Diprivan WAS found at MJ home

I have read every word and every post in this thread. I have some questions and thoughts.

1. What proof do we have of Michael Jackson ever being addicted to drugs of any kind?
2. Why is everyone so hot for Michael to be a drug addict?
3. Why did this "doctor" come into Michael's private bedroom?
4. If there truly were "injection marks" all over Michael's body, why the f*ck didn't we see them?
We notice everything about that man. We b*tch about how long his nails are. How white his teeth look. We notice if one eyebrow looks more "plucked" than the other. How the hell would we ignore these marks?

This smells of murder. There are tons of poisons that leave no trace in the body. They break down in the blood stream or turn into chemicals the body naturally makes.
There are enough reasons to kill Michael to fill the ocean.
1. That damn Sony/ATV catalog
2. Someone really thought he was a pedo.
3. Money money money. He's worth a sh*t ton dead or alive. However, Michael keeps his money to himself if he's alive.

People kill each other for stupid little things all the time. They also kill for what they view as major things too.
Sometimes I think that shouldn´t we know better than this by now. Havn´t we seen how the media is spinning stories like crazy so many times over the years. It is easy to think that if a story is repeated 100 times it must be true then, but not necessarly as we have seen so many times by now. I still say we don´t actually know anything yet.
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I have read every word and every post in this thread. I have some questions and thoughts.

1. What proof do we have of Michael Jackson ever being addicted to drugs of any kind?
2. Why is everyone so hot for Michael to be a drug addict?
3. Why did this "doctor" come into Michael's private bedroom?
4. If there truly were "injection marks" all over Michael's body, why the f*ck didn't we see them?
We notice everything about that man. We b*tch about how long his nails are. How white his teeth look. We notice if one eyebrow looks more "plucked" than the other. How the hell would we ignore these marks?

This smells of murder. There are tons of poisons that leave no trace in the body. They break down in the blood stream or turn into chemicals the body naturally makes.
There are enough reasons to kill Michael to fill the ocean.
1. That damn Sony/ATV catalog
2. Someone really thought he was a pedo.
3. Money money money. He's worth a sh*t ton dead or alive. However, Michael keeps his money to himself if he's alive.

People kill each other for stupid little things all the time. They also kill for what they view as major things too.

1. What proof do we have of Michael Jackson ever being addicted to drugs of any kind? What proof do you have that he wasn't? And why are you denying it before the toxicology results come out? If it's proven true, what's your point? Or are you in denial??
2. Why is everyone so hot for Michael to be a drug addict? And what is your point here? We're in reality mode here.
3. Why did this "doctor" come into Michael's private bedroom? Probably because as medical professionals go, we tend to check in on our patients to see if they are doing okay or not. He was hired to do this.
4. If there truly were "injection marks" all over Michael's body, why the f*ck didn't we see them?
We notice everything about that man. We b*tch about how long his nails are. How white his teeth look. We notice if one eyebrow looks more "plucked" than the other. How the hell would we ignore these marks?

Because the man always wore LONG SLEEVED JACKETS and PANTS. No matter how hot it was. I don't remember ever seeing him without a long sleeved jacket and pants on, have you??
Do you realise what you are doing in this thread? Some of you are claiming that Michael was a drug addict. You disrespect him just as the media does. Do you think he would like that? But it's not unusual his own "fans" to accuse him of things, right...We have been knowing for years that he couldn't sleep well but that doesn't make him a drug addict. I'm really disappointed from your attitude towards this incident. He is a human being with virtues and faults but he doesn't need this kind of scrutiny. If you don't want to respect him respect the rest of us and yourselves and stop arguing about it. When the toxicology results are released you will have your answers even though it doesn't have to. Learn to respect the man now that he is not with us anymore, it's the least you can do after all he has done for us....
He didn't. Can you see anything? Don't tell me it might be under the short sleeves now. This man hated drugs as nothing else in this world. c'mon now.

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Was that tonight's show or last night's show? I haven't seen that woman on tv at all today. The bits they played on tv today was recorded from the past 2 days prior. She treated MJ for nutritional issues. She did not prescribe any medication for him. And how can you be so quick to say it's a "crazy story" when no one has any real facts? If that's your opinion, fine. I respect that, but please respect that others may not think it's so crazy for the moment, at least.

Just because I am calling the woman's claims a "crazy story" doesn't mean that I am disrespecting what other may think. And just because you didn't see her on LKL when he asked her that question, doesn't mean it didn't happen. I saw it last night. With my own eyes. She has stated twice already that the LAPD has not contacted her.
We have been knowing for years that he couldn't sleep well but that doesn't make him a drug addict

Th fact still is that a healthy 50 year old suddenly died. It's so likely it was medication involved.
He didn't. Can you see anything? Don't tell me it might be under the short sleeves now. This man hated drugs as nothing else in this world. c'mon now.




Well, if I hadn't been goddamned!! This is absolutely the first time I have EVER seen pics of MJ with no long-sleeves on...really!
He didn't. Can you see anything? Don't tell me it might be under the short sleeves now. This man hated drugs as nothing else in this world. c'mon now.




These pictures honestly aren't really proof of anything.
you can submit all the pics you want. people are going to believe what they want to believe. but i'm sure if the pics had marks on his arms, someone would say they prove something.
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He didn't. Can you see anything? Don't tell me it might be under the short sleeves now. This man hated drugs as nothing else in this world. c'mon now.


Awww that is so cute :wub:
1. What proof do we have of Michael Jackson ever being addicted to drugs of any kind?
Because he admitted to it himself, in the 1993 video where he addressed the molestation accusations.

