CNN says public viewing planned

Not what WE like.

What his FAMILY...his mom & siblings want.

Yeah I got it already.
But it's seems to me that all of you want so much to see your king DEAD.
Why? you want to hurt yourself on purpose?
You know, it's not so easy thing to watch... I'm sure you'll have a nightmars after that.

It's not right. I hope it's a lie.
Viewing the body is a common practice. It gives the loved ones a last chance to see them before burial. I just don't want him to be burried in Gary, Indiana. I don't think he would want that as his final resting place. I want him to be buried at Neverland under his Giving Tree. I think he would be happy there. :angel: Then, they can use the rest of the grounds and buildings as a museum. That would display Michael and his life better than anything else. They say the neighbors wouldn't want Michael's shrine to be there to disturb the quietness of the area. Well, that is just too bad. As long as they don't sell out and make it too commercial, all will be fine. It will be just that anyway because of the way people identify Michael and Neverland. It will be just the way God intended. Michael created Neverland for something good. His enemies tried to take it away from him and turn it into something evil but God will turn it around and turn it back into something good for all the world to enjoy once again! This is my hope.:yes:
Absolutely disgusting. Are they doing it for us-fans, again, or media....Oh NOOOOO!!
Are they going to put him in a glass box as well? as many fans would know....some would do anything to him. Yeahhhh this is it....! R.I.P- WHICH PART THEY DO NOT GET?
owever, the L.A. Times reported that a Neverland source said no decision had been made. "The family is still trying to work it out," the source told the newspaper, adding that an announcement would be made later in the day.
Oh my GOD:doh: they're still working things out. I hope they are getting a long and I hope they spare michael from the media ridicule as well.:no: Justice respect and privacy for mike please.
Absolutely disgusting. Are they doing it for us-fans, again, or media....Oh NOOOOO!!
Are they going to put him in a glass box as well? as many fans would know....some would do anything to him. Yeahhhh this is it....! R.I.P- WHICH PART THEY DO NOT GET?

The lawyer man will be on LKL tonight.
if michael want to be buired in gary then thats fine, but i swear it will turn into a tourist attraction and i think thats the only reason the mayor wants him there, to bring in the money.

I agree. If they lay his body in state there for a brief time, I can accept that. But not permanently.

CNN has now changed their tune a bit to "It was not immediately clear whether Jackson' body would be interred at Neverland."...

Again, I'm seriously asking you guys to PRAY that Michael's wishes for this be carried out, not what we want or what Joe wants or what the effing Mayor of Gary, IN wants. Please. I beg you.

Amen. That is why this lawyer needs to get on the ball with this will.

Viewing the body is a common practice. It gives the loved ones a last chance to see them before burial. I just don't want him to be burried in Gary, Indiana. I don't think he would want that as his final resting place. I want him to be buried at Neverland under his Giving Tree. I think he would be happy there. :angel: Then, they can use the rest of the grounds and buildings as a museum. That would display Michael and his life better than anything else. They say the neighbors wouldn't want Michael's shrine to be there to disturb the quietness of the area. Well, that is just too bad. As long as they don't sell out and make it too commercial, all will be fine. It will be just that anyway because of the way people identify Michael and Neverland. It will be just the way God intended. Michael created Neverland for something good. His enemies tried to take it away from him and turn it into something evil but God will turn it around and turn it back into something good for all the world to enjoy once again! This is my hope.:yes:

I like your Giving Tree idea. That is a very nice, peaceful and sirine place for him to be buried. I hope your wish comes true.

And what lawyer is gonna be on LKL tonight? Is it John Branca?
even in non famous people, theres always a ''wake'' to view the body , its annonceed in the papers for people to see. granted when its a celeb ,it can be held outdoors or more people come obviously and theres tv cameras. but its an american thing i guess. i dont find this shocking.
im pretty sure michael as an american knew this would happen, i dont know what he said in his will, but yea.
this is what we do so the people who loved him or knew them at a time or simply touched their lives can also say final goodbyes before the private funeral or funeral before they are layed to rest. this goes for non celebs.

about burial i cant wait for what is said and what michaels wishes are. but for people saying only Gary will be some weird attraction for a museum, remember this... if he would be buried at neverland it would be also an attraction and im sure they would build something there to make it an attraction and probably have people pay to get in to see his grave. dont they do that with elvis?? and again he left neverland, atleast he was born in gary and has gone back more than once in his last years. you cant insult his place of birth. it wasnt only califorina for him in life. although i dont see how this gary thing will be because how often can his kids and such visit him all the way in gary.

i was thinking maybe a real cemetary in l.a. would be nice, i wont be some attraction in a bad way and you can freely go in and leave flowers and cards. alot of celebs are buried at westwood cemetary.

but yea lets see what happens. and also he only died on thursday , and its only tuesday. its not been a week in my view, let the family really think where to put him to rest. it takes like a week here in the west sometimes. so by next thursday lets see where we are at. i mean as long as it doesnt go into next monday.
Randy Phillips was just on Sky News saying that he offered help to the family (like with staff, etc) if they wanted it for any funeral or memorial and that at this point nothing was final but should be announced later in the day by the Jacksons.

I'm not so against a public viewing (however, I find it hard to believe that Michael would have wanted open casket), nor whichever type of funeral (private or public... public only if the family could have their own private space)... I think it's the Gary, IN idea that has upset me the most. It just seems so wrong. Like someone trying to cash in on Michael like an attraction.

Wherever his body is laid to rest, I want to be able to go there someday and pay my respects, to lay flowers there. But I don't want our precious Michael to be some kind of attraction. He was an attraction on stage, at public appearances, but not otherwise!
I dont like him being put on display like a freak show. That is what the media will treat it like. Its bad enough we saw the ambulance pics without this.

