Diprivan WAS found at MJ home

depends. if it turns out that he intentionally chose not to call 911 untill AFTER he hid evidence, then it might be considered murder, because he had the choice of calling 911 immediately but instead chose to wait because protecting his own ass was more important than protecting the life of his patient.

the only reason I could see it being manslaughter and not murder is because it would have been a decision made in the heat of the moment.

either way I believe this doctor was more than negligent.

^^ this is exactly what my husband thinks too... he said the same thing.
dang it. the video bit I uploaded on Divshare does not seem to work well online or download.. ticking me off. Where else can I post it up? - Youtube might not allow me to post it up...
I haven't read this thread but I will say two things.

-Its it funny that diprivan was found once this nurse come on tv?

-If this is true that mike was given this then that doesn't match up with michael collapsed. If murry gave michael diprivan and michael never woke back up then how could michael have collapsed. I haven't forgotten the first initial story and that was michael collapsed in his home. So that means michael had to have woken up that morning then collapsed. But if we go with this diprivan story, that would mean michael never woke.
thank you people.....I have.. been saying this for a week and I am so upset but know I feel a little better because I know I am not the only one thinking this way. I mean I have been literally climbing the walls. I thought my thoughts were mad. Thank you guys so much, the truth.. will come out ..then .......look out. I truly hope the people who should be punished for this are. My money is on that doctor.

also.....the first report the doctor said ..OH I saw from across the room that Michael wasnt breathing. well i dont know about you but if someone is in bed sleeping I cannot tell from across a room if they are not breathing. This was his first lie. then as Mikejoefan stated either he collapsed ofor he didnt wake up. way too many different versions of what is suppose to be the truth.
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thankyou for that video...

The nurse does seem very genuine.
If the doctor did this then he would have to monitor him 8 hours at a time. I'm guessing the doctor slacked off or something during that time and came back before it was time to wake him, thus discovering him in bed not breathing.

But it could all just be lies again, I just... uh.
Number one, when the final report comes from the LAPD, we are gonna find that not even half of what the media is telling us is true.

Second, this doctor is lawyered up and insisting that he didn't give Michael ANYTHING drug....yet Gupta is saying that you can not feed yourself a Dipravin IV because you would fall asleep on yourself. So either someone gave it to him OR the media is lying about Dipravin OR Dipravin was not in his bloodstream.

Third, with a reported pharmacy bill upwards of $48,000, if this is true, Michael was taking some serious drugs and for more than just back pain or insomnia. You don't have no drug bill this big even if you are a heart attack recoverer. The DEA is no doubt looking at all of these prescriptions and who prescribed them to him and what for. So we are in for some surprises from this report.

Fourth, to echo what Trish is saying....do I believe that someone would have a motive to murder Michael? Let me put it this way....they tried to sabotage his music, imprison him for something he didn't do and ruin his reputation in the media....all for because of Neverland and that Beatles catalogue. Jermaine and LaToya once said on LKL that Michael and the family knew who was behind all this stuff and they couldn't say who. So I don't think it is forfetched to believe that someone or some folks in certain places knew that Michael was about to pull in more than a half a billion dollars with this tour and wouldn't be needed any money for a long time, therefore wouldn't be selling anything. If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would cetainly be looking at the fact that he left this earth RIGHT BEFORE he was about to embark on this major tour. The timing is just too erie.
And regarding that nurse. The first thing Larry asked her was have the LAPD contacted her for questioning and she said NO. This tells me two things....she is not credible AND there was probably no Dipravin found at the home.
okay okay thankyou lovelyflowers for bringing me back to earth.
I don't want to speculate. I really don't. But you know, i'm mourning.
I'm going to go try and sleep for a while, I'm so exhausted from all of this.
Not that I'm ignoring things...and to be honest these stories/rumours don't bother me now...the man is finally at peace....BUT this whole deprivan story is so ORCHESTRATED..

1s the nurse
Then the drug is found

What is the next act??
Number one, when the final report comes from the LAPD, we are gonna find that not even half of what the media is telling us is true.

Second, this doctor is lawyered up and insisting that he didn't give Michael ANYTHING drug....yet Gupta is saying that you can not feed yourself a Dipravin IV because you would fall asleep on yourself. So either someone gave it to him OR the media is lying about Dipravin OR Dipravin was not in his bloodstream.

