CNN says public viewing planned


That should simply mean we have to keep an open mind on could
very well be bullshit.

WHY would the family do this?Everybody will be there, media..all that nonsense. All open for all the vultures from the media....why would they do that? Any good reason? I don't like this one bit.
public viewing on Friday in the morning? sorry, if I misunderstood..
And what day will it be in Europe? evening of Thursday? please anybody tell me :(
oh nooooooooooooo please don't do this. i can't take any more. did they say "public" viewing? are you even kidding me????

i love the Jackson family (well, except for you-know-who) but please please don't make an EXHIBITION out of this.

we hear something that brings us up at least a little ................. and then THIS!
:boohoo: :dropdead:

somebody please say it ain't so. no carriages down the street, no viewing. please just let Michael FINALLY have some privacy and peace. :pray:
The Gary angle is all wrong.
I understand he was born there, but that was it. He was raised in the L.A. area.
I feel there should be a public memorial for the fans to pay their last respect. It's not like he died an old man in his sleep. He was young, strong, ready to rock our world. We need to say goodbye.
oh nooooooooooooo please don't do this. i can't take any more. did they say "public" viewing? are you even kidding me????

i love the Jackson family (well, except for you-know-who) but please please don't make an EXHIBITION out of this.

we hear something that brings us up at least a little ................. and then THIS!
:boohoo: :dropdead:

somebody please say it ain't so. no carriages down the street, no viewing. please just let Michael FINALLY have some privacy and peace. :pray:
That is what I say as well.
This is soo rushed...
IF these were the plans then I would have appreciated a little more time, I need to book a flight for tomorrow or thrusday at the most, most flights are fully booked.
is there more detail? like time...and how things will work. Surely they aren't gonna let everybody in. Michael has a lot of fans.
The Gary angle is all wrong.
I understand he was born there, but that was it. He was raised in the L.A. area.
I feel there should be a public memorial for the fans to pay their last respect. It's not like he died an old man in his sleep. He was young, strong, ready to rock our world. We need to say goodbye.
That's what I feel too! God, I just feel totally uncentered inside right now. This sounds wrong. I hope it's wrong. Please let frickin' TMZ be wrong!
I’m not sure I like this. I think they should rather lay him to rest with a proper burial and leave all else aside. A public funeral as the family was planning is enough. This is really not needed. It will be too heart-breaking for those who loved him –including the fans. Pictures of this will hunt me for a long time when it comes to my memories of Mike.
And yet, despite all this odyssey of the body, no date for the final funeral is yet announced..

It seems to me they're not letting him rest.. I hope they reconsider..

What do they mean by "public viewing"? Like James Brown had, meaning that the funeral will be on Friday? Or just an exhibition to make him look like a wax figure?

This sounds really disturbing to me for some reason.

Though the was a part that worried me more: the will is from 2002 ?????????? The heck, a lot has happened since then, so many things have changed! I hope I'm just being pessimistic, but something just doesn't seem right to me!
I hope there will be a viewing in Gary. I really can't afford to go to California, but I was going to make the sacrafice if i have to.
I do think they shouldn't be any camera. I hope they do michael justice...cuz I know he wouldn't want to be all over the media like that.
Joe said yesterday in his latest plug-my-record-company talk with the press (sorry, he's just pissing me off) that Michael will NOT be buried at Neverland. Saw it on CNN. God, Gary just doesn't feel right! I feel so upset right now.:puke:

I know what you mean...Gary seems so far from everything and everyone...
oh noooooooooooo. here we go again. in my last post i didnt even think about all the pics that will be plastered everywhere :dropdead:
I detest this idea. Michael's body isn't even complete! His brain has been retained by the coroner's office in case of further tests and presumably was made available to the pathologist who carried out the second autopsy. How is his body going to be suitable for public viewing after two autopsies and so much time? More to the point - WHY should it be put "on display"? It's so distasteful, I really hope that this story is someone's idle speculation and will not happen. Wouldn't a private funeral tomorrow/Thursday be preferable?

For goodness' sake, let him rest in peace now, after all he's been through.
Am I wrong, am I a bad person for thinking this, but...

A burial site for the singer could be near a proposed Jackson family museum... Jackson's father, Joe, visited the city last year and talked with Clay about a Jackson museum, Burns said
I understand family and all, but MJ was pushed into touring with his brothers, he was so often pushed into what the family wanted (especially by his father) and, while he loved them, he didn't want to be controlled by them. He did things on his own, with that pressure from them often there. I read a report earlier that say Joe doesn't get a thing in the will from 2002 that's been found. And so it sounds to me like burying him near a Jackson Family Museum that he's into building now... I'm sorry, but... but... the world loves MICHAEL. It needs something MICHAEL, not... man, i don't know how to explain it. I'm sorry if what I say makes someone angry, but it's just what I feel. Emotions feel what they feel.
Omg, when told me about this update when she woke me up from my sleep, I felt crushed. :( This is not happening..... please tell me we're in a dream...
I really hope the Gary thing isnt true.
It sounds as if they are just promoting their museum
I detest this idea. Michael's body isn't even complete! His brain has been retained by the coroner's office in case of further tests and presumably was made available to the pathologist who carried out the second autopsy. How is his body going to be suitable for public viewing after two autopsies and so much time? More to the point - WHY should it be put "on display"? It's so distasteful, I really hope that this story is someone's idle speculation and will not happen. Wouldn't a private funeral tomorrow/Thursday be preferable?

For goodness' sake, let him rest in peace now, after all he's been through.

I agree.
I think this is wrong, to have his body for public viewing... Wrong.
I really hope the Gary thing isnt true.
It sounds as if they are just promoting their museum
Wow, you just put my rambling thoughts into one coherent sentence. EXACTLY. (And maybe Joe's new record company too. That would be convenient. Sorry again... it's just what I feel...)