Dr Conrad Murray breaks his silence. (Youtube Video)

hes worried about phone taps and that his phone line is being monitored (which it might well be). you can tell in the vid hes paranoid. hell before any charges are laid he might have a complete mental and physical breakdown judging from how he looked in the video
Hold the f*ckin phone.....
I have studied the Titanic and her history for the passed 20yrs.
This ain't the same. Not eve close.
Fleet had no choice.
Murray had a choice.
Bad CPR?? He's a doctor for cryin out loud!
Not callin 911 cause he doesn't know his address? Really? How the hell do you drive to a place you don't know the address of?
Not callin 911 cause there were no workin phones? Do I look stupid to you?

I respect your opinion, but don't even drag Fleet's good name into this mess.

Thank you. I think it's ridiculous to say he did all he could. No way in He## he did all he could, and he IS to blame. He illegally gave him medicine, and that is what killed him. No way he's innocent in all this. I didn't even watch the jerk in his stupid video.
I'm not going to judge him, I'll leave that to god. I think he made mistakes-albeit stupid ones, but I don't think he ever meant this to happen. I think it was all accidental. FWIW, I think he's probably been told he's not allowed to mention Michael, hence why he didn't.

Unsure about the purpose of the video though.

I didn't watch it because I can't stand to look at his face, but I read what was said. He did it to try to make himself look good, and that's all there is to it. As others have said, to influence the possible jury pool. Although, I don't know why anyone would be influenced by that though.
As for it being accidental, well, yes and no. He purposely gave him that strong medication. As his doctor, he should have known what other medications he was taking and how they would interact. It was an unsafe setting, and he knew how unsafe it all was. Michael didn't. The idiot "doctor" claimed not to know the address where he was working and drove to every day, which is an obvious lie. Why did he lie??? He performed CPR on a bed. Was that an accident? or did he not know better? Even I know better, and I'm certainly not a doctor. So yes, he did more than "accidents", but even if it was just an accident, he should still be held accountable. If someone were to back out of a driveway and hit a child on a bike, they are still responsible. Even if they didn't see them and it was an accident. That quack BETTER be put in jail.
I can't bring myself to watch him.
Creeps the hell outta me.
Looks all drugged up.
To whom is his message for?
Hell! Not even a word of apology he's f*cked up!
Who are his supporters?
Does he have any to begin with?
His accomplices?
Look guys, some of you are judging this man like people judged Michael and continue to do so.

Despite the discussions in the investigative forum NONE of us know the facts of what happened because we were NOT there.

B.S.! If people don't stop saying this, I'm going to scream! We are only accusing murray of things that he SAID or his lawyer said and admitted to!! We are all talking about his negligence! Did he or did he NOT admit to giving Michael Propofol? Because I thought he did. Didn't he and his attorney say themselves that he left Michael after giving him that drug to "go make phone calls"??? If he hadn't, he might have been able to do something sooner to save him. Didn't we all hear the audio tape of the 911 operator telling them to tell the doctor to put him on the floor??? Because he was administering CPR on A BED???? Yes, I think so. Did he or did he not say he did not know the address for where Michael lived (lie!) and that's why he didn't immediately call 911 himself from his CELL PHONE?! If nothing else, the man is an IDIOT, and his negligence and stupidity caused Michael to die.
So before people start feeling so sorry for Murray and saying how we shouldn't judge him and we are doing the same thing others did to Michael, you better think again.
So are you suggesting Dr. Murray intentionally let MJ die? OK, you need to understand people die everyday and I believe it was MJ's time to go! Yes, it was too soon but it happens all around the world. People die! The reason why I brought Fleet up is because he had to live with the stigma that he didn't see the iceberg sooner and that many lives perished because of that! Now Dr. Murray has to live with the stigma that he didn't perform CPR correctly and didn't do things as soon as possible to give the world most beloved entertainer a chance at life! You understand the similarities now? I don't understand why many of you are making Dr.Murray out to be the 'bad guy' :lol:
WRONG, it was NOT MJ time to go. ED McMann, yes, but not Michael. GOd does not take lives in such ways but Mankind DOES. God will not kill a man who is getting his life back on top, leaving behind three children, etc. Dr Murray may not have done it on purpose but he did do it. The bottom line he used a DRUG that was NOT suppose to be used outside of a hospital and he did not have the right equipment means he put a man's life at risk. It does NOT matter what Michael had in his system, It does not matter if Michael asked for it, DR MURRAY IS THE DOCTOR.
I love how some people wanna give Murray credit where they shouldn't.
If there had been any proof no matter how small that Michael had done anything to children, these same people would be all over having him hung in the public square.

