CNN Just aired 2 mins of MJ Rehearsals!

I really have to ask that: Why we are doing it again? We wanted so bad to see the footage! We saw it! Why we can't just be happy with it?!? The man is dead! We won't see the live show never in our life! Never! So who cares if in rehearsal he is miming or not? Why we are doing it again?
We were not happy with the shows, with the tickets, with the location ... with anything! Now can we PLEASE just enjoy those 2 minutes without beeing like this?!? It is so unfair for him! He wanted to do it for us!

Thank you.

I personally like what i see and im really sad that i will never see him live in my life.:no:

Thank you too! I am happy to see someone understand my point!
I'll never doubt Roger Friedman again. At least not for a while.
Are you kidding??! He had probably been rehearsing over and over for hours. He looked great on the bit I watched and didn't seem like he was miming all of it.. he sang a bit, it was rehearsal, he was getting his positioning right. Corse he could do 50 shows - they were all spread out. Don't spread that muck.

i really loved and still love mike

but the video shown on cnn wasnt the one i expected to see

he was miming and he looks pretty tired while moving

you know, he wouldnt be able to do 50 shows, no way

but wait to see more...
I think he was miming here but the dancing looked good. A private theory of mine without knowing any facts at all (which we still don´t ) is that maybe his heart had been damaged by loosing so much weight during the trial in a way which did not show until he started training like this. Also somebody said he had a sore throat and it can be really dangerous to train hard with an infection in you body.
The part where he says "if Martin Luther was livin he wouldn't let this be" was a little different. He didn't draw it out as much. Did anyone else notice that? I can't really listen to any of it very loud though since I'm at work.
He was doing that for us, for us...and he smiled at the end. He wanted to please us so bad, he hasn't got that chance now......fffffffkkkkk!
I so hate this world, this life!!!!! It's not fair
amazing, can't wait to see more of it. i'm sure the magic was still there.
I AM DAM MAD!!! Michael should NOT have died. People are getting pissed on the radio.
It is with morbid fascination that I ask 'how as uri changed his tune?' Curious to know.
Don't you people understand it was a rehearsal! I relaxed rehearsal to work out positioning & lighting. He had probably done the same thing over and over and over and over and over again for DONT give ur all when u do that. He looked & sounded great - he was NOT miming on the bit I saw. Stop being so negative! I can't believe this. I was crying after I watched it because he was rehearsing for us, for US and then he went before he could show us! After the world music awards he wanted to redeem himself - he deserved to have his glory and he never got to!!!!!!!!
I do NOT want to be rude or anything, he HAS the energy, but the dance moves are way slower than before, and I think everyone knows why. I mean, my dad can't do this and he just turned 50. But it was greattt to see him perform at least one last time!
Don't you people understand it was a rehearsal! I relaxed rehearsal to work out positioning & lighting. He had probably done the same thing over and over and over and over and over again for DONT give ur all when u do that. He looked & sounded great - he was NOT miming on the bit I saw. Stop being so negative! I can't believe this. I was crying after I watched it because he was rehearsing for us, for US and then he went before he could show us! After the world music awards he wanted to redeem himself - he deserved to have his glory and he never got to!!!!!!!!
Exactly. People need to think.
this i so hard! seeing him like this, perfecty healthy and performing just two days before...

so unfair !!! this whole thing is so wrong!! he wasn't supposed to die!

oh my god, how do we survive this ?
Michael looks amazing! Have a look at the Dangerous Tour Rehearsals, it's just a reharsals, you have to take it in count, there is NO audience!
Guys, what's really happened to Michael? I can't beleave he's died 2 days after this performance :( Shocking....
Uri Geller is off his rocker!
He's went from bending spoons to being a Michael Jackson expert. What else is he an expert on? Lol.
Still fantastic for a rehearsal piece!! Gives me a taste of the show I would have seen in August....I've always loved that medley - the HIStory segment is the best!
Pissed? Why?

I am too. There was a DOCTOR THERE the night before he passed away because he said he was not feeling well... then on THE DAY, the NEXT DAY that he passes away, a doctor was with him then. OHH and AFTER 30 minutes of the Dr trying to revive him THEN they call for help! WTH?
Pissed? Why?
Excuse me. Michael is dead. This does not look like a person on his death bed (and to think the DEA is now involved mean something is going on). Michael should NOT be dead.
Don't you people understand it was a rehearsal! I relaxed rehearsal to work out positioning & lighting. He had probably done the same thing over and over and over and over and over again for DONT give ur all when u do that. He looked & sounded great - he was NOT miming on the bit I saw. Stop being so negative! I can't believe this. I was crying after I watched it because he was rehearsing for us, for US and then he went before he could show us! After the world music awards he wanted to redeem himself - he deserved to have his glory and he never got to!!!!!!!!

True, Mike never goes all out for rehearsals, he seemed to be doing more than he did, for instance, Dangerous rehearsals. And I know most of ya'll got them rehearsals!!! Nonetheless, his movements seemed to be slower than they were before, but again that's probably it being rehearsals coupled with other factors, i.e. age, long rehearsals, late night, etc.
Excuse me. Michael is dead. This does not look like a person on his death bed (and to think the DEA is now involved mean something is going on). Michael should NOT be dead.

Its far from showing someone on his*t I thought all them drugs were supposed to have him tired.

The sh*t has hit the fan...this story is far from over.

But damn, this time should have been spent celebrating the tours and recognizing Mike's future, not filled with this bullsh*t...'course peeps are gunna be mad...