Exactly. I just hate the idea of the media getting that final shot of him in a coffin.
Alright. I know you are all uncomfortable with the public viewing but, For the fans of Michael I think it is needed. Michael is at peace now, he has no pain, he has no problems.
It will be hard to see him like that but people need it. I know it sounds wrong but we all need to see him before... I hate to think of it i hate to see it in my mind but for closer purposes i think its needed.

We have to respect that we will see Michael this way. We know he wanted to go out in style. We don't know all the details yet so please don't freak out..

whats the bet they will have side by side pics of him in the case and him in the hyperbaric chamber... oh god please dont let this latest news be true!!
I think a "real" cemetery is a bad idea. Way too many people want to leave flowers or gifts. Plus what about grave robbers and people breaking the headstone? They can't have a bodyguard for just his grave. Having Neverland would mean that people can visit him and get a look at how he was in the private world.
They could screen his tours in the theater. They could show private home movies from his childhood there as well.
The main house could have all the memorabilia Michael himself saved over the years. We could see his drawings and paintings. Pictures he took of the places he's been, the people he met. See how he lived.
It could be so beautiful.
The grounds could be a memorial garden some place people could sit and visit. A Space where we could share our memories of Michael.
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Alright. I know you are all uncomfortable with the public viewing but, For the fans of Michael I think it is needed. Michael is at peace now, he has no pain, he has no problems.
It will be hard to see him like that but people need it. I know it sounds wrong but we all need to see him before... I hate to think of it i hate to see it in my mind but for closer purposes i think its needed.

We have to respect that we will see Michael this way. We know he wanted to go out in style. We don't know all the details yet so please don't freak out..

whats the bet they will have side by side pics of him in the case and him in the hyperbaric chamber... oh god please dont let this latest news be true!!

umm is this for real? You want to redo this post and be just a tad bit more respectful to Michael?

Kinda hard to joke about him right now dont you think? i mean......
Viewing the body is a common practice. It gives the loved ones a last chance to see them before burial. I just don't want him to be burried in Gary, Indiana. I don't think he would want that as his final resting place. I want him to be buried at Neverland under his Giving Tree. I think he would be happy there. :angel: Then, they can use the rest of the grounds and buildings as a museum. That would display Michael and his life better than anything else. They say the neighbors wouldn't want Michael's shrine to be there to disturb the quietness of the area. Well, that is just too bad. As long as they don't sell out and make it too commercial, all will be fine. It will be just that anyway because of the way people identify Michael and Neverland. It will be just the way God intended. Michael created Neverland for something good. His enemies tried to take it away from him and turn it into something evil but God will turn it around and turn it back into something good for all the world to enjoy once again! This is my hope.:yes:
Yes, my thoughts exactly. Under his Giving Tree would be beautiful. And I also don't want things to be some big, tacky attraction, but in Gary?... good Lord, no.

I know Neverland was ruined over the last few years because of all the pain, but prior to that it was his special place, so him, so filled with laughter and joy and everything he wanted. I'd like to point out, too, that when it was about to be foreclosed on, what's-his-name put up (how many millions?) for Michael to keep it out of foreclosure. If Michael hated it so much and planned never to return ever, wouldn't he have let it go? Do you think your entire life, as seen from the other side, only consists of the last 7 years? Or would you want to be where you were happiest in your life? I think from the other side you have a full view of your life, not just of the bad things that happened more recently. I still believe Neverland is the right place. But that's my opinion.

More than that, I just want whatever it is that Michael wants. Even if I'd disagree. Whatever Michael wants.
Randy Phillips was just on Sky News saying that he offered help to the family (like with staff, etc) if they wanted it for any funeral or memorial and that at this point nothing was final but should be announced later in the day by the Jacksons.

So.. all this stuff about a public viewing at Neverland isn't true yet?
I feel soooo bad for not picking up strength and just go to the funeral...and they keep pushing it further away...

july 10th? wow...
Yes, my thoughts exactly. Under his Giving Tree would be beautiful. And I also don't want things to be some big, tacky attraction, but in Gary?... good Lord, no.

I know Neverland was ruined over the last few years because of all the pain, but prior to that it was his special place, so him, so filled with laughter and joy and everything he wanted. I'd like to point out, too, that when it was about to be foreclosed on, what's-his-name put up (how many millions?) for Michael to keep it out of foreclosure. If Michael hated it so much and planned never to return ever, wouldn't he have let it go? Do you think your entire life, as seen from the other side, only consists of the last 7 years? Or would you want to be where you were happiest in your life? I think from the other side you have a full view of your life, not just of the bad things that happened more recently. I still believe Neverland is the right place. But that's my opinion.

More than that, I just want whatever it is that Michael wants. Even if I'd disagree. Whatever Michael wants.

Yup. Remeber Jackson day in the Home Movies.

And when Liz Taylor did the house up for Xmas:D
I don't.

I've been to funerals all the time.

The body is displayed for public viewing.


I've only beren to one funeral before and they did dispaly to the immediate family, but I just don't like the idea of all these people who don't care about MJ gawping at him like a freakshow.
im so so so so so angry.... why leave this blooody idiot to plan a funeral... whys it taking so long to sort the will out??? cant they get the gist of it over the phone??? what the HELLs going on

MJJ2theMAX your avatar looks like Michael in Heaven right now listening to his father's press conferences. that picture shows Michael happy but going "oh good God in Heaven, what is this dufus doing now?" :doh: :doh: :doh: