Diprivan WAS found at MJ home

I don't think fans are in denial, they just want confirmation. Once we find out for certain that he had it in his system, then we will know that he did use it. If he did, he did. It really isn't anything to judge him for. But I don't want to be like the media and jump on the "MJ was a drug abuser" bandwagon yet until it's been officially confirmed.
well, this thread is really getting crazy.

First of all, there is NO confirmation which, if any, drugs by name were found. There is only the word of one UN-NAMED source.

Now, I did say that the Ditrivan story makes sense, because it does fit a lot of things. That does NOT mean it is true, nor does that make Michael into a drug abuser even if it was true. If true, he was seeking to solve a legitimate problem. The blame on this, once again, IF TRUE, is on the providing doctor alone.

Second - no other drugs were named by any LEGITIMATE, NAMED SOURCE. We will know nothing until toxicology results. They may show something, they may not, we don't know yet.

Third, if drugs are found, that does not necessarily mean abuse. It's not abuse if the drug is actually needed for a medical problem.

I just think too many people are taking things reported in the media too far.
I just want to know since when have we not given Michael the benefit of the doubt?
I watched the video. He said he got treatment.
Just because people we've never heard of are saying Michael was using and abusing does not mean he was.
Just because the tox screen comes back with something lethal in his system doesn't make him an addict.
I hope they did a drug test on his hair. That would show at least 6 months back on what if any drugs he's been using.

I'm not blind to the fact that Michael is a human being, however; until I have proof he fell off the wagon and started abusing drugs again I cannot stand here without a heavy heart and point a finger at him.
Nobody wants to hear that Michael was a drug addict. I can't stand what the media is doing to him right now. After all that Michael has been through with the media, you would think that they would show some restraint. But no. They go on and on and on. Not wanting to wait for the actual report to come out and hold judgement.

Right this minute, they are reporting on the number of doctors being investigated.
even if he did use it, even if it did cause his death, it DOES NOT mean he was a drug ABUSER...people take tylenol for headaches..give them one too many that ONE TIME and they'll die. if he needed diprivan then he needed it. it's a ligal drug...but possibly used improperly...two facts about medication. you need muscle tissue and food in the stomach..and you need FAT. he didn't have much of EITHER....so that's the point that any nurse or doctor should look at him and simply say. "i refuse. your body couldn't handle it"....Michael could have been an ignorant soul that fought to have it against all warning, which would in fact be his fault whether we like it or not....but a doctor should know better. so if it does show that in fact did die due to a drug overdose, remember not to only get upset at the doctors, but keep in mind that michael did make his choices after being warned. we can't excuse him any more than we can excuse judy garland or elvis presley. we can only give out our understanding. and even if it is the doctors fault..remember forgivness must be granted on all just as it is granted on you. no matter WHAT someone has done or what you have done. .... sorry to get carried away... i'm just so weary of all the anger and finger pointing that's going around.... it seems everyone wants nothing but revenge...where's the heart for love, mercy and forgivness.... did the cross serve no purpose?
This thread is like a pj's and surgical mask thread gone wild, and times 10. we are going in circles and getting nothing accomplished as usual. I for one have a wait and see attitude to the whole thing. why do folk want to write michael off, yes he had a pass, but that's all it is...a Pass! Like michael said if you hear it enough you'll start to believe it. Also ppl are wanting to know how michael passed so bad that anything someone says they will start to believe it. I'm gonna leave this thread. i shouldn't have come in the first place. Oh how I wish we are going back and forth on him wearing pjs again.
i can't even believe we have to HAVE this thread...i'm STILL waiting to wake up from a nightmare.... this is so unreal
i just feel that all of these medication stories are going crazy. yes, there were prescription medication issues - but things are getting twisted and turned and blown out of all proportion. My children are singing Heal the World now - that's what it's all about, not prescription medication
This thread is pointless until we know the results of the toxicology testing. It's all speculation, and in my eyes totally disrespectful. Lets just wait. If it was by natural causes, imagine how this thread looks. I'm not saying I believe it was natural causes but at this point it could still be. Just give it up. Michael would be mortified if he read what some of you are writing. :no:
I think a lot of die hard fans were enablers by defending anything and everything about him. This only helped lead to his torment and eventual death.

Thank you for writting that. I suspect Michael surrounded himself by enablers in his everyday life too. This doesn't make him a bad person OR mean he deserved what he got. If anything it makes his death more tragic because it was SOOOOO preventable.

