CNN Just aired 2 mins of MJ Rehearsals!

That was just a part of the rehearsal, he might have felt a bit tired (or didn't want to waste energy) at this part of the rehearsal. I'm 100 percent sure the rehearsal in whole is a lot more energetic on Michael's part.
he used up all his energy chewing that flipping gum THATS WHY!!! LOL
God ya know, watching it I wished that we could all just go back to that day. If we all only knew then what we know now. He was 100% magic...even when you think he doesn't have the energy, he was just a thrill to watch. I'm gonna miss what could have been for him, an amazing show. It breaks my heart to think that he wanted this sooo bad, he was in such amazing high spirits. Poor thing. *sigh*
I have seen about two or three news organizations say that when he sings "But if Martin Luther was living.. he wouldn't let this be", he is not lip-syncing when he clearly is..

My point is not to turn this into a debate about lip-syncing (done to death), but rather who is telling them that he is singing live? The reports are going out of their way to say that he isn't lip-syncing that section. I am just wondering what's up with that.

I really like sort of the blazing beat of it. Was the song arranged the same way for the HIStory tour and I've just not noticed, or was this some type of new mix? The guitar was just really cool.
I dunno Super... maybe they wanted 2 make fans feel better, lol... and they were like 'f**k it, lets just say he sung'. :lol: Sigh thats alright tho...
I can't believe that now he's going to be judged based on a rehearsal. He'd never want this to happen. He always gave his best at his concerts. Rehearsals are just a preparation. Damn it.
They will air the HIStory tour this evening on tv, after I have waited 12 years I'll finally see it again. what took them so long? Even the music channels (who must not be named) are playing MJ video after MJ video that is absolutely sad, since they never even thought about it 8 days ago
They will air the HIStory tour this evening on tv, after I have waited 12 years I'll finally see it again. what took them so long? Even the music channels (who must not be named) are playing MJ video after MJ video that is absolutely sad, since they never even thought about it 8 days ago

HIStory tour in what country???? Munich, Germany?
Can't believe this. I really would love to see the full dress rehearsal!
It's obviously Michael still had it, even thoughthis was only a tiny rehearsal section,
you don't just Lose a talent like Michael has.
I couldn't take it when the video stopped the first time I watched it. Seeing him smile, and it faded into the end of the video, oh Why?:cry:
Wow... Michael..
Only the thought that Michael is now on a better place keeps aways the deep, deep sadness I would have seeing these videos and knowing that they're never going to happen.. :cry:
I wanna see MJ moonwalk for the last time, this would make me very happy, knowing that Michael knew he was back, to his best form, or just to see him totally rockin to Black or White, basically having a good time on stage, but as you say these are rehearsals and he's just going through the motions of the different dance steps.

They say they've got over 100 hours hi-def film and enough singing/music to fill a double live album, fingers crossed it will be released soon.