Diprivan WAS found at MJ home

This morning, I saw on cnn's news ticker that the attorney general is now involved. Did anyone see that? I wanted someone on tv to explain why an attorney general would join this probe like they did when they had the "experts" explaining the DEA's involvement but they never got around to discuss it.
I know one thing, if the media is right about Dipravin, then it would appear to me that the nurse would have been a serious person of interest to the LAPD. But they have not called her. Instead, she is making the rounds on tv and getting paid. Now the doctor is claiming he gave him nothing, but if Michael died from a Dipraving overdose, it had to be given to him by someone because you can't IV yourself with it and stay awake. My problem with the doctor is all that time he wasted before calling 911. Michael could have still been alive today.

Why or why do I think that the report is gonna show an ACCIDENTl death and that this doctor is better go into exile because fans are gonna hunt him down and kill him for killing MJ? Why or why do I hear the media saying over and over again...."he didn't have to die".

The nurse was on tv for 2 days. I haven't seen her on any shows today. hmmm..We don't know if she has been contacted by the police at this point or not altho they initially didn't contact her. And again, we don't know why they didn't initially reach out to her. Could be they didn't believe her, needed time to check her out, OR it could've been that they already knew about the diprivan issue cuz they had it in their possession. We only heard they "allegedly" found it today. WHo knows how long they may have actually had it as evidence "allegedly". I'm not sure much can be gauged by who they do and don't question. We know there were lots of witnesses during the trial who had info on MJ's behalf and the police took their time questioning these ppl or never bothered with them at all becuz that person's version of events didn't fit their theories. Who knows? And from the start it seemed to me, at least, that the police had chalked this up to another celebrity overdose case. Seems like the family pushed for more answers than the police were really after. It was like once Jesse Jackson got on the horn, the police decided they wanted to talk to the doctor again. I dunno. They just didn't seem all that interested in "investigating". Not securing the scene was the first sign, imo.

And the doctor didn't say he didn't give MJ anything. He has simply denied prescribing and giving MJ demerol and oxycontin. That's it.
there is a lot of stuff we don't know about...it's really kind of pointless to try and connect the dots right now.

i do believe one thing though,
As Jermaine said -- Michael was a victim of his success :sad:
Yes we DO know, Wendy. She told Larry King that the LADP has not contacted her. He asked her. This is very revealing to me because it shows just how little concern they have for her claims. If Dipravin was at the center of this thing, this woman would certainly have been called for questioning.

And here is something else to think about. There are HIPA laws out there that forbid medical personnel from discussing a patients medical history. This woman is breaking a serious oath of the medical profession. Yet the media continues to allow pay her to come on and tell this crazy story. Anyone else would loose their license to practic nursing.
Yes we DO know, Wendy. She told Larry King that the LADP has not contacted her. He asked her. This is very revealing to me because it shows just how little concern they have for her claims. If Dipravin was at the center of this thing, this woman would certainly have been called for questioning.

And here is something else to think about. There are HIPA laws out there that forbid medical personnel from discussing a patients medical history. This woman is breaking a serious oath of the medical profession. Yet the media continues to allow pay her to come on and tell this crazy story. Anyone else would loose their license to practic nursing.

Was that tonight's show or last night's show? I haven't seen that woman on tv at all today. The bits they played on tv today was recorded from the past 2 days prior. She treated MJ for nutritional issues. She did not prescribe any medication for him. And how can you be so quick to say it's a "crazy story" when no one has any real facts? If that's your opinion, fine. I respect that, but please respect that others may not think it's so crazy for the moment, at least.
there is a lot of stuff we don't know about...it's really kind of pointless to try and connect the dots right now.

i do believe one thing though,
As Jermaine said -- Michael was a victim of his success :sad:

i don't agree with that.

like it's wrong to be that successful?

to me, it's a case of MJ being a victim of people who are envious of his success.
i don't agree with that.

like it's wrong to be that successful?

to me, it's a case of MJ being a victim of people who are envious of his success.

and why are they envious? they are only envious BECAUSE OF his success. And no, there's nothing wrong with being that successful.
Funny to think a nutritionist knows the deep-end jack of all the medication stuff.
If you ask me, she's already got her 15 mins...
Well I don't wanna annoy someone but SCA always comes unexpected.
Ppl and even more family needs to find reasons of cuz... maybe it's for some really comfort in all the pain cuz of the tremendous loss they're suffering. Then again to know the reasons why someone died can't really ease the pain.

SCA is not unknown in young ppl... yes even younger than Michael... who are very physically active... like young athlets... some european fans might remember young soccer player in Germany and Portugal died on the soccer fields from it?
In USA I know a young marathon runner age also 30something died from it.
All of those were not known for suffering heart problems or even problems in the cardiac system before.

However SCA seems to go often together with some kind of medication or even drug abuse... especially with those drugs trying to get you even more than fit.

Well ppl get your knowledge straight... for now everything is possible and nothing seems to be proven a fact but that Michael died of SCA... whyever.
Here's a link for some easy to read interesting facts:

Still I think this is the most reasonable post in this thread so I'll bump it:

drugs found at his home and in his system are two different things wait for the toxicology
This business of Diprivan and a mini-clinic.

The US President travels around with a mini-clinic wherever he goes even when he's perfectly healthy.

I can assure you that mini-clinic has diprivan, demerol and all other types of drugs you can name.
Does that make the US president an addict?

I'm sure the president's doctor would prescribe him and his family medicine when he needed it.

Michael is a mega-star, when he embarks on a world-tour, part of his team should consist of a doctor with all that he needs to care for him. Just because it's not laid out like the US president doesn't mean the doctor is wrong to have all that stuff with him.

So CNN and the rest carrying stories of a "mini-cinic" on the HIStory tour is simply self-serving. Of course he would have a doctor around him just as he travels with security, a chef, and all the rest.

I still say this, even though Deprivan was found, it's inconsequential if Michael was not injected with it.
And if he was, then it means the doctor lied to the police during interrogation because he said he never injected anything.

I still think the doctor might have given Michael some pills, then later decided to pass by his room to see how he was fairying, then held his hand to check his pulse. When it was low, he started CPR but failed to call the ambulance first.

Otherwise if we run with Diprivan, that means the doctor injected Michael to sleep and left him on a drip, walked away then returned and checked his pulse, it was low and so he began CPR while removing the needle for IV and hiding the equipment so that when paramedics came, they didn't see it. Then he started CPR and called the ambulance later.

But if he knew that Diprivan was a probable cause, he would have rushed back to retrieve the hidden IV stuff once Michael was dead, after asking the family to take a second autopsy.
But for him to ask the family to take a second autopsy means that he wasn't sure what happened, otherwise he would keep quite knowing Diprivan must have killed him.

If you have contributed to someone's death, do you then ask for two examinations which may end up revealing what you did?

Also, the story is the moment Diprivan is stopped, the person wakes up, well, why did Michael then not come back?

The nurse's story is also a bit dodgy, if she says one of Michael's staff called her on 21st June which is fathers day and that was a Sunday, but AEG and the rest saw Michael was well on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before he passed away on a Thursday, if Michael was feeling hot and cold and had been injected in the spine, then he wouldn't be dancing the way he was between Sunday and Thursday.

We should then assume that Michael was in a state on Sunday but then suddenly was up like a bullet on Monday, vigorous in rehearsals, hugging people.

Dileo would atleast have known on Sunday if Michael was not feeling well in such a state. If Michael could get staff to call the nurse, definitely he would get them to call Dileo as this is the first person he called later on.
I am part Norwegion, but sadly can't speak or understand it, however you can still understand what the NURSE says in this interview. This news report coincides with the LKL report I posted up earlier in this thread.

See this HERE

IF this is what caused Michael's death, someone was there monitoring him, giving the drip of this drug via IV and someone messed up BIG TIME.

I think the nurse is genuine. I bet she is so upset inside and maybe thinking she could have saved him...
Number one, when the final report comes from the LAPD, we are gonna find that not even half of what the media is telling us is true.

Second, this doctor is lawyered up and insisting that he didn't give Michael ANYTHING drug....yet Gupta is saying that you can not feed yourself a Dipravin IV because you would fall asleep on yourself. So either someone gave it to him OR the media is lying about Dipravin OR Dipravin was not in his bloodstream.