Third, with a reported pharmacy bill upwards of $48,000, if this is true, Michael was taking some serious drugs and for more than just back pain or insomnia. You don't have no drug bill this big even if you are a heart attack recoverer. The DEA is no doubt looking at all of these prescriptions and who prescribed them to him and what for. So we are in for some surprises from this report.

Fourth, to echo what Trish is saying....do I believe that someone would have a motive to murder Michael? Let me put it this way....they tried to sabotage his music, imprison him for something he didn't do and ruin his reputation in the media....all for because of Neverland and that Beatles catalogue. Jermaine and LaToya once said on LKL that Michael and the family knew who was behind all this stuff and they couldn't say who. So I don't think it is forfetched to believe that someone or some folks in certain places knew that Michael was about to pull in more than a half a billion dollars with this tour and wouldn't be needed any money for a long time, therefore wouldn't be selling anything. If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would cetainly be looking at the fact that he left this earth RIGHT BEFORE he was about to embark on this major tour. The timing is just too erie.

I just feel sick about this whole thing about the cause of death. I hope the Jacksons are doing OK. I'm praying for Michael and the Jacksons.
Finding this medication in the home of a person does NOT tell anyone much information without a TRUE toxicology assessment. I mean was the home sealed before they started investigating a possible issue that was druge related. That medication could have been placed in his home. CNN is behaving like a SENSATIONAL grocery store tabloid for stating this information without having facts to confirm IF Michael Jackson actually died from this or any other medication related side effect. It could be that someone even slipped him this medication without his knowledge. Anything is possible! We do not know and we will not know until a final report comes out from the people investigating and/or the family informs the public. Who knows if they actually come to anything conclusive.

This is irresponsible media coverage at the HIGHEST level. The days of news coverage has been schizophrenic at best; it included these statements from CNN: There will be a custody challenge, then there MAY be a custody challenge, then are the children actually his to acknowledging that the children are his because the birth certificates according to Family Law have him listed as the father. End of that discussion and another speculation knocked down! Then he does not have a will and left his children penniless to he HAS A WILL and he actually provided for his children . WOW CNN after 40 years of hard work, did you think Michael would not provide for his children and family?

Look the ONLY facts that we know as of today include the following:
1) Mr. Michael Jackson (The King of Pop) died of cardiac arrest on June 25, 2009.
2) His children are in the custody of his mother (Mrs. Katherine Jackson).
3) His will documents assets totaling more than $500 million dollars in estate /trust for his children and his wishes are for his mother to take care of his children. If she is unable his back up choice was a life long friend/ mentor Diana Ross.
4) A memorial service has been scheduled for him on next Tuesday at 10 am at the Staple Center and they expect thousands of people to physically show up and/or watch at home.

All the speculation from the media is just that speculation. We have to WAIT for official reports and not unnamed sources that speak to CNN.

I am of the humble opinion that we of the MJJ community should NOT contribute to the continual MEDIA "hit job" of Michael especially since he is now truly unable to defend himself and his family is grieving & busy with arrangements and getting his affairs in order.
But it must involve continuous monitoring of cardiac, respiratory, and oxygenation status, with life saving equipment immediately available. It is never given outside a hospital or outpatient surgicenter type setting with MD's present at all times. It is not avaible through prescription, period.
Hey guys!! Please answer me!!

All those stuff was not found in MJ's room, WAS IT?? (I really dont know)
So, IF it was not found in MJ's room, how would he be using Diprivan?? I mean, he could not be using Diprivan if his room did not have the right equipment, right?

That is so confusing and painful!! :scratch:
I haven't read this thread but I will say two things.

-Its it funny that diprivan was found once this nurse come on tv?

-If this is true that mike was given this then that doesn't match up with michael collapsed. If murry gave michael diprivan and michael never woke back up then how could michael have collapsed. I haven't forgotten the first initial story and that was michael collapsed in his home. So that means michael had to have woken up that morning then collapsed. But if we go with this diprivan story, that would mean michael never woke.

