Dr Conrad Murray breaks his silence. (Youtube Video)

The thing is for what he did on the fact of being completely inept at his job, he will go to trial.

BUT remember he is going to know stuff that a lot of people werent privvy too. He may know if AEG etc were trying to control Michael and he will know stuff Michael has said which is deep and dangerous info.

This is not going to be also about the death of Michael Jackson but stuff that was going on in the background. If he was one of the few privvy to the upstairs floor then there was some level of trust and I imagine Michael talked about things to him. He will also know about Michaels health and weight and state of body etc. This is the guy who will be able to dispel any rumours of ill health - he will be able to state whether AEG SHOULD have had Michael up there on a stage.

He is in a very dangerous position, and to be honest he may be more scared of the big boys out there than going to prison.


This guy will know sooooooooooo much, he will have the answers to all our questions about the last months of Michael Jackson BUT the info he has could be soooooooooo damaging to AEG and Randy Phillips......

So, I wonder if he will survive the trial.....
some of the people defending murray..I'm not gonna name anyone.
(and has joined the board LATE,) well.. I almost wonder if you're in his family or something.
or a friend of his..
the way you defend him. not caring about what he did wrong..at all.
I'm just saying.

WAIT to call 911???
cpr on BED??
give him the DAMN propofol??
the list goes on. NO MATTER if he didn't do anything "on purpose" he was the one that was there, he COULD have helped Michael that was HIS JOB ! his JOB!

all of this makes me angry.
He did wrong, its simple!

Lets face it people in responsible positions such as those trained and of course parents have to do the best for those they are in charge of. You have to have a moral code and ethics to get through life, and if you dont then expect at any point the unexpected.

Its simple what goes around comes around. Once you step into certain arenas and the pursuit of money no matter what and who it may harm becomes your focus then its all going to end in tears. Fair enough if it only harms the pursuiant but unfortunately it also harms those they use.

The thing is Dr Murray aint no thick kid from the wrong side of the street, he is educated and qualified and also in a profession which is there to help others, to help the sick and wounded and make things better. He has also brought his profession into disreguard.

What I cant get over is using something which needs so much equipment to monitor to administer it so recklessly. It is a disrespect for the drug, disrespect for its effects, disrespect for the potential dangers and ultimately as he has proven he has had a total disrespect for a life.

When we are given the opportunity and to be honest the priviledge of caring for another, we should always give due care and attention.

Some people are forgetting the basics. Leave to one side all the stuff before the day Michael died, all the speculation etc and everything about AEG. Just take the basic focus to Michael Jackson employing a full time doctor on an amazing wage - yep he was getting propofol BUT how it was given, the lack of care, the slow response to events - just look at it for those hours and then see how much he let down Michael Jackson. It wasnt Michael Jacksons job to name and aquire every monitor etc and to research it. If I go to the dentist to get teeth pulled then I presume he is going to have everything needed to do the job well and safely.

Dr Murray was uncompliant, he followed no codes of anything whatsover. It was like some novice looking the stuff up on the internet and then trying to do it all on the cheap.

He has to acknowledge and accept his failings. He has to be a man and I hope that in what is to come he at least has the decency for Michael Jacksons kids to be honest and provide full answers to everything that went on. The kids are going throughout their life to need to know when the time is right for them. Dr Murray could end speculation upon speculation, stop all these ridiculous books which I see listed in Amazon ready for pre order and he could finally take on some attributes associated with those in health care by providing to the needs of others.

He needs to at some point be a MAN!
some of the people defending murray..I'm not gonna name anyone.
(and has joined the board LATE,) well.. I almost wonder if you're in his family or something.
or a friend of his..
the way you defend him. not caring about what he did wrong..at all.
I'm just saying.

WAIT to call 911???
cpr on BED??
give him the DAMN propofol??
the list goes on. NO MATTER if he didn't do anything "on purpose" he was the one that was there, he COULD have helped Michael that was HIS JOB ! his JOB!

all of this makes me angry.

I have to say this.

there's no point blaming anyone on this board. we're all coming from our own perspective. how do you know some of aren't doctors? how do you know some of us aren't lawyers? how do you know some of us aren't anesthesiologists?

don't point the finger at anybody on this board, please. it's not going to go anywhere. Michael would HATE this kind of discord and finger-pointing among his fans. I know we're all angry and frustrated. life ain't gonna be easy for us in the next months/year when the trial starts... but we need to stick together, not fall apart.

all I know is that I want the perps -- whoever they are -- in jail. and I want justice for a man who was never ever dealt it while he lived. I want justice for Michael Jackson -- even and especially in death. and I'm not 100% sure we will get it. knowing that makes me sick to my stomach and steals my sleep. but it's reality.

