CNN Just aired 2 mins of MJ Rehearsals!

I know it isnt a big deal, Im not bothered if he was or wasn't but according to the people there he sang during rehearsal. I think he was singing along - u just cant hear properly over the backing track - I can hear him at the woohoos at 1:16 onwards anyway.

I would have paid to watch just this, its the PERFORMANCE & he was great
It was miming :\ But thats ok, its no big deal.
Uri Geller is off his rocker!
He's went from bending spoons to being a Michael Jackson expert. What else is he an expert on? Lol.

I'm more of an MJ expert than Uri ever will be....and I've never met Michael. lol
It's scary how he smiles in the end. Like he was happy about what was going on...

But actually he is there very much excited compared to rehearsals through the years. Through the years his rehearsals were even more "run-throughs".
The news changes its tune now doesn't it... from 'michael looked frail' to now 'michael looked fit, healthy and energetic' grrrrr

That sweet smile when the lights go down is killing me
hehe i actually think they chose that clip because of the smile. Thank you Michael, you gave us your all like noone ever has done.
Michael has ALWAYS been thin - I dont know what they keep sayin it for. I was watching a performance by the jackson 5 of MJ in a tight blue lycra and he was verrrrrry thin.
that was unbeliveable old mj yet new mj !
i would cut my nuts off to see the whole thing on dvd !
^And I ask when has michael NOT been thin. Have you seen beat it, billie jean? Please tell me a time when michael has been fat. Ugh! Michael look completely healthy and fine!
The saddest part here is that that definitely looks the best of him during 00's. Or it's at least as good as his dancing in YRMW video. And that was not live like this.

It's hard to understand someone saying he was a forgotten or falling star after what has happened during last week. He was so far away from has-beens!
I don't understand some of you fans. I just don't. I wouldn't care if michael just stood there and said "aow" for 2 hrs I would be happy and now you ppl carry on stupidly. Nothing please some of you ppl. So annoying. -_-

Mike was GETTIN IT! I would have paid anything to see this LIVE!

Clearly you have just picked out my comment to make a point.

I clearly said its not a big deal that he was miming (or lip synching, whatever you want to call it) so i dont see the logic in picking out my comment in order to make a point.

which of course he would be during REHEARSAL! Why waste his voice!:bugeyed

He sang live on his Dangerous Tour rehearsals.
^And I ask when has michael NOT been thin. Have you seen beat it, billie jean? Please tell me a time when michael has been fat. Ugh! Michael look completely healthy and fine!

Exactly. I don't get it. Like they've never seen him before.
I just saw some of They Don't Care About Us on TV. I have to admit he wasn't giving it his full. But it still made my jaw drop to the ground.
they showed a clip with him singing and his voice sounded INCREDIBLE!! he looks so happy and doing what he loves most :angel:

can't wait to see the whole video! :wild:

Don't forget that it was only a little tiny part from a REHEARSAL.

Michael didn't know that he is going to die within 48 hours after that... :/
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The smile at the end felled me. This is so wrong! why is he gone!?!!
Exactly. If Michael knew this would be the last time we'd see him he would have set the stage on fire.

Don't forget that it was only a little tiny part from a ERHEARSAL.

Michael didn't know that he is going to die within 48 hours after that... :/
oh my fucking god..oh my fucking god..he was going to do she drives me wild...they don't care...!!

oh eyes are burning..the tears..

that's amazing!! there was nothing wrong with him..

they murdered him..

my fucking GOD!!!!

that cnn woman was floored..showed big emotion. the aeg people were baffled..they didn't suspect anything wrong...

there's no doubt..some people with too much envy had it in for him.

but there will be justice..justice from beyond the corridors of this universe.
the aeg guy was on sky news talking why he relesed the footage, said he was sick of all the media saying he was ill and stuff. he said sumthing along the lines they could have relesed him doing thriller,etc but they just showed a random peice of footage. so it looks like there is tones of this.

what we need to find out is (was there any new songs performed?)
Did they say anything about showing any more?

the aeg guy was on sky news talking why he relesed the footage, said he was sick of all the media saying he was ill and stuff. he said sumthing along the lines they could have relesed him doing thriller,etc but they just showed a random peice of footage. so it looks like there is tones of this.

what we need to find out is (was there any new songs performed?)
Get down with your bad self, Mike! You're going out on top, babe! And you're moonwalking on streets of gold!
At this point, CNN is the only channel that I trust. cuz most of the things they say even if its from other sources, they say that CNN hasnt conformed it. But When they conform it, It will always be the truth. 4 real.

News Channels not to trust in the US


They just go with what the tabloid said and then at the last moment the change stories saying that that was not a reliable source.

Again, AM soooo happy that Michael was happy at the time of his rehearsal. But something Happened between 12:30am Thursday and Thursday noon. A man cant go from Healthy energetic happy to dead that fast.