Dr Conrad Murray breaks his silence. (Youtube Video)

it would be a mistake to talk about michael because whatever he says will be mis-intepreted or used as later evidence if/when it goes to court.
yeah, i guess that's true...:censored:

Why does he record this video? The doctor makes me so angry
Does he have many supporters???? What supporters....:(

apparently, he has millions of fanatics and people who love him all around the universe !!!!
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I think Murray is trying to get the Michael haters on board in case this goes to trial. I'm sure he knows there are alot of people who still think the absolute worst of Michael. And I think he's trying to appeal to these people. The media knows that too. And they want in on this because they've been looking for reasons to blame this on Michael since the day he died. But nobody had heard from Murray. So they put alot of heat on Murray. But now since he's saying something,that's why all of a sudden it's "Poor Doctor Murray". I'm not surprised by any of this. Because this is what they always did when all was said and done in any situation involving Michael. Make everyone else out to be the victim and him the villian. I knew this was coming. I didn't know when. But I knew it was coming.

Yep, I see you can see exactly what I see too.

The media will jump on this as it develops and anything nasty he says about Michael in the future in court they'll print as being true because he said it.

Once again we all got to stick together folks. *Hugs* to everyone.
against better judgement i just watched the video. murray looks like he was crying, or under a great deal of strain. i think all the hate in the fan community has been affecting him quite badly. hes clearly reading off a teleprompter or card but its more to reassure those who cares about. you can tell hes nervous about the investigation too as his face twitches a few times (a usual sign of nervousness)
actually the reason they didnt see the berg sooner was that it was a blue berg, having recently turned over. they did an investigation a few years ago and even if they had binoculars its unlikely they would have seen it as the only illumination was the stars so very far away. also fleet had problems with his sight. he later committed suicide.

As crazy as this may sound I feel bad for Dr. Murray. I'm sure he did everything in his will to revive MJ and I don't believe he had any bad intentions since they were friends for years. I can't even imagine being in his shoes. He's going to have to walk around with the stigma that Michael Jackson died in his arms. It's kind of like Frederick Fleet survivor of the Titanic. He was the first who sighted the iceberg but he didn't have any binoculars so he didn't see it sooner. Frederick had to live with the guilt that he survivored the Titanic while many lives perished.
On News 24 last night the newsreader introduced the Murray statement by calling it ' a message to Michael Jackson fans thanking them for their support' - I totally agree with those of you who beleive this is all part of preparing the ground work for a smear campaign in court against MJ; similar to what Mark Shaffell was saying in a recent thread.
I agree with some fan members, Dr Murray does come across as creepy. He looks guilty to me, because even if he didn't let Michael die on purpose he's guilty of incompedence that caused Michael's death. I have no idea why Michael trusted this doctor, that really does baffle me.
Looks like a premptive strike to me. He knows the net is closing in, so wants to get his message and face out there to potential jurors now.
against better judgement i just watched the video. murray looks like he was crying, or under a great deal of strain. i think all the hate in the fan community has been affecting him quite badly. hes clearly reading off a teleprompter or card but its more to reassure those who cares about. you can tell hes nervous about the investigation too as his face twitches a few times (a usual sign of nervousness)

I know what you mean about Murray being scared of crazy fans but no matter how you turn it he needs to pay for what he did. michael is dead nothing's gonna bring him back, that's something he needs to pay for, him and everyone involved including the other doctors who gave MJ propofol because Murray is not the only one who's responsible
well my hope is some crazed fan doesnt do something they will regret. because if they attack or kill murray theyre likely to get life behind bars. likewise if/when murray is charged, ill let a court of law give punishment.

I know what you mean about Murray being scared of crazy fans but no matter how you turn it he needs to pay for what he did. michael is dead nothing's gonna bring him back, that's something he needs to pay for, him and everyone involved including the other doctors who gave MJ propofol because Murray is not the only one who's responsible
NO! Again, if people LISTEN he says he is saying thank you to his patients, friends and wider family members who have emailed him/called him with messages of concern/support that he cannot reply to personally. Don't twist it!

We don't need to twist things, the truth will out.

who the eff is he thanking? he's acting like he's some popularity figure with legions of fans.
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Saw a tiny clip of this on Sky News this morning, but cant bring my self to watch the rest on YouTube.

If It was all just an accident and Murderer, ( oops sorry) Murray didn't mean to kill Michael, I feel the ever so slightest bit sorry for him, having to go through this, BUT, still will be extremely angry and destroyed and I'll never forgive him for what he did. EVER!!!

But if he did mean to delibrately take Michaels life, then Conrad Murderer should be sent down to jail right NOW!! and Rot in Hell Forever!!!!

I Miss You Michael So, So, So Much!!:cry:
Oh, thank you. I didn't know this was what was meant. I remember now on the news that a doctor said when this is administered in a hospital the patient's blood oxygen level and other things are monitored as it is very dangerous. I didn't hear from anywhere that murray definitely wasn't doing this. thank you for the link.