To be fair, we don't know exactly WHEN this diprivan was found. It could have been found early on and the police didn't know what they had and/or dismissed it. Or worse, they knew what they had, weren't going to deal with it, and preferred to let the rumors that MJ died of some kind of demerol/oxycontin overdose be the end to the story. We don't know if it was found on the second trip to the house when they went to look for meds. It's very possible that once the nurse spoke out they had no choice but to deal with the diprivan situation. This is why I keep saying I'm glad this woman spoke out first. If the LAPD wanted to be lazy and sweep diprivan under the rug and let any person/doctor get away with giving MJ some crap he shouldn't have been allowed to have outside of a hospital then, they have to deal with it now. And diprivan is not a prescription drug so the fact that it was found outside of a hospital is possibly criminal in itself. It's not something ppl get addicted to nor is it used to get high.

As for the collapse story, I agree with you. I think the answer to that question could be in how Michael's body was found. Was it found in a way that suggested he had been undisturbed during sleep or was he found in a "collapsed-like" way on his bed...meaning he was slumped over in an odd way OR did it look like he had woken up and then fallen back onto his bed? When my grandmother passed away, we knew she had been trying to get out of bed when she died becuz both her legs were hanging over the side of the bed like she'd been trying to get out of it. She didn't die in her sleep. She had been conscious before she passed, possibly trying to get out of bed

When this doctor said MJ collapsed, it's possible he thought that based on MJ's position on the bed? I thought there was a report that MJ collapsed in front of him but I'm not sure now. In any case, his other account of entering that room and noticing MJ wasn't breathing is suspicious just as well, imo. WHO enters a room and wonders if a person is breathing or not? Your first response to seeing a person lying still in bed is that they are asleep. Why would you suspect there's a problem unless...a) the body is in an unusual position/place, or b) there was a valid REASON to be concerned about respiratory problems from the get-go (i.e. he was supposed to be monitoring the issue or knew he had given MJ something that could have caused a problem)

Worst case scenario is that neither story has been the truth (the "collapsed" one nor the "walked into the room" one). Tonight it was said that the doctor and the police made an agreement after his last 3 hour questioning session (this past weekend, I believe) that the doctor could publicly say he never treated MJ with demerol and oxycontin. Well, that's great. However, that leaves the door open to things like diprivan or whatever else he DID treat MJ for...and HOW he treated him. For 3 hours of questioning, doesn't anyone think it's odd we have had almost ZERO leaks about what he told the police? Either the tight lid is to protect MJ in a possible criminal investigation or it's to protect that doctor somehow. The fact that the police keep saying Dr. Murray is ONLY a "witness" is interesting.
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The media wanted hom to be broke sooooo bad they cud taste...

He is not .....so they must prove the drug use if it kills them...

A lot of the pressures Michael felt was contributed by the media....so whatever the cause if death...my heart goes out to him...

If it upsets us for what they say about him....imagine how must have felt.....
As for the possibility of murder... I can see it. If greedy and hateful ppl were able to exploit MJ's love for children to make him seem like a pedo, then I can see someone with a whole lot to gain exploiting his desperation for sleep as an opportunity to off him. Not a big leap of the imagination at all.
To be fair, we don't know exactly WHEN this diprivan was found. It could have been found early on and the police didn't know what they had and/or dismissed it. Or worse, they knew what they had, weren't going to deal with it, and preferred to let the rumors that MJ died of some kind of demerol/oxycontin overdose be the end to the story. We don't know if it was found on the second trip to the house when they went to look for meds. It's very possible that once the nurse spoke out they had no choice but to deal with the diprivan situation. This is why I keep saying I'm glad this woman spoke out first. If the LAPD wanted to be lazy and sweep diprivan under the rug and let any person/doctor get away with giving MJ some crap he shouldn't have been allowed to have outside of a hospital then, they have to deal with it now. And diprivan is not a prescription drug so the fact that it was found outside of a hospital is possibly criminal in itself. It's not something ppl get addicted to nor is it used to get high.

As for the collapse story, I agree with you. I think the answer to that question could be in how Michael's body was found. Was it found in a way that suggested he had been undisturbed during sleep or was he found in a "collapsed-like" way on his bed...meaning he was slumped over in an odd way it did it look like he had woken up and then fallen back onto his bed? When my grandmother passed away, we knew she had been trying to get out of bed when she died becuz both her legs were hanging over the side of the bed like she'd been trying to get out of it. She didn't die in her sleep. She had been conscious before she passed, possibly trying to get out of bed

