Dr Conrad Murray breaks his silence. (Youtube Video)

Sometimes I feel guilty. I know deep down Michael has hoped we as his fans were going to put pressure on the Arvinos but nothing ever happend. I feel guilty I let Michael down.
I know Michael is against violence etc. but I `m 100% sure my heart tells me Michael was wondering why "Nothing" happend against the Arvinos from the fansite and I´m not talking about violence just a little pressure so they were going to stop telling lies. Deep down Michael had hoped that his fans had done more. This makes me feel guilty. Yeah I was talking on the internet and angry and writing to the press etc etc.but nothing more was done from my part.
This breaks my heart!!!!! I´m 100 % sure that Mike would´ve been very happy and proud if he had seen how his fans don´t let the Arvinos get on with their lies-again not talking about violence to make this very clear!!. But why were no fans in front of their house demonstrating etc. There are so many ways to put pressure on people.
And where is the pressure now? It´s on Murray right?
And how much pressure is on Chandler.Arvinos? Zero? Right!

Hmm, first of all it's Arvizos, not Arvinos, and second, we DO hate them. Where have you been? We did all we could to get the truth out about them during the trial, etc. Nothing more we could do, and unfortunately people don't get arrested for lying. My question is, why is every one of your posts defending murray and trying to get us to discuss something else???
Yep I understand. There are seperate issues.

1. who he says the video is for (thats what ppl are getting confused, and i was correcting)

2. who/ what the video is really for (I know as well as others this is not (just) for his patients/friends who are supporting him)

3. he is guilty of negligence (we all know this)

4. he is guilty of murder, intentionally killing Michael (this is what some people on here are saying, and THAT is what I am saying he's innocent of intentional murder until proven guilty.)

I understand that he says he's thanking family and supporters (?), but as he was instructed to do by his attorney's PR firm. What I'm saying is that there's more to the message than the words -- there is who produced the video (PR firm), and where it wound up (CNN).

If people react that way ("who are his supporters?" etc.) I'm sure it's because this loss is still raw and there's still a lot of anger, particulary at Murray. It's true that under U.S. law he is innocent until proven guilty, but it's also been said that he told LAPD that he used Propofol on Michael. And then Michael died. Murray is the target of a homicide investigation, as stated by his own attorneys. He may not go go prison (don't know), but surely will lose at least his medical license. My point is that a lot of the reactions here are because of anger -- which is normal under the circumstances!

Carry on,

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B.S.! If people don't stop saying this, I'm going to scream! We are only accusing murray of things that he SAID or his lawyer said and admitted to!! We are all talking about his negligence! Did he or did he NOT admit to giving Michael Propofol? Because I thought he did. Didn't he and his attorney say themselves that he left Michael after giving him that drug to "go make phone calls"??? If he hadn't, he might have been able to do something sooner to save him. Didn't we all hear the audio tape of the 911 operator telling them to tell the doctor to put him on the floor??? Because he was administering CPR on A BED???? Yes, I think so. Did he or did he not say he did not know the address for where Michael lived (lie!) and that's why he didn't immediately call 911 himself from his CELL PHONE?! If nothing else, the man is an IDIOT, and his negligence and stupidity caused Michael to die.
So before people start feeling so sorry for Murray and saying how we shouldn't judge him and we are doing the same thing others did to Michael, you better think again.

Wow, somebody get's it.

I am going to repeat this one more time. He admited to giving Michael the Propofol, this is a crime in it self.

Did he take this back? I do not recall him recanting his statement.

So he has already admited to his guilt. (Is there other involved, You're damn straight)
As much as I dislike Dr Murray, as much as I believe he is guilty of malpractice, I have a feeling this man is being stalked and is receiving death threats. I just want to say that as guilty as he may be... This man does not need any death threats, it solves nothing. You can hear how shaken and scared he is in the video, at first I was just pissed off but if he made mistakes.. Still this man does not deserve any death threats. The MJJ community is worldwide.. Imagine how scared he is now that the entire world is against him, thats a horrible feeling. Im not defending him or anything, but I dont think we should stoop to a level where we start sending death wishes to this man. We need to remain bigger and more mature than that.
against better judgement i just watched the video. murray looks like he was crying, or under a great deal of strain. i think all the hate in the fan community has been affecting him quite badly. hes clearly reading off a teleprompter or card but its more to reassure those who cares about. you can tell hes nervous about the investigation too as his face twitches a few times (a usual sign of nervousness)

I wouldn't assume he feels bad about anything. I think that he's upset because he hasn't been able to work since this happened, and from the news, they are saying he's having financial problems. Also, I'm sure he is stressed out about being investigated, esp. since he knows he was negligent. He should be worried.
You serously don't think he feels 'bad' about a man in his 'care' dying...and that his actions (or lack of) led to three children being left without a father? You seriously think he has no 'bad' feeling about this? Coz if it was me I'd be having a f*kin breakdown, and so would any other person.

