Dr Conrad Murray breaks his silence. (Youtube Video)

about that big 100, I even noticed it on the mailbox....in big gold letters
How do you know this is true about the equipment? What equipment, and where is your source?

I'm sure he had concern for Michael's life seen as he had been his personal doctor for sometime. To say' he had no concern for Michael's life at ALL' is a big statement and quite a silly thing to say.

I actually got this from TMZ.

"It is considered reckless in the medical community for a doctor to administer an IV drip of Propofol without the patient being monitored by an EKG, which sounds an alarm when the patient's pulse drops too low. No EKG was found in the house."

Here's the link if you would like to read for yourself:


I know TMZ is not the best source to get info, but they have been pretty acurate when it come to Michael (Don't know what's up with that).

But you know check it out for yourself.
I know we all hated how everyone accused MJ before the facts came out but there are already facts here which we know and they do not bode well for Dr Murray.

1) He admitted to waiting 30 mins to call 911 (there is no excuse for that!)
2) He was doing CPR on a bed. I have basic first aid training and even I know you do it on the floor!
3) He administered Propofol at Michael's home. Every medical professional interviewed on the subject has said that this should only ever be done in a hospital with the correct equipment.
4) The paramedics report stated Michael had been dead on arrival and was showing clear signs of death. This one tends to lead you to think Dr Murray is not being truthful when he says he found MJ warm and with a pulse.

These 4 FACTS alone are enough in my opinion to deem Dr Murray accountable for MJ's death, be it accidental or otherwise.

On top of this, we have some unsubstantiated claims, i.e. the girls going to the storage facility.

Unlike MJ who was innocent and there was no evidence, there is plenty here.

Dr Murray as a doctor had a duty of care for Michael and he failed miserably.
He has already admitted to it.

I gave Michael Propofol. (paraphrasing)

I left the room to make a phone call. (paraphrasing again)

He has already confessed.

I did CPR on the bed.

Propofol is what killed Michael point blank and he gave it to him.
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I cannot believe that people would actually feel sorry for this guy. I would feel sorry for someone who doesn't give his patient such a dangerous anesthetic, who goes beyond his abilities to help him, who asks for forgiveness if the worst happens. This guy is shitting his pants, becuase he knows he is at fault, if not the police wouldn't be signaling him. He doesn't even care for Michael, he should at least said that he is devastated, but all he is doing is asking for support. Ok Murray, what about the amazing talented person who died in your hands??!! I guess you don't care....
I realize that there are a lot of MJ fans that have posted want to be fair in "trying not to jump to conclusions" or the prematurely label this man a murderer and such but give me a break.
This man's negligence and because of the lack of ethics (administering profofol in a home setting- 99% of physicians wouldn't do it) MJ is gone.
Please don't be naive..... this is purely for the upcoming court case. This is for the jury that will have to judge this man.
And all you people that are feeling sorry for this moron.... don't be upset at him... when they start crucifying MJ as Murray's defense when it goes to trial.
Give me a break. Anger is apart of grieving . Let us grieve.

Thank You!!!!
From the very start, it's clear to see that this man had a different motive on his mind than taking care of Michael's health. I mean, to begin with, upon Michael asking him to come on board as his doctor, he requested some outrageous payment of 1 million a month or something to that effect. Then, he settles on $150,000 a month...outragious! The man had money problems, legal problems, a shady history, why wouldn't we find him the target of Michael's death.

You can't be a doctor, and not care about a patient's best interest...their life!

Bottom line, Dr. Murray should have known that administering this drug to Mike, could potentionally kill him. It doesn't take a geneous to understand this. The man had no training in that area....and he should have refused to give it to Michael in the first place.

It just makes me sick to see this guy out there, trying to thank those who are supporting him through this difficult time blah blah blah.....you're not one of Michael's siblings, not his childern and not one of his parents .....those people should be sending their sympathy to the Jackson family...not you!

God, this is just so twisted...
I do not feel sorry for Dr Murray because he did what he did but I still think that he could be just the last guy. I still wonder why nobody is being arrested? It drives me crazy.
Honestly, I rarely know that addresses of various places that I visit, like friends' houses. I would probably forget seeing huge house numbers and street signs if I know where I'm going. So, I don't think that it's totally ridiculous that he didn't know the address. However, if I needed to get paramedics for someone and didn't know the address, I would be screaming to get someone to help.

Apparently the hospital was very close to the house? Why not carry him to a car and just drive him if he couldn't get an ambulance there? My guess is that the doctor knew that Michael was already gone.
I cannot believe that people would actually feel sorry for this guy.I would feel sorry for someone who doesn't give his patient such a dangerous anesthetic, who goes beyond his abilities to help him, who asks for forgiveness if the worst happens. This guy is shitting his pants, becuase he knows he is at fault, if not the police wouldn't be signaling him. He doesn't even care for Michael, he should at least said that he is devastated, but all he is doing is asking for support. Ok Murray, what about the amazing talented person who died in your hands??!! I guess you don't care....

I agree with most of what you said, but I also believe that he (along with his lawyers, reps, etc) are doing their job and making sure that what he says stays 'vague' for his protection. It is indeed VERY frustrating that he doesn't say anything about Michael, but I think that once again... his advisors do not want him to comment.