I was on youtube earlier and viewed some old old interviews w/MJ, like from 81-82, and its just sooo completely gut wrentching ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZnrxk-dpVA&feature=related ) to know how everything would turn out. :( *endless tears*
if you died because of a sleeping pill you would die in your sleep not in the mornig after you woke up....this is not the cause of death...this is just stupid!
if you died because of a sleeping pill you would die in your sleep not in the mornig after you woke up....this is not the cause of death...this is just stupid!

Have there been any reports that he was up and about that morning?
IF diprivan was found there are 3 possibilities:

1. He injected it himself (DOUBT so, how could he do it himself)
2. It was planted - someone did it in there, so that the press has to report something they would do anything for money
3. Someone else injected it i.v. to murder him
IF diprivan was found there are 3 possibilities:

1. He injected it himself (DOUBT so, how could he do it himself)
2. It was planted - someone did it in there, so that the press has to report something they would do anything for money
3. Someone else injected it i.v. to murder him

4. He was using it and someone injected him with it because he (MJ) requested it and an unfortunate accident happened.

5. Erroneous information was reported.
The EMTs may not have wanted the doctor in the ambulance.

I had heard other reports that the Doctor was in the ambulance and was also there in the hospital. Who do we believe? The news shows tells us nuggets of information as they want us to keep tuning in to their stattion or website.

I think at the moment there is a lot of disinformation. We all want to know what has happened to take this beautiful man away from us.
I heard he went directly from the home to the hospital, then left. I didn't hear that he was in the ambulance.
That would explain why he waited so long to call 911. He had to hide something first. And he probably was hoping he can revive Michael so that no one will ever know what he had given him, because he knew he is GOING DOWN if anyone ever knows what drugs he used in a home setting. Also, IF he used Diprivan I'd really like to know if he just started his weird CPR right away or if he tried to get oxygen into MJ's body first and tried to get him to breathe again. IF he used Diprivan he should have AT LEAST had an ambu-bag right next to him and should have USED it right away. If he failed to get MJ to breathe and concentrated on MJ's heartbeat...then I am pretty certain he really had no idea about how Diprivan works.

Patients start to wake up once they don't get any more Diprivan. However, it takes time, and some have trouble breathing in the beginning and need to be ventilated by us until they start breathing themselves. We keep them intubated until we see they will be okay without it. Some will need oxygen via a mask while they are waking up because they aren't breathing adequately yet. The patients don't wake up with a snap of fingers once Diprivan is stopped. It takes time. (Depending how much they got...some need only a few minutes, some need almost an hour...patients react differently). And they need to be carefully monitored until they are fully awake. And with fully awake I mean, awake and alert. Waking up once for a short time and being able to focus or answer questions doesn't mean they're safe. They can still need oxygen after that while they "sleep it out". Most are fine, but we've had cases in which a patient dropped with their oxygen saturation to under 50% (we give oxygen if they go below 92%...), even though they already had woken up once. When they can sit and talk and are back to their usual self...that's when they don't need to be monitored anymore.

Why do you think he was injected in the spine? To make a certain part of his body numb? I think it's possible that he has those symptoms on Sunday and still appeared to be okay on other days, or even on Sunday too. If he got something and was feeling side-effects, it probably scared him. But not enough for him to go to the hospital. And obviously he didn't die then. But the symptoms were scary enough for the nurse to tell him to seek medical help. Maybe he just trusted his doctor again and didn't go to the hospital. And once the drugs wore off, he felt fine. It's possible. Don't know what happened and why he had those symptoms and if the nurse is telling the truth. All I'm saying is that it's possible he had symptoms, but still seemed fine.

Thanks Summer . For the medical input, not just this post, but during the whole thread. I appreciate it alot.
I wonder if it could also be a food / drug interaction? Some drinks like grapefruit juice for example inhibits a p450 enzyme that is responsible for metabolizing certain drugs. Even supplements like bromelaine from pineapple inhibit a couple p450 enzymes strongly. This could lead to high levels of the substrate (drug) even at normal doses.
ok so now we are attacking each other over a drug that may or may not have been found at MJ's house? hmm.....Snarky seems to work well on the internet btw.

like i said before. Michael had problems but i loved him,his music,his videos anyway. Twisted media coverage can say what they want to and you know they will so im ignoring it like all of you should do. It is far to painful to discuss how he died. Just knowing hes gone is bad enough.

