Diprivan WAS found at MJ home

cant remember if i posted this b4

ackson’s Chef Reveals Bombshell About Singer’s Doctor EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW:
http://www.radaronline.com/exclusive...nger%E2%80%99s (Link to video)

In a blockbuster video interview with RadarOnline.com that could change the course of the police investigation into the death of Michael Jackson, his personal chef has revealed eyewitness details about medical treatment the singer was receiving shortly before his death.
Douglas B. Jones was employed as Jackson’s chef shortly before the singer died. His observations about Dr. Conrad Murray, the cardiologist who treated Jackson at the time of his death, bring new and powerful information forward.
Investigative sources have confirmed that police found Diprivan (also known as propofol), a power sedative used as an anesthetic, at Jackson’s house. Medical professionals and medical literature clearly state that Diprivan, which is not for home usage, should always be used with oxygen.
“I noticed Dr. Murray exiting the kitchen area through the side door to the driveway area carrying a couple of oxygen tanks,” Jones told RadarOnline.com correspondent Rachel Smith. “The oxygen tanks were waist high, from my height. Heavy duty tanks.”
Not only did he see Dr. Murray, who was treating Jackson, leave the house with the large oxygen tanks, but Jones also saw more tanks stored on the premises.
“There were occasions where I noticed during my term of employment in the security mobile unit that was located in the driveway that there was a few oxygen tanks there as well.”
Jones is the first person to come forward and say he saw oxygen tanks at the home. The oxygen coupled with the Diprivan discovery could be a smoking gun in what killed Jackson.
A February, 2006 article in Emergency Medical Journal states that administering oxygen with Diprivan “should be standard practice.” The medical journal article ends by saying: “Supplemental oxygen should be given to patients receiving propofol (Diprivan). Close monitoring of O2 saturation, respiration, pulse and blood pressure are essential.”
The coroner has not yet determined a cause of death for Jackson and is waiting for the results of toxicology tests. But the discovery of Diprivan in the house has raised alarm bells. And Cherilyn Lee, a registered nurse and nutritionist who worked for Jackson said he begged her for propofol, the generic form of the drug, in the days before he died. She says Jackson claimed he needed it to sleep and other people close to the singer have said he suffered from a sleep disorder. Lee says she turned down his request and told him the drug could kill him.
But Jackson apparently obtained the drug, because it was found in his house by LA’s Robbery-Homicide division, the lead investigators on the case. New reports say police obtained three search warrants to determine if drugs played a part in Jackson’s death. Five doctors are reportedly under scrutiny and the DEA has joined the investigation.
It is not known if LAPD found oxygen tanks in their search of the house. Two truckloads of material were removed from the house by a family member as the house was not locked down as a crime scene, resulting in criticism of the police.
Diprivan alone could have killed Jackson. But Diprivan in conjunction with other drugs he was taking also could have been deadly.
Jones revelation that he saw oxygen tanks at the house, where cops believe Diprivan was administered to Jackson, could add a crucial component to the death investigation.
Use of Diprivan at home is unheard of and can lead to cardiac arrest, which is what Jackson suffered before dying. The drug can cause the collapse of a patient’s heart rate and blood pressure. Medical professionals say that use of the drug is usually limited to anesthesiologists. Jackson may have become familiar with the drug because of the multiple plastic surgery procedures he had.
Dr. Murray has been interviewed by police and has not been labeled a suspect. Murray and his attorneys say the doctor had his own condo in the Los Angeles area where he stayed. But Jones, the chef, told RadarOnline.com that Murray was with Jackson five days a week.
“Dr. Murray was on the property at least five nights a week,” Jones told RadarOnline.com. “My understanding was he was there all night to monitor Mister Jackson.” Jones was interviewed by RadarOnline.com at the SLS hotel in Beverly Hills.
Jones said he had his doubts about Jackson being able to make it through a rigorous concert tour. “He looked thin or slim,” Jones said. “He was talking very slowly and he was moving very slowly. He had the surgical mask on” and he also wore “this shower cap or surgical cap,” that was bluish in color. Jones left Jackson’s employ at the end of May. He says that Jackson wanted him to accompany him on tour but they couldn’t agree on financial compensation. Jackson died June 25.
Watch the exclusive RadarOnline.com video interview with Jones to hear about Jackson’s final days.
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Here's a question I'd like to ask.. many of you know so much more than I even though I am MUCH older than many of you...

Did Michael have Lupus? Also, apparently if you have vitiligo, you can often have Lupus.
I've become acquainted with someone who has a very painful case of Lupus. She even did a Youtube video on it (and sort of talked about Michael)

If Michael had a painful case of Lupus, I could understand why he could not sleep. If this is all true and they found Diprivan, I want to know who gave it to him and WHO THE HELL was monitoring him when they gave it to him.
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News just in on CNN, the drug Diprivan was found. This might be the reason we lost him. Now who the hell supplied it for him!! ARGH!

I wonder who planted it/ He was not abusing pills nor lost; He was taken. Keep your eyes on his assets and see who will get them. Namely 50%SONY/ATV.


Go beyond the media lies and understand that his 50% is worth multi-billions. This "$500 million in debt" is another scam this is another smoke screen provided by the corporate media (who hates Michael Jackson) to allow certain parties to scoop this off the top. Watch Katherine and the African American side of his family get screwed.

You may not agree now but mark these words it is going to happen; this is the way it has been planned.

