Dr Conrad Murray breaks his silence. (Youtube Video)

He obviously can't speak about any of it directly because of the ongoing investigation.

The video is very strange and I bet we will be faced with it on repeat for a couple of days on every news channel.

he does? is that was why we didn't hear a single "I am sorry" from him?
the video is all "me me me"! nevermind his patient, a healthy 50 year old, is laying in a coffin waiting to be buried
this video is bizarre to say the least
How do you know this is true about the equipment? What equipment, and where is your source?

I'm sure he had concern for Michael's life seen as he had been his personal doctor for sometime. To say' he had no concern for Michael's life at ALL' is a big statement and quite a silly thing to say.

the problem is with us. I doubt the general public will care or notice the sheer narcissism the guy displays in this video. it's disgusting and repulsive. but we're the ones who're most feeling it.

the video was obvious and blatant in its attempt to drum up legal and public "support" for the coming trial.

oh, and I'm sure he was "concerned" for Mike's life when he left him alone after giving him the Propofol that night.
This has already been shown on CNN. And they're already talking about how they are feeling "sorry" for him.

They believe everything that comes their way. Hey, in case you guys dont know, there's such as thing as lies and deception.

Oh, but they know. They've done it to Michael in 2005. They just aren't on his side, that's all.
Um, does this guy have an e-mail adress? He def. won't get any supportmail from me. And whats up with all that "I'm feeling good" talk? How does he think Michael Jacksons family are feeling now? And his children who have lost their father? He was the man who run away from Michaels family when they needed answers from the man who was close to Michael before his death.
It's all about protecting himself, and what about all that "good bless you" talk. Stupid and pathetic. Like who cares about this dude.
How disturbing, like Bashit would have said it.

He's somewhat responsible for Michaels death in some degree. You are not supposed to die like that with a trained doctor in the house. I mean it was not like Michael had any deadly disease.
I am not standing up for what he did/did not do, but I think comments like "HE is a murderer" or "HE should be locked up for life" are just examples of utter stupidity. So far we know very little true facts about what he has done/has not done/tried to do. All we can do is wait for the truth to come out. Michael, who we idolise did hire this man after all. He must have had some bit of faith in him at some point.

By far the worst thing on this thread so far is the fact that he seems to show no sadness or remorse about Michael's death. Michael is dead, he is a doctor, doctors deal with death all the time. No matter what he does now Michael is gone, and that is something we all have to accept and come to terms with. Nothing will bring him back. That is the past. You move on. He has bigger things going on in his life right now than to be upset because Michael is dead. His freedom, career and family life are all on the line. They are present and for him much more important. So of course he is not grieving for Michael like we are. Things must be put in perspective.

People thought Michael was guilty. We knew he was not. Now alot of us are twisting it and just being like everyone who though Michael was guilty. Now alot of us think CM is guilty. There is no solid proof of him causing the death yet. Please don't reduce yourselves to being like the haters and the media. He is innocent until proven guilty.

:clapping::clapping:Took the words right outta my mouth. Give 'em back:cry:...I kid, I kid.

And you know his lawyers are all over him about what to say, cuz he already said too much to the cops apparently; and the vid was edited(badly at that).

He didn't seem to be remorseful, but he looked like sh*t. Y'know that guy hasn't been sleeping very well.

I dunno, but I don't feel any ill will toward this man even though I'm angry about this whole situation. My feelings are this: if he was negligent or did something he shouldn't have then may God have mercy on his soul.
Has he got no sence of decency, he killed Michael and left three kids without their father, the family, the fans in pain and he is almost snivelling and feeling sorry for himself.

He absolutely was responsible, before, during and after the fact.

Oxygen cylinders being brought in and out of the house, for gods sake.#

Giving someone a general anaesthetic for insomnia

No monitoring equipment, leaving Michael alone, that would never happen in a hospital.

CPR with one hand on a domestic bed, which has a softer base and is not the best height to get the pressure.

Didn't know the address, yeah right, like you ring EMT and tell them you are at MJ's house in Holmby Hills, and they'll find it, especially if there is a paniking quack of a doctor outside waving his arms around.

Then not letting the paramedics pronounce Michael dead at the scene.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

Murrey killed Michael and caused all this pain and he should rot in jail for it.
His English is poor, so maybe he even cant read in English properly and did not know to read the prescriptions of drugs for his "so-called" patients!