The cause of death is something i am comfortable not knowing but will eventually be told one way or the other.

So far nothing has been said so far its ALL speculation. Lets not trust anything until something is made offical..... Remember what OFFICAL is? lets wait and see shall we?

but that is the question. what is 'official'? the media has left some cases open, and has not found results. and that has been their 'official' ending to things. one case that comes blatantly to mind is the Jon Benet Ramsey case.

also, to the person that said that fans who are defenders of MJ helped him die(not you) i think that's an irresponsible statement. and wrong. MJ was known for doing what he wants, no matter what. what difference does it make if so called 'enablers' or persistent persecutors led to his leaving us?

i think some people tend to forget. there was a whole BIG PLANET of voices coming at him. constantly. from BOTH sides. for MANY YEARS.

...and only one Michael.
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I agree with Trish and others. Michael himself used the word "conspiracy." And I believe Liza M. when she says, "All hell is gonna break loose." I am just not so sure that we will ever know the real truth, regardless of the toxicology reports.
I agree with Trish and others. Michael himself used the word "conspiracy." And I believe Liza M. when she says, "All hell is gonna break loose." I am just not so sure that we will ever know the real truth, regardless of the toxicology reports.

yeah..and for some people, Michael using the word, himself is still not enough for them to believe it.
no matter what drug they end up finding in Michael's system and no matter what explanation they come up with - there is still no explanation as to why the doctor acted the way he did when he found MJ
He was a doctor for christ's sake he should've known what to do!
ask the music. that's what Michael said when someone asked him to explain crotch grabbing. his music controlled him, and exposed every aspect of his soul. but never has it said that he was a sleepless diprivan addict.
it's spoke of morphine, and demorrhol for his pain days, but never sleeplessness and what the media is accusing him of, now.

i can't believe his music would not expose every aspect of his life and soul. that's what the music does. it would expose him. it has all the legends. the beatles music and hendrix music never made any apologies about drug use..and the music even sounded cloudy, from them. their performances sounded cloudy.

music is truth. if you're lying it will tell on you. and it's not like MJ was afraid of getting in trouble, due to his music. he couldn't stop the inspiration if he wanted to. and he acted as if he didn't want to. and, yes, besides, why would he? if there's truth in the songs, they would be hits. critically acclaimed, like the legends before him. why would he want to stop such an opportunity? he was about setting the highest musical mark, no matter what the subject matter. so, songs like TDCAU, which were controversial, saw the light of day, anyway.

this may seem like an out there statement, but i think it's legit. i don't think his music would hide a sleepless diprivan drug trip over the years. it didn't hide anything else. so, yes..based on that, i don't think there was a sleepless diprivan problem. it would seem, that such a thing would consume his life, and the music would HAVE to reflect it. in all his songs, he sang clear and focused, and the lyrics pulled no punches.
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i don't think his music would hide a sleepless diprivan drug trip over the years. it didn't hide anything else. so, yes..based on that, i don't think there was a sleepless diprivan problem. it would seem, that such a thing would consume his life, and the music would HAVE to relect it. in all his songs, he sang clear and focused, and the lyrics pulled no punches.

He may not have had a problem with sleep inducing drugs, but he has stated that performing on stage severely affects his sleep. He hasn't wanted to tour because of this. And although I never thought of Michael as old, doing shows at 50 is probably harder than doing shows in his 20s and 30s. Maybe this was the first time he decided to find something to help him cope with these problems.

So far it seems like this is just a case of a doctor who, seeing dollar signs, violated his medical duty by suggesting the drug was safe and offering to administer it, and then possibly willfully delaying aid to Michael for fear of being caught.
Ahhhhh i hate this thread i hate the word Diprivan i hate Propoful I hate seeing the title of this thread. Nothing against you guys it just hurts everytime I see the name of that stuff.
I wonder why the Doctor was not arrrested. If he truly did wait 30 odd minutes to call an ambulance he must have given the police a very good explanation for the delay.

Oh an not only that but when they FINALLY did call 911, the 911 operator had to tell them to take Michael off the bed to give CPR properly, and NOT to have Michael on the bed where they were giving him CPR.

Add all of this together.. something is just not right with this whole thing and why Michael passed away. I just don't know if we'll ever find out the truth. Most likely not in my lifetime... :(