Autopsy Results 'Indefinitely Delayed'

Although it is frustrating, I can wait for as long as it takes providing they are doing a complete investigation. I think the Diprivan story has legs and as it metabolises so fast maybe they are not able to prove it was the cause of death via the autopsy and are having to build a case from their investigations. If he died because he suffocated through lack of oxygen in his blood, and they can't find enough evidence in the toxicollogy that Diprivan caused it, they will have to look at who was providing what.

Also La Toya has said she believed he was murdered and told them who she thinks was involved, they may be trying to join up the dots, and I wouldn't be surprised if that takes them to someone who wanted that music catalogue.
I think releasing the results publicly now could compromise the investigation they're doing. That's probably the reason. They're just being cautious.

That's exactly what I was going to say. I don't believe there's any reason for anyone to get confused or develop more conspiracy theories at this stage. If the report is part of a criminal investigation, which it obviously is now, this will be classed as sensitive information. It's common sense to keep such information out of the public domain, where it might prejudice a potential jury or give a potential witness/suspect time to concoct a story/alibi. I used to work in legal services for my local government, and there's a lot of documentation, which you might not think is that important, that is kept under lock and key.
seems to me they dont want to release the reuslts because it could harm the investigation by giving heads up to those they are investigating. whether that means they found diprovan in his system or not. they want to play eveything close to their chest
OMG this is crazy...what are they thinking? something fishy is def going on!
seriously I really don't know what to think, too many people, too many opinion and the media's just f*ckin' it all up! Gadd, I'm not gonna' add my own thoughts in here, I'm sorry for my frustration...this is sickening. I'm gonna wait and hope the media's gonna eat all their crap. It's quite impossible but please this is just too much! TOO MUCH!
Michael never wins. Because once the results are revealed, it will just open up a whole new window for rumors/stories to fly out of....oh joy.
What's kinda funny about that is how in another interview she said despite all his health consciousness MJ was still eating that KFC on her day off (Sunday). She would come in on Monday morning and find empty KFC buckets of chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy.

But yeah, it sucks that he seemed to be trying to do all the right things and things somehow still went wrong. :(

:lol: Well it can't be all broccoli steamed chicken and carrot sticks all the time. A guy has to have a little fun! But I get what you're saying..
How can they do this? I thought these people were supposed to know what they were doing and calling themselves proffecionals. Im so disappointed..
oh God..

Nevertheless I defend the coroner's office, they are professionals this is their job they know what they are doing.
If it is in the interest of the investigation then it make sense not to release it.
Personally I dont get why cos those who know what went on they know if they are in the bad or good so it doesnt matter whether the report is released or not..if they wanted to conceal evidence they would have done it already.
You know what, I am tired of all this, tired, tired, tired! Michael's gone, not coming back. I knew from the start that the media would be pushing the 'addict' angle, 'cause thats what from now on they want the world to think of MJ. I've had enough of all the contradicting stories and theories. It just seems like getting some resolve about this situation will be neverending thus my grief will take that much longer to cope with.

I see reports like this and find myself wondering, could there possibly be something bigger to this? Could we all be blindsided in this matter? what if RF's report the other day stating that almost all info about this case has been wrong turns out to be true? Geez I just don't know!
I can't believe I am saying this but if you look back on some of the RF stories that we trashed he was saying what Michael's own family are saying, about the enablers, the family being kept away, the financial problems. My guess is that Joe Jackson was the one feeding him the information.
This is exactly why the Jackson Family hired their own pathologist...but obviously that report isn't being released either...and there isn't any obligation on their part to publically release the findings from the second.

IDK! My guess it that they found something big and don't want to release it to protect the investigation or they haven't found the cause of death and need more time to check things out. ....

I think releasing the results publicly now could compromise the investigation they're doing. That's probably the reason. They're just being cautious.

That's exactly what I was going to say.......... If the report is part of a criminal investigation, which it obviously is now, this will be classed as sensitive information. It's common sense to keep such information out of the public domain, where it might prejudice a potential jury or give a potential witness/suspect time to concoct a story/alibi...., which you might not think is that important, that is kept under lock and key.

seems to me they dont want to release the reuslts because it could harm the investigation by giving heads up to those they are investigating. whether that means they found diprovan in his system or not. they want to play eveything close to their chest
Call it a gag order (kinda) if you will.
The 2nd private (Family's) report is also kept under wraps.
Seems like Katherine and the family has been informed of the tox .
If theirs (LAPD,FBI,DEA) veers off tangent,
believe it they will keep mum, proceed using different angles, umbrella of theories.

OR they're ready to indict! and prelim hearings are on the cards
that's why all bets are off!

Much as we want closure ..but if it came out like a free-fall
3 corner-fight & a media circus, then hell GAG it!
One by one they're going down the list
heads will roll, the net is casting wider, this much I can promise you. There's more to Conrad Murray ....
oh God..

Nevertheless I defend the coroner's office, they are professionals this is their job they know what they are doing.
If it is in the interest of the investigation then it make sense not to release it.
Personally I dont get why cos those who know what went on they know if they are in the bad or good so it doesnt matter whether the report is released or not..if they wanted to conceal evidence they would have done it already.

I think you're right - they want to be absolutely positive they have all the facts and all the people involved.

To me it points to an even wider investigation which, in my opinion, is a good thing.