I come here every day now. I never did before. I grew up with Michael in a way. he was a teen when I was a tween. as I grew older, his music was pervasive in my life to the point that at times I wasn't even paying him a lot of attention. I was busy living my life, and I knew he was busy living his. the thought was comforting, it made me happy even though, over the years, things weren't so good. but I just knew that he was there... his songs, his thoughts, his words, his eternal, fragile melodies that touched me even without, at times, my direct awareness. I still can't believe he's gone. it's like my dearest family member -- a brother -- has died. no one in my family... not even some of my closest friends... understands my pain. they all think I'm obsessed. in a way, I am. I'm doing penance. I feel guilt and hurt and an enormous amount of contrition over and above the anger and the frustration. I feel helpless and hopeless. during the trial, I was abroad and I couldn't be here. I watched Michael from afar, fearing for his life every day while my own life was actually falling apart. all I knew then was that I -- that many others like me -- couldn't help him. he had to help himself.

so I want to be here now. I want to make sure I feel this pain every day. to feel that which every one of you is feeling. I want to make sure we never forget this moment in time. I know Michael would not want us to suffer, but in a way, we're collectively experiencing and purging ALL OF THAT WHICH HE SUFFERED. this is the only way to redemption for all of us... to stick together, to grieve together, to love and understand each other. that's why I come here every day now. not to point fingers and name names. there'll be a time and a venue for that. it'll be upon us soon.

wounding each other (because words, even online, can hurt deeply) like this is leading to nothing but ennui and angst. it's not leading us anywhere Michael would want us to be.

thanks for listening.

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^^that's why i'm not saying any names. keeping it to myself.

edit: and yeah I agree with you on your post : michael needs JUSTICE
I like this version of Conrad better


Oh BOY!! The spoofs are already coming, eh?? That's the first thing I thought of when I watched Murray's 'video' -- The death-threats. :lmao:

P.S. ------>> I also laughed my ass off when they made spoofs of Michael--not because I was a 'Bandwagon-Hater' ... but because I thought they were funny. Doesn't mean I didn't love Michael at the time or anything. I laugh at and make fun of all the people I love (except for dumb-ass "doctors," of course, lol)... my love for people comes in all different ways, shapes, and forms. So neeehhh... :tease:
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Wasn't sure whether this should go in a fresh thread or not but decided to add it here. Its an interview with Murray which was held just after the youtube clip was filmed.

"What is particularly infuriating to him are the tags that are now attached to him in many press reports, “concierge doctor” or “enabling doctor.” “I am neither,” he says, visibly upset. When I mention Michael Jackson at one point, he interrupts me, to say “my friend.” It stops me in mid-sentence because I had always assumed that the relationship between Conrad Murray and Jackson was doctor-patient only, but Murray to seemed genuine with his comment.

What is your biggest worry? Without hesitating he says, “That I will be made the scapegoat.” For whom? He doesn’t want to blame others, doctors, or business advisors around Jackson, but clearly he has his own ideas of some who were responsible for any of the pop star’s problems near the end of his life."

Wasn't sure whether this should go in a fresh thread or not but decided to add it here. Its an interview with Murray which was held just after the youtube clip was filmed.

"What is particularly infuriating to him are the tags that are now attached to him in many press reports, “concierge doctor” or “enabling doctor.” “I am neither,” he says, visibly upset. When I mention Michael Jackson at one point, he interrupts me, to say “my friend.” It stops me in mid-sentence because I had always assumed that the relationship between Conrad Murray and Jackson was doctor-patient only, but Murray to seemed genuine with his comment.

What is your biggest worry? Without hesitating he says, “That I will be made the scapegoat.” For whom? He doesn’t want to blame others, doctors, or business advisors around Jackson, but clearly he has his own ideas of some who were responsible for any of the pop star’s problems near the end of his life."


That article makes me feel SICK. Its interesting the Daily Beast is the one Diane Dimond writes on and now they are being sympathetic to Murray... hmmm.... He might have been used in this if others are involved in killing Michael('if' I'm saying) but I think all he cares about is making himself look good right now, calling Michael his 'friend' yuk!... evil man.

From the article:
"The only condition was that I describe the place where I interviewed Dr. Murray as “an undisclosed location.” I arrived, by coincidence, half an hour after the one minute video made by his lawyers last Wednesday, had been posted on YouTube'
yeah right it was by coincidence!! Its all a PR campaign set up to make him look good!
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he's like a piece of shit that won't flush down the tiolet
indrani, you know there are mj 'fans' or maybe idiots here on this board right?
they give everyone around mj the benefit of doubt and blame everything on mj.
I've distanced myself from these type of discussions, because to me the exact circumstances of Michael's death aren't important; I only really care about the fact that he's dead. I mean, obviously I hope he didn't feel pain, but other than that it's a non-issue for me and I'll just leave it to the authorities. I do understand that a lot of people need answers for closure. I wanna comment on this, though...

^^that's why i'm not saying any names. keeping it to myself.

You're not keeping anything to yourself. It's the same thing. Normally when someone says "I won't name any names..." people either know exactly who you're talking about, or wonder if you're talking about them. It's a pet peeve of mine and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the people who do it know exactly what they're doing. It's a complete cop-out move, especially when the comments of the posters you're talking about are right here in this thread, so we do know who you're referring to. It'd actually be better if you just called them out specifically, rather than pretending you're taking a moral high ground.
I still can't believe Mike is really dead. Gone for good. :(

It's just not right. I still cry all the time, and I've never done that before.

