CNN says public viewing planned

I've only beren to one funeral before and they did dispaly to the immediate family, but I just don't like the idea of all these people who don't care about MJ gawping at him like a freakshow.

That is not the tradition.

We put the body on display for a certain time at funerals here.

And the family decides if it's public or private.
Doesn't anyone remember Michael saying he would never want to be buried? I can only assume that means he wanted to be cremated. I think that would be best and have his family scatter his ashes wherever he "hopefully" specified.
:( I cant bear it

Neither can I...I can't even go as I am in the UK, and I have no funds right now. I feel so bad, I just can't let go. If I see him like that it means I have to face what's happened and I just can't accept it right now :(
So.. all this stuff about a public viewing at Neverland isn't true yet?
No, it seems that Neverland Friday and funeral Sunday is now official. Maybe Randy just didn't know about it ... or there's more to be announced still.
That is not the tradition.

We put the body on display for a certain time at funerals here.

And the family decides if it's public or private.

We're talking about Michael Jackson here. Public means billions of people, not a few hundred or whatever.
I can't go either as I'm broke and with no visa.
That's why I'm hoping the burial place can be accessed after his funeral for the fans who want to pay their respects at a later point and say their goobyes.
i dont think this is a good idea to be honest, i dont think michael would want to be buried at neverland after what happened and i dont think he would want the whole world to see him/ his dead body in an open glass case thing or whatever it is. nu huh

I think a "real" cemetery is a bad idea. Way too many people want to leave flowers or gifts. Plus what about grave robbers and people breaking the headstone? They can't have a bodyguard for just his grave. Having Neverland would mean that people can visit him and get a look at how he was in the private world.
They could screen his tours in the theater. They could show private home movies from his childhood there as well.
The main house could have all the memorabilia Michael himself saved over the years. We could see his drawings and paintings. Pictures he took of the places he's been, the people he met. See how he lived.
It could be so beautiful.
The grounds could be a memorial garden some place people could sit and visit. A Space where we could share our memories of Michael.
About the real cemetery ... yep! A place like Neverland can have security that could never exist in a typical cemetery. And how is the security paid for? Read above. I don't feel that's tacky and it doesn't have to be something open every day of the week or selling tasteless trinkets or something. It could be done respectfully and magically. The laughter of children there would complete it, but I don't know how far it would all go, how it would be done or what Michael or the family would want there. But in any case, I can't stand the Gary idea.
The most logical thing would be for Michael to be cremated and his ashes scattered in a place that was not made known to the public, or otherwise scattered in Encino, Gary and Neverland.

However too many people want to be able to cash in on Michael in death, as they did in life, so that will never happen.
i think he would either want to be cramated with the family keeping the ashes or have them scattered over the moom. or buried next to tootan carmoon or something.... oh i dunno :doh:
I really wouldn't want to see Michael in death, it seems the ultimate invasion of his privacy, and knowing that he is not complete because his brain and heart are in a laboratory and the rest of him is elsewhere, I can't bare to think of this man so beautiful in life being gawped at out of curiosity.

He needs to be allowed to rest in peace.
We should respect any decisions made by the family, it's not our place to criticize it. We don't know any details.
I think the crap about his heart and brain is B.S. having his heart won't do them any good. They will have taken a sample of his blood from it. Same with his brain.
jamgirl is right. Americans have viewings all the time.
They are tasteful and respectful.
Hopefully it will be extra true for Michael.
I do think they shouldn't be any camera. I hope they do michael justice...cuz I know he wouldn't want to be all over the media like that.

You just know some asshole would find a way to get a camera in there and film it... you can get cameras the size of buttons nowadays.
Let him rest in peace. His life was enough of a circus. We don't need to see him dead. He gave us his all. Now let him be. Leave Him Alone...
ya know i heard someplace, i cant remember where. That Michael wanted his passing to be an event. A Time to remember and celebrate. Im kinda thinking he got his wish.

With the Public viewing. I kinda see it as a Lady Diana thing. It might be done but if it is it will be done respectfully.

ya know i heard someplace, i cant remember where. That Michael wanted his passing to be an event. A Time to remember and celebrate. Im kinda thinking he got his wish.

With the Public viewing. I kinda see it as a Lady Diana thing. It might be done but if it is it will be done respectfully.
I wrote a topic about wanting the family to have a private funeral, as much as I wanna see Michael for one last time, I think he deserves the dignity and respect of having an enclosed, private funeral just for his family and friends. I wish they would for once treat him as a person, a father, son and a brother. Not an icon, not as the celebrity, not as the king of pop.

Although it a nice gesture and thought of having a public viewing or funeral, its gonna turn into a media circus however they decide to do it as long as video cameras or photographers are at the scene, for once.. Just for ONCE... Let this be the moment where Michael can be at rest behind closed doors, with his loved ones and NOT the media scene. Let him be known for the father he was, the brother and son he was.

The media dont deserve to witness his body, or attend his funeral. They've done enough damage already.
I wrote a topic about wanting the family to have a private funeral, as much as I wanna see Michael for one last time, I think he deserves the dignity and respect of having an enclosed, private funeral just for his family and friends. I wish they would for once treat him as a person, a father, son and a brother. Not an icon, not as the celebrity, not as the king of pop.

Although it a nice gesture and thought of having a public viewing or funeral, its gonna turn into a media circus however they decide to do it as long as video cameras or photographers are at the scene, for once.. Just for ONCE... Let this be the moment where Michael can be at rest behind closed doors, with his loved ones and NOT the media scene. Let him be known for the father he was, the brother and son he was.

The media dont deserve to witness his body, or attend his funeral. They've done enough damage already.

There will be a public and private viewing.

What his mother wants.
ok seems that a lot of people want to see this. One news crew or one camera crew can go in and do the job. It doesnt have to be crazy. Like i said before. Michael wanted his passing to be an event. Something people will remember. Michael will have his last day be great. But it is up to his mother and family wither it happeneds or not. We all love Michael We all want whats best. But we cant over look Michael's wishes to what ever they may be.
So what are the facts here? Is there a public viewing Friday? Because if this is the case, then I will need to make a decision to go tonight.

Also, please understand this. Unless Michael Jackson had a rider in his will discussing what he wanted for a funeral -- which by the way most people do not do, it is really up to his family and they have the final say.

If they are willing to allow MJ to lie in state, which is something commonly done in this country, so that the public can pay their respects, then they are doing this FOR the fans.

They don't have to do anything of the kind.

Please keep this in mind for consideration.
So what are the facts here? Is there a public viewing Friday? Because if this is the case, then I will need to make a decision to go tonight.

Also, please understand this. Unless Michael Jackson had a rider in his will discussing what he wanted for a funeral -- which by the way most people do not do, it is really up to his family and they have the final say.

If they are willing to allow MJ to lie in state, which is something commonly done in this country, so that the public can pay their respects, then they are doing this FOR the fans.

They don't have to do anything of the kind.

Please keep this in mind for consideration.

So what are the facts here? Is there a public viewing Friday? Because if this is the case, then I will need to make a decision to go tonight.

Also, please understand this. Unless Michael Jackson had a rider in his will discussing what he wanted for a funeral -- which by the way most people do not do, it is really up to his family and they have the final say.

If they are willing to allow MJ to lie in state, which is something commonly done in this country, so that the public can pay their respects, then they are doing this FOR the fans.

They don't have to do anything of the kind.

Please keep this in mind for consideration.

A public viewing just means that the fans can see his casket and say their last goodbye to him, i think Michael would want his beloved fans to have a chance to say goodbye to him. The famaly knows that they cant keep the fans away and i think its a good idea that its in Neverland because the place is big enough, just my 2 cents.
I want to go but i can't ... i live in the UK and i can't book a flight last minute...