Dr Conrad Murray breaks his silence. (Youtube Video)

If I recall correctly. Most cell phones of today have the capability of storing phone numbers along with addresses. Just another example of how negligent he is.

He was making 150,000 dollars a month. For sure he could afford a cell phone with this capability.

I don't know how it works in the US but here in Australia, if you call the emergency number from a mobile phone, they can see your location. I assume the US would have a similar system. That was another thing that puzzled me about Murray. Seems like a lame excuse for not calling paramedics.
Steady on - because the guy is black and has an accent you say he sounds like a witch doctor? That is such a racist, stupid comment.
have nothing better to do with your time.

Nothing like that. I'd just never put my life in the hands of any doctor who went to med school in some third world country, regardless of the color of his skin... And you what, any doctor who believes in god and is not an atheist, is a witch doctor in my opinion...
Rather than breaking his silence, Conrad needs to get off of Youtube and shut up. He cannot talk his way around what he did, because THIS is what he did in a nutshell...

He overcharged Michael. Then, when Michael actually needed his help, he underserved Michael.

Overcharge - to charge a party an excessive price for something.

Underserve - to supply with insufficient services.

What good is a cardiologist, if they cannot properly perform CPR? What good is a doctor that panicks when their patient is in distress? Skillfulness clearly went out the window.
Its just unbelievable that Michael has 24/7 security in his home and is yet in the gravest of danger in his own bedroom.

He has a doctor at his bedside at his beck and call, and yet nonetheless in the gravest of physical care.

And all these "protectors" cost him millions!!

I don't believe it. Its really too unreal.
I will reserve judgment on Dr. Murray until the trial is finished and we have all the facts.

While I am predisposed to hate this guy I will not because as a Michael Jackson fan I will not judge someone before I know all the facts and everything is out in the open.

We have campaigned tirelessly for Michael to be afforded that respect. The same respect any person deserves. We can not pick and choose that extremely moral position the fanbase has held on to in any way. Even, ironically, for someone who may be responsible for Michael's death.

There will be a lifetime of anger and derision coming his way if what we "suspect" is true turns out to be true. But until then let the process take its course before calling him for everything under the sun.
You know what? Regardless of what the hell happens in the end, Murray will always be known as "the guy who killed Michael Jackson".

THAT alone is one f*cking bad scarlet letter to be carrying around.
I will reserve judgment on Dr. Murray until the trial is finished and we have all the facts.

While I am predisposed to hate this guy I will not because as a Michael Jackson fan I will not judge someone before I know all the facts and everything is out in the open.

We have campaigned tirelessly for Michael to be afforded that respect.
The same respect any person deserves. We can not pick and choose that extremely moral position the fanbase has held on to in any way. Even, ironically, for someone who may be responsible for Michael's death.

There will be a lifetime of anger and derision coming his way if what we "suspect" is true turns out to be true. But until then let the process take its course before calling him for everything under the sun.

I second that!
However, the video move...... i think he should've been advised more thoroughly on what to say...not thanking the ''supporters'' (e.g the haters! ) but appealing to the public's common sense and asking not to judge him before the investigation is over.:doh:
The reason why it is not hard to tell that Dr. Murray panicked, is because the person handling the 911 call had to tell someone to tell him to put his patient on the floor in order to properly perform CPR. A Cardiologist is already supposed to know how to perform CPR. A Cardiologist goes through far more medical training than a 911 Operator.

Although he does deserve his day in court to tell his side, he is still in hot water.
It looks bad for Murray, really bad, but he must be given his day in court, if it comes down to that, just like Michael was. It's wrong, though understandable, that he has received death threats. I remember the Chandlers also received them and, allegedly, an attempt was even made on one of their lives (hit and run).
For many fans it appears Dr Murray is the target as the one who "killed" Michael.

But that is far from the truth.

Michael was using propofol in the HIStory tour and it didn't kill him
It seems Dr Murray had administered propofol a few times and it did not kill Michael.

My REAL suspicion rests around AEG and the people around Michael the last 2 days of the rehearsals, one of whom was even a doctor.

You see, when you rule out any options as to who caused Michael's death, then you are on a one-track mind and can miss the truth, just as Sneddon went on a one-track mind against MJ and could not reverse his views and conclusions even when presented with evidence to the contrary.

It is TOO MUCH of a coincidence that Michael dies the night after a detailed filming of the rehearsal and i will reiterate that when people are bitter, and there is money involved, they do crazy things.

Barrack and Tahome were not happy being sidelined. They are the ones who brought about the AEG deal. Yet Tahome still had access to Michael.

Think of this, what if Tahome saw a chance, let the AEG film footage that they can sell since he brought about the deal, when done, then if MJ is gone, we get his body into Neverland and make a Graceland and recoup millions we invested there and also make profits. AEG makes money off last MJ rehearsals, Tahome/Barrack make money off Neverland, the people who displaced them lose out.

And given the LA times interview, there was bitterness. What was missing in that picture is bitterness can result in some action.

