CNN says public viewing planned

John Branca is gonna put a stop to all of this as soon as he releases that will. And I am willing to betcha that Michael stated where he wanted to be buried. Where Michael himself wanted to be buried is all that matters. Whether that be Neverland, Gary, Havenhurst or near some musuem.
I don't think Michael would want this... I feel like they're using him it's not fair!
and the mayor is asking the family to bury him there? what is Michael a tourist attraction?!
A public viewing doesn't sit well with me at all. I mean, if it was Michael's wish, then go ahead, but if the family has solely made this arrangement... ahh I don't know.
I don't know man... it's been alright for the past day or so, but I don't know if I'm ready for something like this. :( :mello:
i also hate the imagination that everyone can see him dead. he wouldnt like it as well. otherwise, i never saw him.. :( i dont know what to think r feel right now.
i dont wanna be selfish .__.

what a complete nightmare!
oh nooooooooooooo please don't do this. i can't take any more. did they say "public" viewing? are you even kidding me????

i love the Jackson family (well, except for you-know-who) but please please don't make an EXHIBITION out of this.

we hear something that brings us up at least a little ................. and then THIS!
:boohoo: :dropdead:

somebody please say it ain't so. no carriages down the street, no viewing. please just let Michael FINALLY have some privacy and peace. :pray:

Amen, :agree:

:angel: :pray: :angel:
I thought the will was to be opened next week. At this point it sounds like that might be too late to have Michael's last wishes carried out.
As for worrying about how Michael will look, they will go to great lengths to make sure he looks at peace and whole.
I don't think his brain was kept. There's no reason. Take a small slice for tox and that is it.
A nice small head stone under his "Giving Tree" at Neverland would be nice.
is this really official now?
i thought we would get a video or sth. where the family announce the whole funeral issue... :/
I don't think Michael would want this... I feel like they're using him it's not fair!
and the mayor is asking the family to bury him there? what is Michael a tourist attraction?!

"u$ing Michael" and "touri$t attraction" are the words I've been searching for in this exhibition they seem to be planning.

if the Mods on here want to delete this part, fine.......but after seeing him speak lately it's clear Joe Jackson is finding every way possible to make $$$ off his own son's death

physically ill now :cry:
Everyone, please pray right now that whatever MICHAEL wishes shall be carried out! I'm serious. Please pray. We don't know what it is exactly that Michael wants (I can't say this in past tense because he's still very much alive, just in Heaven), but please ask God to please let Michael's wishes for this be known and carried out.
i might be wrong. but i think the majority of you who are against public viewing must not live here in the u.s.

public viewing is normal here. it goes on everyday

nothing creepy about it @ all.
It's not really the point whether it's an actual "viewing" as in people would you know, see him, but with a beloved public figure like Michael, I wouldn't expect anything less than to let his fans say goodbye to him. In my country, when one of our most beloved ex-presidents died, people got to pay their respects all day in a church before he was buried in a manner fit to a king.
The funeral itself will probably be a more private event just for the family and closest friends..

As for the Gary thing, we really don't need another Graceland, and the mayor of Gary or whoever is clearly just trying to profit from all the tourism. I hope the family doesn't allow it. Michael should laid to rest according to his wishes.
I hope Mike will be buried at Neverland... He wouldn't like anywhere else:(
public viewing??????????? I dont think he would like it!!!!
I wanted to see him because this is my last time to see him. But to think he's without his soul, only his body....:(
But I can't get visa to the US in such a short time.:cry:
:cry::cry: I;m so depressed. I won't be able to see him again...:cry:
WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON. I'm SHAKING WITH ANGER. a private family funeral,, fine. but MJ would have wanted a major celebration of his life.. not something in the middle of nowhere...... im so so so so angry.. who's planning this thing
This is one time I hope RF is right.....he said that the will is on its way this week from John Branca.

I am not liking how they are dragging their feet to get this man laid to rest somewheres. He can always be moved to another location once the will is read. It is never too late to do that. But right now, Joe should have his autopsy already. Let's get this man buried for God's sake. This is almost direspectful to me.

Michael died last Thursday. If he is not buried by this Thursday, I am gonna go and beat Joe Jackson up because he is the only one holding this thing up.
"u$ing Michael" and "touri$t attraction" are the words I've been searching for in this exhibition they seem to be planning.

if the Mods on here want to delete this part, fine.......but after seeing him speak lately it's clear Joe Jackson is finding every way possible to make $$$ off his own son's death

physically ill now :cry:
I agree this whole things seems like a bad discussing michael's funeral...and how people are still using him. we've been devastated enough already
If the funeral is private, that means we won't be able to go and leave a flower at his grave? Ever? Please say it ain't so!!!
i might be wrong. but i think the majority of you who are against public viewing must not live here in the u.s.

public viewing is normal here. it goes on everyday

nothing creepy about it @ all.
He wouldn't like it!!!!!!
Also, Michael should have his own museum!! instead of sharing it with the Jackson 5. He is the star the legend!!!!!!
I don't think I can handle this..... handle seeing him like that... :cry:
ahhh i feel really uncomfortable with the idea of michael's body being displayed like an exhibit....feels so commericial...

It's happened for Dr. King, Coretta Scott King as well as other high profile African Americans as well as other Americans. This is something steep in western culture and tradition.
im so so so so so angry.... why leave this blooody idiot to plan a funeral... whys it taking so long to sort the will out??? cant they get the gist of it over the phone??? what the HELLs going on
"u$ing Michael" and "touri$t attraction" are the words I've been searching for in this exhibition they seem to be planning.

if the Mods on here want to delete this part, fine.......but after seeing him speak lately it's clear Joe Jackson is finding every way possible to make $$$ off his own son's death

physically ill now :cry:

I couldn't agree more. It is sickening beyond belief and worse than I could ever imagined, even knowing how certain people have behaved in the past. That this continues even after Michael's death is so disgraceful. It is as if some people don't even have basic humanity or any idea how appalling this is.