Third, with a reported pharmacy bill upwards of $48,000, if this is true, Michael was taking some serious drugs and for more than just back pain or insomnia. You don't have no drug bill this big even if you are a heart attack recoverer. The DEA is no doubt looking at all of these prescriptions and who prescribed them to him and what for. So we are in for some surprises from this report.

Fourth, to echo what Trish is saying....do I believe that someone would have a motive to murder Michael? Let me put it this way....they tried to sabotage his music, imprison him for something he didn't do and ruin his reputation in the media....all for because of Neverland and that Beatles catalogue. Jermaine and LaToya once said on LKL that Michael and the family knew who was behind all this stuff and they couldn't say who. So I don't think it is forfetched to believe that someone or some folks in certain places knew that Michael was about to pull in more than a half a billion dollars with this tour and wouldn't be needed any money for a long time, therefore wouldn't be selling anything. If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would cetainly be looking at the fact that he left this earth RIGHT BEFORE he was about to embark on this major tour. The timing is just too erie.

The trial proved that more than anything that there are those investe din destroying or even killing him. I have this suspicion that we will never know the real truth. His life ending will be called a mystery and the Jacksons won't pursue it. They'll just say they want to move on and they'll hush up like they normally do. I hope it not that way but that's my gut feeling.
I too feel the rest of the family will back off. I know it! Unless one of his good friends, with influence, pursue it.

Trust me, my eyes are so much more opened now to how many 'friends' MJ never had. They are so self-serving, and destructive. But then it opened my eyes to folks out there whose heart he's touched who really, really cares for him. You can see it in their eyes, you hear it in the things they say and don't say.
I am part Norwegion, but sadly can't speak or understand it, however you can still understand what the NURSE says in this interview. This news report coincides with the LKL report I posted up earlier in this thread.

See this HERE

IF this is what caused Michael's death, someone was there monitoring him, giving the drip of this drug via IV and someone messed up BIG TIME.

I think the nurse is genuine. I bet she is so upset inside and maybe thinking she could have saved him...

And just reading that my heart dropped. I know it is a possibility but right now everything is speculation and the pain of his death is already more than I want to cope with. Somehow the idea that it was a mistake rather than something that was just due to happen makes it much MUCH more painful. That it did not have to happen. I just want to wait until we get the final answers rather than create additional pain for myself. I am probably one of the most analytical persons I know but right now I have no desire to analyse. I just want to grieve and pay Michael the respect that is his due. No crazy drama. I knew I shouldn't have looked in this thread.
it's still also possible that he just died of SuddenCaridiacArrest... wait for facts everybody. I think that's best.
it's still also possible that he just died of SuddenCaridiacArrest... wait for facts everybody. I think that's best.

i'm sorry. i can't wait for anything. this was years in the making. one person, the target of many. this is the way i feel. and i'm not talking about the fans.
Re: Diprivan MAY HAVE BEEN found

Ok, so I'm watching CNN earlier today (had to leave but am back now to post here), and one of the correspondents said the info came from a single source and that they cannot yet independently confirm that diprivan was found.... wtf?

Did anyone else catch that?
Re: Diprivan MAY HAVE BEEN found

Ok, so I'm watching CNN earlier today (had to leave but am back now to post here), and one of the correspondents said the info came from a single source and that they cannot yet independently confirm that diprivan was found.... wtf?

Did anyone else catch that?

i didn't see it, but it wouldn't surprise me. and they already let the cat out the bag by saying 'Official'.
This business of Diprivan and a mini-clinic.

The US President travels around with a mini-clinic wherever he goes even when he's perfectly healthy.

I can assure you that mini-clinic has diprivan, demerol and all other types of drugs you can name.
Does that make the US president an addict?

I'm sure the president's doctor would prescribe him and his family medicine when he needed it.

Michael is a mega-star, when he embarks on a world-tour, part of his team should consist of a doctor with all that he needs to care for him. Just because it's not laid out like the US president doesn't mean the doctor is wrong to have all that stuff with him.

So CNN and the rest carrying stories of a "mini-cinic" on the HIStory tour is simply self-serving. Of course he would have a doctor around him just as he travels with security, a chef, and all the rest.

