CNN says public viewing planned

i will be leaving tonight. if anyone wishes to meet up, please send me ur number via my pm. but after 530 pst i wont be at home so if u can do it before then.

we'll be in encino until thursday.
If this means a public viewing wear people can see Michael in a coffin dead, then I really don't approve of a public viewing. Michael was a private person, and I'm sure he wouldn't want his dead body paraded in front of stangers including us fan, and put all over the media. A public viewing means even the vile Diane Diamond to look at a dead Michael, and that expressing "I bet he's turing in his crave" would actually be true.

I presume Michael would approve of a huge funneral with lot's of famous people attending, but not a public display. I only hope this is just another media rumor, as their are too many of them at present.
I wrote a topic about wanting the family to have a private funeral, as much as I wanna see Michael for one last time, I think he deserves the dignity and respect of having an enclosed, private funeral just for his family and friends. I wish they would for once treat him as a person, a father, son and a brother. Not an icon, not as the celebrity, not as the king of pop.

Although it a nice gesture and thought of having a public viewing or funeral, its gonna turn into a media circus however they decide to do it as long as video cameras or photographers are at the scene, for once.. Just for ONCE... Let this be the moment where Michael can be at rest behind closed doors, with his loved ones and NOT the media scene. Let him be known for the father he was, the brother and son he was.

The media dont deserve to witness his body, or attend his funeral. They've done enough damage already.

Couldnt agree more.

Even in death the paps will be snapping away making sure they get their front pages.

And what the fans want really isn't important right now.
ive decided not to go .its really not possible to do the flights friends have already booked because of where iam. and tbh its not what i thought it would be.its not like its gonna be a big service and we can line the roads. its gonna be a private service at the ranch and the whole viewing thing i just find intrusive. if they are gonna leave him at nevvy then i guess its gonna get turned into some graceland type place and id rather go later to pay my respects when things have settled and we arent all in such a state. aslong as theres somewhere to go close to mj then i dont mind not going this time. even if u cant go in id rather just go to the gates so i know im near him. so i will prob travel out there in th enxt couple of months with friends when things have settled a little and we know whats hap.where its not a last min rush with everyone in a state already let alone having to travel all that way.
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So where is he going to be buried? Will fans be able to visit his grave?
If this means a public viewing wear people can see Michael in a coffin dead, then I really don't approve of a public viewing. Michael was a private person, and I'm sure he wouldn't want his dead body paraded in front of stangers including us fan, and put all over the media. A public viewing means even the vile Diane Diamond to look at a dead Michael, and that expressing "I bet he's turing in his crave" would actually be true.

I presume Michael would approve of a huge funneral with lot's of famous people attending, but not a public display. I only hope this is just another media rumor, as their are too many of them at present.

yeah i agree.mj hated ppl staring at him normally hene why he covered himself. why would the family think he would want this. unless its closed. hopefully there will be some proper memorial services where everyone can attend like what happened with diana. i dunno it just doesnt seem right and seems unorganised i still wait for the offical word on this
I'm not even sure this info (the viewing at Neverland and weekend funeral) has been confirmed?
yeah theres been no offical word. barrack has put out a statement to the ppl of santa b asking htem to be decent to fans as they will come to the ranch and area to mourn mj, maybe thats in reference to this but nothings said directly in the statement
Sorry to bring this up but its realy bothering me
If what they say is true and that they have kept his brain back for maybe more tests or something will he be whole gain for his buriel/cremation as this thought is realy distressing me. so devasted and sorry again x
Guys, if you can, please give me clear answers on these. I'll need to make arrangements to fly to America.

What exactly will be happening on Friday 3rd July? This is for the fans, isn't it?
Will it be in LA - Neverland? When I get to the airport, what next?
When will the burial be and will the fans be allowed access to anything else?
So its going to be public? So 250,000 people or more will be lining the streets?
I still don't understand how its going to work...
I was thinking of going, but this just does not sound right. Joe just denied having funerals in Neverland because they are not ready...

