocent until proven guilty.
Hell awaits Conrad the Murderer and
his murderous band of accomplices.

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Murray is going to get away with it...I just know it
and everyone is going to say "oh MJ's dead anyway, let's bury him and forget about it"
there is no justice for MJ, there never was any for him
I hate everyone.

Of course he is. The Chandlers got away with it the Arvizos got away with it.
And these 2 families really destroyed Mike!
Justice is one thing but to get Justice is a whole other story.
I guees That´s life.

I think some people on the forum speak with two differnt tongues. They say Murray must suffer and got to jail.
Ok but what about the Chandlers Arzinos they are much much worse! They can go on and life a normal life? Chandler lives even in a big villa with swimming pool etc. He lives definatley on the sunny side.
I felt very weird watching that
Yeah. That's the best description for how I felt, too. I felt... what a weird message. You have so many "supporters" you need to send them messages via YouTube? Um, ok. Wow, that's not the voice I was expecting. And then I felt... wait, you were the one who hooked up the IV, the one that gave him propofol, last one to see our precious Michael alive and breathing, and you're the one who didn't call 911 immediately or do CPR worth a sh*t.

Yes, it felt weird to watch that.
Hell awaits Conrad the Murder and
his murderous band of accomplices.


I hope they're all feeling threatened by Michael. *thriller laugh*

"Your worst nightmare, it's me, I'm everyhwere. In one blink I'll disappear and then I'll come back to haunt you."
There's no excuse for what Murray has done, Im sorry I dont care what panic mode you are in, you're a cardiologist, you are supposed to handle stress on daily basis and critical situations. The things he did surrounding the day Michael died is very very very very odd. First he fails to call 911 in time, he injects Michael with sedatives... He disappears.. He dosnt want to sign the death certificat.. Murray was the last person to see Michael alive. He has not been completely truthful.

Im not gonna judge, but nor should I feel any sympathy for this man. His video is utterly distasteful and nasty. He did not once mention why he is in the situation he is currently in and he did not once mention Michael Jacksons name. Its all about him him him. Total narcissist and no regard for others feelings. If he was trying to reach out to his family, why do it on freaking youtube, just visit your damn family.

Its utterly disgusting how he tried to imitate Michaels previous tv-statements when the alligations were made torwards him. Dr Murray was obviously trying to copy him to make himself look like an innocent angel. He was not even trying to be himself, he was trying to be Michael Jackson, and Michael is dead.. He was the last person to be seen with him so the situation is just totally bizarre and awkward to even watch...

I find it disgusting. Yeah yeah yeah.. Never judge never judge... Yes, we learned by Michael we should never judge. But keep in mind this is the man who was the last person to see Michael alive and Michael is now dead. Innocent or not, this guy is responcible one way or another.

I would not be so harsh on Dr Murray, I may even have some respect torwards him if he admitted he made mistakes and errors in his practice. He wont even admit any wrongdoing so how on earth can I feel sympathy for this man? If you killed Michael by accident, just freaking admit it! The least he could have stated was that he is sorry for his patients loss and that its been a hard time for him and that he is sad about the circumstances. He does not once mention his latest patient, whom he worked very close to, even lived at. The least a doctor can say is Im sorry for your loss.

I totally agree with you. Which is why I am not even going to bother to watch that video. I don't want to see him nor do I want to know what it is he has to say. He is the reason why my heart is still completely shattered in to millions of tiny little pieces. And why I am always crying every single day. The only thing he can do to ease the constant pain that I am in. Is that he could bring Michael back and I know that is never going to happen. Just like my broken heart is never going to heal.
oh he did not?
I rated one star..I see he doesn't score too high either on his videos ratings. what does he expect anyway to people be like, aww poor guy?
Thanks for the replay guys. I can't watch this. It will turn my stomache and I will probally go insane having to hear the F**kers voice.

exactly, this is why i'm discombobulated at the people who say "he just panicked" wtf, doctor's are trained NOT to panic, to react in emergency situations to try to save a life, instead you panic? wtf kind of doctor does that?

Exactly, they are suppose to be good under pressure.

Accident or not. The man did not have the proper equipment to even monitor michael.

How dare he say 'god bless you' at the end! Whether he made a mistake that day or it was intentional we don't yet know... but... his actions that day were very questionable for someone who is a 'trained' cardiologist and who supposedly was a friend of Michael's. I don't say this about many people but I hope 'if' he is guilty he goes straight to hell.

Yea that pissed me off too.

The thing is if I was Doctor Murray I wouldnt expect people to feel sorry for me. He has given facts about the phone etc - if that was me I would expect the people to react as they have. WE have to accept when things arent done right and take the consequence.

Forgetting the propofol situation.

He was employed to take care of a VERY important person for a VERY big wage.
When I go to a hotel with hubby we input into our phones the hotel, address and room number just in case - thats only on a one night stay TO NOT KNOW THE ADDRESS OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON YOU HAVE EVER LOOKED AFTER IN YOUR LIFE IS INCREDULOUS.

Things obviously went wrong BUT at that time to obviously be thinking about yourself and how to get yourself out of a situation by using a child to watch you try to recover the situation is DISGUSTING.

This is a self centred individual who put himself before his patient. Its his JOB and what he was getting paid a fortune to do was to PUT MICHAEL JACKSON FIRST AT ALL TIMES.

This is like hiring a professional chauffeur and getting lost all the time.
Hiring a nanny who loses the kids.
Employing a gardener who kills the plants

Undoubtedly there were things wrong BUT a doctor there was to make sure if anything happened that within miliseconds it could be dealt with.

Exactly, he did not care to do this.

He says he is 'afraid for his family' well he didn't care about them when he made women pregnant!