Michael could hire a profossional doctor, a real professor of medicine of any university..., why that pathetic charlatan?
God is not with you Dr Conrad Murray.

He (God) doesn't even know you. Burn you shall burn in Hell.

But wait! First, you shall be prosecuted, persecuted, and serving time in prison for the murder of Michael Jackson.

:doh: What the heck was this for again? could've kept his mouth shut for all I care!

For God's sake, the man is reading from something in front of him! If you have something to say that truly comes from your heart, I'm sure you don't need anyone to write a script for you!:evil:

And not a word about his remorse at Michael's passing or even any mention to his family?
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He didn't seem to be remorseful, but he looked like sh*t. Y'know that guy hasn't been sleeping very well.

are you talking about his eyes?? some think he rubbed them before doing the interview to get that look. someone said he probably even rubbed them for half an hour.

and about him reading something in front of him...if thats true then that probably explains the robotic tone of his voice
Has he got no sence of decency, he killed Michael and left three kids without their father, the family, the fans in pain and he is almost snivelling and feeling sorry for himself.

He absolutely was responsible, before, during and after the fact.

Oxygen cylinders being brought in and out of the house, for gods sake.#

Giving someone a general anaesthetic for insomnia

No monitoring equipment, leaving Michael alone, that would never happen in a hospital.

CPR with one hand on a domestic bed, which has a softer base and is not the best height to get the pressure.

Didn't know the address, yeah right, like you ring EMT and tell them you are at MJ's house in Holmby Hills, and they'll find it, especially if there is a paniking quack of a doctor outside waving his arms around.

Then not letting the paramedics pronounce Michael dead at the scene.

Murrey killed Michael and caused all this pain and he should rot in jail for it.

Don't forget that he supposedly called Prince into the room to make him watch him perform CPR on Michael. I could almost forgive everything else he did if it wasn't for that - he was just trying to cover his ass!

He'll not just rot in jail, but rot in hell the narcissistic moron.
His English is poor, so maybe he even cant read in English properly and did not know to read the prescriptions of drugs for his "so-called" patients!

Michael could hire a profossional doctor, a real professor of medicine of any university..., why that pathetic charlatan?

Yeah, did he get his doctors licence on mail or what? Like...

"Oh, I just give my patient propofol so he can sleep, then I can make some phonecalls to my secret lovers. Em what... did my patient die? I thought I would hear his breathing from the other room while on phone. Propofole is safe drug, it makes you sleep good, therfore it's not neccesary to know the adress of my patient... pleas my english is poor, don't even know how to spell I still tried my best to do CPR on my patient, even if he laid in his bed.... I'm a cardiologist, I trained on dolls before. Please feel sorry for me, I want you to know I'm OK even if I might have killed my patient. But I did nothing wrong, god bless."

Gosh, stupid doctor!
"Oh, I just give my patient propofol so he can sleep, then I can make some phonecalls to my secret lovers. Em what... did my patient die? I thought I would hear his breathing from the other room while on phone. Propofole is safe drug, it makes you sleep good, therfore it's not neccesary to know the adress of my patient... pleas my english is poor, don't even know how to spell I still tried my best to do CPR on my patient, even if he laid in his bed.... I'm a cardiologist, I trained on dolls before. Please feel sorry for me, I want you to know I'm OK even if I might have killed my patient. But I did nothing wrong, god bless."

Gosh, stupid doctor!

To make his words not sound half like that, this is why the lawyer wrote that speech for him. Or so I believe.....

and even if I'm wrong, it was still memorized and practiced many times. I can tell.
he didn't say anything about Michael :( as he is not sorry he is dead. He should've said at least something
Who on earth could be sending him letters of support !! What the hell are they supporting ?
The fact that he "ilegally" gave someone with an alledged "dependancy" on painkillers an extremely strong drug which is only supposed to be used by experts in an intensive care unit ? The fact that he waited too long before calling for help for Michael, probably desperatly trying to think of an alibi for himself ? Or just the plain and chilling fact that as a "doctor" (l use this term loosely) he totally disregarded his "hypocratic oath" which 99.9% of doctors adhere to, simply out of pure and utter greed ? When l looked into his eyes in the video there was "nothing" there, like no soul, no "truth". I got bad vibes from him, he gave me the creeps too. Oh Micheal, why did you get involved with so many unsavoury characters and leeches, there were so many people who would have genuinely helped you, people who really loved you, your family, friends and so, so many fans. It all makes me so sad, what a waste of a true gentleman and wonderful human being. I hope that there is a bigger picture and that God has taken him under his care, maybe he thought he,d suffered enough and the world just wasn,t ready for someone as pure as Michael, what a terrible place this really is.
I don't believe this is Murray. I might be wrong but it doesn't look exactly like the man in the picture we've all seen.
Edit: just saw it was posted on TMZ, well I supposed it is him then... Gosh what a joke of a message
WTF?! Some people are sounding like tabloids!!