I wouldn't assume he feels bad about anything.
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I get a bad vibe from him.

Anyone notice his eyes don't move much yet his mouth and head does, kinda freaky.

As Michael once said, The truth will prevail.
WRONG, it was NOT MJ time to go. ED McMann, yes, but not Michael. GOd does not take lives in such ways but Mankind DOES. God will not kill a man who is getting his life back on top, leaving behind three children, etc. Dr Murray may not have done it on purpose but he did do it. The bottom line he used a DRUG that was NOT suppose to be used outside of a hospital and he did not have the right equipment means he put a man's life at risk. It does NOT matter what Michael had in his system, It does not matter if Michael asked for it, DR MURRAY IS THE DOCTOR.


Killing a man is not of God. A man not god took Michael life. Could god had intervened of course, but why this world does not deserve all the love Michael gave. I have thought a lot about, this trying to figure out why Michael is not with us anymore. I am in no way angry with God. He brought his Angel home were he belongs, were all will appreciate him. This world has done enough to Michael and I feel god said enough is enough. You accused, destroyed, broke, manipulated, and lied on this man. Know you want to take his life. No, enough is enough. I gave you a gift and you destroyed it. I am bringing my child home. So you are right God does not kill, Mankind kills (and it disgusts me).
WOW! You got me wrong I AGREE with the NEGLIGENCE thing... I'm talking about people who were saying that Murray murdered Michael as part of some massive plan..as people are saying in the investigative forum.

No, it wasn't just to you, even though I quoted you. There have been several people who've said that we shouldn't judge him, and that he is innocent until proven guilty. I was just pointing out that he is in fact guilty of things we do know that he did. I also didn't say anything about the whole conspiracy thing. As far as I know, Michael died because of Murray and his negligence/incompetence.
When i look at all the comments that go against Dr. Murray, and speak badly about him, i feel SHAME. You should all be fucking ashamed of yourself. You are giving him, a POTENTIALLY innocent man the same treatment that MJ got during his difficult times, and that makes you just as much trash as the MJ bashers.

As for me, i will wait until the answers are out, so i will pass no judgment whatsoever until that time. I advise you all to do the same.
This is my take on it..

- We dont need to stoop to the level of threats and violence ourselves, Michaels message has always been about peace and kindness.

- God knows, and Dr Murray knows what he did and he will forever have to live with what he has done, whether or not we will ever find out what really happened. He will know and he is gonna have to live with that nightmare image for the rest of his life, behind or outside bars. No one can erase what he has done, only he knows. And thats punishment enough because I can tell you for sure he is gonna have nightmares.

- I believe god and the law is on Michaels side on this case and I believe Dr Murray is gonna recieve his punishment when the evidence is all laid out on the table.

- We need to move past from all the hating and the crying, it does no good. Personally I dont wanna think about Murray whenever I think something associated with Michael Jackson, when this is all over, when the verdict is in.. When Murray has gotten his punishment, lets move on and rise above.. Lets move on from all the crying, the hating, the sight of this man and focus on Michael and his love message. I cant wait til the day I get to think about Michael Jackson + his life, not Michael Jackson + his death.

Edit to add: Im just tired of hating... So tired of being angry... I dont have energy left to be angry.. Im all drained..
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Yep I understand. There are seperate issues.

1. who he says the video is for (thats what ppl are getting confused, and i was correcting)

2. who/ what the video is really for (I know as well as others this is not (just) for his patients/friends who are supporting him)

3. he is guilty of negligence (we all know this)

4. he is guilty of murder, intentionally killing Michael (this is what some people on here are saying, and THAT is what I am saying he's innocent of intentional murder until proven guilty.)

I could give a rat ass if he did it by accident or intentually. He did it. He gave him Propofol. Michael is DEAD! That can never be taken back. NEVER.
As much as I dislike Dr Murray, as much as I believe he is guilty of malpractice, I have a feeling this man is being stalked and is receiving death threats. I just want to say that as guilty as he may be... This man does not need any death threats, it solves nothing. You can hear how shaken and scared he is in the video, at first I was just pissed off but if he made mistakes.. Still this man does not deserve any death threats. The MJJ community is worldwide.. Imagine how scared he is now that the entire world is against him, thats a horrible feeling. Im not defending him or anything, but I dont think we should stoop to a level where we start sending death wishes to this man. We need to remain bigger and more mature than that.

First of all I ain't sending no death wish to the Man (I know you are not speaking to me directly). Trust and beleive God will handle him.

