Dr Conrad Murray breaks his silence. (Youtube Video)

this is disgusting . im surprised he had time to sit for this he didnt have to leave the room and make calls. this man is disgusting and i hope he goes to jail where he belongs.
Everyone is out to attack Murray a man Mike must have trusted and felt comfortable to be around. Then happend what happend in a few days we all know more.

But have we all forgot who the real evil persons are the Chandlers and the Arzinos they have destroyed Mikes Soul and they live now a good life and no one is after them as they are after Murray.

Before anything legally is done against Murray these evil people must be kicked their butts-a metapher!
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The Chandlers and Arvizos are much much more to blame than Murray in my opinion.
With their lies they destroyed Mike! And what do we do against them ? Nothing! This is just ludicrously
Even if Murray gets a long jail time this isn´t going to heal my wound when I know that the Chandlers and the other assholes live as nothing ever happend.
Sometimes I feel guilty. I know deep down Michael has hoped we as his fans were going to put pressure on the Arvinos but nothing ever happend. I feel guilty I let Michael down.
I know Michael is against violence etc. but I `m 100% sure my heart tells me Michael was wondering why "Nothing" happend against the Arvinos from the fansite and I´m not talking about violence just a little pressure so they were going to stop telling lies. Deep down Michael had hoped that his fans had done more. This makes me feel guilty. Yeah I was talking on the internet and angry and writing to the press etc etc.but nothing more was done from my part.
This breaks my heart!!!!! I´m 100 % sure that Mike would´ve been very happy and proud if he had seen how his fans don´t let the Arvinos get on with their lies-again not talking about violence to make this very clear!!. But why were no fans in front of their house demonstrating etc. There are so many ways to put pressure on people.
And where is the pressure now? It´s on Murray right?
And how much pressure is on Chandler.Arvinos? Zero? Right!
Whats up with the "I thank you", "God bless you" "the truth will prevail"... its like he's trying to imitate Michael. Ugh. Should we try and get sympathy for him???? never.
I thought the same thing. And his supporters? He makes it sound like he's got some worldwide fan base behind him or something.
The Chandlers and Arvizos are much much more to blame than Murray in my opinion.
With their lies they destroyed Mike! And what do we do against them ? Nothing! This is just ludicrously

as a result of the trial the parents did get charged with welfare fraud shortly afterwards. so at least something happened.
Everyone is out to attack Murray a man Mike must have trusted and felt comfortable to be around. Then happend what happend in a few days we all know more.

But have we all forgot who the real evil persons are the Chandlers and the Arzinos they have destroyed Mikes Soul and they live now a good life and no one is after them as they are after Murray.

Before anything legally is done against Murray these evil people must be kicked their butts!

To borrow a page from Messeraue MJ had a history of surrounding himself with people who say yes to his everyday wish and he was a horrible judge of character always surrounding himself with people who were out to take advantage of him. He was way too trusting.

And if you are addicted to drugs often times your judgement is clouded and having somebody, anybody, who will supply you near by often becomes a priority, even if you don't fully trust that person.

The doctor belongs in prison.
The doctor belongs in prison.[/QUOTE said:
If he´s guilty he should go to prision. So I´m wih you.

But what about chandler arvizos they are guilty. Should we forget about them?

What is the opinion here on the forum. I cannot forget I´m sorry but I rather see the Chandlers Arvizos in jail than Murray.
I agreed that we don't know the truth, but his video - what the xxxx. He should have keep quiet as he done before if he chose to do it that way from the start. It doesn't make him look better, how many people are really on his side? If he didn't do anything wrong, he should be able to stable him until he got to the hospital.
this is disgusting . im surprised he had time to sit for this he didnt have to leave the room and make calls. this man is disgusting and i hope he goes to jail where he belongs.