I don't feel sorry for him... but I will say that I DEFINITELY would not want to be in his shoes right now. LORD. Such a hot mess. :doh:
But how can he be gone when they said the paramedics were working on him for an hour or two? He died in the hospital didn't he?
Yet, my doctor has several other patients and she still knows my address and some of the phone number without having to look it up! It just doesn't add-up, if he was his personal doctor, which he was assumed etc...he had no other patient's addresses to memorize, so why not memorize Mikes? He's supposed to be your main focus isn't he?
But how can he be gone when they said the paramedics were working on him for an hour or two? He died in the hospital didn't he?

Actually Paramedics wanted to pronounce him dead at the house but Dr Murray outranked them as a Doctor so they followed his orders to take him to hospital.

I have always thought that Dr Murray was either clutching at straws in a desperate attempt to save him, or he was doing it to try and cover up that he had actually left MJ alone with propofol and found him dead, knowing that he would be in big trouble!

I tend to think it is the latter.
Yet, my doctor has several other patients and she still knows my address and some of the phone number without having to look it up! It just doesn't add-up, if he was his personal doctor, which he was assumed etc...he had no other patient's addresses to memorize, so why not memorize Mikes? He's supposed to be your main focus isn't he?

If I recall correctly. Most cell phones of today have the capability of storing phone numbers along with addresses. Just another example of how negligent he is.

He was making 150,000 dollars a month. For sure he could afford a cell phone with this capability.
Actually Paramedics wanted to pronounce him dead at the house but Dr Murray outranked them as a Doctor so they followed his orders to take him to hospital.

I have always thought that Dr Murray was either clutching at straws in a desperate attempt to save him, or he was doing it to try and cover up that he had actually left MJ alone with propofol and found him dead, knowing that he would be in big trouble!

I tend to think it is the latter.

Wow, didn't know this...so he really was gone at the house....explains everything.

And yeah, you're right....I think a bit of both...
Me, me, me and I, I, I! Whatever!(rolls eyes because of doctor) What happened to talking about Michael and his family??
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Yea, this is becoming a soap opera.

Becoming a soap opera?! This IS a soap opera. Not even Hollywood itself can come up with this sh*t!

I can't believe all of this is happening. :doh:
Yeah, his odd behaviour is what suzzles me too. Why was he acting the way he was in the clip, and saying certain things like, "The turth will prevail.." or what ever..." I've been honest.." whatever...it's almost as if he's trying to emulate Michael..(shakes head with a creepy feeling)

The truth he's speaking of, is his confession to the authorities that he really did administer the propofal to Michael. What other truth's can he be speaking of? That Mike threatened to harm him if he didn't agree to give him it? The doctor wanted to money, and Michael wanted the rest or to feel sedated...so Dr. Murray went ahead, knowing the risk, and administered the drug, which in the end took Micheal's life. Soo sad...this is just so unbelievable.
This was extremely creepy and unsettling to watch though. It was too cold and impersonal. Nobody's going to be able to relate to him, so if he is out just to gain sympathy, I don't think that video is convincing anybody.
Yes, cold and impersonal with a faint aggrieved air, as if we should really be focussed on his problems. I think even an entirely blameless doctor whose patient died on his watch would feel worse than this. Suddenly it actually seems plausible that he would confess all his actions to the police under the arrogant assumption that he could make it all sound justifiable.
I know TMZ is not the best source to get info, but they have been pretty acurate when it come to Michael (Don't know what's up with that).
I totally agree!!! They reported Michael was dead (ugh I hate to write it) before CNN, and before anyone.
I have read the entire thread that was posted on the day Michael died. While everyone was saying there was no official statement that he was dead, TMZ was already reporting it. I have always wondered HOW they knew it!

I know this is a little off topic, but please dont delete it. Thank you!!
Yes, cold and impersonal with a faint aggrieved air, as if we should really be focussed on his problems. I think even an entirely blameless doctor whose patient died on his watch would feel worse than this. Suddenly it actually seems plausible that he would confess all his actions to the police under the arrogant assumption that he could make it all sound justifiable.

i agree too. It also seems like Murray would confess to all this because he knows there are alot of people who already hate Michael. And he's hoping that will get him off if some of them show up on the jury. All he's going to do is blame everything on Michael because that's what everyone else has done. And it's sickening how the media and much of the public coddle and baby those people that talk garbage when the subject is about Michael while the major crap they pull is swept under the rug. The media and public are doing it with Murray now. Disgusting.
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I agree with someone who said to chill out on Murray for a minute because the media was the same way with Michael and the media flips the script alot BUT I dont believe for one minute that Michael died of natural causes because he didnt and that is evident somebody gave him something and since Murray was the last with him people are naturally going to point the finger. I dont think he intentionally meant to hurt Michael but whatever happened he was not monitored properly UNDER Murrays watch that was the whole point of him being there....
I don't give a flying pig anymore, apparently no one is gonna come out with THE TRUTH (which is always the case when it comes/came to Michael) it's in God's hand's and he is the ultimate ruler and Judge of us all.

Whatever is done in the dark will surely come to light, you cannot escape from God's eyes, he see's what your doing and what you think before you thought it, believe it or not. That's all I have to say about MJ's case. I believe he's at peace, let his soul rest and my heart will always be with his family.