I still say this, even though Deprivan was found, it's inconsequential if Michael was not injected with it.
And if he was, then it means the doctor lied to the police during interrogation because he said he never injected anything.

I still think the doctor might have given Michael some pills, then later decided to pass by his room to see how he was fairying, then held his hand to check his pulse. When it was low, he started CPR but failed to call the ambulance first.

Otherwise if we run with Diprivan, that means the doctor injected Michael to sleep and left him on a drip, walked away then returned and checked his pulse, it was low and so he began CPR while removing the needle for IV and hiding the equipment so that when paramedics came, they didn't see it. Then he started CPR and called the ambulance later.

But if he knew that Diprivan was a probable cause, he would have rushed back to retrieve the hidden IV stuff once Michael was dead, after asking the family to take a second autopsy.
But for him to ask the family to take a second autopsy means that he wasn't sure what happened, otherwise he would keep quite knowing Diprivan must have killed him.

If you have contributed to someone's death, do you then ask for two examinations which may end up revealing what you did?

Also, the story is the moment Diprivan is stopped, the person wakes up, well, why did Michael then not come back?

The nurse's story is also a bit dodgy, if she says one of Michael's staff called her on 21st June which is fathers day and that was a Sunday, but AEG and the rest saw Michael was well on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before he passed away on a Thursday, if Michael was feeling hot and cold and had been injected in the spine, then he wouldn't be dancing the way he was between Sunday and Thursday.

We should then assume that Michael was in a state on Sunday but then suddenly was up like a bullet on Monday, vigorous in rehearsals, hugging people.

Dileo would atleast have known on Sunday if Michael was not feeling well in such a state. If Michael could get staff to call the nurse, definitely he would get them to call Dileo as this is the first person he called later on.

That would explain why he waited so long to call 911. He had to hide something first. And he probably was hoping he can revive Michael so that no one will ever know what he had given him, because he knew he is GOING DOWN if anyone ever knows what drugs he used in a home setting. Also, IF he used Diprivan I'd really like to know if he just started his weird CPR right away or if he tried to get oxygen into MJ's body first and tried to get him to breathe again. IF he used Diprivan he should have AT LEAST had an ambu-bag right next to him and should have USED it right away. If he failed to get MJ to breathe and concentrated on MJ's heartbeat...then I am pretty certain he really had no idea about how Diprivan works.

Patients start to wake up once they don't get any more Diprivan. However, it takes time, and some have trouble breathing in the beginning and need to be ventilated by us until they start breathing themselves. We keep them intubated until we see they will be okay without it. Some will need oxygen via a mask while they are waking up because they aren't breathing adequately yet. The patients don't wake up with a snap of fingers once Diprivan is stopped. It takes time. (Depending how much they got...some need only a few minutes, some need almost an hour...patients react differently). And they need to be carefully monitored until they are fully awake. And with fully awake I mean, awake and alert. Waking up once for a short time and being able to focus or answer questions doesn't mean they're safe. They can still need oxygen after that while they "sleep it out". Most are fine, but we've had cases in which a patient dropped with their oxygen saturation to under 50% (we give oxygen if they go below 92%...), even though they already had woken up once. When they can sit and talk and are back to their usual self...that's when they don't need to be monitored anymore.

Why do you think he was injected in the spine? To make a certain part of his body numb? I think it's possible that he has those symptoms on Sunday and still appeared to be okay on other days, or even on Sunday too. If he got something and was feeling side-effects, it probably scared him. But not enough for him to go to the hospital. And obviously he didn't die then. But the symptoms were scary enough for the nurse to tell him to seek medical help. Maybe he just trusted his doctor again and didn't go to the hospital. And once the drugs wore off, he felt fine. It's possible. Don't know what happened and why he had those symptoms and if the nurse is telling the truth. All I'm saying is that it's possible he had symptoms, but still seemed fine.

I am part Norwegion, but sadly can't speak or understand it, however you can still understand what the NURSE says in this interview. This news report coincides with the LKL report I posted up earlier in this thread.

See this HERE

IF this is what caused Michael's death, someone was there monitoring him, giving the drip of this drug via IV and someone messed up BIG TIME.