I agree. It is a known fact that Dr Murray has admitted to giving Michael Propofol among others the day he died. What this is about is whether or not what happened constitutes a crime. While I leave it up to the legal system to decide, personally, I think so. Murray knew or should have known that if he kept giving Michael that stuff something bad was going to happen sooner or later. If somebody plays with fire and get careless, they are going to get burned somewhere. He shouldn't have given it to Michael in the first place. And he didn't have to give it even if Michael asked for it, since the media and axe-grinders love to say that. At that point, if these people were being truthful, Murray should have said no. At least he would have been in the clear and there would be nobody on his behind right now. But he didn't say no. He didn't do himself any favors here because at best, he made himself look like an idiot. And that's really too bad. This was just money-hunger all the way. Not a doctor who genuinely cared for his patient. Michael might be alive today if Murray had exercised the judgement he was trained to. However good his treatment of other people as they claim, his treatment of Michael stunk big time. People are in jail right now for this same kind of thing (recklessness resulting in death), and it doesn't even have to be drugs. This was nasty, stupid and senseless. I'm not feeling sorry for him. Whatever happened, a man is dead. And Murray, for his part, could have stopped the whole thing before it even started. And that, in conjuction with what ultimately happened to Michael, is the worst part of all this.
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Let the man have his day in court. Right now, he hasn't even been charged with anything, that's important to remember. Obviously, it's only a matter of when, not if, but nevertheless afford him the same opportunity everyone begged for Michael Jackson to receive when he was under fire.
Nor would I! At he same time though I actually feel kinda sorry for him, he messed up big time by falling asleep or stepping out to take a call and then paniced by doing CPR on the bed, disappearing with eveidence (if he did) etc- who wouldn't, The King of Pop had just died infront of him! I believe it was accidental and I believe Michael asked him to give him the Propofol. I do not believe Murray forced Michael to have it.

I can ask my doctor for loads of things. Doesn't mean he'll give them to me. He was supposed to do what was best for his patient instead of thinking how much money he will make.

at his voice...

:mello: i didn't see that one coming

it actually makes me feel sorry for him and now i'm thinking it was a accident but still..due to his improper medicinal practise, he cost our dear Michael his life. he looks like he's going to breakdown at the end. seriously i do think it was a accident.

by the way...anyone else notice this video looks edited?? like three parts stuck together.

i wonder what they cut out :shifty:

oooo wow, i like this emote

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If he´s guilty he should go to prision. So I´m wih you.

But what about chandler arvizos they are guilty. Should we forget about them?

What is the opinion here on the forum. I cannot forget I´m sorry but I rather see the Chandlers Arvizos in jail than Murray.

I believe there was adequate evidence to charge the Arvitzos with conspiracy to commit a crime, giving false testimony, welfare fraud etc. They were charged with welfare fraud though. It would have been exhaustingly difficult for prosecutors to charge them with anything else and completely impossible to convict. There would have been a firestorm of outrage from the country.

And remember if a child is pressured into falsely accusing anybody, let alone a friend who helped him beat cancer, he is in a world of trauma. Making it worse would only have human rights advocates, child safety advocates, and all kinds of social workers probably protesting.

That doesn't mean that his parents don't deserve to be punished though, I'm just saying the state really had no way to do anything.

As for the Chandlers no prosecutor ever would have had a case against them. Remember MJ settled the lawsuit. How would that have looked to a jury when trying to convict them of lying? I'm not saying the settlement is evidence of guilt, but the jury would have said "hey Mj you can't have it both ways" In addition if there was enough evidence to convict them of perjury MJ never would have settled.

The evidence against the doctor is pretty strong. And he is the one who killed MJ. The toxicology report showed LETHAL amounts of xantax, and propovol. It wasn't the chandler's or the Arvitsos. It wasn't AEG. It wasn't the stress of the rehearsals or his age or a bad heart or longterm damage caused by drug use. His heart stopped beating while he was under. That happens sometimes which is why propovol is only to be used in a hospital environment with all the proper equipment nearby to restart your heart and bring you back.

The doctor knew this. He killed Michael Jackson. Not only was it wrong for him to administer the drug, but he admitted to leaving the room while MJ was under. He better go to prison and if he doesn't the media will make this guy's life a living hell. He was already fired from a hospital prior to working for MJ for giving junkies drugs they didn't need.