This ain't the Murray fanclub.
Who wants to see him talking. The fact that he lost his licence as a doctor says it all. Isn't it clear that he was an enabler for Michael? Giving a patient who will not be operated in an operating room an anaesthetic is ballistic and something a doctor should never give as a way to 'help' a patient get to sleep. He shouldn't have given the drugs to Michael period.
B.S.! If people don't stop saying this, I'm going to scream! We are only accusing murray of things that he SAID or his lawyer said and admitted to!! We are all talking about his negligence! Did he or did he NOT admit to giving Michael Propofol? Because I thought he did. Didn't he and his attorney say themselves that he left Michael after giving him that drug to "go make phone calls"??? If he hadn't, he might have been able to do something sooner to save him. Didn't we all hear the audio tape of the 911 operator telling them to tell the doctor to put him on the floor??? Because he was administering CPR on A BED???? Yes, I think so. Did he or did he not say he did not know the address for where Michael lived (lie!) and that's why he didn't immediately call 911 himself from his CELL PHONE?! If nothing else, the man is an IDIOT, and his negligence and stupidity caused Michael to die.
So before people start feeling so sorry for Murray and saying how we shouldn't judge him and we are doing the same thing others did to Michael, you better think again.
THank yoU. tHIS IS NOT A HE SAID/HE SAID LIKE Michael has been in the past. A MAN IS DEAD which is PROOF that something happen. PERIOD
If people LISTEN he says he is saying thank you to his patients, friends and wider family members who have emailed him/called him with messages of concern/support that he cannot reply to personally.

No need to shout, please. FYI, for everyone, the video was put out by his attorneys' PR firm (literally) and I'm sure was intended to sway some public opinion in favor of Murray and influence any prospective jury-pool. I'm sure the PR firm knew it would wind up on national news . . . . which it has. No WAY was it intended only for "family and friends." I feel sorry for his WIFE, who may not have known about the mistress and love-child, and now she's been publically humiliated. . . by her husband.

He could have said, to the Jackson family: "I'm so sorry for your loss."
That would simply have been compassionate and wouldn't have incriminated him. He didn't mention anything LIKE that. To me this video was a clear attempt, by his ATTORNEYS, to manipulate public opinion. IMHO.

Carry on,

I agree, it is all about what happened at the specific point. Forget any other medications - its about a professional not being a professional and allowing something to happen. It was the monitoring (lack of) and his reactions to what happened.

This werent some passer-by. He was not only negligent in administering the stuff but in the fact he hadnt prepared or had the equipment to support if things went bad. He also was unable to deal promptly with a situation.

It was his actions (lack of) which provides us where we are now. If another doc had been there then MJ would have probs got to hospital in time and been treated over a course of time - concerts cancelled and then he could have sought the help he needed within time.
WOW! You got me wrong I AGREE with the NEGLIGENCE thing... I'm talking about people who were saying that Murray murdered Michael as part of some massive plan..as people are saying in the investigative forum.

B.S.! If people don't stop saying this, I'm going to scream! We are only accusing murray of things that he SAID or his lawyer said and admitted to!! We are all talking about his negligence! Did he or did he NOT admit to giving Michael Propofol? Because I thought he did. Didn't he and his attorney say themselves that he left Michael after giving him that drug to "go make phone calls"??? If he hadn't, he might have been able to do something sooner to save him. Didn't we all hear the audio tape of the 911 operator telling them to tell the doctor to put him on the floor??? Because he was administering CPR on A BED???? Yes, I think so. Did he or did he not say he did not know the address for where Michael lived (lie!) and that's why he didn't immediately call 911 himself from his CELL PHONE?! If nothing else, the man is an IDIOT, and his negligence and stupidity caused Michael to die.
So before people start feeling so sorry for Murray and saying how we shouldn't judge him and we are doing the same thing others did to Michael, you better think again.
Yes there are no words of regret or remorse. If he is trying to influence people, then I found that rather strange that he would neglect to say how sorry he was, at least to the Jackson family and Michael's children.
I'm shouting because people aren't listening, they are twisting things saying things like 'who are his supporters he is talking to' ... 'he is thanking his fans' .. 'he thinks he has crowds of fans! and he is thanking them'
no he is not thanking any 'fans', he said true or not that he was talking to his patients/friends that he hasn't been able to reply to. I am not naive and I know there is obviously a proper reason for this video.

No need to shout, please. FYI, for everyone, the video was put out by his attorneys' PR firm (literally) and I'm sure was intended to sway some public opinion in favor of Murray and influence any prospective jury-pool. I'm sure the PR firm knew it would wind up on national news . . . . which it has. No WAY was it intended only for "family and friends." I feel sorry for his WIFE, who may not have known about the mistress and love-child, and now she's been publically humiliated. . . by her husband.

He could have said, to the Jackson family: "I'm so sorry for your loss."
That would simply have been compassionate and wouldn't have incriminated him. He didn't mention anything LIKE that. To me this video was a clear attempt, by his ATTORNEYS, to manipulate public opinion. IMHO.

Carry on,

I'm not surprised he didn't say things like that... apart from just being unable to imagine him sat there saying 'I'm sorry for the loss of Michael Jackson'..i mean, what could he say, as he is involved in his death, the video wasn't for that purpose, that would have been wrong for him to do from his point of view..especially with the court case that is sure to happen.

Yes there are no words of regret or remorse. If he is trying to influence people, then I found that rather strange that he would neglect to say how sorry he was, at least to the Jackson family and Michael's children.
Yes if he was monitoring him closely and had reacted competently Michael wouldn't be where he is today.