Chandler - cut off -bitter - Jordan
Blanca - cut off - bitter - Jason
Myung Ho Lee - cut off - bitter - lawsuit
Schmuley - cut off - bitter - slander
Schaffel - cut off -bitter - lien on MJ ranch, lawsuit, slander
Arvizos - cut off - bitter - Gavin

and the story could go on and on

Tahome, a doctor, must have known MJ uses propofol to sleep, before he was terminated.

Now, if he introduces a substance into MJ's food that is untraceable or even traceable, that will conflict with propofol when Dr Murray administers it, MJ will be gone.

He was with MJ 1 or 2 days before at the rehearsals and bribery of staff with access to MJ's changing room cannot be ruled out.

POISONING is a REAL POSSIBILITY, knowing that Dr Murray would take the blame when substance introduced conflicted.


Then Dr Murray falls into a trap that has been set, he administers propofol to help MJ sleep, MJ fails to breath and the spotlight is on Dr Murray.

Never rule out any possibility
Hollywood is full of crafty murders and if you have watched DEATH ON THE NILE, you will know that setups in murder situations are possible when there are certain motives.

Why would propofol, if used by Dr Murray several times before the 25th June, suddenly kill him on that day?

It's like you taking medication pills or insulin and suddenly one day, you take a pill or insulin and you die. It cannot just come out of the blue.
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Poor man... he looks so scared... This reminds me a lot of MJs message to his fans in 03 :(
I don't know how it works in the US but here in Australia, if you call the emergency number from a mobile phone, they can see your location. I assume the US would have a similar system. That was another thing that puzzled me about Murray. Seems like a lame excuse for not calling paramedics.

The same is true for the UK.
If you're on a mobile phone, they can get a good idea of where you are using the signal strength from several different transmitters. The police use it to trace criminals too.

I would be astounded if the US emergency services weren't able to do the same.
omg what a weird video :shock:
I don't get the point of this video

Damage control, and to help alleviate some of the "he's in hiding" stuff. Not to say he may not be sincere in what he said, but this is obviously to repair his image.

Personally, I feel this guy is both responsible for what he has coming, but I also feel a tad bad for him. I believe Michael DID have an issue with drugs, and this doctor was supplying him with them. By going against ethics and probably the law, he helped aid someone in their accidental death. I don't in any way, shape or form believe any of this was planned, or that he did anything intentional, but by being careless and being swayed by the power of the dollar, one person is now dead, having paid the ultimate price, and this guy is also paying about as bad of a price one can get.

On one hand, he may or may not be deserving of all the bad publicity being thrown his way, but it should also serve as a reminder to everyone here just to be careful with both your own actions, and the actions of those around you.
a doctor should be sorry and sad-Michael died under your care...even if you were perfect you should feel guilty...if you don't feel remorse that means you know you did something wrong and now you will do anything to cover your ass!
For many fans it appears Dr Murray is the target as the one who "killed" Michael.

But that is far from the truth.

Michael was using propofol in the HIStory tour and it didn't kill him
It seems Dr Murray had administered propofol a few times and it did not kill Michael.

My REAL suspicion rests around AEG and the people around Michael the last 2 days of the rehearsals, one of whom was even a doctor.

You see, when you rule out any options as to who caused Michael's death, then you are on a one-track mind and can miss the truth, just as Sneddon went on a one-track mind against MJ and could not reverse his views and conclusions even when presented with evidence to the contrary.

It is TOO MUCH of a coincidence that Michael dies the night after a detailed filming of the rehearsal and i will reiterate that when people are bitter, and there is money involved, they do crazy things.

Barrack and Tahome were not happy being sidelined. They are the ones who brought about the AEG deal. Yet Tahome still had access to Michael.

Think of this, what if Tahome saw a chance, let the AEG film footage that they can sell since he brought about the deal, when done, then if MJ is gone, we get his body into Neverland and make a Graceland and recoup millions we invested there and also make profits. AEG makes money off last MJ rehearsals, Tahome/Barrack make money off Neverland, the people who displaced them lose out.

And given the LA times interview, there was bitterness. What was missing in that picture is bitterness can result in some action.

Chandler - cut off -bitter - Jordan
Blanca - cut off - bitter - Jason
Myung Ho Lee - cut off - bitter - lawsuit
Schmuley - cut off - bitter - slander
Schaffel - cut off -bitter - lien on MJ ranch, lawsuit, slander
Arvizos - cut off - bitter - Gavin

and the story could go on and on

Tahome, a doctor, must have known MJ uses propofol to sleep, before he was terminated.

Now, if he introduces a substance into MJ's food that is untraceable or even traceable, that will conflict with propofol when Dr Murray administers it, MJ will be gone.

He was with MJ 1 or 2 days before at the rehearsals and bribery of staff with access to MJ's changing room cannot be ruled out.

POISONING is a REAL POSSIBILITY, knowing that Dr Murray would take the blame when substance introduced conflicted.