I actually got this from TMZ.

"It is considered reckless in the medical community for a doctor to administer an IV drip of Propofol without the patient being monitored by an EKG, which sounds an alarm when the patient's pulse drops too low. No EKG was found in the house."

Here's the link if you would like to read for yourself:


I know TMZ is not the best source to get info, but they have been pretty acurate when it come to Michael (Don't know what's up with that).

But you know check it out for yourself.
murray didnt sound like he is planning anything in the video to me. i dont really see how people can say that. hes thanking friends, patients and people who care about him. he points out that he hasnt been using various forms of communication so hes doing the video to reassure them, which is understandable.

likewise if/when he is charged, his defence team will have a field day and claim their client cant get a fair trial because of the amount of reporting and finger pointing.
They were first because they weren't afraid to post it without getting complete confirmation. News stations were afraid to announce it without being 100000% sure, can you imagine CNN reporting Michael as dead, and then having to take it back because they were wrong. TMZ didn't have this worry, and the chance to be the first to announce the death of Michael was too hard for them to resist, so they announced it anyway. Its not that they definitely knew first, they were bold, without fear, and they were right.

I totally agree!!! They reported Michael was dead (ugh I hate to write it) before CNN, and before anyone.
I have read the entire thread that was posted on the day Michael died. While everyone was saying there was no official statement that he was dead, TMZ was already reporting it. I have always wondered HOW they knew it!

I know this is a little off topic, but please dont delete it. Thank you!!
he's very creepy @_@ i have a bad feelings about this i think he is a victim too we should look after who send him to kill MJ

day by day i believe that MJ was Murdered :(
i agree. case in point: titanic sinking 1912. without official confirmation the new york times scooped everyone else as they looked at the various messages that had been reported from the sinking liner and that no messages has been reported after so many hours so they assumed the worse and reported titanic had sunk with great loss of life. i think thats what happened here. michael and rumors of drugs have been in the media for many years and i think tmz just expected that finally it had happened and hed died

They were first because they weren't afraid to post it without getting complete confirmation. News stations were afraid to announce it without being 100000% sure, can you imagine CNN reporting Michael as dead, and then having to take it back because they were wrong. TMZ didn't have this worry, and the chance to be the first to announce the death of Michael was too hard for them to resist, so they announced it anyway. Its not that they definitely knew first, they were bold, without fear, and they were right.
Although the whole situation of MJ's passing seems suspicious, we must treat Dr. Murray as innocent until he's proven guilty and every suspect in the situation, if any.
o.o that was anything but spectacular lol
i thought he would say sth. about michael and the rumour that he was murdered ^_^
but good for him that he has supporters lol he`ll need them..
his defence team will have a field day - all the rumors, finger pointing, media coverage. they'll just come and say how can my client get a fair trial? my gut feeling tells me its not just murray that might be guilty but many other doctors. i think thats why we havent heard anything officially from the toxicology. i think behind the scenes they know but that there are mutiple doctors (who we might not even know about yet) and theyre busy tracing all the meds back and seeing who gave him what and when and going through all the medical records they can uncover. likewise if this doesnt go to court its depressing to think what effect it might have on the fanbase. can you imagine how enraged fans might become if nobody ends up paying for it?

Although the whole situation of MJ's passing seems suspicious, we must treat Dr. Murray as innocent until he's proven guilty and every suspect in the situation, if any.
Oh my God! :|
What if you are right???
I feel so sick to think that someone actually planed to see Michael dead. :cry:
And of cours it's because his money...
All the suffer that he had in his life, it's because of his money.
Poor Michael. :cry:
He didn't deserved to be treated this way. :boohoo:
if he had been more selfish and evil then he would not have been hurt and suffered so much.
if he hadn't helped sob gavin with his cancer, then he wouldn't have been sued and ended up having post traumatic stress disorder which i think he had.
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If people LISTEN he says he is saying thank you to his patients, friends and wider family members who have emailed him/called him with messages of concern/support that he cannot reply to personally.
wow! big print! and yeah i agree. hes just thanking the people he hasnt talked to recently via a video message. hes probably worried about phone tapping and that anything he sends via email might later be used against him.
Big print I know, but people keep saying he is talking to supporters like he thinks he has crowds of fans! No he isn't. He isn't that stupid, and he actually says who he is talking to, if people listen. People are twisting things like the tabloids do. We don't need to do that.

wow! big print! and yeah i agree. hes just thanking the people he hasnt talked to recently via a video message. hes probably worried about phone tapping and that anything he sends via email might later be used against him.
Well, why not pick up a phone if he needs to talk with them??
Oh shit that's right, his lil punk ass don't know how to use a phone.
What is this?? 1876 before the phone was invented?
Ya don't see me usin YT to talk to my family and friends.
The words he spoke were the same words Michael said during his speech about him being innocent in 2005.
That shit don't fly here Murray. Use ur own damn brain. Wait ya don't got one of those either!
Step off Murray: