Diprivan WAS found at MJ home

I'll say it because this is what I believe.

I do not think Michael Jackson, a man of 50 who looked healthy and could still dance his ass off dropped dead of natural causes.

I do think Michael was murdered. Call me a conspiratorial heffa but something doesn't sit right. A few things make no sense to me, especially the fact that Dr. Murphy did not come back to the home for what, 24-48 hours after Michael's death?

Why, if Michael's Hombly Hills estate could technically be a crime scene, why didn't they close the house off immediately instead of getting a search warrant 4 to 5 day later to get "medication" out of the home? Has this house been processed by detectives properly?

I don't know what happened to Michael. But I will forever be suspicious. Someone did something to him and my eyes are on Dr. Kline and Dr. Murphy. I'm glad the DEA and State Attorney General Jerry Brown are involved because something bad has happened and it cost Michael his life and cost those children their daddy.
I dont belive in any conspiracy to kill him
and dont care to have MJs legacy riddled with that Grrrrrrr

Myself I believe he wanted to be able to SLEEP
when he got home from performing and it was impossible
for him to do so .. It has already come our that he had an
anastesiologist with him on History tour that would put him under
with an IV and monitor him while he slept and bring him out and
wake him.

Those Drs should not have agreed to help MJ sleep in this manner
They were clearly inablers .. as we have all heard Mj was very adament
about what he wanted and it was hard for others to say NO _
maybe they feared he would take more desperate measures
if they didnt _ we dont know why they agreed to do this for him

Michael Jackson took desperate measures to insure he could
rest and be able to perform .. This is sad sad sad they he
felt the need to do that .. he never did anything the conventional
way ..

It was desperate measures MJ took to be able to get
rest and continue to perform

This was not injections
it can only be administered with an IV drip.
it was not to make him high it is only used to induce sleep
mainly for surgical procedures_

How sad is that -
that Michael would go though that in order to perform ..

He wanted to sleep :(

I wish someone could have helped him to be able to sleep
after performing _ withought using this dangerous antiseseptic.

He was not trying to hurt anyone
he wanted to control his body and sleep ..
Im broken heaeted that he felt the need to take such measures
to appease hi adoring public and those dependent on him ..

I know he didnt commit suicide or want to die _
nor did anyone want to kill him

He just wanted to sleep - but this time he didnt wake up
Michael Jackson died peacefully in his sleep ..

I truly belive this is what happened to
our dear sweet Michael

I love him MORE MOST and Always
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i will never feel comfy with government officials. too bad it's all we have. it don't have to be heroin.

it can be planted.

and most importantly..forever....as i always have...i take MJ's words verbatim. not putting any in, or taking any out. and i will never take the word of people speaking for him. and i will always maintain that he did not have a sleeping 'problem'. he simply never said that.
I agree, we can't make decisions on what truly happened until final tox reports come out. But if Diprivan was found in the home, who's to say that either there were used bottles there and they also found, or that someone discarded used bottles before the homicide/dea officials came in several days after the fact.

Ultimately, we won't know until the toxicology reports, and even then, it may not show conclusively what took Michael's life, although it will show what was in his system/tissues at death.
This is my biggest concern. That the toxicology reports come back inclusive as well as not to be able to definitively cite a cause of death.
They've been brought in because they have the ability and resources to trace prescriptions back to where they originated.

But, even with them being brought on board, it still doesn't mean that we all should automatically assume that what is mentioned in the title of this thread was found in MJ's body. None of us, including the media, know what the toxicology test results are.

Actually, we don't even know what the investigators had in the bags. It's not like the investigators told the media to come over and take a thorough look at what they had.

All I am basically saying is that we should not let the media take us through anymore than what we are already going through.

Until someone that is directly involved with the autopsies and toxicology testing provides any information, we all are just spinning our wheels.
Rationality is a beautiful thing. Missed you, AllForMJ. :flowers: :flowers:
wrong thread but kenny ortega will be on larry king tonight
whatever comes back in any report, i expect it to not be traceable to any culprits. they knew MJ's fans are wide in range and many. and i'm sure they thought that MJ fans at least some MJ fans, are crazy. and would do anything to anyone that harmed MJ. so i'm sure it's an untraceable crime, designed to make it look as if MJ was his own worst enemy. and the media is on board. i'm tired of the pics they are choosing to show. he was always beautiful, but choosing a pic where he happens to be tired, one day or night, is suspect, at best.
Please stop this....

this is what i mean by governing. maybe there should be a community support thing on this. but the healthiest thing to do at this point, is vent. holding stuff in is detrimental, healthwise, at this point. this thread can be avoided, if there's any problem with it.

right now, i am in deep pain..and i am furious. and it's easy to be filled with hate, right now, against the haters of MJ. i am honest with my feelings. i'm not stopping now. i am grieving. and even if i wasn't grieving, it is what it is. this world is a cold and nasty place, and there are people who will do anything. anything. certainly, this country is...where u r FREE to do anything. anything. no matter ur official or unofficial position.
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I've always wondered about the Barbara Walters interview part where she asked him how he found out about Diana and he said he woke up and a doctor told him. :/
I don't want to accuse anyone of anything but to me the doctor's behaviour is very suspicious. He should have done his job properly but he didn't. It's only my opinion, but at the moment I can't still realise that this is not a nightmare and maybe thinking that Murray is guilty it's just my way to cope with Michael's loss.
I've always wondered about the Barbara Walters interview part where she asked him how he found out about Diana and he said he woke up and a doctor told him. :/

it just happened to be a doctor. no matter what the circumstances, it would have been a crime not to wake MJ up and tell him, that one of the most important people in history, and his dear friend, Diana, has died.

this does not mean MJ had a sleeping problem.

on another note, i just saw a headline in my yahoo mail.

it said: "'Official'. Deprivan was found in Michael Jackson's home."

now they are counting on the fact that some people will believe what it seems to look like, if it simply says, 'Official'.
this looks like its gonna turn into a murder investigation
I too think this was murder, or maybe manslaughter. Diprivan has to be administered via drop every few minutes. it wears off right away. In order to use this to stay out for several hours, you need an IV hooked up to you. I think the doctor gave him too much and when Michael stopped breathing, he waiter to call 911 untill AFTER he could do a little cleaning up so that nobody would see he was being given dirpovian at that moment. The doctor knew he would be held responsible if he had given him that. Allowing Michael to lay there dying while your busy removing the IV and hiding it would be manslaughter.

I do not buy the whole "I didn't have a cellphone, didn't know the address" bullshit. what kind of doctor doesn't know the address of a location for taking care of his patient? and what kind of doctor doesn't have a cellphone for in case of emergencies?
Yup and this is a drug that should NEVER be outside of a hospital.

Someone is going down.

Yep I agree... just like what was discussed in LKL with GUPTA...someone gave this to him.. someone is most def going down

I am trying to upload it now for all to see and hear. It is worth it and why I am trying to get it uploaded. I recorded the Nurse and Gupta on July 2nd, 2009
I don't want to accuse anyone of anything but to me the doctor's behaviour is very suspicious. He should have done his job properly but he didn't. It's only my opinion, but at the moment I can't still realise that this is not a nightmare and maybe thinking that Murray is guilty it's just my way to cope with Michael's loss.

It's not that at all. Somethign doesn't add up. Even my mom who is not a huge MJ fan, even though she liked his music, believes the doctor did something seriously funny. she thought that before I did.

I believe this doctor killed Michael.
I'll say it because this is what I believe.

I do not think Michael Jackson, a man of 50 who looked healthy and could still dance his ass off dropped dead of natural causes.

I do think Michael was murdered. Call me a conspiratorial heffa but something doesn't sit right. A few things make no sense to me, especially the fact that Dr. Murphy did not come back to the home for what, 24-48 hours after Michael's death?

Why, if Michael's Hombly Hills estate could technically be a crime scene, why didn't they close the house off immediately instead of getting a search warrant 4 to 5 day later to get "medication" out of the home? Has this house been processed by detectives properly?

I don't know what happened to Michael. But I will forever be suspicious. Someone did something to him and my eyes are on Dr. Kline and Dr. Murphy. I'm glad the DEA and State Attorney General Jerry Brown are involved because something bad has happened and it cost Michael his life and cost those children their daddy.

OMG I thought along the lines of this but DID not dare to say it..

Trish, I LOVE YOU! Thank you for speaking my inner thoughts!
I agree with most on here. I think the doctor was at least grossly negligent, if not illegal supplying MJ with those types of drugs. I think this doctor isn't really a doctor at all either. Cause who treats and lives with someone and doesn't know their own home address? Or doesn't have a cell phone for emergencies??
if we didn't have the media, we wouldn't be discussing whether or not MJ had a sleeping problem, or if drugs were administered to MJ, through the years to 'help him sleep'. but the media is all we have, isn't it?

one of those questions that doesn't need answering.

so..what are they saying now?...'how powerful are u Jackson family, now? ur going against the government.' perhaps.
I'll say it because this is what I believe.

I do not think Michael Jackson, a man of 50 who looked healthy and could still dance his ass off dropped dead of natural causes.

I do think Michael was murdered. Call me a conspiratorial heffa but something doesn't sit right. A few things make no sense to me, especially the fact that Dr. Murphy did not come back to the home for what, 24-48 hours after Michael's death?

Why, if Michael's Hombly Hills estate could technically be a crime scene, why didn't they close the house off immediately instead of getting a search warrant 4 to 5 day later to get "medication" out of the home? Has this house been processed by detectives properly?

I don't know what happened to Michael. But I will forever be suspicious. Someone did something to him and my eyes are on Dr. Kline and Dr. Murphy. I'm glad the DEA and State Attorney General Jerry Brown are involved because something bad has happened and it cost Michael his life and cost those children their daddy.

I agree that it all sounds very suspiscious. One of my first thoughts were "I hope the doctor wasn't trying todo something bad to Michael". The reason that made me think that was because he was doing CPR on the bed. He is supposedly a cardiologist. He would/should know how to do proper CPR. But let's say he was trying to do something bad to Michael...but someone walked in on him....so he had to start pretending he is giving CPR and is trying to help him? OR....he intentionally waited for so long and didn't do proper CPR because he knew MJ won't have a chance that way. Anyways...intentional or not....the doctor killed Michael. If not by anything else, but by improper CPR. And if he did give MJ Diprivan in his home...he needs to go to jail. However the question is....how long was Michael sleeping before that and was he hooked on a Diprivan drip to keep him sleeping or did the doc give a bolus whenever he saw signs of him waking up? I just find it hard to believe someone would use Diprivan to grant someone their 8 hours of sleep. :scratch:And what did the doctor really plan to do in case there was some kind of complication? What was he going to do in a home setting in an emergency when he was alone with MJ on top of it all? It all just doesn't make sense. I don't know what happened but something shady was going on. Just don't know what, but something wasn't right. It's heartbreaking. :cry:

Oh and what comes to the tours and doctors and MJ being treated.... I know that during HIStory tour he was hooked on some kind of drip at least once the day after one concert. I didn't know what it was for, but someone said he was hooked on a drip and was sleeping and we should be quiet. I didn't think much about it then, just hoped he was okay and I thought maybe he was dehydrated again and got fluids. But when all these stories surfaced, I remembered that. But again, I can't say what that drip was for and if it was even true. But reading all this now, it makes me wish it wasn't true or it was just fluids to rehydrate him.
Ok, so it is proven that MJ had a drug problem well that still doesn't amount to a hill of beans because it is the person that gave him the drugs that should be getting all the media coverage. The drug that was found in his home can only be obtained by a doctor and you have to be ANESTHESIOLIGIST to get it and administer it to a patient. The doctor living with him is a Cardiologist. So the question is WHO IN THE HELL GAVE MJ THAT DRUG? When the DEA figures out who gave it to MJ or at least who gave him that bottle, well the shit will definitely hit the fan then.
MJ is now dead, and whomever gave MJ the meds should be charged with something and lose their medical liscense.
This is what I've been going on about (regarding my earlier comments in this thread)

Watch and listen to all of this.
Watch this bit from MJ's Nurse with Gupta via CNN LKL from July 2nd 2009 (note: you may have to hit play, then the pause button for a bit so it can load, then hit play to see it better below)

or watch and or download this from here:

I don't know why but around 4 minutes and 55 seconds into this video, when the nurse said Michael called her on FATHER'S day about being so ill, I just fell apart... there were warning signs....
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This is what I've been going on about (regarding my earlier comments in this thread)

Watch and listen to all of this.
Watch this bit from MJ's Nurse with Gupta via CNN LKL from July 2nd 2009 (note: you may have to hit play, then the pause button for a bit so it can load, then hit play to see it better below)

or watch and or download this from here:

I don't know why but around 4 minutes and 55 seconds into this video, when the nurse said Michael called her on FATHER'S day about being so ill, I just fell apart... there were warning signs....

Will I Am also said MJ called him on father's day. Will I Am never indicated he thought MJ sounded like there was some kind of trouble...
I too think this was murder, or maybe manslaughter. Diprivan has to be administered via drop every few minutes. it wears off right away. In order to use this to stay out for several hours, you need an IV hooked up to you. I think the doctor gave him too much and when Michael stopped breathing, he waiter to call 911 untill AFTER he could do a little cleaning up so that nobody would see he was being given dirpovian at that moment. The doctor knew he would be held responsible if he had given him that. Allowing Michael to lay there dying while your busy removing the IV and hiding it would be manslaughter.

I do not buy the whole "I didn't have a cellphone, didn't know the address" bullshit. what kind of doctor doesn't know the address of a location for taking care of his patient? and what kind of doctor doesn't have a cellphone for in case of emergencies?

I would say that if a powerful prescription drug was the cause, it constitutes recklessness and possibly manslaughter by whoever administered the drugs. Unless someone's intent was to kill him, then I don't think there are going to be any murder charges.

The doctor was not the only one in the house at the time, and thus far he has not been named a suspect in any of this, so it's important to remember that.
I would say that if a powerful prescription drug was the cause, it constitutes recklessness and possibly manslaughter by whoever administered the drugs. Unless someone's intent was to kill him, then I don't think there are going to be any murder charges.

The doctor was not the only one in the house at the time, and thus far he has not been named a suspect in any of this, so it's important to remember that.

depends. if it turns out that he intentionally chose not to call 911 untill AFTER he hid evidence, then it might be considered murder, because he had the choice of calling 911 immediately but instead chose to wait because protecting his own ass was more important than protecting the life of his patient.

the only reason I could see it being manslaughter and not murder is because it would have been a decision made in the heat of the moment.

either way I believe this doctor was more than negligent.
Murder is the intent to kill though. Panicking after a death or an accident doesn't constitute murder.
Will I Am also said MJ called him on father's day. Will I Am never indicated he thought MJ sounded like there was some kind of trouble...

In 9 minutes and 20 seconds of that video I posted, Gupta says "it's almost criminal because there are potential side affects"... ie: IF this is what killed him and whoever was by Michael's side dripping this stuff in to him, and they were monitoring him while giving this to him.. well, they are in DEEP DOO DOO!