As I have stated before, No Man, i will repeat, No Man has the right to take another Man's life. So I would never promote these acts of the devil. Vengance is in God (don't forget).

But I am extremely angry with Dr. Murray and he better pay for what he did. I'm not talking about when ge goes to hell(he better be asking God for forgiveness, cause if he don't that's were he is going.) Here on earth. He should be scared, he should live the rest of his day's watching his back. Karma is a bitch and he will get his whether they find him innocent or not.
First of all I ain't sending no death wish to the Man (I know you are not speaking to me directly). Trust and beleive God will handle him.

As I have stated before, No Man, i will repeat, No Man has the right to take another Man's life. So I would never promote these acts of the devil. Vengance is in God (don't forget).

But I am extremely angry with Dr. Murray and he better pay for what he did. I'm not talking about when ge goes to hell(he better be asking God for forgiveness, cause if he don't that's were he is going.) Here on earth. He should be scared, he should live the rest of his day's watching his back. Karma is a bitch and he will get his whether they find him innocent or not.

And I agree with you 100% here. :yes: Karma is a lovely force, perhaps thats why Im staying calm...
When i look at all the comments that go against Dr. Murray, and speak badly about him, i feel SHAME. You should all be fucking ashamed of yourself. You are giving him, a POTENTIALLY innocent man the same treatment that MJ got during his difficult times, and that makes you just as much trash as the MJ bashers.

As for me, i will wait until the answers are out, so i will pass no judgment whatsoever until that time. I advise you all to do the same.

Are you kidding me. "You all should be fucking ashamed of yourself". We did nothing. We We are not speculating.

Let me ask you a few questions?

Did Murray give Michael Propofol?

Did he have the proper equipment to monitor Michael?

Did he leave the room, where Michael was damn near in a f***n coma where he had no equipment to monitor him by?

Please answer these questions for me.

Thank you.
You serously don't think he feels 'bad' about a man in his 'care' dying...and that his actions (or lack of) led to three children being left without a father? You seriously think he has no 'bad' feeling about this? Coz if it was me I'd be having a f*kin breakdown, and so would any other person.

I didn't say he does or he doesn't. I have no way to know that. I wouldn't ASSUME that he does. I would think that any person with any conscience would, but based on his actions, he's only concerned about himself right now.
Are you kidding me. "You all should be fucking ashamed of yourself". We did nothing. We We are not speculating.

Let me ask you a few questions?

Did Murray give Michael Propofol?

Did he have the proper equipment to monitor Michael?

Did he leave the room, where Michael was damn near in a f***n coma where he had no equipment to monitor him by?

Please answer these questions for me.

Thank you.

Exactly. I'd like you to answer those questions too. Also, you (the person you quoted who said we should be ashamed) should be ashamed of yourself for grouping ALL of us all together just because of a few people who say things about wishing him dead, etc. The majority of us have not.
You serously don't think he feels 'bad' about a man in his 'care' dying...and that his actions (or lack of) led to three children being left without a father? You seriously think he has no 'bad' feeling about this? Coz if it was me I'd be having a f*kin breakdown, and so would any other person.

Does it look like he is having a break down to you. The MF look fine to me. Healthy, alive and breathing. Unlike Michael.

I don't mean to direct my anger at anyone. I am angry with Murray and anyone else who is involved. I just wish people what stop trying to humanize this man, cause there is no excuse for his actions. He is greedy. All about money. The love of money is a sin. And the love of money can turn a person into an evil soul. He shows no remorse for Michael death none at all. What type of person shows no remorse.

If this had of been me, and I know I was wrong. Lock me up! Jackson family I messed up big time. I am so sorry for not properly caring for your son. I should have never agreed to this. I am guilty take me to jail. I would not be hiding behind lawyers and bodyguards.
EmuFan that's not nice - the majority of us have been pretty decent. that's the last thing we need another attack, as if it's not hard enough having to deal with the stress of what's going on every day...we're already feeling like shit
hmm, first of all it's arvizos, not arvinos, and second, we do hate them. Where have you been? We did all we could to get the truth out about them during the trial, etc. Nothing more we could do, and unfortunately people don't get arrested for lying. My question is, why is every one of your posts defending murray and trying to get us to discuss something else???

I was on the old KOP with friends like Jaxxxon .I´m posting on the Malibu forum since many years.