I don't think he was murdered. I think that his poor body had probably been abused for so long due to his dependency on whatever he felt he needed to take just in order to cope, whether that was painkillers or sleep aids. I'm not trashing him by saying that, I'm facing the very real probability of it . . . . I just feel so incredibly sad for him.

This man hated drugs as nothing else in this world. c'mon now.
Perhaps you're under the impression that when we talk about drugs we're referring to something like heroin being shot into his veins. I don't think he was into that, but there's a very strong indication that it was something such as prescription medication.
I stand on my Constitutional First Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech to say:

"I, Cherubim, believe employees of the Sony Corporation are responsible for the untimely death of Michael Jackson."

THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAhttp://libertyonline.hypermall.com/constitution.html
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Amendment I (1791)

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;or abridging the freedom of speech,or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom..._United_States


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Some of you are claiming that Michael was a drug addict. You disrespect him just as the media does.
Not so. We're just being realistic. Recognizing the very real probability that he had dependency issues doesn't translate into disrespect.

He was such a tragic figure to me and my heart weeps for him. The mother in me wants to go back in time and protect him from the mistreatment he suffered at his father's hands . . . mistreatment that probably had 100% to do with whatever issues and demons he struggled with throughout his life.
Not so. We're just being realistic. Recognizing the very real probability that he had dependency issues doesn't translate into disrespect.

He was such a tragic figure to me and my heart weeps for him. The mother in me wants to go back in time and protect him from the mistreatment he suffered at his father's hands . . . mistreatment that probably had 100% to do with whatever issues and demons he struggled with throughout his life.

thanks for your 'sympathy and objectivity'.
You are entitled to your opinion,
My intuition tells me Michael Jackson was murdered.
Various doctors will be brought up on charges, but the
real culprits are from the Sony Corporation.
Wow, the media CLAIMS that someone from LAW ENFORCEMENT, the same law enforcement who said that they would be sealing the autopsy reports until the toxocology reports come in, REVEALED to them that DIPRAVIN was present in MJ's system. My question is this....why should we believe the media? Kimberly G. Newsome was sitting in for Geraldo tonight and she claims to have been told by law enforcement that there was not only Dipravin, but Morphone, Demerol, Xanax Dilaudid, etc at MJ's house and that he was addicted to all. I mean MJ's drug list just keeps getting longer and longer. But it all started with Dipravin because peeps in the media were trying to figure out what drugs would make an otherwise normal 50 year old man STOP BREATHING. Dipravin does that. So Dipravin won the Oscar and hit the airwaves!
my point is you have soo few posts here.
There are soo few posts because I just recently joined the board.

hmmm. and that's a lot of questionmarks for someone who found it so easy to lay into someone else they don't know.
Not laying into anyone . . . the question marks are b/c I couldn't discern whether you were being snarky. I guess now I have my answer.
Wow, the media CLAIMS that someone from LAW ENFORCEMENT, the same law enforcement who said that they would be sealing the autopsy reports until the toxocology reports come in, REVEALED to them that DIPRAVIN was present in MJ's system. My question is this....why should we believe the media? Kimberly G. Newsome was sitting in for Geraldo tonight and she claims to have been told by law enforcement that there was not only Dipravin, but Morphone, Demerol, Xanax Dilaudid, etc at MJ's house and that he was addicted to all. I mean MJ's drug list just keeps getting longer and longer. But it all started with Dipravin because peeps in the media were trying to figure out what drugs would make an otherwise normal 50 year old man STOP BREATHING. Dipravin does that. So Dipravin won the Oscar and hit the airwaves!

lovin the smart MJ fans. thanks for that ATLF:clapping:
There are soo few posts because I just recently joined the board.

Not laying into anyone . . . the question marks are b/c I couldn't discern whether you were being snarky. I guess now I have my answer.

not bein snarky:)
ok so now we are attacking each other over a drug that may or may not have been found at MJ's house? hmm.....Snarky seems to work well on the internet btw.

like i said before. Michael had problems but i loved him,his music,his videos anyway. Twisted media coverage can say what they want to and you know they will so im ignoring it like all of you should do. It is far to painful to discuss how he died. Just knowing hes gone is bad enough.

The cause of death is something i am comfortable not knowing but will eventually be told one way or the other.

So far nothing has been said so far its ALL speculation. Lets not trust anything until something is made offical..... Remember what OFFICAL is? lets wait and see shall we?
Truth is, the media is jumping the gun like they always do. They don't know what is in that autopsy report. And Jermaine just sat there with LKL and said he "just didn't know" if Michael was a drug abuser. You think he would tell Larry if he did? Hell no. So both sides are pushing their own view. The family doesn't want to say there brother was a habitual drug abuser and the media wants him to be so they can have fodder to report on for the next 20 years. Every June 21, we are gonna get a re-cap of Michael's tragic ending and a reminder that he was a drug addict just like Elvis. This whole thing is just crazy to me. I wish they would hurry up with the damn tox report and get it over with already.

And remember....Howard kept saying that he didn't provide any drugs for Anna Nichole too. But look what happened...he and others are now indicted for her murder. So just because this doctor says he didn't give MJ anything, doesn't mean he didn't. The most amazing thing to me about this doctor is that he left MJ and wasn't even in the ambulance. I can understand him trying to keep a low profile since he has had problems in the past, but if you truly didn't give MJ anything, then you had no reason to run. You also had no reason to hold out on calling 911 for a good 30 minutes which could have saved MJ's life. Michael didn't have to die.
The EMTs may not have wanted the doctor in the ambulance.

I also wouldn't say he "ran". There wasn't a warrant for his arrest. He was just wanted to speak with police, and he did, voluntarily. He got a lawyer, but so would I when dealing with something of this magnitude. And the cops sent him on his way. Maybe he'll be back in the picture, maybe not, but its too soon to tell.