Dr Conrad Murray breaks his silence. (Youtube Video)

What the F is that?? that has nothing to do with it. How can they use that to defend propofol and the so called CPR? Everyone has to admit that this doctor was very negligent.

All I'm saying is I don't think he murdered MJ ! And I'm sure he feels VERY bad for what he did... or didn't do.

Here are a few highlights:

Rev. Floyd Williams: "If Murray wasn't black, none of this would be happening. It's the media hype to show that black folks are still the minority"

Eliza Robertson: "If Katherine [Jackson] is that concerned she should have stopped all of the painkillers [Michael] was taking before. I would have tried to get him on a better road."
I don´t know.

You ask what he is afraid of????????

I think Dr. Murray shouldn´t be afraid at all.

I mean the people who are really guilty like the Chandlers and the Arvizos they live a normal live nothing ever happend to them and they destroyed our Mikey.

So if these evil people can live a normal live Dr. Murray can do too.

Michael has very sensitive fans they will not do something stupid otherwise the Chandlers and Arvinos would be kicked in the butt every single week but nothing ever happend to them not even a little slap in the face and they are much much worse than Dr. Murray. If someone is to blame blame these assholes!!!!!

WTH!!!!! The difference is after the cheaters and the azzholes...Mj was still here.....HOW THE HELL COULD THEY BE WORSE THEN DR. MURDER...:doh:
This has already been shown on CNN. And they're already talking about how they are feeling "sorry" for him.

They believe everything that comes their way. Hey, in case you guys dont know, there's such as thing as lies and deception.

Oh, but they know. They've done it to Michael in 2005. They just aren't on his side, that's all.

Exactly! - Doesn't surprise me about CNN, as soon as I saw his vid I wrote on here that he has done it for the general public to go 'oh he isn't really that bad' and the media will go along.. and they are! How soon they forget the abnormalities that happened that day, I'm not saying he isn't innocent until proven guilty etc... but what about his behaviour on the day...
Hmm...I don't know about this man. Watching this I tried to put aside what I "think" about the situation, and just feel his presence...and it felt rather deceiving. :(
But even so, I myself don't think it's right to judge him so harshly at this time. I mean, none of us really know him, or know what really happened. It's like what Michael went through during trials. For all the people that didn't really know Michael and know where his heart was, there was a lot that pointed to him being guilty...and so people thought that. Even with no hard evidence. The same goes for Dr. Murray. Many signs point to him being guilty of conspiracy or murder...but, we really don't know. We don't know him, we don't know for sure what happened and why. All we know is that something went very wrong. Could have been accident, could have been otherwise. I do feel that signs point to otherwise...but...along the same lines as Michael thought, I will think; innocent until proven guilty.
What the F is that?? that has nothing to do with it. How can they use that to defend propofol and the so called CPR? Everyone has to admit that this doctor was very negligent.

All I'm saying is I don't think he murdered MJ ! And I'm sure he feels VERY bad for what he did... or didn't do.

Along with the video.... Murray's people offered "testimonials from 14 patients of his" of how great a doctor/person murray is. Its on TMZ you can read it.

The highlighted portion is from two of his supporters. One is already blaming Katherine for not intervening ... and the other saying.... if Murray was white , he wouldn't be persecuted. If you still don't understand read the article.

All I'm saying is I don't think he murdered MJ ! And I'm sure he feels VERY bad for what he did... or didn't do.[/B][/QUOTE]

OK- so he really didn't mean to "murder" MJ, and since he really FEELS VERY BAD, we should do what????
OH, ok, DR. MURRAY -- your negligence led to MJ's death.. its ok Dr. Murray... go on and continue to practice BAD MEDICINE... go on with your merry life... TOO BAD MJ is gone... BUT SINCE YOU DIDN'T MEAN TO, ITS OK.....
From what we have heard from newspapers there are centainly abnormalities in his behaviour on the day that cannot be ignored.

Exactly! - Doesn't surprise me about CNN, as soon as I saw his vid I wrote on here that he has done it for the general public to go 'oh he isn't really that bad' and the media will go along.. and they are! How soon they forget the abnormalities that happened that day, I'm not saying he isn't innocent until proven guilty etc... but what about his behaviour on the day...
Wow, you've got me completely wrong. I'm not saying that at all.

I was replying to people who were saying he murdered Michael and doesn't care at all that Michael is dead, and that 'he had been rubbing his eyes for half an hour to make them look like that'. Like they don't even believe he is human. If he hasn't been crying for Michael and his family then I can bet he's been crying for himself.That part of my post was a seperate issue to what I think of his actions and what should be done about it.

I certainly with my whole heart believe that if he caused Michael's death with his negligence he should get what he deserves.

I don't know how anyone could think I wouldn't want justice for MJ..

I wouldn't be on this board practically everyday if I didn't care deeply about Michael.

OK- so he really didn't mean to "murder" MJ, and since he really FEELS VERY BAD, we should do what????
OH, ok, DR. MURRAY -- your negligence led to MJ's death.. its ok Dr. Murray... go on and continue to practice BAD MEDICINE... go on with your merry life... TOO BAD MJ is gone... BUT SINCE YOU DIDN'T MEAN TO, ITS OK.....
He better make as many YOUTUBE videos as he can right now cuz I dont think they let you make youtube videos in prison. How dare he make that video knowing he killed Michael.....KILLED Michael. If youre a doctor and youre giving someone something like that...why no EKG or that other device youre supposed to have? Michael trusted him and he was negligent...and then to hear he was making phone calls while Michael is basically being put to sleep like a dog! I dont think so!
What's that accent? Is he from Africa or India? Sound like a witch doctor to me... Why didn't he thank those who sent him hate mail? I'm one of them and I was offended.. :)

His accent is becuz he's originally from Trinidad or has roots there.