And You really think Chandler is shaking in his pants when he hears that you hate him....lol he is right now tanning and swimming in his big pool he couldn´t care less if you all hate him.

so what pressure was put on the bitch mother??talking on a fanboard will not cuase pressure on the mother! And what pressure has the mother right now? So that she will come out with the truth? I´m not talking that i did more as other fans as you said i was as you said trying to get the truth out but this didn´t work did it? So i feel guilty. I feel that I could´ve done much more! Talking and bitching on a fanboard does nothing but at that time I didn´t know better.
And now? What do we do now about the mother? I understand it was difficult back in the day to put pressure on Chandler when he was young but the pressure should back then put on his father he was old enough! And now Chandler is a man not a child anymore he can take pressure and again not talking about violence to get this absolute clear!

People don´t get arrested for lyng?really? So i can lie and by the way destroy a man´s life just for a joke?woooww i didn´t know that.

So i can lie and claim that a guard beat my girlfriend and i want money otherwise i go to gourt. At least i can try right?

Nothing will happen to me great. So let me think whom should i accuse to get money.....

Are you rich? Maybe than I blame you and destroy with the lie your life and you cannot do anything against it.
So better pay me!!!!!

You really live in a great country sir.....

I´m not defending Murray all I´m saying is that it´s not fair Murray gets so much pressure when the evil people like the chandlers who broke Michaels soul and heart can live without any pressure a live on the sunny side.

If you put pressure on Murray put double the pressure on these people!
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I dont like HOW he say it...

his statement reminds me of Michael and how he had to record those statements about his innocence.. he used the same words.. "the truth will prevail/thank you to my supporters" and stuff like that...

this give me the chills... and its painful to see him

This is exactly my thoughts when I heard him....it kind of freaked me out... Michael WAS INNOCENT OF THOSE CHARGES.....MURRAY IS NOT. So for him use words that Michael used is just freaky.
As much as I dislike Dr Murray, as much as I believe he is guilty of malpractice, I have a feeling this man is being stalked and is receiving death threats. I just want to say that as guilty as he may be... This man does not need any death threats, it solves nothing. You can hear how shaken and scared he is in the video, at first I was just pissed off but if he made mistakes.. Still this man does not deserve any death threats. The MJJ community is worldwide.. Imagine how scared he is now that the entire world is against him, thats a horrible feeling. Im not defending him or anything, but I dont think we should stoop to a level where we start sending death wishes to this man. We need to remain bigger and more mature than that.

he is in dilemma right now. the whole world is against him and his career is over anyway, followed by his debt problem.
plus properly many mj fans in the prison are waiting for him.
he doesn't need any death threats.
Does it look like he is having a break down to you. The MF look fine to me. Healthy, alive and breathing. Unlike Michael.

I don't mean to direct my anger at anyone. I am angry with Murray and anyone else who is involved. I just wish people what stop trying to humanize this man, cause there is no excuse for his actions. He is greedy. All about money. The love of money is a sin. And the love of money can turn a person into an evil soul. He shows no remorse for Michael death none at all. What type of person shows no remorse.

If this had of been me, and I know I was wrong. Lock me up! Jackson family I messed up big time. I am so sorry for not properly caring for your son. I should have never agreed to this. I am guilty take me to jail. I would not be hiding behind lawyers and bodyguards.
This sums it up for me. This man needed money and he would have done anything to get it or keep his job. NOw look, he does NOt have no money, no job, and now MJ is dead. Like Sheryl Underwood said on Tom Joyner just morning, "This doctor should have mirrors around Michael since he was being paid $150,000. You do not let a patient like this die."
guys, *legally*, he *is* innocent until proven guilty. so, as much as I hate the very sight of him, once the trial starts, I'm going to try to stay calm. I know, it's going to be really difficult. I'm gathering soft toys and socks around my house to throw at the TV once it gets going... ;)
When i look at all the comments that go against Dr. Murray, and speak badly about him, i feel SHAME. You should all be fucking ashamed of yourself. You are giving him, a POTENTIALLY innocent man the same treatment that MJ got during his difficult times, and that makes you just as much trash as the MJ bashers.

As for me, i will wait until the answers are out, so i will pass no judgment whatsoever until that time. I advise you all to do the same.

You just dont get it.......
It looks like he's reading and he acts like he's under gunpoint or something.
This sums it up for me. This man needed money and he would have done anything to get it or keep his job. NOw look, he does NOt have no money, no job, and now MJ is dead. Like Sheryl Underwood said on Tom Joyner just morning, "This doctor should have mirrors around Michael since he was being paid $150,000. You do not let a patient like this die."

Sometimes i tend to think that he is being set up by looking into his coward acts.
but i changed my mind when i think of his "mistakes"
the "mistakes" he made are ludicrous, like not knowing the address??
it isn't difficult to tell them" i'm in michael jackson's home" even if he doesn't know the address. even a 3-year-old kid can do a better job than him in dialing 911.
the whole thing just isn't look right to me.