Then Dr Murray falls into a trap that has been set, he administers propofol to help MJ sleep, MJ fails to breath and the spotlight is on Dr Murray.

Never rule out any possibility
Hollywood is full of crafty murders and if you have watched DEATH ON THE NILE, you will know that setups in murder situations are possible when there are certain motives.

Why would propofol, if used by Dr Murray several times before the 25th June, suddenly kill him on that day?

It's like you taking medication pills or insulin and suddenly one day, you take a pill or insulin and you die. It cannot just come out of the blue.

WHAT??... Lay off the Nancy drew and the other mystery stories.
Well, he's not going to apologize in this video because he wants to say as little as possible about Jackson to avoid incriminating himself.

For many fans it appears Dr Murray is the target as the one who "killed" Michael.

But that is far from the truth.

Michael was using propofol in the HIStory tour and it didn't kill him
It seems Dr Murray had administered propofol a few times and it did not kill Michael.

My REAL suspicion rests around AEG and the people around Michael the last 2 days of the rehearsals, one of whom was even a doctor.

You see, when you rule out any options as to who caused Michael's death, then you are on a one-track mind and can miss the truth, just as Sneddon went on a one-track mind against MJ and could not reverse his views and conclusions even when presented with evidence to the contrary.

It is TOO MUCH of a coincidence that Michael dies the night after a detailed filming of the rehearsal and i will reiterate that when people are bitter, and there is money involved, they do crazy things.

Barrack and Tahome were not happy being sidelined. They are the ones who brought about the AEG deal. Yet Tahome still had access to Michael.

Think of this, what if Tahome saw a chance, let the AEG film footage that they can sell since he brought about the deal, when done, then if MJ is gone, we get his body into Neverland and make a Graceland and recoup millions we invested there and also make profits. AEG makes money off last MJ rehearsals, Tahome/Barrack make money off Neverland, the people who displaced them lose out.

And given the LA times interview, there was bitterness. What was missing in that picture is bitterness can result in some action.

Chandler - cut off -bitter - Jordan
Blanca - cut off - bitter - Jason
Myung Ho Lee - cut off - bitter - lawsuit
Schmuley - cut off - bitter - slander
Schaffel - cut off -bitter - lien on MJ ranch, lawsuit, slander
Arvizos - cut off - bitter - Gavin

and the story could go on and on

Tahome, a doctor, must have known MJ uses propofol to sleep, before he was terminated.

Now, if he introduces a substance into MJ's food that is untraceable or even traceable, that will conflict with propofol when Dr Murray administers it, MJ will be gone.

He was with MJ 1 or 2 days before at the rehearsals and bribery of staff with access to MJ's changing room cannot be ruled out.

POISONING is a REAL POSSIBILITY, knowing that Dr Murray would take the blame when substance introduced conflicted.


Then Dr Murray falls into a trap that has been set, he administers propofol to help MJ sleep, MJ fails to breath and the spotlight is on Dr Murray.

Never rule out any possibility
Hollywood is full of crafty murders and if you have watched DEATH ON THE NILE, you will know that setups in murder situations are possible when there are certain motives.

Why would propofol, if used by Dr Murray several times before the 25th June, suddenly kill him on that day?

It's like you taking medication pills or insulin and suddenly one day, you take a pill or insulin and you die. It cannot just come out of the blue.

Oh my God! :|
What if you are right???
I feel so sick to think that someone actually planed to see Michael dead. :cry:
And of cours it's because his money...
All the suffer that he had in his life, it's because of his money.
Poor Michael. :cry:
He didn't deserved to be treated this way. :boohoo:
I don't know why no self respecting doctor with integrity intervened when Propofol was administered to help Michael to sleep....for feck sake it's an anaesthetic...this is like taking codine dependency to another level. I hate it .... every consultant/GP has seen this with patients...addiction to prescription medicine. Alot of elderly people and I mean people in their 70s 80s are hooked on sleep medication. It's not uncommon...but if the signs were there, it should have been stopped..this pisses me off.
I was shocked too when I heard the doctors have been giving for years an anesthetic(!!!)to go to sleep...I think a doctor did mention that they never heard of something like this before but I didn't hear anything else
as for Murray, nobody said he should apologize in a way that'd make him look like he's incriminating himself, but he could at least say I'm sorry for what happened to Michael. but with the details we've been receiving so far it's obvious Murray always cared only about himself
After watching his tape a few times, I don't see any ounce of care that his patient is gone. Not one! He could probably pass a lie detector test when lying :/
i didnt watch the video nor want to. ill wait until the investigation is completed
He did not even mention Michael in this video...or did i miss it? Geez the least he could do is explain how much he misses Michael...or how bad of a tragedy this was. :throwingstones:
it would be a mistake to talk about michael because whatever he says will be mis-intepreted or used as later evidence if/when it goes to court.
Why does he record this video? The doctor makes me so angry
Does he have many supporters???? What supporters....:(