He belongs in handcuffs and I think it's going to happen.

at his voice...

:mello: i didn't see that one coming

it actually makes me feel sorry for him and now i'm thinking it was a accident but still..due to his improper medicinal practise, he cost our dear Michael his life.

by the way...anyone else notice this video looks edited?? like three parts stuck together.

i wonder what they cut out :shifty:

oooo wow, i like this emote

How the hell do you do the emoticons at this forum???!!??
That doctor has no ethics! Who might I add is supporting this sham of a doctor? Btw what the hell is up with that caribbean accent. That guy is from Texas. He's ridiculous but he deserves a fair trail like anyone else. I can't imagine living with his kind of guilt.
judgin by the video...he looks like he's going to breakdown. i'm sure he feels guilty and i wouldn't be surprised if he has some sort of nervous breakdown with the amount of pressure he's under. if only he didn't enter michael's life.
The families of the past accusations are in the hands of God. He will handle them.

But they did not try to MURDER Michael. Well, maybe they tried to but....

This man Murray actually DID IT in what I must say, the most unbelievable and intelligent way, and by the help of others which I feel should go to court with him.

at his voice...

:mello: i didn't see that one coming

it actually makes me feel sorry for him and now i'm thinking it was a accident but still..due to his improper medicinal practise, he cost our dear Michael his life. he looks like he's going to breakdown at the end. seriously i do think it was a accident.

by the way...anyone else notice this video looks edited?? like three parts stuck together.

i wonder what they cut out :shifty:

oooo wow, i like this emote


Definitely edited. I said the same thing in a different post. Yeah, makes you wonder.

The thing that gets me is over and over again in news, internet, tv I've read this, "Dr Murray who admits to giving Michael Jackson medication and propofol hours before he died..."

What's up with that? Has it been said constantly to desensitize us?
PR for preparation for the jury-pool. . . . .

For those who have compassion for Murray, you are better people than I am! I hear you, but I remain incredibly angry. (working on that. . . . )

And as far as Murray being "innocent?" Technically, he is, under U.S. law, until proven guilty, even though he is the target of a homicide investigation. That he is the key individual in a homicide investigation was said by his own attorneys. Also, it was reported early-on that he TOLD LAPD that he gave Michael Propofol. His own words. Sooooo. . . . . Propofol should never be given in a home-setting. Murray himself said that he couldn't find a working phone, except for his cell-phone, which he didn't use because he "didn't know the address." And THAT makes NO sense. A lot of this makes no sense.

Let me put it this way. Would you like to have Murray for a doctor? How about as a doctor for your children (if you have children)?

Carry on,

Exactly. None of this makes any sense and its for that reason that I believe none of it.

I've got the feeling that Propofol is being used as a skape-goat for what really killed MJ just like this doctor I feel is being used as a skape goat too.

I feel it was he who was the last to do whatever was done, but I get the feeling he was acting with someone else because on his own, as a doctor, he has too much credibility to lose from not doing CPR correctly to not having a defibulator and on and on ..

and he's acting SCARED

I get the vibe from him that he is caught like a fox in a bear trap. Bought by someone who convinced him that the complete destruction of his reputation as a doctor is better than the consequences of not cooperating.

Even the bit about not knowing the address. Surely the attorney will ask him is if he ever drove passed the house where a big


is sitting boldly on the gate

Easy number to remember eh Doctor Murray?

Michael's house sits on a corner. That means that every day he had to see a street sign, even with his subconscious peripheral vision.

Plus this is the king of pop's house, who is paying you a zillion dollars a day.

Plus there's a chef downstairs, close enough for you to go yelling for the kid so why not ask her?

I bet he would easily remember the address even from the first time he ever wrote it down.

100 and a word on a street sign sitting on a corner he had to see each and every day.

That's why I don't believe a single thing they are showing us or telling us. Not one single thing.
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