What about Michael's Family, he sure don't give a damn about them.

Look guys, some of you are judging this man like people judged Michael and continue to do so.

Despite the discussions in the investigative forum NONE of us know the facts of what happened because we were NOT there.

What I do no and all I need to know is that this man felt no need to have the proper equipment to monitor Michael. That is absurd to me. It blows my F**king mind of how this man had no concern for Michael's life at ALL. And he wants sympothy. There is no excuse for what he did, none at all. There is nothing he could say to me, except they were holding a gun to my head. (Yea picture that).

I havn't watched it but I can just imagine. Him imitaiting Michael, (WTF - how dare him)

When Chris did it (red shirt an all) I was like okay Chris, yea tring to pull a Mike now (difference Michael is innocent, chris was not) but anyway.

Dr. Murray doing it is disgusting, I am glad he didn't say Michaels name. He has lost all rights to even speak his name. I try try so hard not to hate this man, but he makes it extremly hard.

He is a selfish bastard who only cares about his self. Proof in point the vidoe. If he cared about anybody besides he self he should have kept his F'n mouth closed. Don't nobody want to hear owhat the F he got to say or see his face. I don't anyway.

Like Aldo said, "I'm tired of seeing this guys face".
Agree!! However I do think that CM is feeling terrible (understatment of the century) for the loss of Michael from his children and the world.

he does? is that was why we didn't hear a single "I am sorry" from him?
the video is all "me me me"! nevermind his patient, a healthy 50 year old, is laying in a coffin waiting to be buried
this video is bizarre to say the least
Oh God, I just realized they'll play this vid on the news now continuously for at least a day or so. Guess I'll be avoiding the TV.
ok....what was that....:unsure:
Like seriously... that was just weird :scratch:

People thought Michael was guilty. We knew he was not. Now alot of us are twisting it and just being like everyone who though Michael was guilty. Now alot of us think CM is guilty. There is no solid proof of him causing the death yet. Please don't reduce yourselves to being like the haters and the media. He is innocent until proven guilty.
The main isn't making it easy with his current behaviour, but I have to agree with you. There's no doubt he messed up in the worst way possible, yet unless murder is proven in a court of law this man remains innocent and should be treated as such. If anything, Michaels trials and tribulations tought us that.
With that said; I can only imagine what a hell this man is going through right now, but that video is downright tasteless. If you can't speak (and he probably can't due to the investigation), then please hold your silence and don't go posting videomessages like that. Seriously.
Justice is one thing but to get Justice is a whole other story.
I guees That´s life.

I think some people on the forum speak with two differnt tongues. They say Murray must suffer and got to jail.
Ok but what about the Chandlers Arzinos they are much much worse! They can go on and life a normal life? Chandler lives even in a big villa with swimming pool etc. He lives definatley on the sunny side.
Jordan Chandlers mother testified that she had not spoken to him since 1994 I think it was. He got legal emancipation from his parents. He got a restraining order from his own father after accusing him of hitting his head with a 12 pound knife and try to choke him. I don´t think he is happy. His own parents never seems to have care for him at all (in fact his own father tried to kill him). Also Evan had been accused of threatening to kill the whole family and assulting the step father. Which was supposedly the reason why the stepfather recorded the phoneconversation between him and Evan in the first place. He wanted to have evidence if he was going to threaten them again. This I think Larry Fieldman must have known and that is how much he cared about "little Jordy".It was only about the money even for him. The Chandlers got the money but I don´t think JC is happy and not the Arvizos either. As for Conrad Murray. He should have called an ambulance immediately and if Proforol was involved he should have said so. But I want to hear the whole story to get a clear picture of what happend.
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How do you know this is true about the equipment? What equipment, and where is your source?

I'm sure he had concern for Michael's life seen as he had been his personal doctor for sometime. To say' he had no concern for Michael's life at ALL' is a big statement and quite a silly thing to say.

What I do no and all I need to know is that this man felt no need to have the proper equipment to monitor Michael. That is absurd to me. It blows my F**king mind of how this man had no concern for Michael's life at ALL.
murray lawyer himself has said enough things that show murray is guilty of at least negligence

m sure he had concern for Michael's life seen as he had been his personal doctor for sometime. To say' he had no concern for Michael's life at ALL' is a big statement and quite a silly thing to say.
more concern for his huge paycheck that he was willing to use diprivan outside of a hospital with no proper equipment. ppl nned to stop making excuses for this fool and read up on everything we know
Now, Murray made this statement for himself and to gain pity from the Public. He was the last to see Michael alive and the first to see him dead. Dr Murray gave sedatives before administering Diprivan to Michael In a Home setting? That is an absolute NO!!He is a cardiologist and had some Medical Board issues in Texas. He is not an anesthesiologist to give such drugs and he had no cardiac monitor on site. HE was Michael's doctor for 3 months NOT 3 years..He barely knew Michael. But with a heafty pay check he will sell his soul to the devil..Now come on! He didn!t know the Address? and why was he missing when the Police came?
When TMZ got the news it was about 11am or sooner, But Michael was already dead. How can you be a Medical prrofessional and not know how to perform CPR? and on a Bed? no hard surface? You want to crush that person? Well Michael was already dead..I don't know why he is thanking people. I for one is furious..I know he cannot discuss the case as it is still under investigation and LAPD might have given him a chance to say a few words to his family.
Many other doctors are involved. Hopefully we will have the truth..But it is not only this that killed Michael. it was the stress AEG placed on him as well as others..He could not sleep. And this Man Just finished him off..Your patient begs for drugs to sleep and you are going to load him up? Amazing!! You Killed God's messenger!!
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