Hope he gets punished if he is guilty. BUT he shall have his day in court like any other.

Innocent till proven guilty.
stop watching the news for 2 wks now but heard the video on the radio.........

Dude is guilty....and he is just doing pre-empted damage control.....

Ive got 2 questions for the Dr.... how you couldn't call 911 from your cell when you said you phone Michael because you didn't have the address but the cops impounded your car from the house...

you supposedly gave him the Div the night prior but at 9am before you supposed found it you were on the phone with 2 of your employees to have them clear out your storage place...


as a fellow islander..........that sing-song tone... lets me hear right to the "guilt"
OMG, this guy is in Houston. I'm not that far from him. This is torture!!
I have to say this.

there's no point blaming anyone on this board. we're all coming from our own perspective. how do you know some of aren't doctors? how do you know some of us aren't lawyers? how do you know some of us aren't anesthesiologists?

don't point the finger at anybody on this board, please. it's not going to go anywhere. Michael would HATE this kind of discord and finger-pointing among his fans. I know we're all angry and frustrated. life ain't gonna be easy for us in the next months/year when the trial starts... but we need to stick together, not fall apart.

all I know is that I want the perps -- whoever they are -- in jail. and I want justice for a man who was never ever dealt it while he lived. I want justice for Michael Jackson -- even and especially in death. and I'm not 100% sure we will get it. knowing that makes me sick to my stomach and steals my sleep. but it's reality.

I come here every day now. I never did before. I grew up with Michael in a way. he was a teen when I was a tween. as I grew older, his music was pervasive in my life to the point that at times I wasn't even paying him a lot of attention. I was busy living my life, and I knew he was busy living his. the thought was comforting, it made me happy even though, over the years, things weren't so good. but I just knew that he was there... his songs, his thoughts, his words, his eternal, fragile melodies that touched me even without, at times, my direct awareness. I still can't believe he's gone. it's like my dearest family member -- a brother -- has died. no one in my family... not even some of my closest friends... understands my pain. they all think I'm obsessed. in a way, I am. I'm doing penance. I feel guilt and hurt and an enormous amount of contrition over and above the anger and the frustration. I feel helpless and hopeless. during the trial, I was abroad and I couldn't be here. I watched Michael from afar, fearing for his life every day while my own life was actually falling apart. all I knew then was that I -- that many others like me -- couldn't help him. he had to help himself.

so I want to be here now. I want to make sure I feel this pain every day. to feel that which every one of you is feeling. I want to make sure we never forget this moment in time. I know Michael would not want us to suffer, but in a way, we're collectively experiencing and purging ALL OF THAT WHICH HE SUFFERED. this is the only way to redemption for all of us... to stick together, to grieve together, to love and understand each other. that's why I come here every day now. not to point fingers and name names. there'll be a time and a venue for that. it'll be upon us soon.

wounding each other (because words, even online, can hurt deeply) like this is leading to nothing but ennui and angst. it's not leading us anywhere Michael would want us to be.

thanks for listening.


Indrani, Thanks for sharing your feelings with us. Reading your feelings strangely was comforting to me, perhaps I too am much like you paying my way through this pain. Although I frequented this board more often, I didn't give Michael much attention, he was with me always, wherever, whenever...I knew he was living the life he worked so hard to build..

Michael DOES deserve justice at least in death .
This video done him no good. It just has everyone talking about him again but now they are saying what a weirdo he is.
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This Conrad video spoof is amazing. I swear the humour kills all my sadness and anger: everyone watch this, its much better and more real than the original. :lmao: :lol: :lol:

Youtube Dr Murray spoof

"i know what i did was wrong, i gave the king of pop s*** i shouldn't have given him....but d***** I wanna be rich too!"

funny...yet sad cause that's the truth
No one is buying this video. the bottom line he gave Michael a drug OUTSIDE of the hospital setting that was wrong. It does NOt matter if Michae asked for it. HE IS THE DOCTOR. Like the nurse said just moring, Murray is responsible REGARDLESS. if something was in Michael's system, Murray should have even known that before giving Michael anything. This has nothing to do with being a friend or not, Murray still did WRONG.
It hurts me to know Michael should be alive and to think Michael was thinking he was to going to wake up, take care of his children and go to rehearsal that day, but this happen. IT is so sad.
"i know what i did was wrong, i gave the king of pop s*** i shouldn't have given him....but d***** I wanna be rich too!"

funny...yet sad cause that's the truth

LMAO like everything else tragic that has happened to Michael, I somehow always find things pathetic and funny.. Now Murray is on my parody list of pathetic people who have hurt Michael.

Why all of the sudden famous people start making video statements on youtube? First Chris Brown, now CONRAD MURRAY? WTF... I admit.. The Chris Brown part was the best, with the lube and the weapon and the ''dont worry.... be happy'' LMAO :lol:

Oh shit.. this is just so sad its funny.. :no: :lol