Dr Conrad Murray breaks his silence. (Youtube Video)

well looks like this man has not been able to sleep for weeks he looks pale! and under a lot of stress. he must regret leaving MJ alone, when he needed attention. but anyway i dont think he is entirely to blame.
:doh: What the heck was this for again? could've kept his mouth shut for all I care!

For God's sake, the man is reading from something in front of him! If you have something to say that truly comes from your heart, I'm sure you don't need anyone to write a script for you!:evil:

And not a word about his remorse at Michael's passing or even any mention to his family?

What was it for... to get the general public, any weak fans and the media to feel sorry for him. I predicted earlier in this thread next would be former patients in the news supporting him and there are now... all so predictable and I don't 'buy' any of it! I'm not saying he is guilty as I can't until it is proven but I don't get a good feeling about him at all!
His accent is becuz he's originally from Trinidad or has roots there.

I think his supporters are former patients of his, friends, associates, etc. In the video he says he's unable to return calls, emails, etc... and this is his way to respond to those leaving him messages.

Having watched the vid all I can think is how that was a whole minute of my life I just wasted and can't get back. blah!

Anyhoo...I have faith that justice will be done in Michael's favor. Mark.My.Words.

Hahaha to bolded!
This is what Oda Mae said after watching the video.

Well, you're all behave like the whole world during Michael Jackson allegations. This man may be suspect, but he's not convicted (yet?) so I'll just wait and see (like he said) let the truth will prevail.

The big difference here though is Michael didn't do it.
I think Murray is trying to get the Michael haters on board in case this goes to trial. I'm sure he knows there are alot of people who still think the absolute worst of Michael. And I think he's trying to appeal to these people. The media knows that too. And they want in on this because they've been looking for reasons to blame this on Michael since the day he died. But nobody had heard from Murray. So they put alot of heat on Murray. But now since he's saying something,that's why all of a sudden it's "Poor Doctor Murray". I'm not surprised by any of this. Because this is what they always did when all was said and done in any situation involving Michael. Make everyone else out to be the victim and him the villian. I knew this was coming. I didn't know when. But I knew it was coming.
What was it for... to get the general public, any weak fans and the media to feel sorry for him. I predicted earlier in this thread next would be former patients in the news supporting him and there are now... all so predictable and I don't 'buy' any of it! I'm not saying he is guilty as I can't until it is proven but I don't get a good feeling about him at all!

If he was talking to personal friends, patients, and family, why did he need to put it on youtube? No, I think he wanted the public and especially Michael's fans to see it, and be sympathetic towards him. IMO. He appears to be getting ready for what his lawyers see coming next.
guys, we have to remember that murray wasn't the only one involved. let's how they get everyone, including that Kleine. something is fishy about him too.
wtf..it's as obvious as daylight he's guilty. guilty. guilty. whoever say otherwise must be idiots. he should just die..
This is so strange. . . . . He never mentions anything about Michael, or about remorse, if only that Michael is gone from the world. He doesn't express regret or compassion that people are grieving at the loss. I wouldn't expect him to self-incriminate (even though he DID tell the LAPD that he gave Michael Propofol), but at least acknowledge some sorrow that Michael is gone?
because he's a criminal tryin to come clean.

well looks like this man has not been able to sleep for weeks he looks pale! and under a lot of stress. he must regret leaving MJ alone, when he needed attention. but anyway i dont think he is entirely to blame.
shuddup! didnt you see he did not express any regret?
he looks afraid because he knows very well himself hes GUILTY of committing murder and took hours to cover it up before he made the 911 call.
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If he was talking to personal friends, patients, and family, why did he need to put it on youtube? No, I think he wanted the public and especially Michael's fans to see it, and be sympathetic towards him. IMO. He appears to be getting ready for what his lawyers see coming next.

Maximum exposure. I'm sure he and his legal team knew this would make the news as well.

But I agree it could also be part of some kind of campaign to rehabilitate his character. I don't care how good a cardiologist he was on others. He recklessly treated Michael with something he shouldn't have, didn't have proper equipment to save Michael's life if something went wrong and he had the nerve to leave Michael alone, not once but several times, while something harmful was dripping in his veins....something that could suppress his breathing in the blink of an eye. He may have been awesome with all his other patients but he SUCKED in taking care of Michael. AND THEN there's the possibility that he covered up his carelessness and let hours pass before calling 911. I know that latest rumor is keeping him up at night becuz true or not he looks guilty as all get-out. If true, he knows he's toast. I can not wait to find out how early he started making calls that morning, how far apart those calls were, etc... becuz it will be very telling about what Murray was up to that morning while Michael was dying. It will either back up what he told the police as far as timeline is concerned or it will damn him.