It's funny how everyone wants that catalog yet MJ never(according to the lying media) earned a dime all he had was debt..... Think about it.
I wonder who planted it/ He was not abusing pills nor lost; He was taken. Keep your eyes on his assets and see who will get them. Namely 50%SONY/ATV.


Go beyond the media lies and understand that his 50% is worth multi-billions. This "$500 million in debt" is another scam this is another smoke screen provided by the corporate media (who hates Michael Jackson) to allow certain parties to scoop this off the top. Watch Katherine and the African American side of his family get screwed.

You may not agree now but mark these words it is going to happen; this is the way it has been planned.

It's funny how everyone wants that catalog yet MJ never(according to the lying media) earned a dime all he had was debt..... Think about it.

yeah. the about face about the catalogue and the hunt for the money, which is also an about face from how they viewed Michael, financially, before June 25, is the main reason why i don't believe a thing that is being said in the media, about any aspect of this death investigation, nor anything else they have to say. money has become truth serum.

also, the media has become the cops. all these people suddenly know MJ, and are talking to the media, but nobody is talking, or ever did talk to the cops when there was 'trouble with MJ'. and when they speak, they sound like the tabloids. ('multiple plastic surgeries.'), not like his friends who are supposed to have known him.
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Stop the talk about drugs beeing planted. If they were found im sure no one planted them for god sake!
I have a question, maybe those who know a little bit more about how prescriptions work can answer this. Lets say this doctor did get Diprivan, how can they track that since apparently only certain doctors can get their hands on it. Like when they take it do they have to write it down somewhere in a computer as part of data? I'm kinda confused about that.
The authorities didn't want to get involved, I think they were pressured to do it. If they were at MJ's house when they paramedics left then yes they could have found concrete evidence. You don't search someone's house for drugs because TMZ says you might find some there.
Did Michael have Lupus? Also, apparently if you have vitiligo, you can often have Lupus.
I've become acquainted with someone who has a very painful case of Lupus. She even did a Youtube video on it (and sort of talked about Michael)

If Michael had a painful case of Lupus, I could understand why he could not sleep. If this is all true and they found Diprivan, I want to know who gave it to him and WHO THE HELL was monitoring him when they gave it to him.
he suffered from Lupus Discoid - this type affects only the skin, in some pictures you could see red patches on his skin from lupus
yeah. the about face about the catalogue and the hunt for the money, which is also an about face from how they viewed Michael, financially, before June 25, is the main reason why i don't believe a thing that is being said in the media, about any aspect of this death investigation, nor anything else they have to say. money has become truth serum.

also, the media has become the cops. all these people suddenly know MJ, and are talking to the media, but nobody is talking, or ever did talk to the cops when there was 'trouble with MJ'. and when they speak, they sound like the tabloids. ('multiple plastic surgeries.'), not like his friends who are supposed to have known him.

Hmm, the police found this drug at MJ's home days after his death, so yes someone could have planted them.

that's what i've been sayin.

what. i'm supposed to be trusting these american cops?

Exactly, this is the Media's last Cause célèbre filled full of lies. I will never believe this. The "friends" and "experts" are the same as the ones who "knew so much" in 1993 and 2005.
Stop the talk about drugs beeing planted. If they were found im sure no one planted them for god sake!
Lol. I find it ironic that someone with your username is the one saying this. :)

I agree, though. It's a theoretical possibility that they could have been planted, but let's not jump to conclusions with absolutely no evidence. People turn to conspiracies when the explanations they've been given don't add up, but we don't even have an explanation for his death yet!
Oh an not only that but when they FINALLY did call 911, the 911 operator had to tell them to take Michael off the bed to give CPR properly, and NOT to have Michael on the bed where they were giving him CPR.

Add all of this together.. something is just not right with this whole thing and why Michael passed away. I just don't know if we'll ever find out the truth. Most likely not in my lifetime... :(

Something is off about this but I think it will be the Doctor covering his ass. No one will ever know what truly happened in that room but Michael and the Doctor. Sadly one will never be able to say anything and the other will want to save his ass as one of the most famous and taleneted poeple on earth died while on his watch and the world knows his name and face.
Something is off about this but I think it will be the Doctor covering his ass. No one will ever know what truly happened in that room but Michael and the Doctor. Sadly one will never be able to say anything and the other will want to save his ass as one of the most famous and taleneted poeple on earth died while on his watch and the world knows his name and face.

well we WILL know what happened when the tests come back.
The media came up with this Diprivan story because it seems plausible to them since loss of breathing is a symptom of an overdose of Diprivan. They don't know what happened to Michael any more than we do. And I don't think they have any sources in the LAPD. They are just lying.

Also, keep in mind, that family doesn't have to approve the release of the toxocology reports to the public if they don't want to. Unless this thing turns into a murder investigation....which I doubt. I don't think anyone murdered Michael. I don't want to think that he died of any drug overdose either. I think that he died of a heart attack brought on by the stress of this massive tour he was going on. That is what I think.

I would not be surprised if they only find traces of drugs in his body and no Diprivan at all.
So, its 100% sure now that the oxygen tanks and diprivan was found?

Lots of interesting reading in this thread!
And the chief of police told the media when they caught him coming out of Kleins office that THEY WERE NOT INVESTIGATING DOCTORS. THEY WERE INVESTIGATION MICHAEL JACKSON'S DEATH. So we need to step back and take a deep breath from all that we are hearing from the media.