I think the nurse is genuine. I bet she is so upset inside and maybe thinking she could have saved him...[/ quote]

That's exactly the reason why it is tearing me apart to read about them possibly having used Diprivan, etc. It feels like I could have saved him if I would have been there. I keep asking God why I was never able to meet him, be friends with him...why I couldn't be there to help him. :cry: It tears my heart apart. :cry: This didn't have to happen....it was so unnecessary. :cry:

And just reading that my heart dropped. I know it is a possibility but right now everything is speculation and the pain of his death is already more than I want to cope with. Somehow the idea that it was a mistake rather than something that was just due to happen makes it much MUCH more painful. That it did not have to happen. I just want to wait until we get the final answers rather than create additional pain for myself. I am probably one of the most analytical persons I know but right now I have no desire to analyse. I just want to grieve and pay Michael the respect that is his due. No crazy drama. I knew I shouldn't have looked in this thread.

I feel the same way. :cry: It feels it did not have to happen. That it is not RIGHT that he was taken away from all of us. ESPECIALLY his children. It was such an UNNECESSARY death if he died because they used Diprivan. :cry:

Oh and to make it clear...one does not have to "overdose" on Diprivan in order to die. Just to make that clear. It is dangerous because of its side effects even when you use doses that are correct.
i'm sorry. i can't wait for anything. this was years in the making. one person, the target of many. this is the way i feel. and i'm not talking about the fans.

I think a lot of die hard fans were enablers by defending anything and everything about him. This only helped lead to his torment and eventual death.
I think a lot of die hard fans were enablers by defending anything and everything about him. This only helped lead to his torment and eventual death.

NOT TRUE. i am extremely offended by this. most of us fans realised michael was only human. but whats the point of being a fan of someone if you are going to be so quick to criticise. I enjoyed every aspect of his talents when he was here. I dont care about what he may have lied about, whether he took drugs etc etc... i didnt support him blindly, i merely focused on the positives. and wow are there some positives
All the die hard fans are enablers?....

I don't want to believe anything right now. You know as well as i that the news twists everything about Michael regardless of his physical status. We honestly do not know what is in the toxicology reports and we may very well never know. We cant sit here and keep taking whats being said on the news from an unnamed source as truth. Even the AP can get it wrong. We all loved and love Michael We protected his name by arguing the points he lived for the things he wanted to do. We protected what we know is a good man with a good loving heart. Die hard fans didn't add to this. Michael gave his all to everyone he worked his ass off to make sure we were satisfied and happy. He wanted the best for his fans and he wouldnt settle for anything less. Stress is what killed Michael. Not to mention a fame seeking quack!

This drug may or may not have been found in his home but even during his death we must all have trust and faith in Michael. He loved us all. We loved him. We feel a sertin guilt for this but it wasn't are fault.
I wonder why the Doctor was not arrrested. If he truly did wait 30 odd minutes to call an ambulance he must have given the police a very good explanation for the delay.
Re: Diprivan MAY HAVE BEEN found

Ok, so I'm watching CNN earlier today (had to leave but am back now to post here), and one of the correspondents said the info came from a single source and that they cannot yet independently confirm that diprivan was found.... wtf?
It's very reminiscent of the Demoral story. ABC cited an unnamed "senior law enforcement official" as their source. Today's AP article cites once again an anonymous law enforcement official. Both stories appear to have single sources, and in the case of the first story, the source was someone outside the investigation.

We could be caught in a vicious feedback loop. Once the suggestion was made that drugs/medication could have played a role in Michael's death, it could be that people went looking through all the old stories about what medications Michael had supposedly been taking, and began creating scenarios about how they could have been lethal. The media has another few weeks' free hand before the toxicology reports come out, so Diprivan may not be the last drug theory we hear.
Its still all just specualtion and tabloid fodder that
that drug or any drug was found _ there was no reliable
source fr this story - remeber the leaked autopsy report was
also fake ..

there has been no verification form
the LA investigators or the coroners office
we have to wait till the toxilogy report comes out
for the full facts -

It very well may be they found diprivan
but right now still just rumors NOT FACT

we know how many stories about MJ are fictional
so lets not fall into the trap ..