I agree, it is all about what happened at the specific point. Forget any other medications - its about a professional not being a professional and allowing something to happen. It was the monitoring (lack of) and his reactions to what happened.

This werent some passer-by. He was not only negligent in administering the stuff but in the fact he hadnt prepared or had the equipment to support if things went bad. He also was unable to deal promptly with a situation.

It was his actions (lack of) which provides us where we are now. If another doc had been there then MJ would have probs got to hospital in time and been treated over a course of time - concerts cancelled and then he could have sought the help he needed within time.
On News 24 last night the newsreader introduced the Murray statement by calling it ' a message to Michael Jackson fans thanking them for their support'

Please someone tell me I am reading this wrong. He is thanking us the fans of Michael Jackson for our support.

Let me make one damn thing clear. I WILL NOT EVER SUPPORT THIS MAN. How could they say that. I in know way support this man. I am so pissed if this statement is true. I think I am going to earl.

He wasn't in fluid in saying what he said. Most likely his lawyers have told him to put himself out there otherwise it would look like his hiding away.
What? Was that news presenter STUPID?!

On News 24 last night the newsreader introduced the Murray statement by calling it ' a message to Michael Jackson fans thanking them for their support' -
I'm not sure what to think about that video.. I would not want to judge him without knowing the facts. But there's something about him that doesn't seem genuine to me.

And he has different type of voice that I expected (lol)
Maximum exposure. I'm sure he and his legal team knew this would make the news as well.

But I agree it could also be part of some kind of campaign to rehabilitate his character. I don't care how good a cardiologist he was on others. He recklessly treated Michael with something he shouldn't have, didn't have proper equipment to save Michael's life if something went wrong and he had the nerve to leave Michael alone, not once but several times, while something harmful was dripping in his veins....something that could suppress his breathing in the blink of an eye. He may have been awesome with all his other patients but he SUCKED in taking care of Michael. AND THEN there's the possibility that he covered up his carelessness and let hours pass before calling 911. I know that latest rumor is keeping him up at night becuz true or not he looks guilty as all get-out. If true, he knows he's toast. I can not wait to find out how early he started making calls that morning, how far apart those calls were, etc... becuz it will be very telling about what Murray was up to that morning while Michael was dying. It will either back up what he told the police as far as timeline is concerned or it will damn him.

Btw...instead of making youtube videos I'd like to know when he's going to grant the police that third interview? :smilerolleyes: Yeah, I'm guessing that's not going to happen now.

You're right. Yeah, he's scared to make calls or emails??? But he's not too scared to make a video? That makes no sense. If all he said in emails was the exact same thing he said in the video, then what would happen??? Hmm, no, he wasn't scared, and he's not a very good liar either. He just wanted to do that to get sympathy and to get on the news. Obviously a private email wouldn't be. But a public video...
I can't stand the sight of his face.
I've been thinking if I had anything left to say to Murray and yes I do:

Thanks Sham!!

:lol: :lol:
oh come on?
if this video was ONLY for his close friends and family that has supported him he wouldn't post it on youtube!! if his "team" posted it on youtube they could have easily sent the video to his friends and family in the MAIL instead! as a dvd!
youtube?? so his family and friends got e-mails then saying: follow this link, a video for ya" ? it doesn't make sense.
it's posted on youtube 'cause youtube is one of the most popular websites there is. he gets publicity for this. of course he wants that or else it wouldn't be on YOUTUBE!!!
I'm shouting because people aren't listening, they are twisting things saying things like 'who are his supporters he is talking to' ... 'he is thanking his fans' .. 'he thinks he has crowds of fans! and he is thanking them'
no he is not thanking any 'fans', he said true or not that he was talking to his patients/friends that he hasn't been able to reply to. I am not naive and I know there is obviously a proper reason for this video.

I understand that he says he's thanking family and supporters (?), but as he was instructed to do by his attorney's PR firm. What I'm saying is that there's more to the message than the words -- there is who produced the video (PR firm), and where it wound up (CNN).

If people react that way ("who are his supporters?" etc.) I'm sure it's because this loss is still raw and there's still a lot of anger, particulary at Murray. It's true that under U.S. law he is innocent until proven guilty, but it's also been said that he told LAPD that he used Propofol on Michael. And then Michael died. Murray is the target of a homicide investigation, as stated by his own attorneys. He may not go go prison (don't know), but surely will lose at least his medical license. My point is that a lot of the reactions here are because of anger -- which is normal under the circumstances!

Carry on,

Nothing like that. I'd just never put my life in the hands of any doctor who went to med school in some third world country, regardless of the color of his skin... And you what, any doctor who believes in god and is not an atheist, is a witch doctor in my opinion...

excuse me, but what in the holy fuck are you talking about?! that's the most racist, ignorant, stupid comment I've had the misfortune to read online for a while now. grow the hell up, dude. there are PLENTY of horrific doctors who graduate from frickin' Harvard med school and plenty of GREAT doctors who graduate from Nilratan Medical College in India.

stop with the ignorance. enough is enough.