This would be a way to limit people going tho...such a short notice. I don't think I will go. It is bad taste almost like a circus and really, I don't want to see him dead...I want to keep my memories beautiful and remember him as he was alive...Besides, I don't think anyone can even get near his body...and there is going to be a queue...
I really wish that when they confirm it will be a memorial service....not a viewing....I was hoping they would kept it private.....
It is too short of notice for fans from around the world and what if its too far out for everyone to get there? It should of been on the streets of LA... how are crowds of more than 200,000 going to line the streets?
I really wish that when they confirm it will be a memorial service....not a viewing....I was hoping they would kept it private.....
OMG what? Its a viewing!!! This is so wrong, Michael was a private person and he shouldn't be remembered in a coffin. Why are the Jackson's doing this!
Public viewings are common in the US. I don't care for it because of how the media is. It doesn't matter what we want, it's whatever Michael wanted.

If the Will doesn't mention where he want's to be buried or whatever then his mother should make the decision.

I know it's hard but try and stop and think.

Again, it's not what we want but what Michael wants.
Honestly, whatever 'viewing' they are planning, it should be a closed casket. To think of those photos being all over the place is horrifying to me. Michael I'm sure would not want to be viewed in such a state.
This is wrong. This is not what Michael wanted. He would never want a public viewing, he would of wanted a public funeral. He would of wanted it to be the biggest thing ever. I remember in an interview he gave, when asked what he wanted at his funeral and he said for it to be the greatest show on earth, fireworks and all! I'm disappointed that the fans know more of what Michael would of wanted than the Jackson's. Everyone knows Michael valued his privacy so you simply do not do a public viewing on what was a very private man.

How do we even know this is official? Have the Jackson's even announced it yet?
i dont think any of us knows what MJ 'wanted'.

Im sure the family is trying to do what is best. They would want to respect MJ's wishes.

I personally dont see a problem with the public viewing. If it is anything like James Brown's funeral, it'll be extremely beautiful and appropriate, and an excellent sending off.

Personally Im a bit biased. I hope there's a 'public' doesnt have to be an open casket or anything. I just think there should be a public service for people who MJ has touched around the be able to send him off in that way. As private as MJ was, his public life was still very much important to him. He wanted to touch the lives of EVERYONE, from EVERY nation. I think it's appropiate that there should be an opportunity for the nations to say goodbye to such a worldly person.
This is wrong. This is not what Michael wanted. He would never want a public viewing, he would of wanted a public funeral. He would of wanted it to be the biggest thing ever. I remember in an interview he gave, when asked what he wanted at his funeral and he said for it to be the greatest show on earth, fireworks and all! I'm disappointed that the fans know more of what Michael would of wanted than the Jackson's. Everyone knows Michael valued his privacy so you simply do not do a public viewing on what was a very private man.

How do we even know this is official? Have the Jackson's even announced it yet?

I'm sure his family members, including his mother, brothers and sisters know more about what Michael would have wanted.
They know him more than we do. Full stop.
I agree, public or not.. I hope its not an open casket, its not what any of us whats to remember Michael by.

But I can see it infront of me.. How beautiful and what a sad but bright day it will be... The flowers.. candles... the music.... children singing perhaps.. maybe even disney characters... the things michael loved the most. All the beautiful speeches... Photos of Michael... Good memories... Ah... It makes me tear up.. Its going to be so beautiful...
News just in:

Well here on the news, they said they are expecting hundreds of thousands of people to line the streets. Michael will be driven from LA to Neverland (with about 30 other cars) and what usually takes 3 hours to get there, they are saying is going to take 8 hours. They also said it will become the most watched event in television history and that it will rival princess Diana's funeral with over 250,000 people. They also said people who live around Neverland have been warned with an offical letter. This is what I just heard on the news in Australia from a T.V reporter live in LA.
some of you need to brace yourselves now.

in a viewing the deceased coffin will be open. thats why its called a viewing. nobody is going there to view a closed coffin.

and yes pics will surface all over the net of that viewing. and the family knows that.
Did Janet get to say goodbye or see Michael after he passed away? I heard she was in London when Michael passed.. If there will be a viewing.. I sort of dont blame them because maybe some of the family members never got to say their goodbyes and see him one last time..