When this doctor said MJ collapsed, it's possible he thought that based on MJ's position on the bed? I thought there was a report that MJ collapsed in front of him but I'm not sure now. In any case, his other account of entering that room and noticing MJ wasn't breathing is suspicious just as well, imo. WHO enters a room and wonders if a person is breathing or not? Your first response to seeing a person lying still in bed is that they are asleep. Why would you suspect there's a problem unless...a) the body is in an unusual position/place, or b) there was a valid REASON to be concerned about respiratory problems from the get-go (i.e. he was supposed to be monitoring the issue or knew he had given MJ something that could have caused a problem)

Worst case scenario is that neither story has been the truth (the "collapsed" one nor the "walked into the room" one). Tonight it was said that the doctor and the police made an agreement after his last 3 hour questioning session (this past weekend, I believe) that the doctor could publicly say he never treated MJ with demerol and oxycontin. Well, that's great. However, that leaves the door open to things like diprivan or whatever else he DID treat MJ for...and HOW he treated him. For 3 hours of questioning, doesn't anyone think it's odd we have had almost ZERO leaks about what he told the police? Either the tight lid is to protect MJ in a possible criminal investigation or it's to protect that doctor somehow. The fact that the police keep saying Dr. Murray is ONLY a "witness" is interesting.

wendy....I so totally agree with you. just a witness,,,I think that may be because they havent gotten to the bottom of the deprivan yet??? hmm, maybe?? I agree when you say they may of tried to sweep it under the rug until the nurse came forward and then they HAD to address it. well we will hopefully hear the TRUTH shortly I hope.
wendy that could be the case with this nurse but I find it very suspicious that they found it in his home until after she came on cnn. Also am sure they found other drugs as well. But they are not putting those OUT THERE on blast to the media. Soon as she says diprivan oh now...they found it. and are letting us know, well some unnamed source. IF they found it, and that's an IF, it still could be something else that cause mikes passing, but they're not putting anything else out there, like they are diprivan.

First you had demorol, now you have diprivan. Come on now!
From the first moment when I knew that Michael was away, the first thing I thought was a murder. Why was all very strange and quick. I think it was negligence by the doctor that I believe he did all the procedures correctly and could not handle the situation, which deteriorated further. The doctor must have been very nervous before the situation simply as case of Michael Jackson. Something happened there. This doctor is the only witness. I do not believe Michael was addict and I think he does not harm well without thinking of their children. They found that "Diprivan" but in the case of crime the person with everything already planned, will put someone in the house of Michael on purpose to make people believe that Michael was an addict? Why since the announcement of his death are all saying that he was addict. Maybe Michael was not using this medicine. And if Michael was addict by people close to him does not help? He may not have accepted help, but he was truly loved and that people were so concerned about it, would move heaven and earth to help Michael in any way, even if he did not accept help.​
wendy that could be the case with this nurse but I find it very suspicious that they found it in his home until after she came on cnn. Also am sure they found other drugs as well. But they are not putting those OUT THERE on blast to the media. Soon as she says diprivan oh now...they found it. and are letting us know, well some unnamed source. IF they found it, and that's an IF, it still could be something else that cause mikes passing, but they're not putting anything else out there, like they are diprivan.

First you had demorol, now you have diprivan. Come on now!

You're right. There hasn't been any confirmation from anyone willing to attach their name to reports that diprivan was found. It could be another bunch of hooey like the initial demerol reports. We just have to wait...but I really think ppl should keep open minds while they wait and question/speculate. Whatever is revealed in the end to have caused MJ's death, there's going to be some who will and some who just will not believe the results...if there's any conclusive results to be had.

One week down...3-5 more to go. This is like the longest effing nightmare in my entire life...besides the trial. :( I can't imagine what Michael's poor family must be going thru. They have to deal with him passing, his funeral/memorial arrangements, Debbie looming in the shadows about those kids, the Will, the investigation into the death.... just...damn. Keep praying for that family.
quote=Mikejoefan;1983950]I haven't read this thread but I will say two things.

-Its it funny that diprivan was found once this nurse come on tv?

-If this is true that mike was given this then that doesn't match up with michael collapsed. If murry gave michael diprivan and michael never woke back up then how could michael have collapsed. I haven't forgotten the first initial story and that was michael collapsed in his home. So that means michael had to have woken up that morning then collapsed. But if we go with this diprivan story, that would mean michael never woke.

