CNN says public viewing planned

Re: Public memorial @ STAPLE CENTER!

yesterday they said "neverland"
they have no idea what are they talking about
Re: Public memorial @ STAPLE CENTER!

all the reported info about this is in the funeral/memorial threads
Re: Public memorial @ STAPLE CENTER!

but will we be still allowed to see him in his glass coffin
Re: Public memorial @ STAPLE CENTER!

Can we stop making threads when we already have about 3 memorial/funeral threads that are being constantly updated.

Thank you.
Re: Public memorial @ STAPLE CENTER!

here we go again.... CNN and BBC are fast becoming sister companies of TMZ!

they ran with the Neverland story without confirming it with the family. the family didn't even issue a statement yet/ nor have an official spokesperson say something
Re: Public memorial @ STAPLE CENTER!

Let me see a statement from the family first.

Cause they reported BS and almost made me get on a plane to Cali last night.
Re: Public memorial @ staples center?

TBH it would be a place where all his family could fit.

His family doesn't just include the immediate family. He has family all over this world. I hate to say this because today is a REALLY hard day for me. But Michael wanted his passing to be a huge event. He wanted people to remember his life,music,videos and everything GOOD In his life. But seems like all people are really doing is closing in on the negative and bringing up sh!t.

Today has been the hardest day for me. I cant stop thinking about him and how hard his life was. I am staying away fro, All the media outlets about this i hate them right now. i hate everyone coming forward with these storys that paint the worst picture of Michael imaginable.
Like I said earlier bury him now and after getting legal clearance rebury him at Neverland.

I agree. I just can't see him being buried anywhere else. It's Michael Jackson. He shouldn't be buried in Gary or Los Angeles. Ugh. It's also what the family thought he would want or they wouldn't have been trying to get him buried there.
Re: Public memorial @ STAPLE CENTER!

sorry yall. I just posted this as it came on the news. i'll post other info if they come in on the other thread. and Yes, CNN doesnt know anything about the arrangement as of now. Hopefully there'll be a conformation
l'm frustrated with the jacksons
lt's a week since Michael is gone and they still haven't said anything and didn't let Mike rest in peace
kson Family: No Public Viewing at Neverland

Posted Jul 1st 2009 3:25PM by TMZ Staff

The Jackson family has just released a statement via their newly acquired reps, saying there will be no viewing at Neverland.

"Contrary to previous news reports, the Jackson family is officially stating that there will be no public or private viewing at Neverland.

Plans are underway regarding a public memorial for Michael Jackson, and we will announce those plans shortly.

Effective today, the Jackson family has retained the services of Sunshine, Sachs & Associates to handle all public relations for the family regarding Michael Jackson."

keep everything in one thread
ok so we are getting some were at least. I need a date and time and where and how we gonna fit all these fans???
***** Burial: Forest Lawn, And We Told You So

Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Music / By Roger Friedman
Michael Jackson

As with many things in the last week, we called it on the burial of Michael Jackson: Latest reports are that the late popster will be interred at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Hollywood, alongside some of the biggest stars.
This column predicted this outcome several days ago.
This morning, we told you before the Jackson will was filed that Diana Ross was named by Jackson as a successor guardian for his children. Later this morning, once the will was filed, TMZ trumpeted the news as if it were new.
But of course, TMZ has been helping themselves to our stories as if Harvey Levin had just come out of the desert and headed for a buffet table.
TMZ isn’t the only one. I’ve particularly loved the stories in the last day or so announcing that a will has “surfaced” or “announced by the Jackson family.”
This column told you first, last week, that the 2002 will existed and that John Branca would be executor. We also told you Katherine Jackson would be named the main guardian of children.
The race to get “scoops” is out of control. TV outlets and blogs like TMZ are simply repurposing original material and pretending it’s theirs. It’s not.
l'm frustrated with the jacksons
lt's a week since Michael is gone and they still haven't said anything and didn't let Mike rest in peace

You have no reason to be frustrated with the family... have you ever planned a funeral for a regular person? If you have then you know how frustrating it is to make those plans and to be sure you are not being scammed because your grief is blinding you and making sure that you inform everyone and make arraingements for the family and making sure that the deceased wishes are in order. This is on a scale 1 million times bigger than that. They have to deal with the grief, legal issues, the media, the fans, the state of California, all of thier close flamily and friends, scammers and schemers coming out of the woodwork. How dare you say anything negative toward that family. They could have just said we are not dealing with this circus and just held a private funeral and been done with it! no one told any fans to go make travel plans you should have waited for an official statement from the family. And now to be mad at them for the Media's mistake is just rude and disrespectful!