Never a good idea to show your cards until all the chips are in the pot!
In other reports, more like Entertainement Tonigh, it seems Michael has been found dead 4 hours earlier, as early as 8.30 ish AM!
let's see.. Conrad Murray asked for emergency at 12.30 Noon ish...
still puts him on the hook..
at worst he took even longer to call for help!...
which jive with the theory he bloody hell fell asleep !
* whistles X-Files theme* and the conspiracy surrounding MJ's death continues.........
The news also reported that there were prescription drugs in 19 different aliases and some of the names were Prince and Paris's. The news said that the investigators are going through all of the various doctors that prescribe drugs to Michael.

Best to wait and see what those meds are, I know that both kids came down with an awful cold in Feb or March and had vitamins etc administered to them, maybe even some anitbiotics so....have to be careful, people like to jump to conclusions and words are twisted. They'll take something perfectly explanitory and trun it into something dark and untrue. Anything to tarnish MJ's name, sadly even when he's dead. So sad...what a loss..for everyone...
The delay is probably because there is an investigation. The investigators do not want people to know what they know.
ive heard that they are delayed because one of the people involved in the case is out of state and they want to wait until he is back before announcing the results. people are also speculating that the delay might be tied into the recent investigations at doctor murray's home.
ET have reported that the LAPD are trying to target certain hospitals and employees who may have sold the Diprivan to either Dr Murray, other Drs and/or Michael Jackson.
what if RF's report the other day stating that almost all info about this case has been wrong turns out to be true?
Has't he just been snatching that from various fanboards? :) Thief.
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and the worst thing to do to your mind is to believe this delay is because of some huge conspiracy. chances are, thats NOT whats goin on. there are hundreds of things that have to be lined up correctly, especially in this big of a case, before it moves forward. dont torture yourselves. i wouldnt be surprised if it is months before anything comes out.
I have been wondring what would happen if tests came back and showed that it wasn´t Dipravin or Proforol that killed him after all and everybody had been so convinced of that so they never even looked for other reasons and now maybe that is to late. But I don´t know what to think about anything.
I have been wondring what would happen if tests came back and showed that it wasn´t Dipravin or Proforol that killed him after all and everybody had been so convinced of that so they never even looked for other reasons and now maybe that is to late. But I don´t know what to think about anything.

That is entirely possible.

I fail to understand the unreasonable trust in the LAPD by those who are waiting for "official results." Was or was not the LAPD a friend of Michael's? How quickly we forget. . . . . .

They have screwed up this case royally already, IMHO. They failed to secure the house as a crime-scene; people came and went, and things could have been taken from the house or put back in. And THIS for the world's most famous person? Smells of fish. They waited a MONTH before raiding Murray's clinic and residence. Either Murray has terminal idiocy, or he destroyed crucial evidence. Of COURSE he did. He certainly had the time to do it. There were reports that the autopsy report early on was violated. . .leaked and viewed by many. Guess that potential is why the family had an independent autopsy done? There is little left now, of anything, that could hold up in court.

So WHAT are they looking for now? The aliases Michael allegedly used, the doctors who prescribed, and so on. That trend tarnishes Michael's image by making him look like a drug-addict, placing the blame squarely on HIM. If opiates are found in his system, no way to know if he voluntarily took them, or if Murray injected them into an IV NOT at Michael's request. So much will forever be unknown, now. At one time Michael had problems with prescription pain meds. We do NOT know if he had that problem at the time of his death, and we may never know. . . . regardless of what the report leads some to believe.

LAPD needs to ask WHY. WHY was the heat turned way up in the house? To confuse time of death? WHY did staff take things from Murray's storage locker? To cover Murray's tracks? WHY did Murray not come down to get Michael's breakfast at ten a.m.? Because Michael was already gone? WHY did Murray interfere with paramedics, who wanted to pronounce Michael dead at the scene? To make sure all traces of Propofol were gone? WHY did Murray vanish, for days, not even coming back to retrieve his car? Guilt, perhaps? Or it gave him time to destroy even more evidence?

If "the nurse" had not mentioned Propofol, there may have been no reason to look for it. Giving the Propofol time to leave Michael's body is probably THE reason for all those delays by Murray. If you think some sort of "report" by LAPD is going to resolve this in any way other than Michael was a drug-addict, think again.
I have been wondring what would happen if tests came back and showed that it wasn´t Dipravin or Proforol that killed him after all and everybody had been so convinced of that so they never even looked for other reasons and now maybe that is to late. But I don´t know what to think about anything.

There will never be a definitive answer as to the cause of death in my opinion. Whoever is blamed will get their own experts who will come to different conclusions and try to shift the blame elsewhere. Maybe they will be successful with a jury, maybe not.

In any event there will never be an explanation or conclusion that satisfies everyone.
I agree Victoria, they should have raided Dr Conrad Murrays house/clinic the day after Michael passed away. WE knew, we all KNEW something fishy was going on. We fans all spoke openly on the boards and raised suspicion before the cops did so! Its idiotic...
I agree Victoria, they should have raided Dr Conrad Murrays house/clinic the day after Michael passed away. WE knew, we all KNEW something fishy was going on. We fans all spoke openly on the boards and raised suspicion before the cops did so! Its idiotic...

Of COURSE they should have! I expect no other finding than Michael was "a drug addict" and this was his fault. "Evidence" was compromised or not even collected, early on. In my opinion, the results will show whatever LAPD wants them to show. For those still waiting/witholding opinions until the "officlal" report comes in -- I just hope you receive more justice in your lives than will be given to Michael.

And what about THIS? Some people must take prescription pain-meds for long-term pain management. Doesn't mean they are junkies. . . . . . . or getting high. Just means they hurt, a lot, and want to function. I don't hear THIS said on CNN. . . . .

If we don't raise the questions here, who will? Seriously.

Carry on (and y'all do. . . . )