I think his supporters are former patients of his, friends, associates, etc. In the video he says he's unable to return calls, emails, etc... and this is his way to respond to those leaving him messages.

Having watched the vid all I can think is how that was a whole minute of my life I just wasted and can't get back. blah!

Anyhoo...I have faith that justice will be done in Michael's favor. Mark.My.Words.
He's definitely not innocent... Btw his eyes look pretty weird, dont you think? Eyes are the mirror to your soul, they say. He doesnt look just sad but weird in some other way, I cant explain...
I found it very manipulative, the way he used language similar to Michael's when he was falsely accused, knowing that millions of MJ fans would be watching.

I strongly believe in Innocent until proven Guilty, but honestly, this makes me more suspicious of him, all things considered.
Well, I sure the hell ain't gonna give him a *doctor of the year* award or let him look after my health.

Nor would I! At he same time though I actually feel kinda sorry for him, he messed up big time by falling asleep or stepping out to take a call and then paniced by doing CPR on the bed, disappearing with eveidence (if he did) etc- who wouldn't, The King of Pop had just died infront of him! I believe it was accidental and I believe Michael asked him to give him the Propofol. I do not believe Murray forced Michael to have it.
He's definitely not innocent... Btw his eyes look pretty weird, dont you think? Eyes are the mirror to your soul, they say. He doesnt look just sad but weird in some other way, I cant explain...

I think he looks absolutely exhausted!
I found it very manipulative, the way he used language similar to Michael's when he was falsely accused, knowing that millions of MJ fans would be watching.

I strongly believe in Innocent until proven Guilty, but honestly, this makes me more suspicious of him, all things considered.

Yes I believe he spoke like that to try to fool the public and win over some of Michael's fans...
I've been thinking if I had anything left to say to Murray and yes I do:

Thanks Sham!!
What's that accent? Is he from Africa or India? Sound like a witch doctor to me... Why didn't he thank those who sent him hate mail? I'm one of them and I was offended.. :)

Steady on - because the guy is black and has an accent you say he sounds like a witch doctor? That is such a racist, stupid comment.

Taking the time to send to send someone hate mail, just wow I feel so sorry for you if you have nothing better to do with your time.
i don't like him one bit. he's scary. where is the remorse? and why is he talking as if he has fans??? wtf. i know michael wouldn't want me to hate this guy, but i can't help it. i hate him!
I think he carefully chose his words and facial actions to imitate MJ so that he gets sympathy from the MJ supporters and also maybe to identify him self as someone who was on MJ's side..

Else why would he record a teary eyed video message such as this? It looks well reheresed too. If he is affraid to answere his emails ect, he should just send out a mass email/letter to all his 'supporters'.
Okay, so I'm watching Headline News now and they're discussing why this video may have been done. Everyone seems confused as to why Murray might be afraid to return calls, emails, etc...

And it just hit me.... it could be 4 things..

1. He's trying to make ppl feel sorry for him. I'm biased but Imma say FAIL! Big YAWN! He looked exhausted and scared and well, he should be.

2. He knows his calls and emails could be monitored now or further subpoenaed if police suspect he's up to something and MAYBE he's afraid of someone might misconstrue him reaching out to a certain person to indicate guilt.

3. He's in big trouble with the wife (I wonder if she knew about the stripper and his newborn daughter living not too far from Michael) and can't reach out to her or ANY of his Honies, skeezers, etc. We know he's got 7 chillun and likes to *ahem* get around. Being on lockdown is probably making it hard for him to reach out and/or keep in touch with folks he KNOWS he has no business dealing with...romantically or in relation to him giving MJ propofol.

4. He's afraid of talking to someone (friend/relatives/associates/etc.) and getting busted by whoever he's talking to/emaling with. Just like he pumped MJ with propofol for $150,000 he has to know there's someone out there who will probably sell him down the river for much more. Karma is a mofo. So he's playing it safe. Smart move legally BUT the phone records and email trail he's already created might be enuf for police to see exactly who all he was in contact with beforehand.

Just some ideas.
Finally someone has enough guts to tell the truth!!! (not including Joe and LaToya) I was just watching the news and Firpo Carr, a personal friend of the Jackson family said...

"Instead of dialing 911, he should've dialed M for Murder."
I've been thinking if I had anything left to say to Murray and yes I do:

Thanks Sham!!

LOL... but seriously, he's talkin eh? "thanks to my supporters"... he has supporters?!?! :blink: Ugh this whole is just awkward, bewildering, etc etc etc, pshhh :rolleyes: At this point, there's just nothing he can say to change much...
My opinion: What a total phony. The video was spliced and edited and the thing that bugs me the most is he used Michael's own words about "the truth prevailing". Blech...vomitous. This was a ploy and I don't think I've ever seen such insincerity from a suspected murderer. At least he should've taken acting classes to try to pull off the "scene" he just filmed.

I'm not fooled.