Btw...instead of making youtube videos I'd like to know when he's going to grant the police that third interview? :smilerolleyes: Yeah, I'm guessing that's not going to happen now.
I think he kept himself busy during the last two months practicing and rehearsing for this video, seems to me he had plenty of free time to do that! Note that this video came out after the escalation of the case building up against him. He better start practicing to change his voice otherwise he’ll have a hard time in Jail. He also has a strange accent, where is he from?
He didn't even say anything about his dead patient. No condolesces to the family, no Michale RIP...Nothing! This shows me how little this guy thought of Michael. Or, at the least, how insensitive he is.
I'm not going to comment on how I feel about him as a person... and being angry isn't going to bring Michael back. :(

This was extremely creepy and unsettling to watch though. It was too cold and impersonal. Nobody's going to be able to relate to him, so if he is out just to gain sympathy, I don't think that video is convincing anybody.
:scratch:What the hell did I just see? Conrad needs to STFU since there is no remorse for Michael or his family. He has only stated things about HIMSELF and NOT the VICTIM, MICHAEL JACKSON! Why should we sympathize him look what the hell he did to Michael? Regardles if it was neglegiance or murder for real Michael is not here any longer because of him. Michael would still be with us if this so called doctor truly cared for Michael.

Conrad Murray meet your maker :evil:

The Lord is the FINAL JUDGE of this mess and I say the LORD has made his decision a long time ago in what he saw this asshole do. He is already guilty and shall burn in hell when JUDGEMENT DAY comes.

PS It is indeed creepy the way he looked and the words he used for this video (very Michaelish). This dude is delusional.:doh:
well looks like this man has not been able to sleep for weeks he looks pale! and under a lot of stress. he must regret leaving MJ alone, when he needed attention. but anyway i dont think he is entirely to blame.

he didn't just leave him alone though, he delayed calling 911 and gave bad CPR
Im not able to watch this video at the moment, but i dont think i could. The mintue id begin to watch id wanna throw my comp out the window! And from what u guys r sayin he doesnt very remorseful :angry:
I truly think this whole thing was a big accident but seriously, people put their lives in a doctor's hands and you expect them to do everything in their power to help you. The fact that this man administered a very dangerous drug only meant for use in a proper medical setting tells me he was reckless and should be accountable for his actions.

Perhaps he's a nice man who his patients loved etc etc and he just made a mistake but it was a HUGE mistake which cost a man his life and robbed 3 children of their beloved father!

That is a man preppin' to walk death row...he knows, WE know, the police know...

he's just trying to save face like all the other players in the game...

when IT finally goes down...we better strap ourselves in because its gonna be a long ride.
Wait - Murray said in the video that he couldn't "email or call" anyone. And why is that? Is it because if he "Told the truth" in email/phone he'd be arrested??

There's no reason why he can't email or phone his family and friends unless he's under that kind of surveillance?

Was that youtube video some sort of Code?

This thread really should be moved into the Investigative Unit.
Yuck... that was one freaky video, is like he was trying to project Michael or something... yuck
There's no reason why he can't email or phone his family and friends unless he's under that kind of surveillance?

Was that youtube video some sort of Code?

This thread really should be moved into the Investigative Unit.

That's a great question.

All he has to do is call his family and friends (since those are the only people that must support him) and say, "hey, im doing fine. trying to hold up and get through us." There's no fear in that. Unless, that's not all what he really needs to say.

He may be trying to contact the other players involved...Kleine..DiLeo...etc.
Or they may be trying to contact him...who knows?

Because I don't see why investigators WOULDN'T check in on this man like that. I think they have already realized that if you want to get to the truth of Michael's death, you gotta DIG!! Dig deep down. The bright and shining truth is certainly not at the surface.
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Also and another thing, he is under investigation from the police...isnt he??? If so he wouldnt be allowed to even do this video..surely?
Also and another thing, he is under investigation from the police...isnt he??? If so he wouldnt be allowed to even do this video..surely?

I think he would be allowed to make a video if he wanted to. He's just being investigated. That shouldn't keep him from making statements to the 'public'.

But I don't see why not. He's not on probation so I believe he's allowed to even travel to a different country if he wants. But doing so would only cause more suspicion.
I think he would be allowed to make a video if he wanted to. He's just being investigated. That shouldn't keep him from making statements to the 'public'.

But I don't see why not. He's not on probation so I believe he's allowed to even travel to a different country if he wants. But doing so would only cause more suspicion.
Thanx for explaining that. IMO he shouldnt be allowed to go out of the usa- at least untill this investigation is over. Btw guys has the media seen this video? have they said anything bout it?