Whoever you saw saying that is silly for saying that. For goodness sake, do you think this man has no feelings, you think he is a robot?! He's human. You really think he never shed a tear, his sleep was never disturbed because of this??? If not for Michael, Michaels children, Michaels family... then most certainly for himself, his family, and the whole situation.

And of corse he was reading from a card.

He f***ed up ROYALLY of corse he cares that Michael is dead!

The 'supporters' he is talking to are his patients and his friends who have been sending him messages.

Murrays actions COULD HAVE resulted in a person I love being taken from the world, after I have felt such anger towards what I have been reading about his alledged actions... I am NOT defending Murray's actions but I can't just read and ignore some of the stupid things being said!

He could have caused Michael's death, he was very negligent, which is why if anything he will be charged for negligence manslaughter... but do you really think he wanted him to die.. he 'killed' / murdered him... or he feels nothing for what he (allegedly) did. You can judge his actions, but I don't see how you can judge what he is feeling. You are judging his humanity - nobody judges except God

are you talking about his eyes?? some think he rubbed them before doing the interview to get that look. someone said he probably even rubbed them for half an hour.

and about him reading something in front of him...if thats true then that probably explains the robotic tone of his voice
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Who on earth could be sending him letters of support !! What the hell are they supporting ?
The fact that he "ilegally" gave someone with an alledged "dependancy" on painkillers an extremely strong drug which is only supposed to be used by experts in an intensive care unit ? The fact that he waited too long before calling for help for Michael, probably desperatly trying to think of an alibi for himself ? Or just the plain and chilling fact that as a "doctor" (l use this term loosely) he totally disregarded his "hypocratic oath" which 99.9% of doctors adhere to, simply out of pure and utter greed ? When l looked into his eyes in the video there was "nothing" there, like no soul, no "truth". I got bad vibes from him, he gave me the creeps too. Oh Micheal, why did you get involved with so many unsavoury characters and leeches, there were so many people who would have genuinely helped you, people who really loved you, your family, friends and so, so many fans. It all makes me so sad, what a waste of a true gentleman and wonderful human being. I hope that there is a bigger picture and that God has taken him under his care, maybe he thought he,d suffered enough and the world just wasn,t ready for someone as pure as Michael, what a terrible place this really is.
I realize that there are a lot of MJ fans that have posted want to be fair in "trying not to jump to conclusions" or the prematurely label this man a murderer and such but give me a break.
This man's negligence and because of the lack of ethics (administering profofol in a home setting- 99% of physicians wouldn't do it) MJ is gone.
Please don't be naive..... this is purely for the upcoming court case. This is for the jury that will have to judge this man.
And all you people that are feeling sorry for this moron.... don't be upset at him... when they start crucifying MJ as Murray's defense when it goes to trial.
Give me a break. Anger is apart of grieving . Let us grieve.
Dr. Conrad Murray Has Patients
Posted Aug 18th 2009 4:00PM by TMZ Staff
Dr. Conrad Murray may be on the hotseat with the LAPD over Michael Jackson's death, but that's not going to cramp his style when it comes to proving to the world he's a beloved MD.

In addition to his "thank you" video, Dr. Murray posted contact info for 14 of his patients who would give testimonials. They wouldn't talk Propofol, but were more than eager to give props to the good doc.

Here are a few highlights:

Rev. Floyd Williams: "If Murray wasn't black, none of this would be happening. It's the media hype to show that black folks are still the minority"

Eliza Robertson: "If Katherine [Jackson] is that concerned she should have stopped all of the painkillers [Michael] was taking before. I would have tried to get him on a better road."

So this is what murray's supporters are already saying...... and some of you really want to defend this dude. I mean wait until there is a trial.... by then they will probably blame Prince, Paris, and Blanket for the death of their father and NOT THIS MORON OF A DOCTOR.
What's that accent? Is he from Africa or India? Sound like a witch doctor to me... Why didn't he thank those who sent him hate mail? I'm one of them and I was offended.. :)