THANK YOU! The media is getting away from the original story which is Michael collapsed. Murray's lawyer said on 360 that he walked in the room and noticed Michael wasn't breathing and immediately ran to his side to start performing cpr. When I first heard this I was like, what??? Was Michael waving his arms or did he have a certain expression on his face, how was his body positioned on the bed 'cause frankly I can't SEE if someone isn't breathing UNLESS I'm right there by his/her side. How could he see this from a distance?

But ya know, I thought about all this...the demeral, morphine, diprivan, etc. and is it inconceivable to believe that this fifty year old entertainer just died of natural causes? Even if they find something in his system, it still doesn't mean it killed him. The media is all hyped because they're hearing all this drug talk but I will have a good laugh if that toxicology report turns out to be NOTHING. Remember, the media thinks everything they found in his home is what's gonna show up in those reports. I know that sounds crazy but that's the media! I have aleve, tylenol, nyquil, formula 44, hydrochondon from my surgery, and several other pills and medicines in my cabinet now. If I drop dead tonight, does that mean I'm an addict??? Maybe they'll see all my J5/MJ/JANET CDs & videos and say I killed myself to be with Michael!

What's so ironic is that when Michael was alive, they were saying this "has been" orchestrated publicity stunts to stay relevant. Well, he's gone soooo...who's running the asylum now? Look at how they're scrambling for ANY info concerning this man's life. Now they're disecting his kids' faces and discrediting him as the father. How pathetic!

If you ask me, the media are the drug addicts and Michael is their DRUG.
Thats too is something I was wondering about. Even if these drugs are found in his body it still don't mean they killed him. They are after all prescription pill. You do take them, but that don't mean you are an addict.

Now if this T report comes back and it doesn't show much of anything but low doses of a few drugs. Then what??
THANK YOU! The media is getting away from the original story which is Michael collapsed. Murray's lawyer said on 360 that he walked in the room and noticed Michael wasn't breathing and immediately ran to his side to start performing cpr. When I first heard this I was like, what??? Was Michael waving his arms or did he have a certain expression on his face, how was his body positioned on the bed 'cause frankly I can't SEE if someone isn't breathing UNLESS I'm right there by his/her side. How could he see this from a distance?

But ya know, I thought about all this...the demeral, morphine, diprivan, etc. and is it inconceivable to believe that this fifty year old entertainer just died of natural causes? Even if they find something in his system, it still doesn't mean it killed him. The media is all hyped because they're hearing all this drug talk but I will have a good laugh if that toxicology report turns out to be NOTHING. Remember, the media thinks everything they found in his home is what's gonna show up in those reports. I know that sounds crazy but that's the media! I have aleve, tylenol, nyquil, formula 44, hydrochondon from my surgery, and several other pills and medicines in my cabinet now. If I drop dead tonight, does that mean I'm an addict??? Maybe they'll see all my J5/MJ/JANET CDs & videos and say I killed myself to be with Michael!

What's so ironic is that when Michael was alive, they were saying this "has been" orchestrated publicity stunts to stay relevant. Well, he's gone soooo...who's running the asylum now? Look at how they're scrambling for ANY info concerning this man's life. Now they're disecting his kids' faces and discrediting him as the father. How pathetic!

If you ask me, the media are the drug addicts and Michael is their DRUG.

Wow, you were perfect in your post! :clapping:​

I hope the police make a serious investigation with all people and sometimes I think they are not taking seriously. We need a response. Why is all very strange and confusing. The police are not explained clearly how the investigations. And this particular conversation with the doctor was so strange, just the simple fact that it was with Michael in the final minutes, he had much to tell the police. He may have omitted many things to the police, as well as make the dermatologist, they do not want no problems, but quickly get rid of the problem. If something was omitted, if there were any lie told to the police, the truth always appears.

Thats too is something I was wondering about. Even if these drugs are found in his body it still don't mean they killed him. They are after all prescription pill. You do take them, but that don't mean you are an addict.

Now if this T report comes back and it doesn't show much of anything but low doses of a few drugs. Then what??

or hypochondriac. :(
I agree, TOTALLY, with Trish. Someone did something TO him. I hope the truth comes out. . .
As do I. I'm comforted that so many of you feel this way.

What has happened was my greatest fear realized. As I'm sure it was for others.

I spoke to Marni about this over a year ago at MJNO; she might not remember. I wanted to express my fears on the board then, but also didn't want to upset fans. So I PM'd her about it. I told her that I feared for MJ's life. I pictured some sort of scenario like what happened to Lennon; MJ getting shot or something like that. I was very fearful of the upcoming concerts, but hoped for super tight security. I worried that someone, or some persons, would continue the attack against him.

I did not however, imagine something as horrendous as this. Lennon's death was tragic as well, but at least it was a cut and dried case of a deranged lunatic.

Here we have highly suspicious (I mean, there are sooo many strange things about what happened regarding the doctor's actions or lack thereof, it's ludicrous,) circumstances, and sense cannot be made of any of this.

Looking backward to the bogus trial, the entire media's smear campaign that never let up (including the walls set up in the publishing world that still prevented a pro-Jackson book of any kind to be considered, long after the trial,) and considering how some people stand to benefit immensely from MJ's astonomically valuable assets being liquidated, well, those are a lot of dots. And the timing, as said by others; couldn't be more suspicious.

There are people who have been trying for years to bring the man down. They went to incredible lengths. I'm not sure how this went down play by play, and I have no proof, obviously. But I feel that these people would stop at nothing to bring him down, would not stop until they succeeded. And they finally did.

Greed and money are very, VERY powerful motivators. And MJ's catalogue is worth billions...

If it should turn out to be 'drugs so that he could rest,' I still feel it was murder, but indirectly rather than directly. Because MJ surely was busting his butt to make this ultra spectacular; perhaps he felt the need to do his utmost to erase the damage done to his image by the bogus trial, the slanderous media etc. Either way, I feel he was murdered.

I used to wait patiently for MJ's return to glory. Now I wait for the toxicology reports.

I feel sick.
Why since the announcement of his death are all saying that he was addict.
It's probably got something to do with his addiction to painkillers through the years. Back in '93 or so (IIRC), he went into rehab for such an addiction. Seems like he didn't kick it - or if he did, perhaps he ended up transferring to something else. The final reports will tell us a lot. Poor guy. I'm missing him more than I thought I would . . . .

If it should turn out to be 'drugs so that he could rest,' I still feel it was murder, but indirectly rather than directly.
Sounds like it could be something like manslaughter - or maybe his poor body had finally reached its limit. Hopefully we'll know much more in the coming weeks.
I know one thing, if the media is right about Dipravin, then it would appear to me that the nurse would have been a serious person of interest to the LAPD. But they have not called her. Instead, she is making the rounds on tv and getting paid. Now the doctor is claiming he gave him nothing, but if Michael died from a Dipraving overdose, it had to be given to him by someone because you can't IV yourself with it and stay awake. My problem with the doctor is all that time he wasted before calling 911. Michael could have still been alive today.

Why or why do I think that the report is gonna show an ACCIDENTl death and that this doctor is better go into exile because fans are gonna hunt him down and kill him for killing MJ? Why or why do I hear the media saying over and over again...."he didn't have to die".
you know...here's a thought...since we're all in the theory boat..

i always wondered how MJ could perform like he did. how he could do it every other day, and not worry about the humanity of his body.

and then, this thought occured to me, when thinking about the IV during the HIStory tour.

that he had a Michael Jackson nutrition plan...

that he was fed his nutrition through an IV, during the night, possibly..even during the day, at times...

and he had no problem waking up..but..the IV was set for him by a doctor. sorta like what a patient has to have, when recovering, but still having to be given nutrition.

so, this way, if ever MJ had to have a bathroom break, it would be a pee break. and that's the extent.

so...his style never could be cramped..
and he could receive nutrition...

and he could perform in the superhuman way that he did.

so..now...he was starting that again, for TII, as he was rehearsing in a way, that, again, would baffle me, if i wasn't thinking this as a possible theory.

but this time..a set up occured..someone got wind of info....and, someone may have put something else in his IV, while he slept. and finished him off.

that, to me, would eliminate the idea for an argument against me: [that no one could have injected him, without waking him up], since i'm set on the idea that he did not have a drug problem, or a sleeping problem.
Well, VncWilliams, I will change your theory a little bit and say that the IV drip on the tour was to inject fluids because of his small stature, samll appetite and grueling stage performing. Michael was probably always dehydrated and undernourished because he didn't eat alot. Maybe he had to be fed and fluid filled. I don't know.

And maybe the IV was for something we don't know about. Maybe it was a legitimate thing and the media is trying to twist it.